Exemplo n.º 1
    void WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch( const BatchedCommandRequest& request,
                                           BatchedCommandResponse* response ) {

        // Validate namespace
        const NamespaceString nss = NamespaceString( request.getNS() );
        if ( !nss.isValid() ) {
            toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace,
                                  nss.ns() + " is not a valid namespace" ),
                          response );

        // Make sure we can write to the namespace
        Status allowedStatus = userAllowedWriteNS( nss );
        if ( !allowedStatus.isOK() ) {
            toBatchError( allowedStatus, response );

        // Validate insert index requests
        // TODO: Push insert index requests through createIndex once all upgrade paths support it
        string errMsg;
        if ( request.isInsertIndexRequest() && !request.isValidIndexRequest( &errMsg ) ) {
            toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, errMsg ), response );

        // Validate write concern
        // TODO: Lift write concern parsing out of this entirely
        WriteConcernOptions writeConcern;

        BSONObj wcDoc;
        if ( request.isWriteConcernSet() ) {
            wcDoc = request.getWriteConcern();

        Status wcStatus = Status::OK();
        if ( wcDoc.isEmpty() ) {

            // The default write concern if empty is w : 1
            // Specifying w : 0 is/was allowed, but is interpreted identically to w : 1

            wcStatus = writeConcern.parse(
                _defaultWriteConcern.isEmpty() ?
                    WriteConcernOptions::Acknowledged : _defaultWriteConcern );

            if ( writeConcern.wNumNodes == 0 && writeConcern.wMode.empty() ) {
                writeConcern.wNumNodes = 1;
        else {
            wcStatus = writeConcern.parse( wcDoc );

        if ( wcStatus.isOK() ) {
            wcStatus = validateWriteConcern( writeConcern );

        if ( !wcStatus.isOK() ) {
            toBatchError( wcStatus, response );

        if ( request.sizeWriteOps() == 0u ) {
            toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidLength,
                                  "no write ops were included in the batch" ),
                          response );

        // Validate batch size
        if ( request.sizeWriteOps() > BatchedCommandRequest::kMaxWriteBatchSize ) {
            toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidLength,
                                  stream() << "exceeded maximum write batch size of "
                                           << BatchedCommandRequest::kMaxWriteBatchSize ),
                          response );

        // End validation

        bool silentWC = writeConcern.wMode.empty() && writeConcern.wNumNodes == 0
                        && writeConcern.syncMode == WriteConcernOptions::NONE;

        Timer commandTimer;

        OwnedPointerVector<WriteErrorDetail> writeErrorsOwned;
        vector<WriteErrorDetail*>& writeErrors = writeErrorsOwned.mutableVector();

        OwnedPointerVector<BatchedUpsertDetail> upsertedOwned;
        vector<BatchedUpsertDetail*>& upserted = upsertedOwned.mutableVector();

        // Apply each batch item, possibly bulking some items together in the write lock.
        // Stops on error if batch is ordered.

        bulkExecute( request, &upserted, &writeErrors );

        // Try to enforce the write concern if everything succeeded (unordered or ordered)
        // OR if something succeeded and we're unordered.

        auto_ptr<WCErrorDetail> wcError;
        bool needToEnforceWC = writeErrors.empty()
                               || ( !request.getOrdered()
                                    && writeErrors.size() < request.sizeWriteOps() );

        if ( needToEnforceWC ) {

            _client->curop()->setMessage( "waiting for write concern" );

            WriteConcernResult res;
            Status status = waitForWriteConcern( _txn, writeConcern, _client->getLastOp(), &res );

            if ( !status.isOK() ) {
                wcError.reset( toWriteConcernError( status, res ) );

        // Refresh metadata if needed

        bool staleBatch = !writeErrors.empty()
                          && writeErrors.back()->getErrCode() == ErrorCodes::StaleShardVersion;

        if ( staleBatch ) {

            const BatchedRequestMetadata* requestMetadata = request.getMetadata();
            dassert( requestMetadata );

            // Make sure our shard name is set or is the same as what was set previously
            if ( shardingState.setShardName( requestMetadata->getShardName() ) ) {

                // First, we refresh metadata if we need to based on the requested version.

