Exemplo n.º 1
static int invoke_func(Value *vret, Value cvt, GenML *gm, const char *name, GenMLNode *node, int opt)
    RefStr *rs_name = fs->intern(name, -1);
    GenMLArgs *arg = fs->buf_new(cls_gmlargs, sizeof(GenMLArgs));

    arg->gm = gm;
    arg->node = node;
    arg->cvt = cvt;

    if (opt > 0) {
        fs->Value_push("vrd", cvt, arg, opt);
        if (!fs->call_member_func(rs_name, 2, TRUE)) {
            arg->node = NULL;
            return FALSE;
    } else {
        fs->Value_push("vr", cvt, arg);
        if (!fs->call_member_func(rs_name, 1, TRUE)) {
            arg->node = NULL;
            return FALSE;
    arg->node = NULL;

    *vret = *fg->stk_top;
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int net_getaddrinfo(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    struct addrinfo *res = NULL;
    struct addrinfo *ai;
    RefArray *ra;
    RefStr *rs = Value_vp(v[1]);
    int err;

    if (str_has0(rs->c, rs->size)) {
        fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_io, "SocketError", "No address found");
        return FALSE;

    err = getaddrinfo_sub(&res, rs->c, NULL, 0);
    if (err != 0) {
        return FALSE;
    ra = fs->refarray_new(0);
    *vret = vp_Value(ra);

    for (ai = res; ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next) {
        Value *vt = fs->refarray_push(ra);
        *vt = vp_Value(new_refsockaddr(ai->ai_addr, FALSE));

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int listener_accept(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefListener *ls = Value_vp(*v);
    socklen_t sa_len;
    struct sockaddr *sa;
    FileHandle sock;

    if (ls->sock == -1) {
        return FALSE;

    sa = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
    sock = accept(ls->sock, sa, &sa_len);

    if (sock != -1) {
        Ref *sock_r = fs->ref_new(cls_socketio);
        RefFileHandle *fh = fs->buf_new(NULL, sizeof(RefFileHandle));
        fs->init_stream_ref(sock_r, STREAM_READ|STREAM_WRITE);
        sock_r->v[INDEX_FILEIO_HANDLE] = vp_Value(fh);
        fh->fd_read = sock;
        fh->fd_write = sock;
        *vret = vp_Value(sock_r);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int cursor_get(Value *vret, RefCursor *rc)
    int i;
    int num = sqlite3_column_count(rc->stmt);

    if (rc->is_map) {
        RefMap *rm = fs->refmap_new(num);
        *vret = vp_Value(rm);

        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            const char *key_p = sqlite3_column_name(rc->stmt, i);
            Value key = fs->cstr_Value(NULL, key_p, -1);
            HashValueEntry *ve = fs->refmap_add(rm, key, TRUE, FALSE);

            if (ve != NULL) {
                ve->val = cursor_get_sub(rc->stmt, i);
    } else {
        RefArray *ra = fs->refarray_new(num);
        *vret = vp_Value(ra);
        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            ra->p[i] = cursor_get_sub(rc->stmt, i);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int textio_new(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefTextIO *tio;
    RefCharset *cs = Value_vp(v[2]);
    Ref *r = ref_new(fs->cls_textio);
    *vret = vp_Value(r);

    tio = buf_new(NULL, sizeof(RefTextIO));
    r->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_TEXTIO] = vp_Value(tio);
    r->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_STREAM] = Value_cp(v[1]);

    tio->in.ic = (void*)-1;
    tio->out.ic = (void*)-1;
    tio->cs = cs;
    tio->trans = FALSE;

    if (fg->stk_top > v + 3 && Value_bool(v[3])) {
        tio->trans = TRUE;
    if (fg->stk_top > v + 4) {
        r->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_NEWLINE] = Value_cp(v[4]);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void v_ctextio_init(void)
    Ref *ref = ref_new(fs->cls_textio);

    fg->v_ctextio = vp_Value(ref);
    ref->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_STREAM] = Value_cp(fg->v_cio);
    ref->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_TEXTIO] = vp_Value(fv->ref_textio_utf8);
Exemplo n.º 7
static int socket_new(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    FileHandle fd;
    Value addr = v[1];
    int port = fs->Value_int64(v[2], NULL);
    RefNode *addr_type = fs->Value_type(addr);

