Exemplo n.º 1
matrix shadows_start_render(matrix *eye_orient, vec3d *eye_pos, float fov, float aspect, float veryneardist, float neardist, float middist, float fardist)
		return vmd_identity_matrix; 
	light *lp = *(Static_light.begin());

	if ( lp == NULL ) {
		return vmd_identity_matrix;

	vec3d light_dir;
	matrix light_matrix;

	vm_vec_copy_normalize(&light_dir, &lp->vec);
	vm_vector_2_matrix(&light_matrix, &light_dir, &eye_orient->vec.uvec, NULL);

	shadows_construct_light_frustum(&Shadow_frustums[0], &light_matrix, eye_orient, eye_pos, fov, aspect, 0.0f, veryneardist);
	shadows_construct_light_frustum(&Shadow_frustums[1], &light_matrix, eye_orient, eye_pos, fov, aspect, veryneardist - (veryneardist - 0.0f)* 0.2f, neardist);
	shadows_construct_light_frustum(&Shadow_frustums[2], &light_matrix, eye_orient, eye_pos, fov, aspect, neardist - (neardist - veryneardist) * 0.2f, middist);
	shadows_construct_light_frustum(&Shadow_frustums[3], &light_matrix, eye_orient, eye_pos, fov, aspect, middist - (middist - neardist) * 0.2f, fardist);
	Shadow_cascade_distances[0] = veryneardist;
	Shadow_cascade_distances[1] = neardist;
	Shadow_cascade_distances[2] = middist;
	Shadow_cascade_distances[3] = fardist;

	Shadow_proj_matrix[0] = Shadow_frustums[0].proj_matrix;
	Shadow_proj_matrix[1] = Shadow_frustums[1].proj_matrix;
	Shadow_proj_matrix[2] = Shadow_frustums[2].proj_matrix;
	Shadow_proj_matrix[3] = Shadow_frustums[3].proj_matrix;

	gr_shadow_map_start(&Shadow_view_matrix, &light_matrix);

	return light_matrix;
Exemplo n.º 2
void physics_apply_shock(vec3d *direction_vec, float pressure, physics_info *pi, matrix *orient, vec3d *min, vec3d *max, float radius)
	vec3d normal;
	vec3d local_torque, temp_torque, torque;
	vec3d impact_vec;
	vec3d area;
	vec3d sin;

	if (radius > MAX_RADIUS) {

	vm_vec_normalize_safe ( direction_vec );

	area.xyz.x = (max->xyz.y - min->xyz.z) * (max->xyz.z - min->xyz.z);
	area.xyz.y = (max->xyz.x - min->xyz.x) * (max->xyz.z - min->xyz.z);
	area.xyz.z = (max->xyz.x - min->xyz.x) * (max->xyz.y - min->xyz.y);

	normal.xyz.x = vm_vec_dotprod( direction_vec, &orient->vec.rvec );
	normal.xyz.y = vm_vec_dotprod( direction_vec, &orient->vec.uvec );
	normal.xyz.z = vm_vec_dotprod( direction_vec, &orient->vec.fvec );

	sin.xyz.x = fl_sqrt( fl_abs(1.0f - normal.xyz.x*normal.xyz.x) );
	sin.xyz.y = fl_sqrt( fl_abs(1.0f - normal.xyz.y*normal.xyz.y) );
	sin.xyz.z = fl_sqrt( fl_abs(1.0f - normal.xyz.z*normal.xyz.z) );

	vm_vec_make( &torque, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

	// find the torque exerted due to the shockwave hitting each face
	//  model the effect of the shockwave as if the shockwave were a plane of projectiles,
	//  all moving in the direction direction_vec.  then find the torque as the cross prod
	//  of the force (pressure * area * normal * sin * scale * mass)
	//  normal takes account the fraction of the surface exposed to the shockwave
	//  the sin term is not technically needed but "feels" better
	//  scale factors out the increase in area with larger objects
	//  more massive objects get less rotation

	// find torque due to forces on the right/left face
	if ( normal.xyz.x < 0.0f )		// normal < 0, hits the right face
		vm_vec_copy_scale( &impact_vec, &orient->vec.rvec, max->xyz.x * pressure * area.xyz.x *  normal.xyz.x * sin.xyz.x / pi->mass );
	else								// normal > 0, hits the left face
		vm_vec_copy_scale( &impact_vec, &orient->vec.rvec, min->xyz.x * pressure * area.xyz.x * -normal.xyz.x * sin.xyz.x / pi->mass );

	vm_vec_crossprod( &temp_torque, &impact_vec, direction_vec );
	vm_vec_add2( &torque, &temp_torque );

