Exemplo n.º 1
  Wait for a click from one of the mouse button.

  \param blocking [in] : Blocking behavior.
  - When set to true, this method waits until a mouse button is
    pressed and then returns always true.
  - When set to false, returns true only if a mouse button is
    pressed, otherwise returns false.

  - true if a button was clicked. This is always the case if blocking is set 
    to \e true.
  - false if no button was clicked. This can occur if blocking is set
    to \e false.
vpDisplayGTK::getClick(bool blocking)
  bool ret = false;

  if (displayHasBeenInitialized) {

    //    flushDisplay() ;
    //int cpt =0;
    do {
      GdkEvent *ev = NULL;
      while ((ev = gdk_event_get())!=NULL){
        //	printf("event %d type %d on window %p My window %p\n",
        //cpt, ev->type, ev->any.window, widget->window);

        if (ev->any.window == widget->window && ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS){
          ret = true ;
          //printf("Click detection\n");
        gdk_event_free(ev) ;
      if (blocking){
    } while ( ret == false && blocking == true);
  else {
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
  Display a line from image point \e ip1 to image point \e ip2.
  \param ip1,ip2 : Initial and final image points.
  \param color : Line color.
  \param thickness : Line thickness.
void vpDisplayGTK::displayLine ( const vpImagePoint &ip1, 
				 const vpImagePoint &ip2,
				 const vpColor &color, 
				 unsigned int thickness )
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    if ( thickness == 1 ) thickness = 0;

    if (color.id < vpColor::id_unknown)
      gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, col[color.id]);
    else {
      gdkcolor.red   = 256 * color.R;
      gdkcolor.green = 256 * color.G;
      gdkcolor.blue  = 256 * color.B;
      gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, &gdkcolor);     

    gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(gc, (gint)thickness,
			       GDK_JOIN_BEVEL) ;
    gdk_draw_line(background, gc,
		  vpMath::round( ip1.get_u() ),
		  vpMath::round( ip1.get_v() ),
		  vpMath::round( ip2.get_u() ),
		  vpMath::round( ip2.get_v() ) );
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 3
  Display the gray level image \e I (8bits).

  \warning Display has to be initialized.

  \warning Suppress the overlay drawing.

  \param I : Image to display.

  \sa init(), closeDisplay()
void vpDisplayGTK::displayImage(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I)

  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    /* Copie de l'image dans le pixmap fond */
                        gc, 0, 0, (gint)width, (gint)height,

    /* Le pixmap background devient le fond de la zone de dessin */
    gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(widget->window, background, FALSE);

    /* Affichage */
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
  Wait for a click from one of the mouse button.

  \param blocking [in] : Blocking behavior.
  - When set to true, this method waits until a mouse button is
    pressed and then returns always true.
  - When set to false, returns true only if a mouse button is
    pressed, otherwise returns false.

  - true if a button was clicked. This is always the case if blocking is set 
    to \e true.
  - false if no button was clicked. This can occur if blocking is set
    to \e false.
vpDisplayOpenCV::getClick(bool blocking)
  bool ret = false;
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized) {
    flushDisplay() ;
    if (blocking){
      lbuttondown = false;
      mbuttondown = false;
      rbuttondown = false;
    do {
      if (lbuttondown){
        ret = true ;
        lbuttondown = false;
      if (mbuttondown){
        ret = true ;
        mbuttondown = false;
      if (rbuttondown){
        ret = true ;
        rbuttondown = false;
      if (blocking) cvWaitKey(10);
    } while ( ret == false && blocking == true);
  else {
    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
  return ret;

  Get a keyboard event.

  \param blocking [in] : Blocking behavior.
  - When set to true, this method waits until a key is
    pressed and then returns always true.
  - When set to false, returns true only if a key is
    pressed, otherwise returns false.

  \param string [out]: If possible, an ISO Latin-1 character
  corresponding to the keyboard key.