    Ref *r = fs->ref_new(cls_socketio);
    *vret = vp_Value(r);

    if (port < 0 || port > 65535) {
        fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_lang, "ValueError", "Illigal port number (0 - 65535)");
        return FALSE;

    if (addr_type == cls_ipaddr || addr_type == fs->cls_str) {
        if (!socket_connect_sub(&fd, addr, port)) {
            fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_io, "SocketError", "Failed to connect");
            return FALSE;
    } else if (addr_type == fs->cls_list) {
        RefArray *ra = Value_vp(addr);
        int i;
        int succeeded = FALSE;
        for (i = 0; i < ra->size; i++) {
            Value ad = ra->p[i];
            RefNode *ad_type = fs->Value_type(ad);
            if (ad_type != cls_ipaddr && ad_type != fs->cls_str) {
                fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_lang, "TypeError", "Array of IPAddr or Str required but %n (argument #1)", ad_type);
                return FALSE;
            if (socket_connect_sub(&fd, ad, port)) {
                succeeded = TRUE;
        if (!succeeded) {
            fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_io, "SocketError", "Fault to connect");
            return FALSE;
    } else {
        fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_lang, "TypeError", "IPAddr, Str, List required but %n (argument #1)", addr_type);
        return FALSE;

    fs->init_stream_ref(r, STREAM_READ|STREAM_WRITE);
        RefFileHandle *fh = fs->buf_new(NULL, sizeof(RefFileHandle));
        r->v[INDEX_FILEIO_HANDLE] = vp_Value(fh);
        fh->fd_read = fd;
        fh->fd_write = fd;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 8
static int strio_dup(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefBytesIO *src = Value_bytesio(*v);
    Ref *r = ref_new(fv->cls_strio);

    *vret = vp_Value(r);
    r->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_STREAM] = vp_Value(bytesio_new_sub(src->buf.p, src->buf.size));
    r->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_TEXTIO] = vp_Value(fv->ref_textio_utf8);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 9
static Ref *xmlelem_new(const char *name)
    RefArray *ra;
    Ref *r = fs->ref_new(cls_xmlelem);
    r->v[INDEX_ELEM_NAME] = vp_Value(fs->intern(name, -1));

    ra = fs->refarray_new(0);
    ra->rh.type = cls_nodelist;
    r->v[INDEX_ELEM_CHILDREN] = vp_Value(ra);

    return r;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * 右辺が数値の場合、各要素をx倍する
 * 右辺がRefMatrixの場合、行列の積を求める
static int matrix_multiple(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefMatrix *m1 = Value_vp(v[0]);
    const RefNode *v1_type = fs->Value_type(v[1]);
    int cols1 = m1->cols;
    int rows1 = m1->rows;

    if (v1_type == cls_matrix) {
        RefMatrix *m2 = Value_vp(v[1]);
        RefMatrix *mat;
        int cols2 = m2->cols;
        int rows2 = m2->rows;
        int i, j, k;

        if (cols1 != rows2) {
            fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_lang, "ValueError", "RefMatrix size mismatch");
            return FALSE;
        mat = fs->buf_new(cls_matrix, sizeof(RefMatrix) + sizeof(double) * rows1 * cols2);
        *vret = vp_Value(mat);
        mat->rows = rows1;
        mat->cols = cols2;
        for (i = 0; i < rows1; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < cols2; j++) {
                double sum = 0.0;
                for (k = 0; k < cols1; k++) {
                    sum += m1->d[i * cols1 + k] * m2->d[k * cols2 + j];
                mat->d[i * cols2 + j] = sum;
    } else if (v1_type == fs->cls_float || v1_type == fs->cls_int || v1_type == fs->cls_frac) {
        int i;
        double d2 = fs->Value_float(v[1]);
        int size = cols1 * rows1;
        RefMatrix *mat = fs->buf_new(cls_matrix, sizeof(RefMatrix) + sizeof(double) * size);
        *vret = vp_Value(mat);

        mat->cols = cols1;
        mat->rows = rows1;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            mat->d[i] = m1->d[i] * d2;
    } else {
        fs->throw_error_select(THROW_ARGMENT_TYPE2__NODE_NODE_NODE_INT, cls_matrix, fs->cls_number, v1_type, 1);
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 11
 * 0行列
static int matrix_zero(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    int64_t size1 = fs->Value_int64(v[1], NULL);
    int64_t size2 = fs->Value_int64(v[2], NULL);
    RefMatrix *mat;
    double *p;