	// find torque due to forces on the up/down face
	if ( normal.xyz.y < 0.0f )
		vm_vec_copy_scale( &impact_vec, &orient->vec.uvec, max->xyz.y * pressure * area.xyz.y *  normal.xyz.y * sin.xyz.y / pi->mass );
		vm_vec_copy_scale( &impact_vec, &orient->vec.uvec, min->xyz.y * pressure * area.xyz.y * -normal.xyz.y * sin.xyz.y / pi->mass );

	vm_vec_crossprod( &temp_torque, &impact_vec, direction_vec );
	vm_vec_add2( &torque, &temp_torque );

	// find torque due to forces on the forward/backward face
	if ( normal.xyz.z < 0.0f )
		vm_vec_copy_scale( &impact_vec, &orient->vec.fvec, max->xyz.z * pressure * area.xyz.z *  normal.xyz.z * sin.xyz.z / pi->mass );
		vm_vec_copy_scale( &impact_vec, &orient->vec.fvec, min->xyz.z * pressure * area.xyz.z * -normal.xyz.z * sin.xyz.z / pi->mass );

	vm_vec_crossprod( &temp_torque, &impact_vec, direction_vec );
	vm_vec_add2( &torque, &temp_torque );

	// compute delta rotvel, scale according to blast and radius
	float scale;

	if (radius < MIN_RADIUS) {
		scale = 1.0f;
	} else {
		scale = (MAX_RADIUS - radius)/(MAX_RADIUS-MIN_RADIUS);

	// set shockwave shake amplitude, duration, flag
	pi->shockwave_shake_amp = (float)(MAX_SHAKE*(pressure/STD_PRESSURE)*scale);
	pi->shockwave_decay = timestamp( SW_BLAST_DURATION );
	pi->flags |= PF_IN_SHOCKWAVE;

	// safety dance
	if (!(IS_VEC_NULL_SQ_SAFE(&torque))) {
		vec3d delta_rotvel;
		vm_vec_rotate( &local_torque, &torque, orient );
		vm_vec_copy_normalize(&delta_rotvel, &local_torque);
		vm_vec_scale(&delta_rotvel, (float)(MAX_ROTVEL*(pressure/STD_PRESSURE)*scale));
		// nprintf(("Physics", "rotvel scale %f\n", (MAX_ROTVEL*(pressure/STD_PRESSURE)*scale)));
		vm_vec_add2(&pi->rotvel, &delta_rotvel);

	// set reduced translational damping, set flags
	float velocity_scale = (float)MAX_VEL*scale;
	pi->flags |= PF_REDUCED_DAMP;
	update_reduced_damp_timestamp( pi, velocity_scale*pi->mass );
	vm_vec_scale_add2( &pi->vel, direction_vec, velocity_scale );
	vm_vec_rotate(&pi->prev_ramp_vel, &pi->vel, orient);	// set so velocity will ramp starting from current speed

	// check that kick from shockwave is not too large
	if (!(pi->flags & PF_USE_VEL) && (vm_vec_mag_squared(&pi->vel) > MAX_SHIP_SPEED*MAX_SHIP_SPEED)) {
		// Get DaveA
		nprintf(("Physics", "speed reset in physics_apply_shock [speed: %f]\n", vm_vec_mag(&pi->vel)));
		vm_vec_scale(&pi->vel, (float)RESET_SHIP_SPEED);
Exemplo n.º 3
//	Create a grid
//	*forward is vector pointing forward
//	*right is vector pointing right
//	*center is center point of grid
//	length is length of grid
//	width is width of grid
//	square_size is size of a grid square
//	For example:
//		*forward = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
//		*right   = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
//		*center = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
//		nrows = 10
//		ncols =  50.0
//		square_size = 10.0
//	will generate a grid of squares 10 long by 5 wide.
//	Each grid square will be 10.0 x 10.0 units.
//	The center of the grid will be at the global origin.
//	The grid will be parallel to the xz plane (because the normal is 0,1,0).
//	(In fact, it will be the xz plane because it is centered on the origin.)
//	Stuffs grid in *gridp.  If gridp == NULL, mallocs and returns a grid.
grid *create_grid(grid *gridp, vector *forward, vector *right, vector *center, int nrows, int ncols, float square_size)
	int	i, ncols2, nrows2, d = 1;
	vector	dfvec, drvec, cur, cur2, tvec, uvec, save, save2;

