Exemplo n.º 1
static HTMLEventStatus kbBodyCallback(wcCtx* Ctx, wcEL element,HTMLEvent* event,	char* param)
Softkey *pSk=0;
SoftKeyPad *pMe;

	pMe = (SoftKeyPad *) wcGetData(Ctx, 0);
	if (!pMe)
	return pMe->kbBodyCallbackMethod(Ctx,element,event);
Exemplo n.º 2
static BOOL WINAPI fake_GetCursorInfo(PCURSORINFO pci)
    BOOL ret = orig_GetCursorInfo(pci);
    if(wcGetConfig()->override_user32) {
        const wcInputData *input = wcGetData();
        // todo
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
static BOOL WINAPI fake_GetKeyboardState(PBYTE lpKeyState)
    BOOL ret = orig_GetKeyboardState(lpKeyState);
    if(wcGetConfig()->override_user32) {
        const wcInputData *input = wcGetData();
        for(int i=0; i<256; ++i) {
            lpKeyState[i] |= (input->key.keys[i] & 0x80);
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
void TestDomApi(wcBROW browser, wcDOC doc)
wcCtx _Ctx;

	wcCtxtInit(&_Ctx,  browser, doc);
	// Test1: - Use dynamic element creation and dom insertion to create a page.
	// Containing a table.
	rtp_printf("Test1: - Use dynamic element creation and dom insertion to create a page. Containing a table.\n");

     wcEL table = wcElNew(&_Ctx, "table");
     wcEL td;
     wcEL tr 	= wcElNew(&_Ctx, "tr");

     	wcElSetId(table, "table0");
		wcElSetStyle(table, "border-style:solid;border-thickness:2px;", wcTRUE);

		td 	= wcElNew(&_Ctx, "td");
     	wcElSetId(tr, "row0");
		// This crashes when we clone if it is a checkboxk
     	wcElSetInnerHtml(td,"Hello from 0,0");
     	wcElSetId(td, "col0");

      	//wcElSetStyle(td, "border-style:solid;border-thickness:2px;");
		td 	= wcElNew(&_Ctx, "td");
     	wcElSetId(td, "col1");
     	wcElSetInnerHtml(td,"Hello from 0,1");
      	//wcElSetStyle(td, "border-style:solid;border-thickness:2px;");
     	wcDocInsertFirst(&_Ctx, table);
		wcEL checkboxdiv;
		checkboxdiv	= wcElNew(&_Ctx, "div");
     	wcElSetInnerHtml(checkboxdiv,"<input id=\"check\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"checkme\" value=\"Car\" checked=\"checked\" />");


	rtp_printf("Test2: - Find the table cell by walking the dom.\n");
	wcBOOL Error = wcFALSE;
		wcEL El = wcELFind (&_Ctx, 0, "/table0/row0/col1", &Error);
		if (El)
     		wcElSetInnerHtml(El,"0,0 again");
	rtp_printf("Test3: - Use the enumeration function to walk the tree and print Id values.\n");
	// Garbage collect ascii return buffers when done.
	// See EnumTestCallback below.
	int nfound = 0;
		wcDocEnumerate(&_Ctx, EnumTestCallback, 0, (void *) &nfound);
		rtp_printf("Enumeration stest fond this many objects == %d\n", nfound); 	// print the count we tabulated from the callback.
		wcCtxtRelease(&_Ctx);					// free buffers that ascii strings were returned in.

	rtp_printf("Test4: - Use the clone function to clone the table we just made.\n");
	// Test4: - Use the clone function to clone the table we just made.
	// Insert it into our document, give it a new name and move it.
	// Re enumerate to see what we have
	// See EnumTestCallback below.
	wcEL tableClone = wcElClone(table, wcTRUE);
	if (tableClone)
	wcBOOL Error = wcFALSE;
	int nfound = 0;
	wcEL El;
     	wcDocInsertLast(&_Ctx, tableClone);
		wcElSetStyle(tableClone, "position:absolute;left:20px;top:100px;",wcTRUE);
		wcElSetId(tableClone, "clonetable0");
		El = wcELFind (&_Ctx, 0, "/clonetable0/row0/col0", &Error);
		if (El)
     		wcElSetInnerHtml(El,"0,0 cloned");
		wcDocEnumerate(&_Ctx, EnumTestCallback, 0, (void *) &nfound);
		rtp_printf("Enumeration after clone found this many objects == %d\n", nfound); 	// print the count we tabulated from the callback.
		wcCtxtRelease(&_Ctx);					// free buffers that ascii strings were returned in.

