int waveLogStart() { TCHAR szFilter[1024]; int nRet; int bOldPause; waveLogStop(); // make sure old log is closed WaveMakeOfn(szFilter); bOldPause = bRunPause; bRunPause = 1; nRet = GetSaveFileName(&ofn); bRunPause = bOldPause; if (nRet == 0) { return 1; } { if (!wave_open(nAudSampleRate, WtoA(szChoice))) { FBAPopupAddText(PUF_TEXT_DEFAULT, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_ERR_DISK_CREATE)); FBAPopupAddText(PUF_TEXT_DEFAULT, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_DISK_SOUND)); FBAPopupDisplay(PUF_TYPE_ERROR); return 1; } wave_enable_stereo(); soundLogStart = true; } menuSync(MENUT_FILE); return 0; }
/* * main: * ----- */ int main123(int argc, char **argv) { time_t end_time; int raw = 0; int mono_from_stereo = 0; printf("Shine v1.08 19/06/03\n"); time(&config.start_time); set_defaults(); if (!parse_command(argc, argv, &raw, &mono_from_stereo)) print_usage(); wave_open(raw, mono_from_stereo); /* prints wave (input) configuration */ check_config(); /* prints mpeg (output) configuration */ printf("Encoding \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", config.infile, config.outfile); L3_compress(); wave_close(); time(&end_time); end_time -= config.start_time; printf(" Finished in %2ld:%2ld:%2ld\n", end_time/3600,(end_time/60)%60,end_time%60); return 0; }
static void select_output(espeak_AUDIO_OUTPUT output_type) {//======================================================= my_mode = output_type; my_audio = NULL; synchronous_mode = 1; option_waveout = 1; // inhibit portaudio callback from wavegen.cpp switch(my_mode) { case AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK: synchronous_mode = 0; #ifdef USE_ASYNC wave_init(); wave_set_callback_is_output_enabled( fifo_is_command_enabled); my_audio = wave_open("alsa"); event_init(); #endif break; case AUDIO_OUTPUT_RETRIEVAL: synchronous_mode = 0; break; case AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS: break; case AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCH_PLAYBACK: option_waveout = 0; WavegenInitSound(); break; } } // end of select_output
static AS3_Val init(void * self, AS3_Val args) { void * ref; void * src; void * dest; AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType, AS3ValType, AS3ValType", &ref, &src, &dest); flashErrorsRef = (AS3_Val)ref; config.wave.file = funopen((void *)src, readByteArray, writeByteArray, seekByteArray, closeByteArray); config.wave.output = funopen((void *)dest, readByteArray, writeByteArray, seekByteArray, closeByteArray); if (config.wave.file == NULL || config.wave.output == NULL) { ERROR("Unable to set bytes arrays"); } wave_open(); set_defaults(); check_config(); start_compress(); return AS3_Int(1); }
void record_wav( const char* path, int secs ) { /* Start writing wave file */ wave_open( spc_sample_rate, path ); wave_enable_stereo(); while ( wave_sample_count() < secs * spc_sample_rate * 2 ) { /* Play into buffer */ #define BUF_SIZE 2048 short buf [BUF_SIZE]; error( spc_play( snes_spc, BUF_SIZE, buf ) ); wave_write( buf, BUF_SIZE ); } wave_close(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { /* Create emulator and filter */ SNES_SPC* snes_spc = spc_new(); SPC_Filter* filter = spc_filter_new(); if ( !snes_spc || !filter ) error( "Out of memory" ); /* Load SPC */ { /* Load file into memory */ long spc_size; void* spc = load_file( (argc > 1) ? argv [1] : "test.spc", &spc_size ); /* Load SPC data into emulator */ error( spc_load_spc( snes_spc, spc, spc_size ) ); free( spc ); /* emulator makes copy of data */ /* Most SPC files have garbage data in the echo buffer, so clear that */ spc_clear_echo( snes_spc ); /* Clear filter before playing */ spc_filter_clear( filter ); } /* Record 20 seconds to wave file */ wave_open( spc_sample_rate, "out.wav" ); wave_enable_stereo(); while ( wave_sample_count() < 60 * spc_sample_rate * 2 ) { /* Play into buffer */ #define BUF_SIZE 2048 short buf [BUF_SIZE]; error( spc_play( snes_spc, BUF_SIZE, buf ) ); /* Filter samples */ spc_filter_run( filter, buf, BUF_SIZE ); wave_write( buf, BUF_SIZE ); } /* Cleanup */ spc_filter_delete( filter ); spc_delete( snes_spc ); wave_close(); return 0; }