    // 0x0の行列も可能
    if (size1 < 0 || size1 > 16384 || size2 < 0 || size2 > 16384) {
        fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_lang, "ValueError", "Illigal Matrix size (0 - 16384)");
        return FALSE;

    mat = fs->buf_new(cls_matrix, sizeof(RefMatrix) + sizeof(double) * size1 * size2);
    *vret = vp_Value(mat);
    mat->cols = size1;
    mat->rows = size2;
    p = mat->d;

        int size = size1 * size2;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            *p = 0.0;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 12
void throw_stopiter()
    if (fg->error != VALUE_NULL) {
    fg->error = vp_Value(ref_new(fs->cls_stopiter));
Exemplo n.º 13
static int vector_new(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    Value *vv = v + 1;
    int size = (fg->stk_top - v) - 1;
    int i;
    RefVector *vec;

    if (size == 1) {
        if (fs->Value_type(v[1]) == fs->cls_list) {
            RefArray *ra = Value_vp(v[1]);
            vv = ra->p;
            size = ra->size;
    vec = fs->buf_new(cls_vector, sizeof(RefVector) + sizeof(double) * size);
    *vret = vp_Value(vec);
    vec->size = size;

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        const RefNode *v_type = fs->Value_type(vv[i]);
        if (v_type != fs->cls_float && v_type != fs->cls_int && v_type != fs->cls_frac) {
            fs->throw_error_select(THROW_ARGMENT_TYPE__NODE_NODE_INT, fs->cls_number, v_type, i + 1);
            return FALSE;
        vec->d[i] = fs->Value_float(vv[i]);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 14
static int markdown_new(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefNode *cls_markdown = FUNC_VP(node);
    Ref *ref;
    Markdown *md;
    RefNode *type = fs->Value_type(*v);

    // 継承可能なクラス
    if (type == fs->cls_fn) {
        ref = fs->ref_new(cls_markdown);
        *vret = vp_Value(ref);
    } else {
        ref = Value_vp(*v);
        *vret = fs->Value_cp(*v);

    md = malloc(sizeof(Markdown));
    memset(md, 0, sizeof(Markdown));
    ref->v[INDEX_MARKDOWN_MD] = ptr_Value(md);

    fs->Mem_init(&md->mem, 1024);
    md->tabstop = 4;
    md->heading_level = 1;
    md->footnote_id = 1;

    md->heading_p = &md->heading;
    md->footnote_p = &md->footnote;
    fs->Hash_init(&md->hilight, &md->mem, 16);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 15
 * 複製
int map_dup(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefMap *src = Value_vp(*v);
    RefNode *type = FUNC_VP(node);
    int i;
    int max = src->entry_num;
    RefMap *dst = buf_new(type, sizeof(RefMap));

    *vret = vp_Value(dst);
    dst->count = src->count;
    dst->entry_num = max;
    dst->entry = malloc(sizeof(HashValueEntry*) * max);

    for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        HashValueEntry *hsrc = src->entry[i];
        HashValueEntry **hdst = &dst->entry[i];
        for (; hsrc != NULL; hsrc = hsrc->next) {
            HashValueEntry *he = malloc(sizeof(HashValueEntry));

            he->key = Value_cp(hsrc->key);
            he->val = Value_cp(hsrc->val);
            he->hash = hsrc->hash;
            *hdst = he;
            hdst = &he->next;
        *hdst = NULL;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 16
static int ipaddr_const_any(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefSockAddr *rsa = NULL;

    switch (FUNC_INT(node)) {
    case AF_INET:
        rsa = fs->buf_new(cls_ipaddr, sizeof(RefSockAddr) + sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
        rsa->len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
            struct sockaddr_in *addr_in = (struct sockaddr_in*)rsa->addr;
            addr_in->sin_family = AF_INET;
    case AF_INET6:
        rsa = fs->buf_new(cls_ipaddr, sizeof(RefSockAddr) + sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
        rsa->len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
            struct sockaddr_in6 *addr_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6*)rsa->addr;
            addr_in6->sin6_family = AF_INET6;

    if (rsa != NULL) {
        rsa->mask_bits = 0;
        *vret = vp_Value(rsa);
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * 単位行列
static int matrix_i(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    int64_t size = fs->Value_int64(v[1], NULL);
    RefMatrix *mat;
    double *p;

