Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  char *infile = "SIP.fits";

  char keyrec[81], header[288001];
  int  axes[4], gotend, iblock, ikeyrec, j, k, n, naxis[4], nkeyrec, nreject,
       nsamp, nsub, nwcs, status;
  double pixblc[4], pixsamp[4], pixtrc[4];
  double *avgdis, *avgtot, *maxdis, *maxtot, *rmsdis, *rmstot, stats[15];
  FILE   *fptr;
  struct linprm *lin;
  struct wcsprm *wcs, wcsext;


  /* Set line buffering in case stdout is redirected to a file, otherwise
   * stdout and stderr messages will be jumbled (stderr is unbuffered). */
  setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

  wcsprintf("Testing wcssub() with distortions (tdis2.c)\n"

  /* Optional file name specified? */
  if (1 < argc) {
    infile = argv[1];

  /* Read in the FITS header, excluding COMMENT and HISTORY keyrecords. */
  if ((fptr = fopen(infile, "r")) == 0) {
    wcsprintf("ERROR opening %s\n", infile);
    return 1;

  memset(naxis, 0, 2*sizeof(int));

  k = 0;
  nkeyrec = 0;
  gotend = 0;
  for (iblock = 0; iblock < 100; iblock++) {
    for (ikeyrec = 0; ikeyrec < 36; ikeyrec++) {
      if (fgets(keyrec, 81, fptr) == 0) {

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "        ", 8) == 0) continue;
      if (strncmp(keyrec, "COMMENT ", 8) == 0) continue;
      if (strncmp(keyrec, "HISTORY ", 8) == 0) continue;

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "NAXIS", 5) == 0) {
        if (keyrec[5] == ' ') {
          sscanf(keyrec+10, "%d", &n);
          if (4 < n) {
            wcsprintf("ERROR, can't handle more than 4 axes.\n");
            return 1;

        sscanf(keyrec+5, "%d = %d", &j, &n);
        naxis[j-1] = n;

      strncpy(header+k, keyrec, 80);
      k += 80;

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "END       ", 10) == 0) {
        /* An END keyrecord was read, but read the rest of the block. */
        gotend = 1;

    if (gotend) break;

  /* Parse the header. */
  if ((wcspih(header, nkeyrec, WCSHDR_none, 2, &nreject, &nwcs, &wcs))) {
    wcsperr(wcs, 0x0);
    return 1;

  /* Extract the coordinate description for a transposed subimage and prepend
     a new axis.  Also tests wcssub() on a struct that hasn't been set up. */
  nsub = 3;
  axes[0] = 0;
  axes[1] = WCSSUB_LATITUDE;

  wcsext.flag = -1;
  if ((status = wcssub(1, wcs, &nsub, axes, &wcsext))) {
    wcsperr(&wcsext, "");
    goto cleanup;
  } else if (nsub == 0) {
    printf("None of the requested subimage axes were found.\n");
    goto cleanup;

  /* Print the original and extracted structs. */
  printf("\nInitial contents of wcsprm struct:\n");
  if ((status = wcsset(wcs))) {
    wcsperr(wcs, "");
    goto cleanup;


  printf("\n\nExtracted contents of wcsprm struct:\n");
  if ((status = wcsset(&wcsext))) {
    wcsperr(&wcsext, "");
    goto cleanup;


  /* Compute distortion statistics in the initial struct. */
  maxdis = stats;
  maxtot = maxdis + 4;
  avgdis = maxtot + 1;
  avgtot = avgdis + 4;
  rmsdis = avgtot + 1;
  rmstot = rmsdis + 4;

  pixblc[0]  =   1.0;
  pixblc[1]  =   1.0;
  pixblc[2]  =   1.0;
  pixblc[3]  =   1.0;
  pixtrc[0]  = 256.0;
  pixtrc[1]  = 256.0;
  pixtrc[2]  =   1.0;
  pixtrc[3]  =   1.0;
  pixsamp[0] =   1.0;
  pixsamp[1] =   1.0;
  pixsamp[2] =   1.0;
  pixsamp[3] =   1.0;

  lin = &(wcs->lin);
  if (linwarp(lin, pixblc, pixtrc, pixsamp, &nsamp,
              maxdis, maxtot, avgdis, avgtot, rmsdis, rmstot)) {
    linperr(lin, 0x0);
    return 1;

  for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
    if (fabs(stats[k]) < 0.0005) stats[k] = 0.0;

    "Initial linwarp() statistics computed over %d sample points:\n"
    "  Max distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 4: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n"
    " Mean distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 4: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "  RMS distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 4: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n",
    nsamp, maxdis[0], maxdis[1], maxdis[2], maxdis[3], *maxtot,
           avgdis[0], avgdis[1], avgdis[2], avgdis[3], *avgtot,
           rmsdis[0], rmsdis[1], rmsdis[2], rmsdis[3], *rmstot);

  /* Compute distortion statistics in the extracted struct. */
  pixtrc[0]  =   1.0;
  pixtrc[1]  = 256.0;
  pixtrc[2]  = 256.0;

  lin = &(wcsext.lin);
  if (linwarp(lin, pixblc, pixtrc, pixsamp, &nsamp,
              maxdis, maxtot, avgdis, avgtot, rmsdis, rmstot)) {
    linperr(lin, 0x0);
    return 1;

  for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
    if (fabs(stats[k]) < 0.0005) stats[k] = 0.0;

    "linwarp() statistics for extract computed over the same %d points:\n"
    "  Max distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n"
    " Mean distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "  RMS distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n",
    nsamp, maxdis[0], maxdis[1], maxdis[2], *maxtot,
           avgdis[0], avgdis[1], avgdis[2], *avgtot,
           rmsdis[0], rmsdis[1], rmsdis[2], *rmstot);

  wcsvfree(&nwcs, &wcs);

  return status;
Exemplo n.º 2
int wcssub_(const int *wcssrc, int *nsub, int axes[], int *wcsdst)

  return wcssub(1, (const struct wcsprm *)wcssrc, nsub, axes,
                (struct wcsprm *)wcsdst);