  - true if a key was pressed. This is always the case if blocking is set 
    to \e true.
  - false if no key was pressed. This can occur if blocking is set
    to \e false.
vpDisplayOpenCV::getKeyboardEvent(char *string, bool blocking)
  int key_pressed;
  int delay;
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized) {
    flushDisplay() ;
    if (blocking) 
      delay = 0;
      delay = 10;

    key_pressed = cvWaitKey(delay);
    if (key_pressed == -1)
      return false;
    else {
      //std::cout << "Key pressed: \"" << key_pressed << "\"" << std::endl;
      sprintf(string, "%c", key_pressed);
    return true;
  else {
    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
  //return false; // Never reached after throw()
Exemplo n.º 6
  Display a point at the image point \e ip location.
  \param ip : Point location.
  \param color : Point color.
void vpDisplayGTK::displayPoint ( const vpImagePoint &ip,
				  const vpColor &color )
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    if (color.id < vpColor::id_unknown)
      gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, col[color.id]);
    else {
      gdkcolor.red   = 256 * color.R;
      gdkcolor.green = 256 * color.G;
      gdkcolor.blue  = 256 * color.B;
      gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, &gdkcolor);     

		   vpMath::round( ip.get_u() ), 
		   vpMath::round( ip.get_v() ) );
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 7
  Display a selection of the gray level image \e I (8bits).

  \warning Display has to be initialized.

  \warning Suppress the overlay drawing in the region of interest.

  \param I : Image to display.
  \param iP : Top left corner of the region of interest
  \param w : Width of the region of interest
  \param h : Height of the region of interest

  \sa init(), closeDisplay()
void vpDisplayGTK::displayImageROI ( const vpImage<unsigned char> &I,const vpImagePoint &iP, const unsigned int w, const unsigned int h )
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    vpImage<unsigned char> Itemp;
    vpImageTools::crop(I,(unsigned int)iP.get_i(),(unsigned int)iP.get_j(), h, w,Itemp);
    /* Copie de l'image dans le pixmap fond */
                        gc, (gint)iP.get_u(), (gint)iP.get_v(), (gint)w, (gint)h,

    /* Le pixmap background devient le fond de la zone de dessin */
    gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(widget->window, background, FALSE);

    /* Affichage */
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
  Display a dashed line from image point \e ip1 to image point \e ip2.

  \warning Dot lines are not yet implemented in OpenCV. We display a
  normal line instead.

  \param ip1,ip2 : Initial and final image points.
  \param color : Line color.
  \param thickness : Line thickness.
vpDisplayOpenCV::displayDotLine(const vpImagePoint &ip1, 
				const vpImagePoint &ip2,
				const vpColor &color, 
				unsigned int thickness)

  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    vpTRACE("Dot lines are not yet implemented");
    if (color.id < vpColor::id_unknown) {
      cvLine( background, 
	      cvPoint( vpMath::round( ip1.get_u() ), 
		       vpMath::round( ip1.get_v() ) ), 
	      cvPoint( vpMath::round( ip2.get_u() ),
		       vpMath::round( ip2.get_v() ) ), 
	      col[color.id], (int) thickness);
    else {
      cvcolor = CV_RGB(color.R, color.G, color.B) ;
      cvLine( background, 
	      cvPoint( vpMath::round( ip1.get_u() ), 
		       vpMath::round( ip1.get_v() ) ), 
	      cvPoint( vpMath::round( ip2.get_u() ),
		       vpMath::round( ip2.get_v() ) ), 
	      cvcolor, (int) thickness);
    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 9
  Display the color image \e I in RGBa format (32bits).

  \warning Display has to be initialized.

  \warning Suppress the overlay drawing.

  \param I : Image to display.

  \sa init(), closeDisplay()
void vpDisplayGTK::displayImage(const vpImage<vpRGBa> &I)

  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)

    /* Copie de l'image dans le pixmap fond */
                          gc, 0, 0,  (gint)width, (gint)height,
                          (unsigned char *)I.bitmap,

    /* Permet de fermer la fenetre si besoin (cas des sequences d'images) */
    //while (g_main_iteration(FALSE));

    /* Le pixmap background devient le fond de la zone de dessin */
    gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(widget->window, background, FALSE);

    /* Affichage */
    //flushDisplay() ;

    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 10
  Display a selection of the color image \e I in RGBa format (32bits).