/** * NOT USED */ void Java_com_example_subtle_SoundMachine_convertToWave( JNIEnv* env, jobject callingObject, jstring fromPath, jstring toPath ) { /* Buffer Size */ int buf_size = 1024; /* can be any multiple of 2 */ /* Grab Paths */ const char *from_path = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, fromPath, 0); const char *to_path = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, toPath, 0); /* Open music file in new emulator */ Music_Emu* emu; handle_error( gme_open_file( from_path, &emu, SAMPLE_RATE ) ); /* Get Track Info */ gme_info_t* track_info = NULL; handle_error( gme_track_info( emu, &track_info, TRACK ) ); /* Start track */ handle_error( gme_start_track( emu, TRACK ) ); /* Begin writing to wave file */ wave_open( SAMPLE_RATE, to_path ); wave_enable_stereo(); /* Output to Wave */ while ( gme_tell( emu ) < track_info->play_length ) { /* Sample buffer */ short buf [buf_size]; /* Fill sample buffer */ handle_error( gme_play( emu, buf_size, buf ) ); /* Write samples to wave file */ wave_write( buf, buf_size ); } /* Cleanup */ gme_free_info( track_info ); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, fromPath, from_path); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, toPath, to_path); gme_delete( emu ); wave_close(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *filename = "test.nsf"; /* Default file to open */ if ( argc >= 2 ) filename = argv[1]; long sample_rate = 44100; /* number of samples per second */ /* index of track to play (0 = first) */ int track = argc >= 3 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0; /* Open music file in new emulator */ Music_Emu* emu; handle_error( gme_open_file( filename, &emu, sample_rate ) ); /* Start track */ handle_error( gme_start_track( emu, track ) ); /* Begin writing to wave file */ wave_open( sample_rate, "out.wav" ); wave_enable_stereo(); /* Record 10 seconds of track */ while ( gme_tell( emu ) < 10 * 1000L ) { /* Sample buffer */ #define buf_size 1024 /* can be any multiple of 2 */ short buf [buf_size]; /* Fill sample buffer */ handle_error( gme_play( emu, buf_size, buf ) ); /* Write samples to wave file */ wave_write( buf, buf_size ); } /* Cleanup */ gme_delete( emu ); wave_close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::fprintf(stdout, "==========================================\n" #ifdef HARDWARE_OPL3 " libADLMIDI demo utility (HW OPL)\n" #else " libADLMIDI demo utility\n" #endif "==========================================\n\n"); flushout(stdout); if(argc < 2 || std::string(argv[1]) == "--help" || std::string(argv[1]) == "-h") { std::printf( "Usage: adlmidi <midifilename> [ <options> ] [ <bank> [ <numchips> [ <numfourops>] ] ]\n" " -p Enables adlib percussion instrument mode\n" " -t Enables tremolo amplification mode\n" " -v Enables vibrato amplification mode\n" " -s Enables scaling of modulator volumes\n" " -frb Enables full-ranged CC74 XG Brightness controller\n" " -nl Quit without looping\n" " -w Write WAV file rather than playing\n" " -mb Run the test of multibank over embedded. 