Exemplo n.º 1
vrpn_Mutex::vrpn_Mutex(const char *name, vrpn_Connection *c)
    : d_connection(c)
    char *servicename;

    servicename = vrpn_copy_service_name(name);

    if (c) {
        d_myId = c->register_sender(servicename);
        d_requestIndex_type = c->register_message_type(requestIndex_type);
        d_requestMutex_type = c->register_message_type(requestMutex_type);
        d_release_type = c->register_message_type(release_type);
        d_releaseNotification_type =
        d_grantRequest_type = c->register_message_type(grantRequest_type);
        d_denyRequest_type = c->register_message_type(denyRequest_type);
        d_initialize_type = c->register_message_type(initialize_type);

    if (servicename) {
      try {
        delete[] servicename;
      } catch (...) {
        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Mutex::vrpn_Mutex(): delete failed\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
vrpn_BaseClass::vrpn_BaseClass (const char * name, vrpn_Connection * c)
    bool firstTimeCalled = (d_connection==NULL);  // has the constructor been called before?
    // note that this might also be true if it was called once before but failed.

    if (firstTimeCalled)
        // Get the connection for this object established. If the user passed in a
        // NULL connection object, then we determine the connection from the name of
        // the object itself (for example, [email protected] will make a
        // connection to the machine mumble on the standard VRPN port).
        // The vrpn_BassClassUnique destructor handles telling the connection we
        // are no longer referring to it.  Since we only add the reference once
        // here (when d_connection is NULL), it is okay for the unique destructor
        // to remove the reference.
        if (c) {	// using existing connection.
            d_connection = c;
        } else {
            // This will implicitly add the reference to the connection.
            d_connection = vrpn_get_connection_by_name(name);

        // Get the part of the name for this device that does not include the connection.
        // The vrpn_BassClassUnique destructor handles the deletion of the space.
        d_servicename = vrpn_copy_service_name(name);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool vrpn_Imager_Stream_Buffer::setup_handlers_for_logging_connection(
    vrpn_Connection *c)
    // Create a vrpn_Imager_Remote on this connection and set its callbacks so
    // that they will do what needs doing; the callbacks point to the
    // Imager_Stream_Buffer object, not to the imager_remote object; access it
    // through the member variable pointer.
    d_imager_remote = new vrpn_Imager_Remote(d_imager_server_name, c);
    if (d_imager_remote == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Imager_Stream_Buffer::setup_handlers_for_logging_"
                        "connection(): Cannot create vrpn_Imager_Remote\n");
        return false;

    // Figure out the remote type IDs from the server for the messages we want
    // to forward.  This is really dangerous, because we need to make sure to
    // explicitly list all the ones we might need.  If we forget an important
    // one (or it gets added later to either the base class or the imager class)
    // then it won't get forwarded.
    d_server_description_m_id =
        c->register_message_type("vrpn_Imager Description");
    d_server_begin_frame_m_id =
        c->register_message_type("vrpn_Imager Begin_Frame");
    d_server_end_frame_m_id = c->register_message_type("vrpn_Imager End_Frame");
    d_server_discarded_frames_m_id =
        c->register_message_type("vrpn_Imager Discarded_Frames");
    d_server_regionu8_m_id = c->register_message_type("vrpn_Imager Regionu8");
    d_server_regionu16_m_id = c->register_message_type("vrpn_Imager Regionu16");
    d_server_regionu12in16_m_id =
        c->register_message_type("vrpn_Imager Regionu12in16");
    d_server_regionf32_m_id = c->register_message_type("vrpn_Imager Regionf32");
    d_server_text_m_id = c->register_message_type("vrpn_Base text_message");
    d_server_ping_m_id = c->register_message_type("vrpn_Base ping_message");
    d_server_pong_m_id = c->register_message_type("vrpn_Base pong_message");

    // Set up handlers for the other messages from the server so that they can
    // be passed on up to the initial thread and on to the client as
    // appropriate.
    // Be sure to strip the "@" part off the device name before registering the
    // sender
    // so that it is the same as the one used by the d_imager_remote.
        vrpn_ANY_TYPE, static_handle_server_messages, this,

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Declare a new text receiver (all objects are text senders)
	// and find out what connection it is using.
	r = new vrpn_Text_Receiver (argv[1]);
	c = r->connectionPtr();