                ChunkVersion latestShardVersion;
                shardingState.refreshMetadataIfNeeded( request.getTargetingNS(),
                                                       &latestShardVersion );

                // Report if we're still changing our metadata
                // TODO: Better reporting per-collection
                if ( shardingState.inCriticalMigrateSection() ) {
                    noteInCriticalSection( writeErrors.back() );

                if ( queueForMigrationCommit ) {

                    // Queue up for migration to end - this allows us to be sure that clients will
                    // not repeatedly try to refresh metadata that is not yet written to the config
                    // server.  Not necessary for correctness.
                    // Exposed as optional parameter to allow testing of queuing behavior with
                    // different network timings.

                    const ChunkVersion& requestShardVersion = requestMetadata->getShardVersion();

                    // Only wait if we're an older version (in the current collection epoch) and
                    // we're not write compatible, implying that the current migration is affecting
                    // writes.

                    if ( requestShardVersion.isOlderThan( latestShardVersion ) &&
                         !requestShardVersion.isWriteCompatibleWith( latestShardVersion ) ) {

                        while ( shardingState.inCriticalMigrateSection() ) {

                            log() << "write request to old shard version "
                                  << requestMetadata->getShardVersion().toString()
                                  << " waiting for migration commit" << endl;

                            shardingState.waitTillNotInCriticalSection( 10 /* secs */);
            else {
                // If our shard name is stale, our version must have been stale as well
                dassert( writeErrors.size() == request.sizeWriteOps() );

        // Construct response

        response->setOk( true );

        if ( !silentWC ) {

            if ( upserted.size() ) {
                response->setUpsertDetails( upserted );

            if ( writeErrors.size() ) {
                response->setErrDetails( writeErrors );

            if ( wcError.get() ) {
                response->setWriteConcernError( wcError.release() );

            const repl::ReplicationCoordinator::Mode replMode =
            if (replMode != repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeNone) {
                response->setLastOp( _client->getLastOp() );
                if (replMode == repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeReplSet) {

            // Set the stats for the response
            response->setN( _stats->numInserted + _stats->numUpserted + _stats->numMatched
                            + _stats->numDeleted );
            if ( request.getBatchType() == BatchedCommandRequest::BatchType_Update )
                response->setNModified( _stats->numModified );

        dassert( response->isValid( NULL ) );
Exemplo n.º 2
        bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname,
                  BSONObj& cmdObj,
                  string& errmsg,
                  BSONObjBuilder& result,
                  bool fromRepl ) {

            // Correct behavior here is very finicky.
            // 1.  The first step is to append the error that occurred on the previous operation.
            // This adds an "err" field to the command, which is *not* the command failing.
            // 2.  Next we parse and validate write concern options.  If these options are invalid
            // the command fails no matter what, even if we actually had an error earlier.  The
            // reason for checking here is to match legacy behavior on these kind of failures -
            // we'll still get an "err" field for the write error.
            // 3.  If we had an error on the previous operation, we then return immediately.
            // 4.  Finally, we actually enforce the write concern.  All errors *except* timeout are
            // reported with ok : 0.0, to match legacy behavior.
            // There is a special case when "wOpTime" and "wElectionId" are explicitly provided by 
            // the client (mongos) - in this case we *only* enforce the write concern if it is 
            // valid.
            // We always need to either report "err" (if ok : 1) or "errmsg" (if ok : 0), even if
            // err is null.

            LastError *le = lastError.disableForCommand();

            // Always append lastOp and connectionId
            Client& c = cc();
            c.appendLastOp( result );

            // for sharding; also useful in general for debugging
            result.appendNumber( "connectionId" , c.getConnectionId() );

            OpTime lastOpTime;
            BSONField<OpTime> wOpTimeField("wOpTime");
            FieldParser::FieldState extracted = FieldParser::extract(cmdObj, wOpTimeField, 
                                                                     &lastOpTime, &errmsg);
            if (!extracted) {
                result.append("badGLE", cmdObj);
                appendCommandStatus(result, false, errmsg);
                return false;
            bool lastOpTimePresent = extracted != FieldParser::FIELD_NONE;
            if (!lastOpTimePresent) {
                // Use the client opTime if no wOpTime is specified
                lastOpTime = cc().getLastOp();
            OID electionId;
            BSONField<OID> wElectionIdField("wElectionId");
            extracted = FieldParser::extract(cmdObj, wElectionIdField, 
                                             &electionId, &errmsg);
            if (!extracted) {
                result.append("badGLE", cmdObj);
                appendCommandStatus(result, false, errmsg);
                return false;

            bool electionIdPresent = extracted != FieldParser::FIELD_NONE;
            bool errorOccurred = false;

