Exemplo n.º 1
void application_start( )
    uint8_t      led_state = 0;
    wiced_bool_t button_pressed;

    /* Initialise the WICED device */

    // The RGB and setup button are initialized in platform.c

    WPRINT_APP_INFO( ( "The RGB are flashing R-G-B alternately. Holding the setup button will force it flashing white.\n" ) );

    while ( 1 )
        /* Read the state of setup button */
        button_pressed = wiced_gpio_input_get( SETUP_BUTTON ) ? WICED_FALSE : WICED_TRUE;  /* The button has inverse logic */

        if ( button_pressed == WICED_TRUE )
            /* Flashing white */
            if( (led_state%2) == 0 )
                wiced_gpio_output_low( RGB_R );
                wiced_gpio_output_low( RGB_G );
                wiced_gpio_output_low( RGB_B );
                wiced_gpio_output_high( RGB_R );
                wiced_gpio_output_high( RGB_G );
                wiced_gpio_output_high( RGB_B );
            /* Flashing R-G-B alternately */
            if ( (led_state%3) == 0 )
                wiced_gpio_output_low( RGB_R );
                wiced_gpio_output_high( RGB_G );
                wiced_gpio_output_high( RGB_B );
            else if ( (led_state%3) == 1 )
                wiced_gpio_output_high( RGB_R );
                wiced_gpio_output_low( RGB_G );
                wiced_gpio_output_high( RGB_B );
                wiced_gpio_output_high( RGB_R );
                wiced_gpio_output_high( RGB_G );
                wiced_gpio_output_low( RGB_B );

        wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 300 );
// Main application thread which is started by the RTOS after boot
void application_start(void)
    wiced_init( );

    WPRINT_APP_INFO(("Starting WWEP Server\n"));

    while(wiced_network_up( INTERFACE, DHCP_MODE, &ip_settings ) != WICED_SUCCESS); // Keep trying until you get hooked up

    // I created all of the server code in a separate thread to make it easier to put the server
    // and client together in one application.

    wiced_rtos_create_thread(&tcp_thread, TCP_SERVER_NONSECURE_THREAD_PRIORITY, "Server TCP Server", tcp_server_nonsecure_thread_main, TCP_SERVER_NONSECURE_STACK_SIZE, 0);
    wiced_rtos_create_thread(&ping_thread, PING_THREAD_PRIORITY, "Ping", pingAP, 1024, 0);

    // Setup Display
    WPRINT_APP_INFO(("#\t     IP\t\tPort\tMessage\n"));

    // just blink the led while the whole thing is running
        wiced_gpio_output_low( WICED_LED1 );
        wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 250 );
        wiced_gpio_output_high( WICED_LED1 );
        wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 250 );
 *               Function Definitions
wiced_result_t aws_app_init( aws_app_info_t *app_info )
    wiced_result_t ret = WICED_SUCCESS;
    aws_config_dct_t *aws_app_dct = NULL;

    aws_app_info = app_info;

    wiced_init( );

    /* Disable roaming to other access points */
    wiced_wifi_set_roam_trigger( -99 ); /* -99dBm ie. extremely low signal level */

    WPRINT_APP_INFO((" Please wait, connecting to network...\n"));
    WPRINT_APP_INFO(("(To return to SSID console screen, hold USER switch for 5 seconds during RESET to clear DCT configuration)\n"));
    wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 1000 );

    for ( int i = 0; i < 25; i++ )
        wiced_gpio_output_high( WICED_LED2 );
        wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 100 );
        wiced_gpio_output_low( WICED_LED2 );
        wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 100 );

        if ( !wiced_gpio_input_get( WICED_BUTTON1 ) )
            wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 5000 );

            if ( !wiced_gpio_input_get( WICED_BUTTON1 ) )
                aws_config_dct_t aws_dct =
                    .is_configured = WICED_FALSE,
                    .thing_name = AWS_DEFAULT_THING_NAME

                wiced_gpio_output_high( WICED_LED1 );
                WPRINT_APP_INFO(( "DCT clearing start\n" ));
                wiced_dct_write( &aws_dct, DCT_APP_SECTION, 0, sizeof( aws_config_dct_t ) );
                wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 1000 );
                wiced_gpio_output_low( WICED_LED1 );
                WPRINT_APP_INFO(( "DCT clearing end\n" ));