	// Declare the same sender and message types that the BaseClass
	// will use for doing the ping/pong, so we can use the same
	// mechanism.  Register a handler for the pong message, so we
	// can deal with them.
	ping_message_id = c->register_message_type("Server, are you there?");
	pong_message_id = c->register_message_type("Server is here!");
	sender = c->register_sender(vrpn_copy_service_name(argv[1]));
	c->register_handler(pong_message_id, my_pong_handler, NULL, sender);

	// Let the user kill the program "nicely."
	signal(SIGINT, handle_cntl_c);

	// Wait a few seconds (spinning while we do) in order to allow the
	// real pong message to clear from the system.
	struct timeval	then, diff;
	vrpn_gettimeofday(&then, NULL);
	do {
		vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
		diff = vrpn_TimevalDiff(now, then);
	} while ( vrpn_TimevalMsecs(vrpn_TimevalNormalize(diff)) < 2000);

	// Send a new ping request to the server, and start counting how
	// long it takes to respond.
	vrpn_gettimeofday(&last_ping, NULL);
	c->pack_message(0, last_ping, ping_message_id, sender, NULL,

	// Loop forever.
	while (1) {
Exemplo n.º 5
bool vrpn_Imager_Stream_Buffer::teardown_handlers_for_logging_connection(
    vrpn_Connection *c)
    if (!d_imager_remote) {
        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Imager_Stream_Buffer::teardown_handlers_for_"
                        "logging_connection(): No imager remote\n");
        return false;
    if (d_imager_remote->unregister_description_handler(
            this, handle_image_description) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Imager_Stream_Buffer::teardown_handlers_for_"
                        "logging_connection(): Cannot unregister handler\n");
        return false;

    // Tear down handlers for the other messages from the server.
        vrpn_ANY_TYPE, static_handle_server_messages, this,

    delete d_imager_remote;
    d_imager_remote = NULL;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char  default_imager[] = "TestImage@localhost";
    char	*device_name = default_imager;
    char	*logfile_name = NULL;
    int i;

    // Parse the command line.  If there is one argument, it is the device
    // name.  If there is a second, it is a logfile name.
    if (argc >= 2) {
        device_name = argv[1];
    if (argc >= 3) {
        logfile_name = argv[2];
    if (argc > 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [device_name [logfile_name]]\n", argv[0]);

    // In case we end up loading an video from a file, make sure we
    // neither pre-load nor accumulate the images.

    // Say that we've posted a redisplay so that the callback handler
    // for endframe doesn't try to post one before glut is open.
    g_already_posted = true;

    // Create a log file of the video if we've been asked to do logging.
    // This has the side effect of having the imager also use this same
    // connection, because VRPN maps the same connection name to the
    // same one rather than creating a new one.
    if (logfile_name) {
        g_connection = vrpn_get_connection_by_name(device_name, logfile_name);

    // Open the Imager client and set the callback
    // for new data and for information about the size of
    // the image.
    printf("Opening %s\n", device_name);
    g_imager = new vrpn_Imager_Remote(device_name);
    g_imager->register_description_handler(NULL, handle_description_message);
    g_imager->register_region_handler(g_imager, handle_region_change);
    g_imager->register_discarded_frames_handler(NULL, handle_discarded_frames);
    g_imager->register_end_frame_handler(g_imager, handle_end_of_frame);

    printf("Waiting to hear the image dimensions...\n");
    while (!g_got_dimensions) {

    // Because the vrpn_Imager server doesn't follow "The VRPN Way" in that
    // it will continue to attempt to flood the network with more data than
    // can be sent, we need to tell the client's connection to stop handling
    // incoming messages after some finite number, to avoid getting stuck down
    // in the imager's mainloop() and never returning control to the main
    // program.  This strange-named function does this for us.  If the camera
    // is not sending too many messages for the network, this should not have
    // any effect.

    // Allocate memory for the image and clear it, so that things that
    // don't get filled in will be black.
    if ( (g_image = new unsigned char[g_Xdim * g_Ydim * 3]) == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory when allocating image!\n");
        return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < g_Xdim * g_Ydim * 3; i++) {
        g_image[i] = 0;
    g_ready_for_region = true;
    printf("Receiving images at size %dx%d\n", g_Xdim, g_Ydim);
    printf("Press '0'-'9' in OpenGL window to throttle incoming images.\n");
    printf("Press '-' to disable throttling.\n");
    printf("Press 'a' to enable/disable autoscaling of brightness.\n");
    printf("Press 'q' or 'Q' or ESC to quit.\n");

    // Initialize GLUT and create the window that will display the
    // video -- name the window after the device that has been
    // opened in VRPN.
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH);
    glutInitWindowSize(g_Xdim, g_Ydim);
    glutInitWindowPosition(100, 100);

    // Set the display function and idle function for GLUT (they
    // will do all the work) and then give control over to GLUT.