62, 14, 68, and 74'th banks will be combined into one\n" " --solo <track> Selects a solo track to play\n" " --only <track1,...,trackN> Selects a subset of tracks to play\n" #ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 " -fp Enables full-panning stereo support\n" " --emu-nuked Uses Nuked OPL3 v 1.8 emulator\n" " --emu-nuked7 Uses Nuked OPL3 v 1.7.4 emulator\n" " --emu-dosbox Uses DosBox 0.74 OPL3 emulator\n" #endif "\n" "Where <bank> - number of embeeded bank or filepath to custom WOPL bank file\n" "\n" "Note: To create WOPL bank files use OPL Bank Editor you can get here: \n" "\n" "\n" ); // Get count of embedded banks (no initialization needed) int banksCount = adl_getBanksCount(); //Get pointer to list of embedded bank names const char *const *banknames = adl_getBankNames(); if(banksCount > 0) { std::printf(" Available embedded banks by number:\n\n"); for(int a = 0; a < banksCount; ++a) std::printf("%10s%2u = %s\n", a ? "" : "Banks:", a, banknames[a]); std::printf( "\n" " Use banks 2-5 to play Descent \"q\" soundtracks.\n" " Look up the relevant bank number from descent.sng.\n" "\n" " The fourth parameter can be used to specify the number\n" " of four-op channels to use. Each four-op channel eats\n" " the room of two regular channels. Use as many as required.\n" " The Doom & Hexen sets require one or two, while\n" " Miles four-op set requires the maximum of numcards*6.\n" "\n" ); } else { std::printf(" This build of libADLMIDI has no embedded banks!\n\n"); } flushout(stdout); return 0; } long sampleRate = 44100; #ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 //const unsigned MaxSamplesAtTime = 512; // 512=dbopl limitation // How long is SDL buffer, in seconds? // The smaller the value, the more often SDL_AudioCallBack() // is called. const double AudioBufferLength = 0.08; // How much do WE buffer, in seconds? The smaller the value, // the more prone to sound chopping we are. const double OurHeadRoomLength = 0.1; // The lag between visual content and audio content equals // the sum of these two buffers. #ifndef OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY SDL_AudioSpec spec; SDL_AudioSpec obtained; spec.freq = (int)sampleRate; spec.format = AUDIO_S16SYS; spec.channels = 2; spec.samples = Uint16((double)spec.freq * AudioBufferLength); spec.callback = SDL_AudioCallbackX; #endif //OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY #endif //HARDWARE_OPL3 ADL_MIDIPlayer *myDevice; //Initialize libADLMIDI and create the instance (you can initialize multiple of them!) myDevice = adl_init(sampleRate); if(myDevice == NULL) { printError("Failed to init MIDI device!\n"); return 1; } //Set internal debug messages hook to print all libADLMIDI's internal debug messages adl_setDebugMessageHook(myDevice, debugPrint, NULL); /* * Set library options by parsing of command line arguments */ bool multibankFromEnbededTest = false; #ifndef OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY bool recordWave = false; int loopEnabled = 1; #endif #ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 int emulator = ADLMIDI_EMU_NUKED; #endif size_t soloTrack = ~(size_t)0; std::vector<size_t> onlyTracks; #if !defined(HARDWARE_OPL3) && !defined(OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY) g_audioFormat.type = ADLMIDI_SampleType_S16; g_audioFormat.containerSize = sizeof(Sint16); g_audioFormat.sampleOffset = sizeof(Sint16) * 2; #endif while(argc > 2) { bool had_option = false; if(!std::strcmp("-p", argv[2])) adl_setPercMode(myDevice, 1);//Turn on AdLib percussion mode else if(!std::strcmp("-v", argv[2])) adl_setHVibrato(myDevice, 1);//Force turn on deep vibrato #if !defined(OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY) && !defined(HARDWARE_OPL3) else