VisibleSelection PendingSelection::calcVisibleSelectionAlgorithm() const
    using PositionType = typename Strategy::PositionType;

    PositionType start = Strategy::selectionStart(m_selection);
    PositionType end = Strategy::selectionEnd(m_selection);
    SelectionType selectionType = VisibleSelection::selectionType(start, end);
    TextAffinity affinity = m_selection.affinity();

    bool paintBlockCursor = m_shouldShowBlockCursor && selectionType == SelectionType::CaretSelection && !isLogicalEndOfLine(VisiblePosition(end, affinity));
    VisibleSelection selection;
    if (enclosingTextFormControl(start.computeContainerNode())) {
        // TODO(yosin) We should use |PositionMoveType::Character| to avoid
        // ending paint at middle of character.
        PositionType endPosition = paintBlockCursor ? nextPositionOf(Strategy::selectionExtent(m_selection), PositionMoveType::CodePoint) : end;
        selection.setWithoutValidation(start, endPosition);
        return selection;

    VisiblePosition visibleStart = VisiblePosition(start, selectionType == SelectionType::RangeSelection ? TextAffinity::Downstream : affinity);
    if (paintBlockCursor) {
        VisiblePosition visibleExtent(end, affinity);
        visibleExtent =;
        return VisibleSelection(visibleStart, visibleExtent);
    VisiblePosition visibleEnd(end, selectionType == SelectionType::RangeSelection ? TextAffinity::Upstream : affinity);
    return VisibleSelection(visibleStart, visibleEnd);
Exemplo n.º 2
void QgsMapSettings::setMagnificationFactor( double factor )
  double ratio = mMagnificationFactor / factor;
  mMagnificationFactor = factor;

  double rot = rotation();
  setRotation( 0.0 );

  QgsRectangle ext = visibleExtent();
  ext.scale( ratio );

  mRotation = rot;
  mExtent = ext;
  mDpi = outputDpi() / ratio;

Exemplo n.º 3
void QgsMapSettings::setMagnificationFactor( double factor )
  double ratio = mMagnificationFactor / factor;

  mMagnificationFactor = factor;

  double rot = rotation();
  setRotation( 0.0 );

  QgsRectangle ext = visibleExtent();
  ext.scale( ratio );

  mRotation = rot;
  mExtent = ext;
  mDpi = mDpi / ratio;

  QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Magnification factor: %1  dpi: %2  ratio: %3" ).arg( factor ).arg( mDpi ).arg( ratio ) );

Exemplo n.º 4
void QgsMapSettings::updateDerived()
  QgsRectangle extent = mExtent;

  if ( extent.isEmpty() || !extent.isFinite() )
    mValid = false;

  // Don't allow zooms where the current extent is so small that it
  // can't be accurately represented using a double (which is what
  // currentExtent uses). Excluding 0 avoids a divide by zero and an
  // infinite loop when rendering to a new canvas. Excluding extents
  // greater than 1 avoids doing unnecessary calculations.

  // The scheme is to compare the width against the mean x coordinate
  // (and height against mean y coordinate) and only allow zooms where
  // the ratio indicates that there is more than about 12 significant
  // figures (there are about 16 significant figures in a double).

  if ( extent.width()  > 0 &&
       extent.height() > 0 &&
       extent.width()  < 1 &&
       extent.height() < 1 )
    // Use abs() on the extent to avoid the case where the extent is
    // symmetrical about 0.
    double xMean = ( qAbs( extent.xMinimum() ) + qAbs( extent.xMaximum() ) ) * 0.5;
    double yMean = ( qAbs( extent.yMinimum() ) + qAbs( extent.yMaximum() ) ) * 0.5;

    double xRange = extent.width() / xMean;
    double yRange = extent.height() / yMean;

    static const double minProportion = 1e-12;
    if ( xRange < minProportion || yRange < minProportion )
      mValid = false;

  double myHeight = mSize.height();
  double myWidth = mSize.width();

  if ( !myWidth || !myHeight )
    mValid = false;

  // calculate the translation and scaling parameters
  double mapUnitsPerPixelY = mExtent.height() / myHeight;
  double mapUnitsPerPixelX = mExtent.width() / myWidth;
  mMapUnitsPerPixel = mapUnitsPerPixelY > mapUnitsPerPixelX ? mapUnitsPerPixelY : mapUnitsPerPixelX;

  // calculate the actual extent of the mapCanvas
  double dxmin = mExtent.xMinimum(), dxmax = mExtent.xMaximum(),
                 dymin = mExtent.yMinimum(), dymax = mExtent.yMaximum(), whitespace;

  if ( mapUnitsPerPixelY > mapUnitsPerPixelX )
    whitespace = (( myWidth * mMapUnitsPerPixel ) - mExtent.width() ) * 0.5;
    dxmin -= whitespace;
    dxmax += whitespace;
    whitespace = (( myHeight * mMapUnitsPerPixel ) - mExtent.height() ) * 0.5;
    dymin -= whitespace;
    dymax += whitespace;

  mVisibleExtent.set( dxmin, dymin, dxmax, dymax );

  // update the scale
  mScaleCalculator.setDpi( mDpi );
  mScale = mScaleCalculator.calculate( mVisibleExtent, mSize.width() );

  mMapToPixel.setParameters( mapUnitsPerPixel(),
                             mRotation );

#if 1 // set visible extent taking rotation in consideration
  if ( mRotation )
    QgsPoint p1 = mMapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( QPoint( 0, 0 ) );
    QgsPoint p2 = mMapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( QPoint( 0, myHeight ) );
    QgsPoint p3 = mMapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( QPoint( myWidth, 0 ) );
    QgsPoint p4 = mMapToPixel.toMapCoordinates( QPoint( myWidth, myHeight ) );
    dxmin = std::min( p1.x(), std::min( p2.x(), std::min( p3.x(), p4.x() ) ) );
    dymin = std::min( p1.y(), std::min( p2.y(), std::min( p3.y(), p4.y() ) ) );
    dxmax = std::max( p1.x(), std::max( p2.x(), std::max( p3.x(), p4.x() ) ) );
    dymax = std::max( p1.y(), std::max( p2.y(), std::max( p3.y(), p4.y() ) ) );
    mVisibleExtent.set( dxmin, dymin, dxmax, dymax );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Map units per pixel (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixelX ), qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixelY ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Pixmap dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mSize.width() ), qgsDoubleToString( mSize.height() ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Extent dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.width() ), qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.height() ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( mExtent.toString() );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Adjusted map units per pixel (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mVisibleExtent.width() / myWidth ), qgsDoubleToString( mVisibleExtent.height() / myHeight ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Recalced pixmap dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mVisibleExtent.width() / mMapUnitsPerPixel ), qgsDoubleToString( mVisibleExtent.height() / mMapUnitsPerPixel ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Scale (assuming meters as map units) = 1:%1" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mScale ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Rotation: %1 degrees" ).arg( mRotation ) );

  mValid = true;