Exemplo n.º 1
        Key Key::subKey( int nIdx ) const
            HKEY hKey;
            LONG lRtn = RegOpenKeyExW( m_hRootKey, m_wsPath.c_str(),
                                       0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegOpenKeyExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            // TODO: could use RegQueryInfo to get required buf size.
            const int knBufSize = 1000;
            wchar_t szSubKeyName[knBufSize];
            DWORD dwBufSize = knBufSize;
            lRtn = RegEnumKeyExW( hKey, nIdx, szSubKeyName, &dwBufSize,
                                  NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegEnumKeyEx(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            string sSubKeyFullPath = fullPath() + "\\" + wideToUtf8( szSubKeyName );
            return Key( sSubKeyFullPath );
Exemplo n.º 2
        void Key::writeInt( const std::string& sValueName,
                            int nData )
            HKEY hKey;
            LONG lRtn = RegCreateKeyExW( m_hRootKey, m_wsPath.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0,
                                         KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hKey, NULL );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegCreateKeyExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            std::wstring wValueName = utf8ToWide( sValueName );
            lRtn = RegSetValueExW( hKey, wValueName.c_str(), 0, REG_DWORD, 
                                   reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&nData), sizeof(nData) );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegSetValueExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ", " + sValueName + ", " 
                          + bp::conv::toString( nData )
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            lRtn = RegCloseKey( hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegCloseKey(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
        std::string Key::readString( const std::string& sValueName ) const
            HKEY hKey;
            LONG lRtn = RegOpenKeyExW( m_hRootKey, m_wsPath.c_str(),
                                       0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegOpenKeyExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            // TODO: could use RegQueryInfo to get required buf size.
            const int knBufSize = 2000;
            BYTE szBuf[knBufSize];
            DWORD dwBufSize = knBufSize;
            std::wstring wValueName = utf8ToWide( sValueName );
            lRtn = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, wValueName.c_str(),
                                     NULL, NULL, szBuf, &dwBufSize );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegQueryValueExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ", " + sValueName
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            lRtn = RegCloseKey( hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegCloseKey(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );
            std::wstring wval(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>( szBuf ) );
            std::string rval = wideToUtf8( wval );
            return rval;
Exemplo n.º 4
        void Key::writeString( const std::string& sValueName,
                               const std::string& sData )
            HKEY hKey;
            LONG lRtn = RegCreateKeyExW( m_hRootKey, m_wsPath.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0,
                                         KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hKey, NULL );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegCreateKeyExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            std::wstring wData = utf8ToWide( sData );
            std::wstring wValueName = utf8ToWide( sValueName );
            lRtn = RegSetValueExW( hKey, wValueName.c_str(), 0, REG_SZ, 
                                   reinterpret_cast<const BYTE*>(wData.c_str()),
                                   static_cast<DWORD>(wData.length() * sizeof(wchar_t)) );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegSetValueExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ", " + sValueName + ", " + sData
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            lRtn = RegCloseKey( hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegCloseKey(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );
Exemplo n.º 5
        Value Key::value( int nIdx ) const
            HKEY hKey;
            LONG lRtn = RegOpenKeyExW( m_hRootKey, m_wsPath.c_str(),
                                       0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegOpenKeyExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            // TODO: could use RegQueryInfo to get required buf size.
            const int knBufSize = 1000;
            wchar_t szValName[knBufSize];
            DWORD dwBufSize = knBufSize;
            DWORD dwType;
            lRtn = RegEnumValueW( hKey, nIdx, szValName, &dwBufSize,
                                  NULL, &dwType, NULL, NULL );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegEnumValueW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath) + ", "
                          + bp::conv::toString( nIdx )
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            return Value( wideToUtf8( szValName ), this, dwType );
Exemplo n.º 6
        void Key::create() const
            HKEY hKey;
            LONG lRtn = RegCreateKeyExW( m_hRootKey, m_wsPath.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0,
                                         KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hKey, NULL );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegCreateKeyExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            lRtn = RegCloseKey( hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegCloseKey(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );
Exemplo n.º 7
 void Key::remove() const
     LONG lRtn = RegDeleteKeyW( m_hRootKey, m_wsPath.c_str() );
     if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
         BP_THROW( "RegDeleteKeyW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                   + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );
Exemplo n.º 8
// convert to utf-8, change '\\' to '/' and remove leading slash
static std::string makePathStandard(LPCWSTR path)
	std::string utfPath = wideToUtf8(std::wstring(path));
	// change backslashes to forward slashes
	size_t slashPos;
	while ((slashPos = utfPath.find('\\')) != std::string::npos)
		utfPath.replace(slashPos, 1, "/");
	// remove leading slash
	return utfPath.substr(1);
Exemplo n.º 9
        int Key::numValues() const
            HKEY hKey;
            LONG lRtn = RegOpenKeyExW( m_hRootKey, m_wsPath.c_str(),
                                       0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegOpenKeyExW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            DWORD dwNumValues;
            lRtn = RegQueryInfoKeyW( hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
                                     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegQueryInfoKeyW(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            return static_cast<int>( dwNumValues );
Exemplo n.º 10
        bool Key::exists() const
            HKEY hKey;
            LONG lRtn = RegOpenKeyExW( m_hRootKey, m_wsPath.c_str(),
                                       0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                return false;
            lRtn = RegCloseKey( hKey );
            if (lRtn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                BP_THROW( "RegCloseKey(" + wideToUtf8(m_wsPath)
                          + ") returned: " + bp::conv::toString( lRtn ) );

