Exemplo n.º 1
void turnPointLeft (float mRot, float mRotPerSec)
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(5, "TPL(%.2f,%.2f)",
		mRot, mRotPerSec);

	if (moveModeType != MMAllMoveTypes
	      && moveModeType != MMTurnsOnly
	      && moveModeType != MMPointTurnsOnly) {

	if (moveModeTiming == MMOneMoveAtATime) {

	if (stepThroughMode == stepThroughModeOn) {

	checkParameterRange(mRot, mRotPerSec);

	int leftWheelInitial = nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor];
	int rightWheelInitial = nMotorEncoder[rightWheelMotor];
	int leftWheelTarget = nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor] - 360 * mRot;
	int rightWheelTarget = nMotorEncoder[rightWheelMotor] + 360 * mRot;


	float motorPower = revolutionsPerSecondToMotorPower(mRotPerSec);
	motor[leftWheelMotor] = -1 * motorPower;
	motor[rightWheelMotor] = motorPower;

	while ((nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor] > leftWheelTarget)
		&& (nMotorEncoder[rightWheelMotor] < rightWheelTarget))
		nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(7, "%d", nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor]);

	motor[leftWheelMotor] = 0;
	motor[rightWheelMotor] = 0;

	int leftWheelChange = nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor] - leftWheelInitial;
	int rightWheelChange = nMotorEncoder[rightWheelMotor] - rightWheelInitial;
	float revolutionsWheelsRotated =
	  ((float) ( abs(leftWheelChange) > abs(rightWheelChange) ?
	                leftWheelChange : rightWheelChange ))
	        / 360.0;

	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(2, "TPL(%.2f,%.2f)",
		mRot, mRotPerSec);
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(3, "%.2frev %.2fsec",
	  (float) revolutionsWheelsRotated, (float) time10(T1) / 100);
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(5, "");
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(7, "");
void ECCalibrateScreen::dryCalibration()

	myUTFT.setColor(255, 0, 0);
	myUTFT.fillRect(0, 0, 220, 13);
	myUTFT.setColor(255, 255, 255);
	myUTFT.setBackColor(255, 0, 0);
	myUTFT.drawLine(0, 14, 320, 14);
	myUTFT.print("EC Calibration", CENTER, 1);
	myUTFT.setBackColor(0, 0, 0);

	myUTFT.print("Do NOT put sensor in any Liquid you are", LEFT, 30);
	myUTFT.print("going to calibrate for a dry condition", LEFT, 42);
	myUTFT.print("This is much like setting a TARE on a", LEFT, 54);
	myUTFT.print("scale", LEFT, 66);
	myUTFT.print("", LEFT, 78);
	myUTFT.print("Please make sure that the EC sensor is", LEFT, 90);
	myUTFT.print("connected to the BNC connector before", LEFT, 102);
	myUTFT.print("you continue", LEFT, 114);
	//myUTFT.print("crosshairs in sequence.", LEFT, 126);
	myUTFT.print("Touch screen to continue", CENTER, 162);


	inputstring = "Z0\r";  //Command to get info
	Serial3.print(inputstring); //send command to sensor.

void ECCalibrateScreen::highCalibration()
	myUTFT.setColor(255, 0, 0);
	myUTFT.fillRect(0, 0, 220, 13);
	myUTFT.setColor(255, 255, 255);
	myUTFT.setBackColor(255, 0, 0);
	myUTFT.drawLine(0, 14, 320, 14);
	myUTFT.print("EC Calibration", CENTER, 1);
	myUTFT.setBackColor(0, 0, 0);

	myUTFT.print("Calibrate now with the high side liquid", LEFT, 30);
	myUTFT.print("Place the sensor in the 3,000Us ", LEFT, 42);
	myUTFT.print("calibration liquid. This process", LEFT, 54);
	myUTFT.print("will take 5 minutes to complete", LEFT, 66);
	myUTFT.print("Wait for process to finish before ", LEFT, 78);
	myUTFT.print("removing the sensor from the liquid", LEFT, 90);
	myUTFT.print("", LEFT, 102);
	myUTFT.print("************************************", LEFT, 114);
	myUTFT.print("Touch screen to continue", CENTER, 162);


	inputstring = "C\r";  //set in continious mode

	String thisSt = String(iSeconds);
	myUTFT.print("Calibration in Progress", CENTER, 30);
	myUTFT.print("Seconds left until ready " + thisSt, CENTER, 42);
	simpleTimer.setTimer(3000, updateWaitScreen, /*100*/ 4); //Update screen every 3 seconds for 5 minues.