  \warning Display has to be initialized.

  \warning Suppress the overlay drawing in the region of interest.

  \param I : Image to display.
  \param iP : Top left corner of the region of interest
  \param w : Width of the region of interest
  \param h : Height of the region of interest

  \sa init(), closeDisplay()
void vpDisplayGTK::displayImageROI ( const vpImage<vpRGBa> &I,const vpImagePoint &iP, const unsigned int w, const unsigned int h )
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    vpImage<vpRGBa> Itemp;
    vpImageTools::crop(I,(unsigned int)iP.get_i(), (unsigned int)iP.get_j(), h, w, Itemp);
    /* Copie de l'image dans le pixmap fond */
                          gc, (gint)iP.get_u(), (gint)iP.get_v(), (gint)w, (gint)h,
                          (unsigned char *)Itemp.bitmap,

    /* Permet de fermer la fenetre si besoin (cas des sequences d'images) */
    //while (g_main_iteration(FALSE));

    /* Le pixmap background devient le fond de la zone de dessin */
    gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(widget->window, background, FALSE);

    /* Affichage */
    //flushDisplay() ;
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 11
  Display a string at the image point \e ip location.

  To select the font used to display the string, use setFont().

  \param ip : Upper left image point location of the string in the display.
  \param text : String to display in overlay.
  \param color : String color.

  \sa setFont()
void vpDisplayOpenCV::displayCharString( const vpImagePoint &ip,
                                     const char *text, 
				     const vpColor &color )
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    if (color.id < vpColor::id_unknown) {
      cvPutText( background, text, 
		 cvPoint( vpMath::round( ip.get_u() ),
			  vpMath::round( ip.get_v()+fontHeight ) ), 
		 font, col[color.id] );
    else {
      cvcolor = CV_RGB(color.R, color.G, color.B) ;
      cvPutText( background, text, 
		 cvPoint( vpMath::round( ip.get_u() ),
			  vpMath::round( ip.get_v()+fontHeight ) ), 
		 font, cvcolor );
    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 12
  Display a string at the image point \e ip location.

  To select the font used to display the string, use setFont().

  \param ip : Upper left image point location of the string in the display.
  \param text : String to display in overlay.
  \param color : String color.

  \sa setFont()
void vpDisplayGTK::displayCharString ( const vpImagePoint &ip,
				       const char *text, 
				       const vpColor &color )
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    if (color.id < vpColor::id_unknown)
      gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, col[color.id]);
    else {
      gdkcolor.red   = 256 * color.R;
      gdkcolor.green = 256 * color.G;
      gdkcolor.blue  = 256 * color.B;
      gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, &gdkcolor);     
    if (font != NULL)
      gdk_draw_string(background, font, gc,
                      vpMath::round( ip.get_u() ),
                      vpMath::round( ip.get_v() ),
                      (const gchar *)text);
      std::cout << "Cannot draw string: no font is selected" << std::endl;
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 13
  Set the window title.

  \warning This method is not implemented yet.

  \param title : Window title.
vpDisplayOpenCV::setTitle(const char * /* title */)
  static bool warn_displayed = false;
  if (! warn_displayed) {
    vpTRACE("Not implemented");
    warn_displayed = true;
#if 0
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    if (this->title != NULL) {
      delete [] this->title ;
      this->title = NULL ;
    //    fprintf(stdout, "len: %d\n",  strlen(windowtitle)); fflush(stdout);
    this->title = new char[strlen(windowtitle) + 1] ;
    strcpy(this->title, windowtitle) ;
    //cvMoveWindow( this->title, windowXPosition,  windowYPosition);
    cvMoveWindow(windowtitle , windowXPosition,  windowYPosition);

    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 14
  Get the coordinates of the mouse pointer.