	Assert(square_size > 0.0);
	if (double_fine_gridlines)
		d = 2;

	if (gridp == NULL)
		gridp = (grid *) malloc(sizeof(grid));


	gridp->center = *center;
	gridp->square_size = square_size;

	//	Create the plane equation.

	vm_vec_copy_normalize(&dfvec, forward);
	vm_vec_copy_normalize(&drvec, right);

	vm_vec_cross(&uvec, &dfvec, &drvec);

	gridp->gmatrix.v.uvec = uvec;

	gridp->planeD = -(center->xyz.x * uvec.xyz.x + center->xyz.y * uvec.xyz.y + center->xyz.z * uvec.xyz.z);

	gridp->gmatrix.v.fvec = dfvec;
	gridp->gmatrix.v.rvec = drvec;

	vm_vec_scale(&dfvec, square_size);
	vm_vec_scale(&drvec, square_size);

	vm_vec_scale_add(&cur, center, &dfvec, (float) -nrows * d / 2);
	vm_vec_scale_add2(&cur, &drvec, (float) -ncols * d / 2);
	vm_vec_scale_add(&cur2, center, &dfvec, (float) -nrows * 5 / 2);
	vm_vec_scale_add2(&cur2, &drvec, (float) -ncols * 5 / 2);
	save = cur;
	save2 = cur2;

	gridp->ncols = ncols;
	gridp->nrows = nrows;
	ncols2 = ncols / 2;
	nrows2 = nrows / 2;

	// Create the points along the edges of the grid, so we can just draw lines
	// between them to form the grid.  
	for (i=0; i<=ncols*d; i++) {
		gridp->gpoints1[i] = cur;  // small, dark gridline points
		vm_vec_scale_add(&tvec, &cur, &dfvec, (float) nrows * d);
		gridp->gpoints2[i] = tvec;
		vm_vec_add2(&cur, &drvec);

	for (i=0; i<=ncols2; i++) {
		gridp->gpoints5[i] = cur2;  // large, brighter gridline points
		vm_vec_scale_add(&tvec, &cur2, &dfvec, (float) nrows2 * 10);
		gridp->gpoints6[i] = tvec; 
		vm_vec_scale_add2(&cur2, &drvec, 10.0f);

	cur = save;
	cur2 = save2;
	for (i=0; i<=nrows*d; i++) {
		gridp->gpoints3[i] = cur;  // small, dark gridline points
		vm_vec_scale_add(&tvec, &cur, &drvec, (float) ncols * d);
		gridp->gpoints4[i] = tvec;
		vm_vec_add2(&cur, &dfvec);

	for (i=0; i<=nrows2; i++) {
		gridp->gpoints7[i] = cur2;  // large, brighter gridline points
		vm_vec_scale_add(&tvec, &cur2, &drvec, (float) ncols2 * 10);
		gridp->gpoints8[i] = tvec;
		vm_vec_scale_add2(&cur2, &dfvec, 10.0f);

	return gridp;
Exemplo n.º 4
//compute the corners of a rod.  fills in vertbuf.
static int calc_rod_corners(g3s_point *bot_point,fix bot_width,g3s_point *top_point,fix top_width)
	vms_vector delta_vec,top,tempv,rod_norm;
	ubyte codes_and;
	int i;

	//compute vector from one point to other, do cross product with vector
	//from eye to get perpendiclar


	//unscale for aspect

	delta_vec.x = fixdiv(delta_vec.x,Matrix_scale.x);
	delta_vec.y = fixdiv(delta_vec.y,Matrix_scale.y);

	//calc perp vector

	//do lots of normalizing to prevent overflowing.  When this code works,
	//it should be optimized





	//scale for aspect

	rod_norm.x = fixmul(rod_norm.x,Matrix_scale.x);
	rod_norm.y = fixmul(rod_norm.y,Matrix_scale.y);

	//now we have the usable edge.  generate four points

	//top points

	tempv.z = 0;


	tempv.z = 0;


	//now code the four points

	for (i=0,codes_and=0xff;i<4;i++)
		codes_and &= g3_code_point(&rod_points[i]);

	if (codes_and)
		return 1;		//1 means off screen

	//clear flags for new points (not projected)

	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
		rod_points[i].p3_flags = 0;

	return 0;