            // Errors aren't reported when wOpTime is used
            if ( !lastOpTimePresent ) {
                if ( le->nPrev != 1 ) {
                    errorOccurred = LastError::noError.appendSelf( result, false );
                    le->appendSelfStatus( result );
                else {
                    errorOccurred = le->appendSelf( result, false );

            BSONObj writeConcernDoc = cmdObj;
            // Use the default options if we have no gle options aside from wOpTime/wElectionId
            const int nFields = cmdObj.nFields();
            bool useDefaultGLEOptions = (nFields == 1) || 
                (nFields == 2 && lastOpTimePresent) ||
                (nFields == 3 && lastOpTimePresent && electionIdPresent);

            if (useDefaultGLEOptions) {
                BSONObj getLastErrorDefault =
                if (!getLastErrorDefault.isEmpty()) {
                    writeConcernDoc = getLastErrorDefault;

            // Validate write concern no matter what, this matches 2.4 behavior

            WriteConcernOptions writeConcern;
            Status status = writeConcern.parse( writeConcernDoc );

            if ( status.isOK() ) {
                // Ensure options are valid for this host
                status = validateWriteConcern( writeConcern );

            if ( !status.isOK() ) {
                result.append( "badGLE", writeConcernDoc );
                return appendCommandStatus( result, status );

            // Don't wait for replication if there was an error reported - this matches 2.4 behavior
            if ( errorOccurred ) {
                dassert( !lastOpTimePresent );
                return true;

            // No error occurred, so we won't duplicate these fields with write concern errors
            dassert( result.asTempObj()["err"].eoo() );
            dassert( result.asTempObj()["code"].eoo() );

            // If we got an electionId, make sure it matches
            if (electionIdPresent) {
                if (repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->getReplicationMode() !=
                        repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeReplSet) {
                    // Ignore electionIds of 0 from mongos.
                    if (electionId != OID()) {
                        errmsg = "wElectionId passed but no replication active";
                        result.append("code", ErrorCodes::BadValue);
                        return false;
                else {
                    if (electionId != repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->getElectionId()) {
                        LOG(3) << "oid passed in is " << electionId
                               << ", but our id is "
                               << repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->getElectionId();
                        errmsg = "election occurred after write";
                        result.append("code", ErrorCodes::WriteConcernFailed);
                        return false;

            txn->setMessage( "waiting for write concern" );

            WriteConcernResult wcResult;
            status = waitForWriteConcern( txn, writeConcern, lastOpTime, &wcResult );
            wcResult.appendTo( writeConcern, &result );

            // For backward compatibility with 2.4, wtimeout returns ok : 1.0
            if ( wcResult.wTimedOut ) {
                dassert( !wcResult.err.empty() ); // so we always report err
                dassert( !status.isOK() );
                result.append( "errmsg", "timed out waiting for slaves" );
                result.append( "code", status.code() );
                return true;

            return appendCommandStatus( result, status );
Exemplo n.º 3
boost::optional<Date_t> CollectionRangeDeleter::cleanUpNextRange(
    OperationContext* opCtx,
    NamespaceString const& nss,
    OID const& epoch,
    int maxToDelete,
    CollectionRangeDeleter* forTestOnly) {

    if (maxToDelete <= 0) {
        maxToDelete = rangeDeleterBatchSize.load();
        if (maxToDelete <= 0) {
            maxToDelete = std::max(int(internalQueryExecYieldIterations.load()), 1);

    StatusWith<int> wrote = 0;

    auto range = boost::optional<ChunkRange>(boost::none);
    auto notification = DeleteNotification();