  \warning Not implemented yet.
  \param ip [out] : The coordinates of the mouse pointer.
  \return true if a pointer motion event was received, false otherwise.
  \exception vpDisplayException::notInitializedError : If the display
  was not initialized.
vpDisplayOpenCV::getPointerMotionEvent (vpImagePoint &ip )
  bool ret = false;

  if (displayHasBeenInitialized) {
    //flushDisplay() ;
    double u, v;
    if (move){
      ret = true ;
      u = (unsigned int)x_move;
      v = (unsigned int)y_move;
      ip.set_u( u );
      ip.set_v( v );
      move = false;

  else {
    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 15
  Initialize the display (size, position and title) of a color
  image in RGBa format.

  \param I : Image to be displayed (not that image has to be initialized)
  \param x, y : The window is set at position x,y (column index, row index).
  \param title : Window title.

vpDisplayGTK::init(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I,
                   int x,
                   int y,
                   const std::string &title)
  if ((I.getHeight() == 0) || (I.getWidth()==0))
    vpERROR_TRACE("Image not initialized " ) ;
                             "Image not initialized")) ;

  if (x != -1)
    windowXPosition = x ;
  if (y != -1)
    windowYPosition = y ;

  if (! title.empty())
    title_ = title;
  init (I.getWidth(), I.getHeight(), windowXPosition, windowYPosition, title_) ;

  I.display = this ;
  displayHasBeenInitialized = true ;
Exemplo n.º 16
  Wait for a click from one of the mouse button and get the position
  of the clicked image point.

  \param ip [out] : The coordinates of the clicked image point.

  \param blocking [in] : true for a blocking behaviour waiting a mouse
  button click, false for a non blocking behaviour.

  - true if a button was clicked. This is always the case if blocking is set 
    to \e true.
  - false if no button was clicked. This can occur if blocking is set
    to \e false.

vpDisplayGTK::getClick(vpImagePoint &ip, bool blocking)
  bool ret = false;

  if (displayHasBeenInitialized) {

    double u, v ;
    do {
      GdkEvent *ev = NULL;
      while ((ev = gdk_event_get())!=NULL){
        if (ev->any.window == widget->window && ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) {
          u = ((GdkEventButton *)ev)->x ;
          v = ((GdkEventButton *)ev)->y ;
	  ip.set_u( u );
	  ip.set_v( v );
          ret = true ;
        gdk_event_free(ev) ;
      if (blocking){
    } while ( ret == false && blocking == true);
  else {
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
  return ret ;
Exemplo n.º 17
  Display a selection of the gray level image \e I (8bits).

  \warning Display has to be initialized.

  \warning Suppress the overlay drawing in the region of interest.

  \param I : Image to display.
  \param iP : Top left corner of the region of interest
  \param width : Width of the region of interest
  \param height : Height of the region of interest

  \sa init(), closeDisplay()
void vpDisplayOpenCV::displayImageROI ( const vpImage<unsigned char> &I,const vpImagePoint &iP, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height )
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    vpImage<unsigned char> Itemp;
    vpImageTools::createSubImage(I,(unsigned int)iP.get_i(),(unsigned int)iP.get_j(),height,width,Itemp);
    vpImage<vpRGBa> Ic;
    CvSize size = cvSize((int)this->width, (int)this->height);
    int depth = 8;
    int channels = 3;
    if (background != NULL){
      if(background->nChannels != channels || background->depth != depth
         || background->height != (int) I.getHeight() || background->width != (int) I.getWidth()){
        if(background->nChannels != 0) cvReleaseImage(&background);
        background = cvCreateImage( size, depth, channels );
    else background = cvCreateImage( size, depth, channels );
    IplImage* Ip = NULL;
    vpImageConvert::convert(Ic, Ip);
    unsigned char * input = (unsigned char*)Ip->imageData;
    unsigned char * output = (unsigned char*)background->imageData;
    unsigned int iwidth = Ic.getWidth();