/* Define the thread function that will blink the LED on/off every 500ms */
void ledThread(wiced_thread_arg_t arg)
        /* LED OFF for the shield (LED ON if using the baseboard by itself) */
        wiced_gpio_output_low( WICED_LED1 );
        wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 250 );
        /* LED ON for the shield (LED OFF if using the baseboard by itself) */
        wiced_gpio_output_high( WICED_LED1 );
        wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( 250 );
Exemplo n.º 5
static wiced_result_t led2_write_state( spi_slave_t* device, uint8_t* data_start )
    wiced_bool_t new_state = (wiced_bool_t)*data_start;

    led2_state = new_state;
    if ( new_state == WICED_TRUE )
        wiced_gpio_output_high( WICED_LED2 );
        wiced_gpio_output_low( WICED_LED2 );

    return WICED_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 6
void messageArrived( MessageData* md )
    MQTTMessage* message = md->message;
    WPRINT_APP_INFO ( ("Message Subscribed %d \r\n", message->payloadlen));WPRINT_APP_INFO ( ("Message dup %x \r\n", message->dup));WPRINT_APP_INFO ( ("Message id %x \r\n", message->id));WPRINT_APP_INFO ( ("Message qos %x \r\n", message->qos));WPRINT_APP_INFO ( ("Message retained %x \r\n", message->retained));

    WPRINT_APP_INFO( ( "Topic Name ==> %.*s\t", md->topicName->lenstring.len, md->topicName->lenstring.data ) );WPRINT_APP_INFO( ( "Message ==> %.*s\n", (int)message->payloadlen, (char*)message->payload ) );

    if ( strstr( (char*) message->payload, "ON" ) )
        printf( "Turn ON LED\n" );
        wiced_gpio_output_high( WICED_LED1 );
        if ( strstr( (char*) message->payload, "OFF" ) )
            printf( "Turn OFF LED\n" );
            wiced_gpio_output_low( WICED_LED1 );
/* Main application */
void application_start( )
	char    receiveChar;
    uint32_t expected_data_size = 1;

	wiced_init();	/* Initialize the WICED device */

    /* Configure and start the UART. */
    /* Note that WICED_DISABLE_STDIO must be defined in the make file for this to work */
	#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE (5)
	wiced_ring_buffer_t rx_buffer;
    uint8_t             rx_data[RX_BUFFER_SIZE];
	ring_buffer_init(&rx_buffer, rx_data, RX_BUFFER_SIZE ); /* Initialize ring buffer to hold receive data */
    wiced_uart_config_t uart_config =
        .baud_rate    = 9600,
        .data_width   = DATA_WIDTH_8BIT,
        .parity       = NO_PARITY,
        .stop_bits    = STOP_BITS_1,
        .flow_control = FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLED,
    wiced_uart_init( STDIO_UART, &uart_config, &rx_buffer); /* Setup UART */

    while ( 1 )
        if ( wiced_uart_receive_bytes( STDIO_UART, &receiveChar, &expected_data_size, WICED_NEVER_TIMEOUT ) == WICED_SUCCESS )
            /* If we get here then a character has been received */
        	if(receiveChar == '0') /* LED OFF for the shield (LED ON if using the baseboard by itself) */
        		wiced_gpio_output_low( WICED_LED1 );
        	if(receiveChar == '1') /* LED ON for the shield (LED OFF if using the baseboard by itself) */
        		wiced_gpio_output_high( WICED_LED1 );