        UninterruptibleLockGuard noInterrupt(opCtx->lockState());
        AutoGetCollection autoColl(opCtx, nss, MODE_IX);
        auto* const collection = autoColl.getCollection();
        auto* const csr = CollectionShardingRuntime::get(opCtx, nss);
        auto& metadataManager = csr->_metadataManager;

        if (!_checkCollectionMetadataStillValid(
                opCtx, nss, epoch, forTestOnly, collection, metadataManager)) {
            return boost::none;

        auto* const self = forTestOnly ? forTestOnly : &metadataManager->_rangesToClean;

        bool writeOpLog = false;

            stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> scopedLock(csr->_metadataManager->_managerLock);
            if (self->isEmpty()) {
                LOG(1) << "No further range deletions scheduled on " << nss.ns();
                return boost::none;

            auto& orphans = self->_orphans;
            if (orphans.empty()) {
                // We have delayed deletions; see if any are ready.
                auto& df = self->_delayedOrphans.front();
                if (df.whenToDelete > Date_t::now()) {
                    LOG(0) << "Deferring deletion of " << nss.ns() << " range "
                           << redact(df.range.toString()) << " until " << df.whenToDelete;
                    return df.whenToDelete;

                // Move a single range from _delayedOrphans to _orphans
                orphans.splice(orphans.end(), self->_delayedOrphans, self->_delayedOrphans.begin());
                LOG(1) << "Proceeding with deferred deletion of " << nss.ns() << " range "
                       << redact(orphans.front().range.toString());

                writeOpLog = true;

            const auto& frontRange = orphans.front().range;
            range.emplace(frontRange.getMin().getOwned(), frontRange.getMax().getOwned());
            notification = orphans.front().notification;


        if (writeOpLog) {
            // Secondaries will watch for this update, and kill any queries that may depend on
            // documents in the range -- excepting any queries with a read-concern option
            // 'ignoreChunkMigration'
            try {
                AutoGetCollection autoAdmin(
                    opCtx, NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace, MODE_IX);

                                     << "startRangeDeletion"
                                     << "ns"
                                     << nss.ns()
                                     << "epoch"
                                     << epoch
                                     << "min"
                                     << range->getMin()
                                     << "max"
                                     << range->getMax()));
            } catch (const DBException& e) {
                stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> scopedLock(csr->_metadataManager->_managerLock);
                    e.toStatus("cannot push startRangeDeletion record to Op Log,"
                               " abandoning scheduled range deletions"));
                return boost::none;

        const auto scopedCollectionMetadata =
            metadataManager->getActiveMetadata(metadataManager, boost::none);
        const auto& metadata = *scopedCollectionMetadata;

        try {
            wrote = self->_doDeletion(
                opCtx, collection, metadata->getKeyPattern(), *range, maxToDelete);
        } catch (const DBException& e) {
            wrote = e.toStatus();
            warning() << e.what();
    }  // drop autoColl

    if (!wrote.isOK() || wrote.getValue() == 0) {
        if (wrote.isOK()) {
            LOG(0) << "No documents remain to delete in " << nss << " range "
                   << redact(range->toString());

        // Wait for majority replication even when wrote isn't OK or == 0, because it might have
        // been OK and/or > 0 previously, and the deletions must be persistent before notifying
        // clients in _pop().

        LOG(0) << "Waiting for majority replication of local deletions in " << nss.ns() << " range "
               << redact(range->toString());

        const auto clientOpTime = repl::ReplClientInfo::forClient(opCtx->getClient()).getLastOp();

        // Wait for replication outside the lock
        const auto replicationStatus = [&] {
            try {
                WriteConcernResult unusedWCResult;
                return waitForWriteConcern(
                    opCtx, clientOpTime, kMajorityWriteConcern, &unusedWCResult);
            } catch (const DBException& e) {
                return e.toStatus();

        // Get the lock again to finish off this range (including notifying, if necessary).
        // Don't allow lock interrupts while cleaning up.
        UninterruptibleLockGuard noInterrupt(opCtx->lockState());
        AutoGetCollection autoColl(opCtx, nss, MODE_IX);
        auto* const collection = autoColl.getCollection();
        auto* const csr = CollectionShardingRuntime::get(opCtx, nss);
        auto& metadataManager = csr->_metadataManager;

        if (!_checkCollectionMetadataStillValid(
                opCtx, nss, epoch, forTestOnly, collection, metadataManager)) {
            return boost::none;

        auto* const self = forTestOnly ? forTestOnly : &metadataManager->_rangesToClean;

        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> scopedLock(csr->_metadataManager->_managerLock);

        if (!replicationStatus.isOK()) {
            LOG(0) << "Error when waiting for write concern after removing " << nss << " range "
                   << redact(range->toString()) << " : " << redact(replicationStatus.reason());