    input = input;
    output = output + (int)(iP.get_i()*3*this->width+ iP.get_j()*3);
    unsigned int i = 0;
    while (i < height)
      unsigned int j = 0;
      while (j < width)
	*(output+3*j) = *(input+j*3);
	*(output+3*j+1) = *(input+j*3+1);
	*(output+3*j+2) = *(input+j*3+2);
      input = input + 3*iwidth;
      output = output + 3*this->width;

    vpERROR_TRACE("openCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 18
  Display an arrow from image point \e ip1 to image point \e ip2.
  \param ip1,ip2 : Initial and final image point.
  \param color : Arrow color.
  \param w,h : Width and height of the arrow.
  \param thickness : Thickness of the lines used to display the arrow.
void vpDisplayGTK::displayArrow ( const vpImagePoint &ip1, 
                                  const vpImagePoint &ip2,
                                  const vpColor &color,
                                  unsigned int w, unsigned int h,
                                  unsigned int thickness)
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
      double a = ip2.get_i() - ip1.get_i() ;
      double b = ip2.get_j() - ip1.get_j() ;
      double lg = sqrt(vpMath::sqr(a)+vpMath::sqr(b)) ;

      //if ((a==0)&&(b==0))
      if ((std::fabs(a) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() )&&(std::fabs(b) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) )
        // DisplayCrossLarge(i1,j1,3,col) ;
        a /= lg ;
        b /= lg ;

        vpImagePoint ip3;
        ip3.set_i(ip2.get_i() - w*a);
        ip3.set_j(ip2.get_j() - w*b);

        vpImagePoint ip4;
        ip4.set_i( ip3.get_i() - b*h );
        ip4.set_j( ip3.get_j() + a*h );

        if (lg > 2*vpImagePoint::distance(ip2, ip4) )
          displayLine ( ip2, ip4, color, thickness ) ;
        ip4.set_i( ip3.get_i() + b*h );
        ip4.set_j( ip3.get_j() - a*h );

        if (lg > 2*vpImagePoint::distance(ip2, ip4) )
          displayLine ( ip2, ip4, color, thickness ) ;

        displayLine ( ip1, ip2, color, thickness ) ;
    catch (...)
      vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ;
      throw ;
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 19
  Display a rectangle.

  \param topLeft : Top-left corner of the rectangle.
  \param bottomRight : Bottom-right corner of the rectangle.
  \param color : Rectangle color.
  \param fill : When set to true fill the rectangle.

  \param thickness : Thickness of the four lines used to display the
  rectangle. This parameter is only useful when \e fill is set to
vpDisplayOpenCV::displayRectangle ( const vpImagePoint &topLeft,
				    const vpImagePoint &bottomRight,
				    const vpColor &color, bool fill,
				    unsigned int thickness )
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    if (fill == false) {
      if (color.id < vpColor::id_unknown) {
	cvRectangle( background,
		     cvPoint( vpMath::round( topLeft.get_u() ), 
			      vpMath::round( topLeft.get_v() ) ),
		     cvPoint( vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_u() ), 
			      vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_v() ) ),
		     col[color.id], (int)thickness);
      else {
	cvcolor = CV_RGB(color.R, color.G, color.B) ;
	cvRectangle( background,
		     cvPoint( vpMath::round( topLeft.get_u() ), 
			      vpMath::round( topLeft.get_v() ) ),
		     cvPoint( vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_u() ), 
			      vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_v() ) ),
		     cvcolor, (int)thickness);
    else {
      if (color.id < vpColor::id_unknown) {
	cvRectangle( background,
		     cvPoint( vpMath::round( topLeft.get_u() ), 
			      vpMath::round( topLeft.get_v() ) ),
		     cvPoint( vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_u() ), 
			      vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_v() ) ),
		     col[color.id], CV_FILLED);
      else {
	cvcolor = CV_RGB(color.R, color.G, color.B) ;
	cvRectangle( background,
		     cvPoint( vpMath::round( topLeft.get_u() ), 
			      vpMath::round( topLeft.get_v() ) ),
		     cvPoint( vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_u() ), 
			      vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_v() ) ),
		     cvcolor, CV_FILLED);