 *               Function Definitions
void application_start( void )
    wiced_result_t ret = WICED_SUCCESS;
    uint32_t       connection_retries = 0;
    uint32_t       retries = 0;

    ret = aws_app_init( &app_info );

    wiced_gpio_input_irq_enable( WICED_BUTTON1, IRQ_TRIGGER_RISING_EDGE, publish_callback, NULL );
        ret = aws_mqtt_conn_open( app_info.mqtt_object, mqtt_connection_event_cb );
        connection_retries++ ;
    } while ( ( ret != WICED_SUCCESS ) && ( connection_retries < WICED_MQTT_CONNECTION_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES ) );

    aws_mqtt_app_publish( app_info.mqtt_object, WICED_MQTT_QOS_DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE, (uint8_t*) app_info.shadow_state_topic, (uint8_t*) SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_OFF_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED, sizeof( SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_OFF_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED ) );

    wiced_rtos_delay_milliseconds( MQTT_DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS * 2 );

    aws_mqtt_app_subscribe( app_info.mqtt_object, app_info.shadow_delta_topic, WICED_MQTT_QOS_DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE );

        ret = aws_mqtt_app_subscribe( app_info.mqtt_object, app_info.thing_name, WICED_MQTT_QOS_DELIVER_AT_MOST_ONCE );
        retries++ ;
    } while ( ( ret != WICED_SUCCESS ) && ( retries < WICED_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_RETRY_COUNT ) );
    if ( ret != WICED_SUCCESS )

    while ( 1 )
        /* Wait forever on wake semaphore until the LED status is changed */
        wiced_rtos_get_semaphore( &app_info.wake_semaphore, WICED_NEVER_TIMEOUT );

        /* Toggle the LED */
        if ( ( strncasecmp( led_status, "OFF", 3 ) == 0 ) && smart_control == 1 )
            wiced_gpio_output_low( WICED_LED1 );
            led_status = "OFF";
            WPRINT_APP_INFO(("[MQTT] Publishing to Thing state topic\n"));
            aws_mqtt_app_publish( app_info.mqtt_object, WICED_MQTT_QOS_DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE, (uint8_t*) app_info.shadow_state_topic, (uint8_t*) SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_OFF_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED_STATUS_ON, sizeof( SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_OFF_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED_STATUS_ON ) );
        else if ( ( strncasecmp( led_status, "ON", 2 ) == 0 ) && smart_control == 0 )
            wiced_gpio_output_high( WICED_LED1 );
            led_status = "ON";
            WPRINT_APP_INFO(("[MQTT] Publishing to Thing state topic\n"));
            aws_mqtt_app_publish( app_info.mqtt_object, WICED_MQTT_QOS_DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE, (uint8_t*) app_info.shadow_state_topic, (uint8_t*) SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_ON_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED_STATUS_OFF, sizeof( SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_ON_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED_STATUS_OFF ) );
        else if ( ( strncasecmp( led_status, "ON", 2 ) == 0 ) && smart_control == 1 )
            wiced_gpio_output_high( WICED_LED1 );
            led_status = "ON";
            WPRINT_APP_INFO(("[MQTT] Publishing to Thing state topic\n"));
            aws_mqtt_app_publish( app_info.mqtt_object, WICED_MQTT_QOS_DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE, (uint8_t*) app_info.shadow_state_topic, (uint8_t*) SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_ON_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED, sizeof( SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_ON_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED ) );
            wiced_gpio_output_low( WICED_LED1 );
            led_status = "OFF";
            WPRINT_APP_INFO(("[MQTT] Publishing to Thing state topic\n"));
            aws_mqtt_app_publish( app_info.mqtt_object, WICED_MQTT_QOS_DELIVER_AT_LEAST_ONCE, (uint8_t*) app_info.shadow_state_topic, (uint8_t*) SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_OFF_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED, sizeof( SHADOW_PUBLISH_MESSAGE_STR_OFF_DESIRED_AND_REPORTED ) );

    aws_mqtt_conn_close( app_info.mqtt_object );

    wiced_rtos_deinit_semaphore( &app_info.msg_semaphore );
    ret = wiced_mqtt_deinit( app_info.mqtt_object );
    wiced_rtos_deinit_semaphore( &app_info.wake_semaphore );
    free( app_info.mqtt_object );
    app_info.mqtt_object = NULL;