            // If range were already popped (e.g. by dropping nss during the waitForWriteConcern
            // above) its notification would have been triggered, so this check suffices to ensure
            // that it is safe to pop the range here
            if (!notification.ready()) {
                invariant(!self->isEmpty() && self->_orphans.front().notification == notification);
                LOG(0) << "Abandoning deletion of latest range in " << nss.ns() << " after local "
                       << "deletions because of replication failure";
        } else {
            LOG(0) << "Finished deleting documents in " << nss.ns() << " range "
                   << redact(range->toString());


        if (!self->_orphans.empty()) {
            LOG(1) << "Deleting " << nss.ns() << " range "
                   << redact(self->_orphans.front().range.toString()) << " next.";

        return Date_t::now() + Milliseconds(rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS.load());

    invariant(wrote.getValue() > 0);

    return Date_t::now() + Milliseconds(rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS.load());
 * Outline:
 * 1. Get oplog with session info from the source shard.
 * 2. For each oplog entry, convert to type 'n' if not yet type 'n' while preserving all info
 *    needed for retryable writes.
 * 3. Also update the sessionCatalog for every oplog entry.
 * 4. Once the source shard returned an empty oplog buffer, it means that this should enter
 *    ReadyToCommit state and wait for the commit signal (by calling finish()).
 * 5. Once finish() is called, keep on trying to get more oplog from the source shard until it
 *    returns an empty result again.
 * 6. Wait for writes to be committed to majority of the replica set.
void SessionCatalogMigrationDestination::_retrieveSessionStateFromSource(ServiceContext* service) {
        "sessionCatalogMigration-" + _migrationSessionId.toString(), service, nullptr);

    auto uniqueCtx = cc().makeOperationContext();
    auto opCtx = uniqueCtx.get();

    bool oplogDrainedAfterCommiting = false;
    ProcessOplogResult lastResult;
    repl::OpTime lastOpTimeWaited;

    while (true) {
            stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);
            if (_state == State::ErrorOccurred) {

        try {
            auto nextBatch = getNextSessionOplogBatch(opCtx, _fromShard, _migrationSessionId);
            BSONArray oplogArray(nextBatch[kOplogField].Obj());
            BSONArrayIteratorSorted oplogIter(oplogArray);

            if (!oplogIter.more()) {
                    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);
                    if (_state == State::Committing) {
                        // The migration is considered done only when it gets an empty result from
                        // the source shard while this is in state committing. This is to make sure
                        // that it doesn't miss any new oplog created between the time window where
                        // this depleted the buffer from the source shard and receiving the commit
                        // command.
                        if (oplogDrainedAfterCommiting) {

                        oplogDrainedAfterCommiting = true;

                WriteConcernResult wcResult;
                auto wcStatus =
                    waitForWriteConcern(opCtx, lastResult.oplogTime, kMajorityWC, &wcResult);
                if (!wcStatus.isOK()) {

                // We depleted the buffer at least once, transition to ready for commit.
                    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);
                    // Note: only transition to "ready to commit" if state is not error/force stop.
                    if (_state == State::Migrating) {
                        _state = State::ReadyToCommit;

                if (lastOpTimeWaited == lastResult.oplogTime) {
                    // We got an empty result at least twice in a row from the source shard so
                    // space it out a little bit so we don't hammer the shard.

                lastOpTimeWaited = lastResult.oplogTime;

            while (oplogIter.more()) {
                lastResult = processSessionOplog(opCtx, oplogIter.next().Obj(), lastResult);
        } catch (const DBException& excep) {
            if (excep.code() == ErrorCodes::ConflictingOperationInProgress ||
                excep.code() == ErrorCodes::TransactionTooOld) {
                // This means that the server has a newer txnNumber than the oplog being migrated,
                // so just skip it.

            if (excep.code() == ErrorCodes::CommandNotFound) {
                // TODO: remove this after v3.7
                // This means that the donor shard is running at an older version so it is safe to
                // just end this because there is no session information to transfer.


    WriteConcernResult wcResult;
    auto wcStatus = waitForWriteConcern(opCtx, lastResult.oplogTime, kMajorityWC, &wcResult);
    if (!wcStatus.isOK()) {

        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);
        _state = State::Done;