    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 20
  If the window is not initialized yet, wait a little (MAX_INIT_DELAY).
  \exception notInitializedError : the window isn't initialized
void vpDisplayWin32::waitForInit()
  //if the window is not initialized yet
      if( WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(window.semaInit,MAX_INIT_DELAY))
				 "Window not initialized")) ;
      //problem : the window is not initialized
Exemplo n.º 21

  Wait for a mouse button click and get the position of the clicked
  pixel. The button used to click is also set.
  \param ip [out] : The coordinates of the clicked image point.

  \param button [out] : The button used to click.

  \param blocking [in] : 
  - When set to true, this method waits until a mouse button is
    pressed and then returns always true.
  - When set to false, returns true only if a mouse button is
    pressed, otherwise returns false.

  \return true if a mouse button is pressed, false otherwise. If a
  button is pressed, the location of the mouse pointer is updated in
  \e ip.
vpDisplayOpenCV::getClick(vpImagePoint &ip,
                          vpMouseButton::vpMouseButtonType& button,
                          bool blocking)
  bool ret = false;

  if (displayHasBeenInitialized) {
    //flushDisplay() ;
    double u, v;
    if (blocking){
      lbuttondown = false;
      mbuttondown = false;
      rbuttondown = false;
    do {
      if (lbuttondown){
        ret = true ;
        u = (unsigned int)x_lbuttondown;
        v = (unsigned int)y_lbuttondown;
	ip.set_u( u );
	ip.set_v( v );
        button = vpMouseButton::button1;
        lbuttondown = false;
      if (mbuttondown){
        ret = true ;
        u = (unsigned int)x_mbuttondown;
        v = (unsigned int)y_mbuttondown;
	ip.set_u( u );
	ip.set_v( v );
        button = vpMouseButton::button2;
        mbuttondown = false;
      if (rbuttondown){
        ret = true ;
        u = (unsigned int)x_rbuttondown;
        v = (unsigned int)y_rbuttondown;
	ip.set_u( u );
	ip.set_v( v );
        button = vpMouseButton::button3;
        rbuttondown = false;
      if (blocking) cvWaitKey(10);
    } while ( ret == false && blocking == true);
  else {
    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 22
  Set the window position in the screen.

  \param winx, winy : Position of the upper-left window's border in the screen.

  \exception vpDisplayException::notInitializedError : If the video
  device is not initialized.
void vpDisplayGTK::setWindowPosition(int winx, int winy)

  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)  {
    gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(widget), winx, winy); 
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 23
  Set the window position in the screen.

  \param winx, winy : Position of the upper-left window's border in the screen.

  \exception vpDisplayException::notInitializedError : If the video
  device is not initialized.
void vpDisplayOpenCV::setWindowPosition(int winx, int winy)
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized) {
    this->windowXPosition = winx;
    this->windowYPosition = winy;
    cvMoveWindow( this->title, winx, winy );
    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 24
  Flushes the OpenCV buffer.
  It's necessary to use this function to see the results of any drawing.

void vpDisplayOpenCV::flushDisplay()
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    cvShowImage(title, background );
    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 25
  Flushes the display buffer.
  It's necessary to use this function to see the results of any drawing.
void vpDisplayGTK::flushDisplayROI(const vpImagePoint &/*iP*/, const unsigned int /*width*/, const unsigned int /*height*/)
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 26
  Flushes the display buffer.
  It's necessary to use this function to see the results of any drawing.
void vpDisplayGTK::flushDisplay()
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 27
  Flushes the OpenCV buffer.
  It's necessary to use this function to see the results of any drawing.

void vpDisplayOpenCV::flushDisplayROI(const vpImagePoint &/*iP*/, const unsigned int /*width*/, const unsigned int /*height*/)
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    cvShowImage(title, background );
    vpERROR_TRACE("OpenCV not initialized " ) ;
                             "OpenCV not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 28
  Display a rectangle.