if(!std::strcmp("-w", argv[2])) { //Current Wave output implementation allows only SINT16 output g_audioFormat.type = ADLMIDI_SampleType_S16; g_audioFormat.containerSize = sizeof(Sint16); g_audioFormat.sampleOffset = sizeof(Sint16) * 2; recordWave = true;//Record library output into WAV file } else if(!std::strcmp("-s8", argv[2]) && !recordWave) spec.format = AUDIO_S8; else if(!std::strcmp("-u8", argv[2]) && !recordWave) spec.format = AUDIO_U8; else if(!std::strcmp("-s16", argv[2]) && !recordWave) spec.format = AUDIO_S16; else if(!std::strcmp("-u16", argv[2]) && !recordWave) spec.format = AUDIO_U16; else if(!std::strcmp("-s32", argv[2]) && !recordWave) spec.format = AUDIO_S32; else if(!std::strcmp("-f32", argv[2]) && !recordWave) spec.format = AUDIO_F32; #endif else if(!std::strcmp("-t", argv[2])) adl_setHTremolo(myDevice, 1);//Force turn on deep tremolo else if(!std::strcmp("-frb", argv[2])) adl_setFullRangeBrightness(myDevice, 1);//Turn on a full-ranged XG CC74 Brightness #ifndef OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY else if(!std::strcmp("-nl", argv[2])) loopEnabled = 0; //Enable loop #endif #ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 else if(!std::strcmp("--emu-nuked", argv[2])) emulator = ADLMIDI_EMU_NUKED; else if(!std::strcmp("--emu-nuked7", argv[2])) emulator = ADLMIDI_EMU_NUKED_174; else if(!std::strcmp("--emu-dosbox", argv[2])) emulator = ADLMIDI_EMU_DOSBOX; #endif else if(!std::strcmp("-fp", argv[2])) adl_setSoftPanEnabled(myDevice, 1); else if(!std::strcmp("-mb", argv[2])) multibankFromEnbededTest = true; else if(!std::strcmp("-s", argv[2])) adl_setScaleModulators(myDevice, 1);//Turn on modulators scaling by volume else if(!std::strcmp("--solo", argv[2])) { if(argc <= 3) { printError("The option --solo requires an argument!\n"); return 1; } soloTrack = std::strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); had_option = true; } else if(!std::strcmp("--only", argv[2])) { if(argc <= 3) { printError("The option --only requires an argument!\n"); return 1; } const char *strp = argv[3]; unsigned long value; unsigned size; bool err = std::sscanf(strp, "%lu%n", &value, &size) != 1; while(!err && *(strp += size)) { onlyTracks.push_back(value); err = std::sscanf(strp, ",%lu%n", &value, &size) != 1; } if(err) { printError("Invalid argument to --only!\n"); return 1; } onlyTracks.push_back(value); had_option = true; } else break; std::copy(argv + (had_option ? 4 : 3), argv + argc, argv + 2); argc -= (had_option ? 2 : 1); } #ifndef OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY //Turn loop on/off (for WAV recording loop must be disabled!) adl_setLoopEnabled(myDevice, recordWave ? 0 : loopEnabled); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_EVENTS //Hook all MIDI events are ticking while generating an output buffer if(!recordWave) adl_setRawEventHook(myDevice, debugPrintEvent, NULL); #endif #ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 adl_switchEmulator(myDevice, emulator); #endif std::fprintf(stdout, " - Library version %s\n", adl_linkedLibraryVersion()); #ifdef HARDWARE_OPL3 std::fprintf(stdout, " - Hardware OPL3 chip in use\n"); #else std::fprintf(stdout, " - %s Emulator in use\n", adl_chipEmulatorName(myDevice)); #endif #if !defined(HARDWARE_OPL3) && !defined(OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY) if(!recordWave) { // Set up SDL if(SDL_OpenAudio(&spec, &obtained) < 0) { std::fprintf(stderr, "\nERROR: Couldn't open audio: %s\n\n", SDL_GetError()); //return 1; } if(spec.samples != obtained.samples) { std::fprintf(stderr, " - Audio wanted (format=%s,samples=%u,rate=%u,channels=%u);\n" " - Audio