	rtp_printf("Test5: - Create a button and attach an event handler to it.\n");
	// Test5: - Create a button and attach an event handler to it.
	// The event handler will print out the events presented to it.
	// To demonstrate use of push and pop events we will over write the the event hendler that must
	// be clicked to pop the first handler into place.
    wcEL button = wcElNew(&_Ctx, "input type=button");
	wcBOOL Error = wcFALSE;
	int nfound = 0;
	static int whichhandler = 0;

	    wcDocInsertLast(&_Ctx, button);
     	wcElSetInnerHtml(button, "Clickme to toggle event handlers");
		wcElSetValue(button, "Clickme");
		wcElSetStyle(button, "position:absolute;left:20px;top:150px;",wcTRUE);

		// cloning of input tag crashes, needs debugging.
		// wcEL buttonClone = wcElClone(button, wcTRUE);
		wcEL buttonClone = wcElNew(&_Ctx, "input type=button");
	    wcDocInsertLast(&_Ctx, buttonClone);
     	wcElSetInnerHtml(buttonClone, "Another butoon, no handler attached");
		wcElSetValue(buttonClone, "Clickme");
		wcElSetStyle(buttonClone, "position:absolute;left:20px;top:200px;",wcTRUE);

		wcElSetEventHandler(button,  wcTestEventCallback);
		wcElSetEventHandler(button,  ClickMeCallback);
		// enumerate to show it and its value
		wcDocEnumerate(&_Ctx, EnumTestCallback, 0, (void *) &nfound);
		wcCtxtRelease(&_Ctx);					// free buffers that ascii strings were returned in.
//		wcElSetStyle(button, "position:absolute;left:120px;top:150px;width:100px;height:40px;");

	// Test6: - Verify push/pop data functioons.
	rtp_printf("Test6: - Verify element push/pop private data functions. \n");
	int v1 = 1;
	int v2 = 2;
	int *p;
	wcPushData(&_Ctx, button, (void *) &v1);
	wcPushData(&_Ctx, button, (void *) &v2);
	p = (int *) wcGetData(&_Ctx, button);
	if (p)
		rtp_printf(" wcGetdata test value should be two: %d\n", *p);
		rtp_printf(" wcGetdata test failed");
	wcPopData(&_Ctx, button);
	p = (int *) wcGetData(&_Ctx, button);
	if (p)
		rtp_printf(" wcGetdata test value should be one: %d\n", *p);
		rtp_printf(" wcGetdata test failed");
	v1 = 3;
	v2 = 4;
	wcPushData(&_Ctx, 0, (void *) &v1);
	wcPushData(&_Ctx, 0, (void *) &v2);
	p = (int *) wcGetData(&_Ctx, 0);
	if (p)
		rtp_printf(" wcGetdata test value should be four: %d\n", *p);
		rtp_printf(" wcGetdata test failed");
	wcPopData(&_Ctx, 0);
	p = (int *) wcGetData(&_Ctx, 0);
	if (p)
		rtp_printf(" wcGetdata test value should be three: %d\n", *p);
		rtp_printf(" wcGetdata test failed");

	rtp_printf("Test7 and 8: - Verify modal window support. \n");

	// Test7: - Create a modal window. Use the body callback event handler to create a button element.
	// Use the button to trigger a close of the window.
	// Note: This test also verifies the behavior of wcElGetPosWin, wcElGetPosStyle and wcElSetPosStyle.
	// The tests center a button on a screen without setting the left and top style attributes.
	// These test sequences demonstrate the code sequence that handles the HTML_EVENT_WINDOW_REFRESHED event
	// and calls wcElGetPosWin() to retrieve the coordinates where the elements is displayed and wcElSetPosStyle() to
	// set the top, left, height, width style attributes to the rendered position.
	OpenModalDialog("Dismiss the modal dialog to proceed");

