Exemplo n.º 1
static void init_buffer_callbacks(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx) {
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < ctx->num_frame_workers; ++i) {
    VPxWorker *const worker = &ctx->frame_workers[i];
    FrameWorkerData *const frame_worker_data = (FrameWorkerData *)worker->data1;
    VP9_COMMON *const cm = &frame_worker_data->pbi->common;
    BufferPool *const pool = cm->buffer_pool;

    cm->new_fb_idx = INVALID_IDX;
    cm->byte_alignment = ctx->byte_alignment;
    cm->skip_loop_filter = ctx->skip_loop_filter;

    if (ctx->get_ext_fb_cb != NULL && ctx->release_ext_fb_cb != NULL) {
      pool->get_fb_cb = ctx->get_ext_fb_cb;
      pool->release_fb_cb = ctx->release_ext_fb_cb;
      pool->cb_priv = ctx->ext_priv;
    } else {
      pool->get_fb_cb = vp9_get_frame_buffer;
      pool->release_fb_cb = vp9_release_frame_buffer;

      if (vp9_alloc_internal_frame_buffers(&pool->int_frame_buffers))
        vpx_internal_error(&cm->error, VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
                           "Failed to initialize internal frame buffers");

      pool->cb_priv = &pool->int_frame_buffers;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void init_buffer_callbacks(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx) {
  VP9_COMMON *const cm = &ctx->pbi->common;

  cm->new_fb_idx = -1;

  if (ctx->get_ext_fb_cb != NULL && ctx->release_ext_fb_cb != NULL) {
    cm->get_fb_cb = ctx->get_ext_fb_cb;
    cm->release_fb_cb = ctx->release_ext_fb_cb;
    cm->cb_priv = ctx->ext_priv;
  } else {
    cm->get_fb_cb = vp9_get_frame_buffer;
    cm->release_fb_cb = vp9_release_frame_buffer;

    if (vp9_alloc_internal_frame_buffers(&cm->int_frame_buffers))
      vpx_internal_error(&cm->error, VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
                         "Failed to initialize internal frame buffers");

    cm->cb_priv = &cm->int_frame_buffers;
Exemplo n.º 3
static vpx_codec_err_t decode_one(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
                                  const uint8_t **data, unsigned int data_sz,
                                  void *user_priv, int64_t deadline) {
  vpx_codec_err_t res = VPX_CODEC_OK;

  ctx->img_avail = 0;

  // Determine the stream parameters. Note that we rely on peek_si to
  // validate that we have a buffer that does not wrap around the top
  // of the heap.
  if (!ctx->si.h)
    res = ctx->base.iface->dec.peek_si(*data, data_sz, &ctx->si);

  /* Initialize the decoder instance on the first frame*/
  if (!res && !ctx->decoder_init) {
    VP9D_CONFIG oxcf;
    struct VP9Decompressor *optr;


    oxcf.width = ctx->si.w;
    oxcf.height = ctx->si.h;
    oxcf.version = 9;
    oxcf.max_threads = ctx->cfg.threads;
    oxcf.inv_tile_order = ctx->invert_tile_order;
    optr = vp9_create_decompressor(&oxcf);

    // If postprocessing was enabled by the application and a
    // configuration has not been provided, default it.
    if (!ctx->postproc_cfg_set &&
        (ctx->base.init_flags & VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC)) {
      ctx->postproc_cfg.post_proc_flag = VP8_DEBLOCK | VP8_DEMACROBLOCK;
      ctx->postproc_cfg.deblocking_level = 4;
      ctx->postproc_cfg.noise_level = 0;

    if (!optr) {
      res = VPX_CODEC_ERROR;
    } else {
      VP9D_COMP *const pbi = (VP9D_COMP*)optr;
      VP9_COMMON *const cm = &pbi->common;

      // Set index to not initialized.
      cm->new_fb_idx = -1;

      if (ctx->get_ext_fb_cb != NULL && ctx->release_ext_fb_cb != NULL) {
        cm->get_fb_cb = ctx->get_ext_fb_cb;
        cm->release_fb_cb = ctx->release_ext_fb_cb;
        cm->cb_priv = ctx->ext_priv;
      } else {
        cm->get_fb_cb = vp9_get_frame_buffer;
        cm->release_fb_cb = vp9_release_frame_buffer;

        if (vp9_alloc_internal_frame_buffers(&cm->int_frame_buffers))
          vpx_internal_error(&cm->error, VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
                             "Failed to initialize internal frame buffers");
        cm->cb_priv = &cm->int_frame_buffers;

      ctx->pbi = optr;

    ctx->decoder_init = 1;

  if (!res && ctx->pbi) {
    VP9D_COMP *const pbi = ctx->pbi;
    VP9_COMMON *const cm = &pbi->common;
    int64_t time_stamp = 0, time_end_stamp = 0;
    vp9_ppflags_t flags = {0};

    if (ctx->base.init_flags & VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC) {
      flags.post_proc_flag =
          (ctx->dbg_color_ref_frame_flag ? VP9D_DEBUG_CLR_FRM_REF_BLKS : 0) |
          (ctx->dbg_color_mb_modes_flag ? VP9D_DEBUG_CLR_BLK_MODES : 0) |
          (ctx->dbg_color_b_modes_flag ? VP9D_DEBUG_CLR_BLK_MODES : 0) |
          (ctx->dbg_display_mv_flag ? VP9D_DEBUG_DRAW_MV : 0) |

      flags.deblocking_level = ctx->postproc_cfg.deblocking_level;
      flags.noise_level = ctx->postproc_cfg.noise_level;
      flags.display_ref_frame_flag = ctx->dbg_color_ref_frame_flag;
      flags.display_mb_modes_flag = ctx->dbg_color_mb_modes_flag;
      flags.display_b_modes_flag = ctx->dbg_color_b_modes_flag;
      flags.display_mv_flag = ctx->dbg_display_mv_flag;

    if (vp9_receive_compressed_data(pbi, data_sz, data, deadline))
      res = update_error_state(ctx, &cm->error);

    if (!res && 0 == vp9_get_raw_frame(pbi, &sd, &time_stamp,
                                       &time_end_stamp, &flags)) {
      yuvconfig2image(&ctx->img, &sd, user_priv);

      ctx->img.fb_priv = cm->frame_bufs[cm->new_fb_idx].raw_frame_buffer.priv;
      ctx->img_avail = 1;

  return res;