    // 0x0の行列も可能
    if (size < 0 || size > MATRIX_MAX_SIZE) {
        fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_lang, "ValueError", "Illigal Matrix size (0 - %d)", MATRIX_MAX_SIZE);
        return FALSE;

    mat = fs->buf_new(cls_matrix, sizeof(RefMatrix) + sizeof(double) * size * size);
    *vret = vp_Value(mat);
    mat->rows = size;
    mat->cols = size;
    p = mat->d;

        int i, j;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                *p = (i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 18
int set_and(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefMap *rm = Value_vp(*v);
    RefMap *rm1 = Value_vp(v[1]);
    int i;

    RefMap *rm2 = refmap_new(rm->count);
    *vret = vp_Value(rm2);
    rm2->rh.type = fs->cls_set;

    for (i = 0; i < rm->entry_num; i++) {
        HashValueEntry *ep = rm->entry[i];
        for (; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next) {
            Value key = ep->key;
            HashValueEntry *ep2 = NULL;

            // v1に同じ値があれば追加
            if (!refmap_get(&ep2, rm1, key)) {
                goto ERROR_END;
            if (ep2 != NULL) {
                if (refmap_add(rm2, key, TRUE, FALSE) == NULL) {
                    goto ERROR_END;
    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 19
int conv_graphics_to_image(Value *vret, GraphicsHandle img)
    int width, height;
    int pitch, has_alpha = FALSE;  // pitch:1行あたりのバイト数
    BITMAP bmp;
    int y;
    uint8_t *dst;

    RefImage *fi = fs->buf_new(cls_image, sizeof(RefImage));
    *vret = vp_Value(fi);

    GetObject(img, sizeof(bmp), &bmp);
    width = bmp.bmWidth;
    height = bmp.bmHeight;
    if (width > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE || height > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) {
        fs->throw_errorf(mod_gui, "GuiError", "Graphics size too large (max:%d)", MAX_IMAGE_SIZE);
        return FALSE;
    pitch = width * 3;
    pitch = (pitch + 3) & ~3;

    memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(bmi));
    bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -height;  // 負の数の場合、並びが上から下
    bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
    bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;

    dst = malloc(pitch * height);

    GetDIBits(hDisplayDC, img, 0, height, dst, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);

    // BGR -> RGB
    for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        int x;
        uint8_t *b1 = dst + y * pitch;

        for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            uint8_t *p = b1 + x * 3;
            uint8_t tmp = p[2];
            p[2] = p[0];
            p[0] = tmp;
    fi->data = dst;

    if (has_alpha) {
        fi->bands = BAND_RGBA;
    } else {
        fi->bands = BAND_RGB;
    fi->width = width;
    fi->height = height;
    fi->pitch = pitch;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 20
static int strio_new(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefStr *src;
    Ref *r = ref_new(fv->cls_strio);

    *vret = vp_Value(r);

    if (fg->stk_top > v + 1) {
        src = Value_vp(v[1]);
    } else {
        src = fs->str_0;
    r->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_STREAM] = vp_Value(bytesio_new_sub(src->c, src->size));
    r->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_TEXTIO] = vp_Value(fv->ref_textio_utf8);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 21
static int conn_memory(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    sqlite3 *conn = NULL;
    Ref *r = fs->ref_new(cls_sqlite);
    int result = sqlite3_open(":memory:", &conn);

    *vret = vp_Value(r);

    if (result != SQLITE_OK || conn == NULL) {
        fs->throw_errorf(mod_sqlite, "SQLiteError", "Cannot connect sqlite (memory)");
        return FALSE;
    r->v[INDEX_SQLITE_CONN] = ptr_Value(conn);
    r->v[INDEX_SQLITE_FUNC] = vp_Value(fs->refarray_new(0));