  \param topLeft : Top-left corner of the rectangle.
  \param bottomRight : Bottom-right corner of the rectangle.
  \param color : Rectangle color.
  \param fill : When set to true fill the rectangle.

  \param thickness : Thickness of the four lines used to display the
  rectangle. This parameter is only useful when \e fill is set to
vpDisplayGTK::displayRectangle ( const vpImagePoint &topLeft,
				 const vpImagePoint &bottomRight,
				 const vpColor &color, bool fill,
				 unsigned int thickness )
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    if ( thickness == 1 ) thickness = 0;

    if (color.id < vpColor::id_unknown)
      gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, col[color.id]);
    else {
      gdkcolor.red   = 256 * color.R;
      gdkcolor.green = 256 * color.G;
      gdkcolor.blue  = 256 * color.B;
      gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, &gdkcolor);     

    gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(gc, (gint)thickness,
			       GDK_JOIN_BEVEL) ;

    int w  = vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_u() - topLeft.get_u() );
    int h = vpMath::round( bottomRight.get_v() - topLeft.get_v() );

    if (fill == false)
      gdk_draw_rectangle(background, gc, FALSE,
			 vpMath::round( topLeft.get_u() ),
			 vpMath::round( topLeft.get_v() ),
      gdk_draw_rectangle(background, gc, TRUE,
			 vpMath::round( topLeft.get_u() ),
			 vpMath::round( topLeft.get_v() ),
       w, h);

    if (thickness > 1)
      gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(gc, 0, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_BUTT,
                                 GDK_JOIN_BEVEL) ;
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 29
  Set the window title.
  \param title : Window title.
vpDisplayGTK::setTitle(const std::string &title)
  if (displayHasBeenInitialized)
    title_ = title;
      gdk_window_set_title(widget->window, title_.c_str());
    vpERROR_TRACE("GTK not initialized " ) ;
                             "GTK not initialized")) ;
Exemplo n.º 30

  Wait for a mouse button click release and get the position of the
  image point were the click release occurs.  The button used to click is
  also set. Same method as getClick(unsigned int&, unsigned int&,
  vpMouseButton::vpMouseButtonType &, bool).

  \param ip [out] : Position of the clicked image point.

  \param button [in] : Button used to click.

  \param blocking [in] : true for a blocking behaviour waiting a mouse
  button click, false for a non blocking behaviour.

  - true if a button was clicked. This is always the case if blocking is set 
    to \e true.
  - false if no button was clicked. This can occur if blocking is set
    to \e false.

  \sa getClick(vpImagePoint &, vpMouseButton::vpMouseButtonType &, bool)

vpDisplayGTK::getClickUp(vpImagePoint &ip,
                         vpMouseButton::vpMouseButtonType& button,
                         bool blocking)
  bool ret = false;

  if ( displayHasBeenInitialized ) {

    //flushDisplay() ;
     double u, v ;
    do {
       GdkEvent *ev = NULL;
       while ((ev = gdk_event_get())!=NULL){
        if ( ev->any.window == widget->window  
	     && ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) {
          u = ((GdkEventButton *)ev)->x ;
          v = ((GdkEventButton *)ev)->y ;
	  ip.set_u( u );
	  ip.set_v( v );

          switch ( ( int ) ( ( GdkEventButton * ) ev )->button ) {
            case 1:
              button = vpMouseButton::button1; break;
            case 2:
              button = vpMouseButton::button2; break;
            case 3:
              button = vpMouseButton::button3; break;
          ret = true ;
        gdk_event_free(ev) ;
      if (blocking){

    } while ( ret == false && blocking == true);
  else {
    vpERROR_TRACE ( "GTK not initialized " ) ;
    throw ( vpDisplayException ( vpDisplayException::notInitializedError,
                                 "GTK not initialized" ) ) ;
  return ret;