Exemplo n.º 1
void IRPrinter::visit(Expr *e)
    if (auto c = e->asConst()) {
    } else if (auto s = e->asString()) {
    } else if (auto r = e->asRegExp()) {
    } else if (auto n = e->asName()) {
    } else if (auto t = e->asTemp()) {
    } else if (auto a = e->asArgLocal()) {
    } else if (auto c = e->asClosure()) {
    } else if (auto c = e->asConvert()) {
    } else if (auto u = e->asUnop()) {
    } else if (auto b = e->asBinop()) {
    } else if (auto c = e->asCall()) {
    } else if (auto n = e->asNew()) {
    } else if (auto s = e->asSubscript()) {
    } else if (auto m = e->asMember()) {
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
bool FunctionMergePass::visitExpr(Expr * from, Expr * to) {
  if (from == NULL && to == NULL) {
    return true;

  if (from == NULL || to == NULL) {
    diag.debug() << "Merge failure: null expression";
    return false;

  if (from->exprType() != to->exprType()) {
    reportDifference("Difference in exprType", from, to);
    return false;

  switch (from->exprType()) {
//    case Expr::Invalid:
//      return &Expr::ErrorVal;
//    case Expr::TypeCount:
//      DFAIL("Invalid");
    case Expr::NoOp:
      return true;

    case Expr::ConstInt:
    case Expr::ConstFloat:
    case Expr::ConstString:
      return static_cast<ConstantExpr *>(from)->isEqual(static_cast<ConstantExpr *>(to));

//    case Expr::TypeLiteral:
//      return visitTypeLiteral(static_cast<TypeLiteralExpr *>(from), static_cast<TypeLiteralExpr *>(to));
    case Expr::ConstNull:
      return true;

    case Expr::ConstObjRef:
      //      return visitConstantObjectRef(static_cast<ConstantObjectRef *>(from), static_cast<ConstantObjectRef *>(to));
      return false;

    case Expr::ConstEmptyArray:
      return TypeRelation::isEqual(from->type(), to->type());

//    case Expr::ConstNArray:
//      return visitConstantNativeArray(static_cast<ConstantNativeArray *>(from), static_cast<ConstantNativeArray *>(to));

    case Expr::LValue:
      return visitLValue(static_cast<LValueExpr *>(from), static_cast<LValueExpr *>(to));

//    case Expr::BoundMethod:
//      return visitBoundMethod(static_cast<BoundMethodExpr *>(from), static_cast<BoundMethodExpr *>(to));
    case Expr::ElementRef:
      return visitElementRef(static_cast<BinaryExpr *>(from), static_cast<BinaryExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::Assign:
    case Expr::PostAssign:
      return visitAssign(static_cast<AssignmentExpr *>(from), static_cast<AssignmentExpr *>(to));

//    case Expr::MultiAssign:
//      return visitMultiAssign(static_cast<MultiAssignExpr *>(from), static_cast<MultiAssignExpr *>(to));
//    case Expr::Call:
//    case Expr::SuperCall:
//    //case Expr::ICall:
//    case Expr::Construct:
//      return visitCall(static_cast<CallExpr *>(from), static_cast<CallExpr *>(to));
    case Expr::FnCall:
    case Expr::CtorCall:
    case Expr::VTableCall:
      return visitFnCall(static_cast<FnCallExpr *>(from), static_cast<FnCallExpr *>(to));

//    case Expr::IndirectCall:
//      return visitIndirectCall(static_cast<IndirectCallExpr *>(from), static_cast<IndirectCallExpr *>(to));
    case Expr::New:
      return visitNew(static_cast<NewExpr *>(from), static_cast<NewExpr *>(to));