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
// use _getcwd() instead of GetCurrentDirectory() because it updates errno
char* getcwd(char* path, int max)
    assert(path == NULL || max <= PATH_MAX);
    wchar_t wpath[PATH_MAX];
    if (wchar_t *wresult = _wgetcwd(wpath, PATH_MAX))
        // Caller is allowed to pass in NULL for `path`.
        // In that case, we're supposed to allocate a
        // buffer on the caller's behalf.
        if (path == NULL)
            max = UNI_MAX_UTF8_BYTES_PER_CODE_POINT * wcslen(wresult) + 1;
            path = (char *)malloc(max);
            if (path == NULL)
                errno = ENOMEM;
                return NULL;
        if (wideToUtf8(wresult, path, max))
            return path;
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 12
static int DOKAN_CALLBACK WendyCreateFile(LPCWSTR filename, DWORD accessMode, DWORD shareMode, DWORD creationDisposition, DWORD flagsAndAttributes, PDOKAN_FILE_INFO info)
	ScopeLock lock;
	wprintf(L"CreateFile: %s\n", filename);
	std::string path = makePathStandard(filename);
	FileSystem::FileAttributes attributes;
	bool exists = fs->stat(path, &attributes);
	// cases when the file MUST exist
	if (!exists && ((creationDisposition == OPEN_EXISTING) || (creationDisposition == TRUNCATE_EXISTING)))
	// cases when the file MUST NOT exist
	if (exists && (creationDisposition == CREATE_NEW))
	if (attributes.folder)
		// flag as directory
		info->IsDirectory = TRUE;
		// no real open
		if (accessMode == 0)
			return 0;
		// retrieve opening process name
		std::string processName = "unknown application";
		if (process != NULL)
			wchar_t processBaseName[256];
			DWORD length = GetModuleBaseName(process, NULL, processBaseName, 255);
			if (length > 0)
				processName = wideToUtf8(processBaseName);
		std::wstring processNameWide = utf8ToWide(processName);
		wprintf(L"%s opened by %s\n", filename, processNameWide.c_str());
		// translate access mode
		bool reading = false;
		bool writing = false;
		//if ((accessMode & FILE_GENERIC_READ) == FILE_GENERIC_READ) reading = true;
		//if ((accessMode & FILE_GENERIC_WRITE) == FILE_GENERIC_WRITE) writing = true;
		reading = true;
		if (writing)
		// open asset
		File *file = fs->open(path, reading, writing, false, processName);
		if (!file)
		info->Context = (ULONG64)file; // file descriptor
		wprintf(L"CreateFile succeeded (handle = 0x%x\n", file);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
char* realpath(const char * name, char * resolved)
    char *retname = NULL;

    /* SUSv3 says we must set `errno = EINVAL', and return NULL,
    * if `name' is passed as a NULL pointer.
    if (name == NULL)
        errno = EINVAL;
        return NULL;

    /* Otherwise, `name' must refer to a readable filesystem object,
    * if we are going to resolve its absolute path name.
    wchar_t wideNameBuffer[PATH_MAX];
    wchar_t *wideName = wideNameBuffer;
    if (!utf8ToWide(name, wideName, PATH_MAX))
        errno = EINVAL;
        return NULL;

    if (_waccess(wideName, 4) != 0)
        return NULL;

    /* If `name' didn't point to an existing entity,
    * then we don't get to here; we simply fall past this block,
    * returning NULL, with `errno' appropriately set by `access'.
    * When we _do_ get to here, then we can use `_fullpath' to
    * resolve the full path for `name' into `resolved', but first,
    * check that we have a suitable buffer, in which to return it.

    if ((retname = resolved) == NULL)
        /* Caller didn't give us a buffer, so we'll exercise the
        * option granted by SUSv3, and allocate one.
        * `_fullpath' would do this for us, but it uses `malloc', and
        * Microsoft's implementation doesn't set `errno' on failure.
        * If we don't do this explicitly ourselves, then we will not
        * know if `_fullpath' fails on `malloc' failure, or for some
        * other reason, and we want to set `errno = ENOMEM' for the
        * `malloc' failure case.

        retname = (char *)malloc(PATH_MAX);
        if (retname == NULL)
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return NULL;

    /* Otherwise, when we do have a valid buffer,
    * `_fullpath' should only fail if the path name is too long.

    wchar_t wideFullPathBuffer[PATH_MAX];
    wchar_t *wideFullPath;
    if ((wideFullPath = _wfullpath(wideFullPathBuffer, wideName, PATH_MAX)) == NULL)
        errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
        return NULL;

    // Do a LongPath<->ShortPath roundtrip so that case is resolved by OS
    // FIXME: Check for failure
    size_t initialLength = wcslen(wideFullPath);
    GetShortPathNameW(wideFullPath, wideNameBuffer, PATH_MAX);
    GetLongPathNameW(wideNameBuffer, wideFullPathBuffer, initialLength + 1);

    // Convert back to UTF-8
    if (!wideToUtf8(wideFullPathBuffer, retname, PATH_MAX))
        errno = EINVAL;
        return NULL;

    // Force drive to be upper case
    if (retname[1] == ':')
        retname[0] = toupper(retname[0]);

    return retname;
Exemplo n.º 14
 std::string Value::readString() const
     return m_pParentKey->readString( wideToUtf8( m_wsName ) );
Exemplo n.º 15
 std::string Value::name() const
     return wideToUtf8( m_wsName );
Exemplo n.º 16
 std::string Key::fullPath() const
     return stringFromRootKey( m_hRootKey ) + "\\" + wideToUtf8( m_wsPath );
Exemplo n.º 17
 std::string Key::path() const
     return wideToUtf8( m_wsPath );