obtained (format=%s,samples=%u,rate=%u,channels=%u)\n", SDLAudioToStr(spec.format), spec.samples, spec.freq, spec.channels, SDLAudioToStr(obtained.format), obtained.samples, obtained.freq, obtained.channels); } switch(obtained.format) { case AUDIO_S8: g_audioFormat.type = ADLMIDI_SampleType_S8; g_audioFormat.containerSize = sizeof(Sint8); g_audioFormat.sampleOffset = sizeof(Sint8) * 2; break; case AUDIO_U8: g_audioFormat.type = ADLMIDI_SampleType_U8; g_audioFormat.containerSize = sizeof(Uint8); g_audioFormat.sampleOffset = sizeof(Uint8) * 2; break; case AUDIO_S16: g_audioFormat.type = ADLMIDI_SampleType_S16; g_audioFormat.containerSize = sizeof(Sint16); g_audioFormat.sampleOffset = sizeof(Sint16) * 2; break; case AUDIO_U16: g_audioFormat.type = ADLMIDI_SampleType_U16; g_audioFormat.containerSize = sizeof(Uint16); g_audioFormat.sampleOffset = sizeof(Uint16) * 2; break; case AUDIO_S32: g_audioFormat.type = ADLMIDI_SampleType_S32; g_audioFormat.containerSize = sizeof(Sint32); g_audioFormat.sampleOffset = sizeof(Sint32) * 2; break; case AUDIO_F32: g_audioFormat.type = ADLMIDI_SampleType_F32; g_audioFormat.containerSize = sizeof(float); g_audioFormat.sampleOffset = sizeof(float) * 2; break; } } #endif if(argc >= 3) { if(is_number(argv[2])) { int bankno = std::atoi(argv[2]); //Choose one of embedded banks if(adl_setBank(myDevice, bankno) != 0) { printError(adl_errorInfo(myDevice)); return 1; } std::fprintf(stdout, " - Use embedded bank #%d [%s]\n", bankno, adl_getBankNames()[bankno]); } else { std::string bankPath = argv[2]; std::fprintf(stdout, " - Use custom bank [%s]...", bankPath.c_str()); flushout(stdout); //Open external bank file (WOPL format is supported) //to create or edit them, use OPL3 Bank Editor you can take here if(adl_openBankFile(myDevice, bankPath.c_str()) != 0) { std::fprintf(stdout, "FAILED!\n"); flushout(stdout); printError(adl_errorInfo(myDevice)); return 1; } std::fprintf(stdout, "OK!\n"); } } if(multibankFromEnbededTest) { ADL_BankId id[] = { {0, 0, 0}, /*62*/ // isPercussion, MIDI bank MSB, LSB {0, 8, 0}, /*14*/ // Use as MSB-8 {1, 0, 0}, /*68*/ {1, 0, 25} /*74*/ }; int banks[] = { 62, 14, 68, 74 }; for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ADL_Bank bank; if(adl_getBank(myDevice, &id[i], ADLMIDI_Bank_Create, &bank) < 0) { printError(adl_errorInfo(myDevice)); return 1; } if(adl_loadEmbeddedBank(myDevice, &bank, banks[i]) < 0) { printError(adl_errorInfo(myDevice)); return 1; } } std::fprintf(stdout, " - Ran a test of multibank over embedded\n"); } #ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 int numOfChips = 4; if(argc >= 4) numOfChips = std::atoi(argv[3]); //Set count of concurrent emulated chips count to excite channels limit of one chip if(adl_setNumChips(myDevice, numOfChips) != 0) { printError(adl_errorInfo(myDevice)); return 1; } std::fprintf(stdout, " - Number of chips %d\n", adl_getNumChips(myDevice)); #else int numOfChips = 1; adl_setNumChips(myDevice, numOfChips); #endif if(argc >= 5) { //Set total count of 4-operator channels between all emulated chips if(adl_setNumFourOpsChn(myDevice, std::atoi(argv[4])) != 0) { printError(adl_errorInfo(myDevice)); return 1; } } std::fprintf(stdout, " - Number of four-ops %d\n", adl_getNumFourOpsChn(myDevice)); std::string musPath = argv[1]; //Open MIDI file to play if(adl_openFile(myDevice, musPath.c_str()) != 0) { printError(adl_errorInfo(myDevice)); return 2; } std::fprintf(stdout, " - Track count: %lu\n", (unsigned long)adl_trackCount(myDevice)); if(soloTrack != ~(size_t)0) { std::fprintf(stdout, " - Solo track: %lu\n", (unsigned long)soloTrack); adl_setTrackOptions(myDevice, soloTrack, ADLMIDI_TrackOption_Solo); } if(!onlyTracks.empty()) { size_t count = adl_trackCount(myDevice); for(size_t track = 0; track < count; ++track) adl_setTrackOptions(myDevice, track, ADLMIDI_TrackOption_Off); std::fprintf(stdout, " - Only tracks:"); for(size_t i = 0, n = onlyTracks.size(); i < n; ++i) { size_t track = onlyTracks[i]; adl_setTrackOptions(myDevice, track, ADLMIDI_TrackOption_On); std::fprintf(stdout, " %lu", (unsigned long)track); } std::fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } std::fprintf(stdout, " - File [%s] opened!