inline lstring directory::folders(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) { lstring list; string path = pathname; path.transform("/", "\\"); if(!strend(path, "\\")) path.append("\\"); path.append("*"); HANDLE handle; WIN32_FIND_DATA data; handle = FindFirstFile(utf16_t(path), &data); if(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if(wcscmp(data.cFileName, L".") && wcscmp(data.cFileName, L"..")) { if(data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { string name = (const char*)utf8_t(data.cFileName); if(wildcard(name, pattern)) list.append(name); } } while(FindNextFile(handle, &data) != false) { if(wcscmp(data.cFileName, L".") && wcscmp(data.cFileName, L"..")) { if(data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { string name = (const char*)utf8_t(data.cFileName); if(wildcard(name, pattern)) list.append(name); } } } FindClose(handle); } if(list.size() > 0) list.sort(); for(auto &name : list) name.append("/"); //must append after sorting return list; }
inline lstring directory::files(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) { lstring list; string path = pathname; path.transform("/", "\\"); if(!strend(path, "\\")) path.append("\\"); path.append("*"); HANDLE handle; WIN32_FIND_DATA data; handle = FindFirstFile(utf16_t(path), &data); if(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if((data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { string name = utf8_t(data.cFileName); if(wildcard(name, pattern)) list.append(name); } while(FindNextFile(handle, &data) != false) { if((data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { string name = utf8_t(data.cFileName); if(wildcard(name, pattern)) list.append(name); } } FindClose(handle); } if(list.size() > 0) sort(&list[0], list.size()); return list; }
static char * match_config_entry( char *entry ) { if (( remote_cn != NULL ) && wildcard( entry, remote_cn, 0 )) { return( remote_cn ); } else if ( wildcard( entry, remote_host, 0 )) { return( remote_host ); } else if ( wildcard( entry, remote_addr, 1 )) { return( remote_addr ); } return( NULL ); }
BOOL IllegalWindowSpec::match(HWND window) { //## begin AutoFunction::Match%-160473114.body preserve=yes if ( !::IsWindow( window ) ) { return FALSE ; } else { BOOL match = TRUE ; BOOL checkedSomething = FALSE ; if (m_title.length()) { checkedSomething = TRUE ; char title[256] ; ::GetWindowText(window, title, 256) ; string Title( title ) ; if (!(wildcard(m_title, Title, (m_caseSensitive ? FNM_BASHSTYLE | FNM_NOESCAPE : FNM_BASHSTYLE | FNM_CASEFOLD | FNM_NOESCAPE) ))) { match = FALSE ; } } if (m_winClass.length()) { checkedSomething = TRUE ; char winclass[256] ; ::GetClassName(window, winclass, 256 ) ; string Class(winclass) ; if (!(wildcard(m_winClass, Class, (m_caseSensitive ? FNM_BASHSTYLE | FNM_NOESCAPE : FNM_BASHSTYLE | FNM_CASEFOLD | FNM_NOESCAPE) ))) { match = FALSE ; } } if (m_filename.length()) { checkedSomething = TRUE ; char file[256] ; GetWindowFileName(window, file, 256); string File(file) ; if (!(wildcard(m_filename, File, (m_caseSensitive ? FNM_BASHSTYLE | FNM_NOESCAPE : FNM_BASHSTYLE | FNM_CASEFOLD | FNM_NOESCAPE) ))) { match = FALSE ; } } if ( !checkedSomething ) { match = FALSE ; } return match ; } }
int findfirst(const signed char *pathname, struct ffblk *ffblk, int attrib) { signed char *match=strdup(pathname); unsigned int i; if(match[0]=='*') match++; for(i=0;i<strlen(match);i++) { if(match[i]>='a' && match[i]<='z') match[i]^=32; } dirsize=0; printf("Looking for '%s' (%s)\n",match,pathname); int fd = sceIoDopen(path); SceIoDirent entry; while (sceIoDread(fd, &entry) > 0) { if(strcasestr(entry.d_name,match)==0 && wildcard(entry.d_name,match)==0) continue; if(dirsize==0) { dirfname=(signed char **)calloc(sizeof(signed char *),64); } else if((dirsize%64)==0) { dirfname=(signed char **)realloc(dirfname,sizeof(signed char *)*(dirsize+64)); } dirfname[dirsize++]=strdup(entry.d_name); } sceIoDclose(fd); printf("Got %d matches\n",dirsize); if (dirsize>0) { dirpos=1; strcpy(ffblk->ff_name,dirfname[dirsize-1]); return 0; } return 1; }