	// Test8: - Create a window. Combine a message and a dismiss button in the html text.
	// Give the find button an ID then attach a dismiss button handler to the button using
	// wcElFind and wcElSetEventHandler.
	// Call wcWinExecute instead of using the Modal argument to wcWinCreateEX
	SimpleModalDialog("I am a modal dialog box. Click to dismiss.");

	rtp_printf("Test9: - Verify window border setting support. \n");
	// Test9: - Test window borders.
	// Test10: - Create two windows each containing two edit controls.
	// First cycle the focus among the edit controls for 20 seconds.
	// Then move the windows around the screen
	wcBOOL Error = wcFALSE;

	OpenTest10Window(&Test10WindowZero, 100, 100, "Focus test: Window  zero. Type. The focus changes every second.");
	OpenTest10Window(&Test10WindowOne,  325, 175, "Focus test: Window One.Type. The focus changes every second.");

	Test10Elements[0][0] =  wcELFind (&Test10WindowZero, 0, "/0", &Error);
	Test10Elements[0][1] =  wcELFind (&Test10WindowZero, 0, "/1", &Error);
	Test10Elements[0][2] =  wcELFind (&Test10WindowZero, 0, "/2", &Error);
	Test10Elements[1][0] =  wcELFind (&Test10WindowOne,  0, "/0", &Error);
	Test10Elements[1][1] =  wcELFind (&Test10WindowOne,  0, "/1", &Error);
	Test10Elements[1][2] =  wcELFind (&Test10WindowOne,  0, "/2", &Error);
	wcElSetEventHandler(Test10Elements[0][0], Test10Callback);
	// Note: CycleTest10() calls StartFlyingWindowDemo() when it is finished

Exemplo n.º 5
static HTMLEventStatus FlyingWindowBodyCallback(wcCtx* Ctx,	wcEL element,HTMLEvent* event,	char* param)
{ /* Close the Browser window when the dismiss button is clicked. */
int CycleTimer = 0;
int MaxX,MaxY;
struct flyingwindowcontrol *pcontrol;

	MaxX = 600;	// Should call get canvas
	MaxY = 600;

    if (event->type == HTML_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATED)
		struct flyingwindowcontrol *pcontrol;
		pcontrol = (struct flyingwindowcontrol *)rtp_malloc(sizeof(struct flyingwindowcontrol));
		pcontrol->iteration = 0;
		pcontrol->xstep = 4;
		pcontrol->ystep = 2;
		wcPushData(Ctx, element, (void*) pcontrol);
    	CycleTimer = 1;
    else if (event->type == HTML_EVENT_MOUSEDOWN)
	{ // experimental
		pcontrol = (struct flyingwindowcontrol *) wcGetData(Ctx, element);
		wcPopData(Ctx, element);
		StartFlyingWindowDemo(0, 10, WF_SPRITE);
    else if (event->type == HTML_EVENT_TIMER)
	int left,top,width,height;
		pcontrol = (struct flyingwindowcontrol *) wcGetData(Ctx, element);
		pcontrol->iteration += 1;
		if (pcontrol->iteration >= FLYINGWINDOWITERATIONS)
			// free private data
			wcPopData(Ctx, element);
			// Make a private copy of the stack based context to pass to the Global timer handler
			wcCtx* KillCtx;
			KillCtx = (wcCtx*)rtp_malloc(sizeof(*Ctx));
			*KillCtx = *Ctx;
			// Tell the global timer to call our close callback routine
			wcTimedCallback(FlyingWindowCloseCallback,0, 0, (void *) KillCtx);
		wcWinGetPos(Ctx, &left, &top, &width, &height);
		left += pcontrol->xstep;
		if (left < 0)
			left = 0;
			pcontrol->xstep *= -1;
		else if (left+width >= MaxX)
			left -= pcontrol->xstep;
			pcontrol->xstep *= -1;
		top += pcontrol->ystep;
		if (top < 0)
			top = 0;
			pcontrol->ystep *= -1;
		else if (top+height >= MaxY)
			top -= pcontrol->ystep;
			pcontrol->ystep *= -1;
		wcWinSetPos(Ctx, left, top, width, height);
    	CycleTimer = 1;

	if (CycleTimer)
		HTMLEvent NewEvent;
		rtp_memset(&NewEvent, 0 ,sizeof(NewEvent));
		NewEvent.type = HTML_EVENT_TIMER;
		wcTriggerEvent(element, &NewEvent, FLYINGWINDOWPERIOD);