\n", musPath.c_str()); flushout(stdout); #ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 signal(SIGINT, sighandler); signal(SIGTERM, sighandler); # if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WATCOMC__) signal(SIGHUP, sighandler); # endif #else//HARDWARE_OPL3 static const unsigned NewTimerFreq = 209; unsigned TimerPeriod = 0x1234DDul / NewTimerFreq; #ifdef __DJGPP__ //disable(); outportb(0x43, 0x34); outportb(0x40, TimerPeriod & 0xFF); outportb(0x40, TimerPeriod >> 8); //enable(); #endif//__DJGPP__ #ifdef __WATCOMC__ std::fprintf(stdout, " - Initializing BIOS timer...\n"); flushout(stdout); //disable(); outp(0x43, 0x34); outp(0x40, TimerPeriod & 0xFF); outp(0x40, TimerPeriod >> 8); //enable(); std::fprintf(stdout, " - Ok!\n"); flushout(stdout); #endif//__WATCOMC__ unsigned long BIOStimer_begin = BIOStimer; double tick_delay = 0.0; #endif//HARDWARE_OPL3 double total = adl_totalTimeLength(myDevice); #ifndef OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY double loopStart = adl_loopStartTime(myDevice); double loopEnd = adl_loopEndTime(myDevice); char totalHMS[25]; char loopStartHMS[25]; char loopEndHMS[25]; secondsToHMSM(total, totalHMS, 25); if(loopStart >= 0.0 && loopEnd >= 0.0) { secondsToHMSM(loopStart, loopStartHMS, 25); secondsToHMSM(loopEnd, loopEndHMS, 25); } # ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 if(!recordWave) # endif { std::fprintf(stdout, " - Loop is turned %s\n", loopEnabled ? "ON" : "OFF"); if(loopStart >= 0.0 && loopEnd >= 0.0) std::fprintf(stdout, " - Has loop points: %s ... %s\n", loopStartHMS, loopEndHMS); std::fprintf(stdout, "\n==========================================\n"); flushout(stdout); # ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 SDL_PauseAudio(0); # endif # ifdef DEBUG_SEEKING_TEST int delayBeforeSeek = 50; std::fprintf(stdout, "DEBUG: === Random position set test is active! ===\n"); flushout(stdout); # endif # ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 Uint8 buff[16384]; # endif char posHMS[25]; uint64_t milliseconds_prev = -1; while(!stop) { # ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 size_t got = (size_t)adl_playFormat(myDevice, 4096, buff, buff + g_audioFormat.containerSize, &g_audioFormat) * g_audioFormat.containerSize; if(got <= 0) break; # endif # ifdef DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_CHANNELS enum { TerminalColumns = 80 }; char channelText[TerminalColumns + 1]; char channelAttr[TerminalColumns + 1]; adl_describeChannels(myDevice, channelText, channelAttr, sizeof(channelText)); std::fprintf(stdout, "%*s\r", TerminalColumns, ""); // erase the line std::fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", channelText); # endif # ifndef DEBUG_TRACE_ALL_EVENTS double time_pos = adl_positionTell(myDevice); std::fprintf(stdout, " \r"); uint64_t milliseconds = static_cast<uint64_t>(time_pos * 1000.0); if(milliseconds != milliseconds_prev) { secondsToHMSM(time_pos, posHMS, 25); std::fprintf(stdout, " \r"); std::fprintf(stdout, "Time position: %s / %s\r", posHMS, totalHMS); flushout(stdout); milliseconds_prev = milliseconds; } # endif # ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 g_audioBuffer_lock.Lock(); size_t pos = g_audioBuffer.size(); g_audioBuffer.resize(pos + got); for(size_t p = 0; p < got; ++p) g_audioBuffer[pos + p] = buff[p]; g_audioBuffer_lock.Unlock(); const SDL_AudioSpec &spec = obtained; while(g_audioBuffer.size() > static_cast<size_t>(spec.samples + (spec.freq * g_audioFormat.sampleOffset) * OurHeadRoomLength)) { SDL_Delay(1); } # ifdef DEBUG_SEEKING_TEST if(delayBeforeSeek-- <= 0) { delayBeforeSeek = rand() % 50; double seekTo = double((rand() % int(adl_totalTimeLength(myDevice)) - delayBeforeSeek - 1 )); adl_positionSeek(myDevice, seekTo); } # endif # else//HARDWARE_OPL3 const double mindelay = 1.0 / NewTimerFreq; //__asm__ volatile("sti\nhlt"); //usleep(10000); #ifdef __DJGPP__ __dpmi_yield(); #endif #ifdef __WATCOMC__ //dpmi_dos_yield(); mch_delay((unsigned int)(tick_delay * 1000.0)); #endif static unsigned long PrevTimer = BIOStimer; const unsigned long CurTimer = BIOStimer; const double eat_delay = (CurTimer - PrevTimer) / (double)NewTimerFreq; PrevTimer = CurTimer; tick_delay = adl_tickEvents(myDevice, eat_delay, mindelay); if(adl_atEnd(myDevice) && tick_delay <= 0) stop = true; if(kbhit()) { // Quit on ESC key! int c = getch(); if(c == 27) stop = true; } # endif//HARDWARE_OPL3 } std::fprintf(stdout, " \n\n"); # ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 SDL_CloseAudio(); # endif } #endif //OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY #ifndef HARDWARE_OPL3 # ifndef OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY else # endif //OUTPUT_WAVE_ONLY { std::string wave_out = musPath + ".wav"; std::fprintf(stdout, " - Recording WAV file %s...\n", wave_out.c_str()); std::fprintf(stdout, "\n==========================================\n"); flushout(stdout); if(wave_open(sampleRate, wave_out.c_str()) == 0) { wave_enable_stereo(); short buff[4096]; int complete_prev = -1; while(!stop) { size_t got = (size_t)adl_play(myDevice, 4096, buff); if(got <= 0) break; wave_write(buff, (long)got); int complete = static_cast<int>(std::floor(100.0 * adl_positionTell(myDevice) / total)); flushout(stdout); if(complete_prev != complete) { std::fprintf(stdout, " \r"); std::fprintf(stdout, "Recording WAV... [%d%% completed]\r", complete); std::fflush(stdout); complete_prev = complete; } } wave_close(); std::fprintf(stdout, " \n\n"); if(stop) std::fprintf(stdout, "Interrupted! Recorded WAV is incomplete, but playable!\n"); else std::fprintf(stdout, "Completed!\n"); flushout(stdout); } else { adl_close(myDevice); return 1; } } #endif //HARDWARE_OPL3 #ifdef HARDWARE_OPL3 #ifdef __DJGPP__ // Fix the skewed clock and reset BIOS tick rate _farpokel(_dos_ds, 0x46C, BIOStimer_begin + (BIOStimer - BIOStimer_begin) * (0x1234DD / 65536.0) / NewTimerFreq); //disable(); outportb(0x43, 0x34); outportb(0x40, 0); outportb(0x40, 0); //enable(); #endif #ifdef __WATCOMC__ outp(0x43, 0x34); outp(0x40, 0); outp(0x40, 0); #endif adl_panic(myDevice); //Shut up all sustaining notes #endif adl_close(myDevice); return 0; }
static int dispatch_audio(short* outbuf, int length, espeak_EVENT* event) {//====================================================================== ENTER("dispatch_audio"); int a_wave_can_be_played = fifo_is_command_enabled(); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED SHOW("*** dispatch_audio > uid=%d, [write=%p (%d bytes)], sample=%d, a_wave_can_be_played = %d\n", (event) ? event->unique_identifier : 0, wave_test_get_write_buffer(), 2*length, (event) ? event->sample : 0, a_wave_can_be_played); #endif switch(my_mode) { case AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK: { int event_type=0; if(event) { event_type = event->type; } if(event_type == espeakEVENT_SAMPLERATE) { voice_samplerate = event->id.number; if(out_samplerate != voice_samplerate) { if(out_samplerate != 0) { // sound was previously open with a different sample rate wave_close(my_audio); sleep(1); } out_samplerate = voice_samplerate; if(!wave_init(voice_samplerate)) { err = EE_INTERNAL_ERROR; return(-1); } wave_set_callback_is_output_enabled( fifo_is_command_enabled); my_audio = wave_open("alsa"); event_init(); } } if (outbuf && length && a_wave_can_be_played) { wave_write (my_audio, (char*)outbuf, 2*length); } while(a_wave_can_be_played) { // TBD: some event are filtered here but some insight might be given // TBD: in synthesise.cpp for avoiding to create WORDs with size=0. // TBD: For example sentence "or ALT)." returns three words // "or", "ALT" and "". // TBD: the last one has its size=0. if (event && (event->type == espeakEVENT_WORD) && (event->length==0)) { break; } espeak_ERROR a_error = event_declare(event); if (a_error != EE_BUFFER_FULL) { break; } SHOW_TIME("dispatch_audio > EE_BUFFER_FULL\n"); usleep(10000); a_wave_can_be_played = fifo_is_command_enabled(); } } break; case AUDIO_OUTPUT_RETRIEVAL: if (synth_callback) { synth_callback(outbuf, length, event); } break; case AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS: case AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCH_PLAYBACK: break; } if (!a_wave_can_be_played) { SHOW_TIME("dispatch_audio > synth must be stopped!\n"); } SHOW_TIME("LEAVE dispatch_audio\n"); return (a_wave_can_be_played==0); // 1 = stop synthesis, -1 = error }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { wave_t wave; time_t start_time, end_time; int16_t buffer[2][samp_per_frame]; shine_config_t config; shine_t s; long written; unsigned char *data; time(&start_time); /* Set the default MPEG encoding paramters - basically init the struct */ set_defaults(&config); if (!parse_command(argc, argv, &config)) { print_usage(); exit(1); } quiet = quiet || !strcmp(outfname, "-"); if (!quiet) print_name(); /* Open the input file and fill the config shine_wave_t header */ if (!wave_open(infname, &wave, &config, quiet)) error("Could not open WAVE file"); infile = wave.file; /* See if samplerate is valid */ if (L3_find_samplerate_index(config.wave.samplerate) < 0) error("Unsupported samplerate"); /* See if bitrate is valid */ if (L3_find_bitrate_index(config.mpeg.bitr) < 0) error("Unsupported bitrate"); /* open the output file */ if (!strcmp(outfname, "-")) outfile = stdout; else outfile = fopen(outfname, "wb"); if (!outfile) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create \"%s\".\n", outfname); exit(1); } /* Set to stereo mode if wave data is stereo, mono otherwise. */ if (config.wave.channels > 1) config.mpeg.mode = STEREO; else config.mpeg.mode = MONO; /* Print some info about the file about to be created (optional) */ if (!quiet) check_config(&config); /* Initiate encoder */ s = L3_initialise(&config); /* All the magic happens here */ while (wave_get(buffer, &wave, &config)) { data = L3_encode_frame(s, buffer, &written); write_mp3(written, data, &config); } /* Flush and write remaining data. */ data = L3_flush(s, &written); write_mp3(written, data, &config); /* Close encoder. */ L3_close(s); /* Close the wave file (using the wav reader) */ wave_close(&wave); /* Close the MP3 file */ fclose(outfile); time(&end_time); end_time -= start_time; if (!quiet) printf("Finished in %02ld:%02ld:%02ld (%01.1fx realtime)\n", end_time / 3600, (end_time / 60) % 60, end_time % 60, (float)wave.duration / (float)end_time); return 0; }