Exemplo n.º 1
 * Initializes the temperature sensor.
 * This method is called when the sensor is first created and also any time the sensor reports it's disconnected.
 * If the result is TEMP_SENSOR_DISCONNECTED then subsequent calls to read() will also return TEMP_SENSOR_DISCONNECTED.
 * Clients should attempt to re-initialize the sensor by calling init() again. 
bool OneWireTempSensor::init(){

	// save address and pinNr for log messages
	char addressString[17];
	printBytes(sensorAddress, 8, addressString);
	uint8_t pinNr = oneWire->pinNr();

	bool success = false;

	if (sensor==NULL) {
		sensor = new DallasTemperature(oneWire);
		if (sensor==NULL) {
			logErrorString(ERROR_SRAM_SENSOR, addressString);
	logDebug("init onewire sensor");
	// This quickly tests if the sensor is connected and initializes the reset detection.
	// During the main TempControl loop, we don't want to spend many seconds
	// scanning each sensor since this brings things to a halt.
	if (sensor && sensor->initConnection(sensorAddress) && requestConversion()) {
		logDebug("init onewire sensor - wait for conversion");
		temperature temp = readAndConstrainTemp();
		DEBUG_ONLY(logInfoIntStringTemp(INFO_TEMP_SENSOR_INITIALIZED, pinNr, addressString, temp));
		success = temp!=DEVICE_DISCONNECTED && requestConversion();
	logDebug("init onewire sensor complete %d", success);
	return success;
Exemplo n.º 2
int myAnalogRead (struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node, int chan)
  unsigned char config ;
  unsigned char buffer [4] ;
  int value = 0 ;
  int realChan = (chan & 3) - node->pinBase ;

// One-shot mode, trigger plus the other configs.

  config = 0x80 | (realChan << 5) | (node->data0 << 2) | (node->data1) ;
  wiringPiI2CWrite (node->fd, config) ;

  switch (node->data0)	// Sample rate
    case MCP3422_SR_3_75:			// 18 bits
      waitForConversion (node->fd, &buffer [0], 4) ;
      value = ((buffer [0] & 3) << 16) | (buffer [1] << 8) | buffer [2] ;
      break ;

    case MCP3422_SR_15:				// 16 bits
      waitForConversion (node->fd, buffer, 3) ;
      value = (buffer [0] << 8) | buffer [1] ;
      break ;

    case MCP3422_SR_60:				// 14 bits
      waitForConversion (node->fd, buffer, 3) ;
      value = ((buffer [0] & 0x3F) << 8) | buffer [1] ;
      break ;

    case MCP3422_SR_240:			// 12 bits - default
      waitForConversion (node->fd, buffer, 3) ;
      value = ((buffer [0] & 0x0F) << 8) | buffer [1] ;
      break ;

  return value ;
 * Initializes the temperature sensor.
 * This method is called when the sensor is first created and also any time the sensor reports it's disconnected.
 * If the result is TEMP_SENSOR_DISCONNECTED then subsequent calls to read() will also return TEMP_SENSOR_DISCONNECTED.
 * Clients should attempt to re-initialize the sensor by calling init() again. 
bool OneWireTempSensor::init() {

    // save address and pinNr for log messages
    char addressString[17];
    printBytes(sensorAddress, 8, addressString);
    uint8_t pinNr = oneWire->pinNr();

    bool success = false;

    if (sensor == NULL) {
        sensor = new DallasTemperature(oneWire);
        if (sensor == NULL) {
            logErrorString(ERROR_SRAM_SENSOR, addressString);

    logDebug("init onewire sensor");
    // This quickly tests if the sensor is connected and initializes the reset detection if necessary.
    if (sensor){
        // If this is the first conversion after power on, the device will return DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_RAW
        // Because HIGH_ALARM_TEMP will be copied from EEPROM
        int16_t temp = sensor->getTempRaw(sensorAddress);
        if(temp == DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_RAW){
            // Device was just powered on and should be initialized
                temp = sensor->getTempRaw(sensorAddress);            
        DEBUG_ONLY(logInfoIntStringTemp(INFO_TEMP_SENSOR_INITIALIZED, pinNr, addressString, temp));
        success = temp != DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_RAW;
            requestConversion(); // piggyback request for a new conversion
    logDebug("init onewire sensor complete %d", success);
    return success;