* @fn      TouchScreen
* @brief   Main Function, called by App_Layer to get the co-ordinates (touched or not) of TouchScreen.
* @param   none
* @return  none
void TouchScreen(void)
	Initialize_TouchScreen();               // Initialize device
	waitForTouch();                         // Wait for touch on screen
	touched = 1;                            // Screen is touched
	{                                       // Loop while screen is touched
		readXY();                             // Get X,Y coordinates index 0
		// Take 2 values and see the difference between them.
		// If value is greater than 5 steps, discard packet.
		// This code is designed to take a majority vote of 2 packets.
		if(x > 1100 && x < 4600 && y > 700 && y < 5300)
				sendData(x,y);                // Send data to host
Exemplo n.º 5
void movesStart (WaitFor waitForRoutine, float waitForParam)
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(5, "Starting");

	if (moveModeTiming == MMOneMoveAtATime || stepThroughMode == stepThroughModeOn) {
	} else {
		switch (waitForRoutine) {
		case WFTouch:
		case WFLoud:
		case WFTime:
		case WFNothing:
Exemplo n.º 6
* Arc turn has the center point to the left or right of the wheel in line
* with the axel.  The idea is that the Rotations Per Second difference is
* the ratio between the outside and inside circle circumference.
* The only reason we really ask for both wheel numbers is to facilitate
* the teaching of algebra concepts.  A more useful function would just
* use the robot dimensions and the number of degrees to turn.
* There isn't a left and right function because the only difference is which
* wheel has to travel the furthest distance.
void turnArcBackwards (float mRotLeft, float mRotLeftPerSec, float mRotRight, float mRotRightPerSec) {

  nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(5, "TAL(%.2f,%.2f)",mRotLeft, mRotLeftPerSec);
  nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(6, "TAL(%.2f,%.2f)",mRotRight, mRotRightPerSec);

	if (moveModeType != MMAllMoveTypes
	      && moveModeType != MMTurnsOnly
	      && moveModeType != MMArcTurnsOnly) {

	if (moveModeTiming == MMOneMoveAtATime) {

	if (stepThroughMode == stepThroughModeOn) {

	checkParameterRange(mRotLeft, mRotLeftPerSec);
	checkParameterRange(mRotRight, mRotRightPerSec);

	int leftWheelInitial = nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor];
	int leftWheelTarget = nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor] - 360 * mRotLeft;
	int rightWheelInitial = nMotorEncoder[rightWheelMotor];
	int rightWheelTarget = nMotorEncoder[rightWheelMotor] - 360 * mRotRight;

	float leftMotorPower = revolutionsPerSecondToMotorPower(mRotLeftPerSec);
	float rightMotorPower = revolutionsPerSecondToMotorPower(mRotRightPerSec);
	motor[leftWheelMotor] = -1 * leftMotorPower;
	motor[rightWheelMotor] = -1 * rightMotorPower;

	while ( (nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor] > leftWheelTarget) &&
		(nMotorEncoder[rightWheelMotor] > rightWheelTarget) )
		nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(7, "%d", nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor]);

	motor[leftWheelMotor] = 0;
	motor[rightWheelMotor] = 0;

	int leftWheelChange = nMotorEncoder[leftWheelMotor] - leftWheelInitial;
	float revolutionsWheelsRotatedLeft = ((float) leftWheelChange) / 360.0;
	int rightWheelChange = nMotorEncoder[rightWheelMotor] - rightWheelInitial;
	float revolutionsWheelsRotatedRight = ((float) rightWheelChange) / 360.0;
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(2, "TAL(%.2f,%.2f)",
		mRotLeft, mRotLeftPerSec);
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(3, "%.2frev %.2fsec",
	  (float) revolutionsWheelsRotatedLeft, (float) time10(T1) / 100);
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(4, "TAL(%.2f,%.2f)",
		mRotRight, mRotRightPerSec);
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(5, "%.2frev %.2fsec",
	  (float) revolutionsWheelsRotatedRight, (float) time10(T1) / 100);
	  nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(6, "");
	nxtDisplayCenteredTextLine(7, "");