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 22
static int mapentry_new(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    Ref *r = ref_new(fv->cls_entry);
    *vret = vp_Value(r);
    r->v[INDEX_ENTRY_KEY] = Value_cp(v[1]);
    r->v[INDEX_ENTRY_VAL] = Value_cp(v[2]);
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 23
static int matrix_new(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    const Value *vv = v + 1;
    int size = (fg->stk_top - v) - 1;
    int cols = -1;
    int i;
    RefMatrix *mat;

    // 引数が配列1つで、その配列の最初の要素も配列の場合
    if (size == 1) {
        if (fs->Value_type(v[1]) == fs->cls_list) {
            RefArray *ra = Value_vp(v[1]);
            if (ra->size > 0 && fs->Value_type(ra->p[0]) == fs->cls_list) {
                vv = ra->p;
                size = ra->size;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        const RefNode *v_type = fs->Value_type(vv[i]);
        RefArray *ra;

        if (v_type != fs->cls_list) {
            fs->throw_error_select(THROW_ARGMENT_TYPE__NODE_NODE_INT, fs->cls_list, v_type, i + 1);
            return FALSE;
        ra = Value_vp(vv[i]);
        if (cols == -1) {
            cols = ra->size;
        } else {
            if (cols != ra->size) {
                fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_lang, "ValueError", "List length mismatch");
                return FALSE;
    mat = fs->buf_new(cls_matrix, sizeof(RefMatrix) + sizeof(double) * size * cols);
    *vret = vp_Value(mat);
    mat->rows = size;
    mat->cols = cols;

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        RefArray *ra = Value_vp(vv[i]);
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
            const RefNode *v_type = fs->Value_type(ra->p[j]);
            if (v_type != fs->cls_float && v_type != fs->cls_int && v_type != fs->cls_frac) {
                fs->throw_errorf(fs->mod_lang, "TypeError", "Number required but %n", v_type);
                return FALSE;
            mat->d[i * cols + j] = fs->Value_float(ra->p[j]);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 24
static int matrix_to_list(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    const RefMatrix *mat = Value_vp(*v);
    RefArray *ra = fs->refarray_new(mat->rows);
    int i, j;

    *vret = vp_Value(ra);
    for (i = 0; i < mat->rows; i++) {
        RefArray *ra2 = fs->refarray_new(mat->cols);
        const double *src = &mat->d[i * mat->cols];
        ra->p[i] = vp_Value(ra2);

        for (j = 0; j < mat->cols; j++) {
            ra2->p[j] = fs->float_Value(fs->cls_float, src[j]);
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 25
static int vector_dup(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    const RefVector *src = Value_vp(*v);
    int size = sizeof(RefVector) + sizeof(double) * src->size;
    RefVector *dst = fs->buf_new(cls_vector, size);
    *vret = vp_Value(dst);
    memcpy(dst->d, src->d, size);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 26
void native_timer_new(int millisec, Ref *r)
    UINT_PTR id = SetTimer(NULL, 0, millisec, timeout_callback);
    Value *v_tmp = GuiHash_add_p(&timer_entry, (const void*)id);

    *v_tmp = fs->Value_cp(vp_Value(r));

    r->v[INDEX_TIMER_ID] = int32_Value(id);
Exemplo n.º 27
static int net_getifaddrs(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    RefArray *ra = fs->refarray_new(0);
    *vret = vp_Value(ra);

    if (!getifaddrs_sub(ra)) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 28
static int matrix_dup(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    const RefMatrix *src = Value_vp(*v);
    int size = sizeof(RefMatrix) + sizeof(double) * src->cols * src->rows;
    RefMatrix *dst = fs->buf_new(cls_matrix, size);
    *vret = vp_Value(dst);
    memcpy(dst->d, src->d, size);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 29
int textio_charset(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    Ref *ref = Value_ref(*v);
    RefTextIO *tio = Value_vp(ref->v[INDEX_TEXTIO_TEXTIO]);
    RefCharset *cs = (tio != NULL ? tio->cs : NULL);

    if (cs != NULL) {
        *vret = vp_Value(cs);
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 30
static int vector_to_list(Value *vret, Value *v, RefNode *node)
    int i;
    const RefVector *vec = Value_vp(*v);
    RefArray *ra = fs->refarray_new(vec->size);
    *vret = vp_Value(ra);

    for (i = 0; i < vec->size; i++) {
        ra->p[i] = fs->float_Value(fs->cls_float, vec->d[i]);
    return TRUE;