    // Clean up objects and return.  This code is never called because
    // glutMainLoop() never returns.
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char	*device_name = "TestImage@localhost:4511";
  int	i;

  // Initialize GLUT so that it fixes the command-line arguments.

  glutInit(&argc, argv);

  // Read command-line arguments for the program.

  switch (argc) {
  case 1: break;
  case 2:
    device_name = argv[1];
    fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [device_to_connect_to]\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr,"       device_to_connect_to: Default TestImage@localhost:4511\n");

  // Generic Tcl startup.  Getting and interpreter and mainwindow.

  char		command[256];
  Tcl_Interp	*tk_control_interp;
  Tk_Window     tk_control_window;
  tk_control_interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();

  /* Start a Tcl interpreter */
  if (Tcl_Init(tk_control_interp) == TCL_ERROR) {
                  "Tcl_Init failed: %s\n",tk_control_interp->result);

  /* Start a Tk mainwindow to hold the widgets */
  if (Tk_Init(tk_control_interp) == TCL_ERROR) {
	  "Tk_Init failed: %s\n",tk_control_interp->result);
  tk_control_window = Tk_MainWindow(tk_control_interp);
  if (tk_control_window == NULL) {
          fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", tk_control_interp->result);

  // Loading the particular definition files we need.  russ_widgets is
  // required by the Tclvar_float_with_scale class.  simple_magnet_drive
  // is application-specific and sets up the controls for the integer
  // and float variables.

  /* Load the Tcl scripts that handle widget definition and
   * variable controls */
  sprintf(command, "source russ_widgets.tcl");
  if (Tcl_Eval(tk_control_interp, command) != TCL_OK) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Tcl_Eval(%s) failed: %s\n", command,

  // Put the version number into the main window.
  sprintf(command, "label .versionlabel -text Argonot_v:_%s", Version_string);
  if (Tcl_Eval(tk_control_interp, command) != TCL_OK) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Tcl_Eval(%s) failed: %s\n", command,
  sprintf(command, "pack .versionlabel");
  if (Tcl_Eval(tk_control_interp, command) != TCL_OK) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Tcl_Eval(%s) failed: %s\n", command,

  // This routine must be called in order to initialize all of the
  // variables that came into scope before the interpreter was set
  // up, and to tell the variables which interpreter to use.  It is
  // called once, after the interpreter exists.

  // Initialize the variables using the interpreter
  if (Tclvar_init(tk_control_interp)) {
	  fprintf(stderr,"Can't do init!\n");
	  return -1;

  // Open the Imager client and set the callback
  // for new data and for information about the size of
  // the image.
  printf("Opening %s\n", device_name);
  g_ti = new vrpn_Imager_Remote(device_name);
  g_ti->register_description_handler(NULL, handle_description_message);
  g_ti->register_region_handler(NULL, handle_region_change);

  printf("Waiting to hear the image dimensions...\n");
  while (!g_got_dimensions) {
  if ( (g_image = new unsigned char[g_ti->nCols() * g_ti->nRows() * 3]) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory when allocating image!\n");
    return -1;
  if ( (g_background = new int[g_ti->nCols() * g_ti->nRows()]) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory when allocating image!\n");
    return -1;
  for (i = 0; i < g_ti->nCols() * g_ti->nRows(); i++) {
    g_background[i] = 0;
  g_ready_for_region = true;
  printf("Receiving images at size %dx%d\n", g_ti->nCols(), g_ti->nRows());

  // Initialize GLUT display modes and create the window that will display the
  // video -- name the window after the device that has been
  // opened in VRPN.

  glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH);
  glutInitWindowSize(g_ti->nCols(), g_ti->nRows());
  glutInitWindowPosition(100, 100);
  g_window_id = glutCreateWindow(vrpn_copy_service_name(device_name));
  // Set the display function and idle function for GLUT (they
  // will do all the work) and then give control over to GLUT.

  // Clean up objects and return.
  return 0;