//    case Expr::ImplicitCast:
//    case Expr::ExplicitCast:
    case Expr::UpCast:
//    case Expr::TryCast:
//    case Expr::DynamicCast:
    case Expr::QualCast:
//    case Expr::UnboxCast:
//    case Expr::Truncate:
    case Expr::SignExtend:
//    case Expr::ZeroExtend:
//    case Expr::IntToFloat:
//    case Expr::BitCast:
//    case Expr::UnionMemberCast:
//    case Expr::CheckedUnionMemberCast:
      return visitCast(static_cast<CastExpr *>(from), static_cast<CastExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::UnionCtorCast:
      return visitUnionCtorCast(static_cast<CastExpr *>(from), static_cast<CastExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::BinaryOpcode:
      return visitBinaryOpcode(static_cast<BinaryOpcodeExpr *>(from), static_cast<BinaryOpcodeExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::Compare:
      return visitCompare(static_cast<CompareExpr *>(from), static_cast<CompareExpr *>(to));

//    case Expr::InstanceOf:
//      return visitInstanceOf(static_cast<InstanceOfExpr *>(from), static_cast<InstanceOfExpr *>(to));
//    case Expr::RefEq:
//      return visitRefEq(static_cast<BinaryExpr *>(from), static_cast<BinaryExpr *>(to));
//    case Expr::PtrDeref:
//      return visitPtrDeref(static_cast<UnaryExpr *>(from), static_cast<UnaryExpr *>(to));
    case Expr::Not:
      return visitNot(static_cast<UnaryExpr *>(from), static_cast<UnaryExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::And:
    case Expr::Or:
      return visitLogicalOper(static_cast<BinaryExpr *>(from), static_cast<BinaryExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::Complement:
      return visitComplement(static_cast<UnaryExpr *>(from), static_cast<UnaryExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::InitVar:
      return visitInitVar(static_cast<InitVarExpr *>(from), static_cast<InitVarExpr *>(to));
//    case Expr::ClearVar:
//      return visitClearVar(static_cast<ClearVarExpr *>(from), static_cast<ClearVarExpr *>(to));
    case Expr::Prog2:
      return visitProg2(static_cast<BinaryExpr *>(from), static_cast<BinaryExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::ArrayLiteral:
      return visitArrayLiteral(
          static_cast<ArrayLiteralExpr *>(from),
          static_cast<ArrayLiteralExpr *>(to));

//    case Expr::TupleCtor:
//      return visitTupleCtor(static_cast<TupleCtorExpr *>(from), static_cast<TupleCtorExpr *>(to));
//    case Expr::ClosureEnv:
//      return visitClosureScope(static_cast<ClosureEnvExpr *>(from), static_cast<ClosureEnvExpr *>(to));
//    case Expr::IRValue:
//      return in;
//    case Expr::SharedValue:
//      return visitSharedValue(static_cast<SharedValueExpr *>(from), static_cast<SharedValueExpr *>(to));
//    case Expr::PatternVar:
//      DFAIL("PatternVar");

    case Expr::Seq:
      return visitSeq(static_cast<SeqExpr *>(from), static_cast<SeqExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::If:
      return visitIf(static_cast<IfExpr *>(from), static_cast<IfExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::For:
      return visitFor(static_cast<ForExpr *>(from), static_cast<ForExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::ForEach:
      return visitForEach(static_cast<ForEachExpr *>(from), static_cast<ForEachExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::Throw:
      return visitThrow(static_cast<ThrowExpr *>(from), static_cast<ThrowExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::Return:
      return visitReturn(static_cast<ReturnExpr *>(from), static_cast<ReturnExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::LocalProcedure:
      return visitLocalProcedure(
          static_cast<LocalProcedureExpr *>(from), static_cast<LocalProcedureExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::LocalReturn:
      return visitLocalReturn(static_cast<ReturnExpr *>(from), static_cast<ReturnExpr *>(to));

    case Expr::Break:
    case Expr::Continue:
      return true;


  diag.error(from) << "Expr type not handled: " << exprTypeName(from->exprType());
  DFAIL("Fall through");