static void proc_wild_disp() { DispInArea(); ggg.wild_page = 0; wildcard(); disp_selection(0); }
int wildcard(char *str, char *p) { while(*str) { switch(*p) { case '*': while(*++p == '*'); if(!*p) return true; while(*str) { printf("str = %c, p = %c\n", *str, *p); //if(wildcard(p, str++) == true) { if(wildcard(str++, p) == true) { return true; } } return false; default: if(*str != *p) return false; break; } str++; p++; } while(*p == '*') p++; return !*p; }
boost::regex convertToRegex( const std::string& stringWithShellLikeWildcard ) { std::string wildcard( stringWithShellLikeWildcard ); boost::replace_all( wildcard, ".", "\\." ); boost::replace_all( wildcard, "*", ".*" ); boost::replace_all( wildcard, "/", "\\/" ); return boost::regex( "^" + wildcard + "$" ); }
/* ** readfiles() read files. */ static void readfiles (int protocol, char *fname) { if (protocol == ASCII) { wildcard(typefile, fname); } else if (protocol != TODISK) { usingWCprotocol = protocol; wildcard(download, fname); usingWCprotocol = ASCII; } else { mPrintf("Can't journal files!\n "); } }
int main(void) { if(wildcard("hereheroherr", "*hero*")) printf("True\n"); else printf("False\n"); return 0; }
int main() { char *string = "hereheroherr"; char *pattern = "*hero*"; if (wildcard(string, pattern) == TRUE) { printf("\nMatch Found!\n"); } else { printf("\nMatch not Found!\n"); } return 0; }
/** Return a string with all help entries that match a pattern */ static char * list_matching_entries(char *pattern, help_file *help_dat, const char *sep) { static char buff[BUFFER_LEN]; int offset; char *bp; size_t n; int len; bp = buff; if (help_dat->admin) offset = 1; /* To skip the leading & */ else offset = 0; if (!wildcard(pattern)) { /* Quick way out, use the other kind of matching */ char the_topic[LINE_SIZE + 2]; help_indx *entry = NULL; strcpy(the_topic, normalize_entry(help_dat, pattern)); if (!help_dat->indx || help_dat->entries == 0) return T("#-1 NO INDEX FOR FILE"); entry = help_find_entry(help_dat, the_topic); if (!entry) return (char *) ""; return (char *) (entry->topic + offset); } bp = buff; if (sep) len = strlen(sep); for (n = 0; n < help_dat->entries; n++) if (quick_wild(pattern, help_dat->indx[n].topic + offset)) { safe_str(help_dat->indx[n].topic + offset, buff, &bp); if (sep) safe_strl(sep, len, buff, &bp); } if (bp > buff) *(bp - len) = '\0'; else { *bp = '\0'; } return buff; }
int match(char *ausdruck, char *text) { if(ausdruck[0] == '\0') return 1; #ifdef __unix__ if(ausdruck[1] == '*') #elif __WIN32__ if(ausdruck[1] == '~') #endif return wildcard(ausdruck[0], ausdruck+2, text); if(ausdruck[0] == '$' && ausdruck[1] == '\0') return *text == '\0'; if(*text != '\0' && ( ausdruck[0] == '.' || ausdruck[0] == *text)) return match(ausdruck+1, text+1); return 0; }
void DIALOG_DRC_CONTROL::OnButtonBrowseRptFileClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxFileName fn; wxString wildcard( _( "DRC report files (.rpt)|*.rpt" ) ); wxString Ext( wxT( "rpt" ) ); fn = m_Parent->GetBoard()->GetFileName() + wxT( "-drc" ); fn.SetExt( Ext ); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save DRC Report File" ), wxEmptyString, fn.GetFullName(), wildcard, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT | wxFD_CHANGE_DIR ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; m_RptFilenameCtrl->SetValue( dlg.GetPath() ); }
inline lstring directory::files(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) { lstring list; DIR *dp; struct dirent *ep; dp = opendir(pathname); if(dp) { while(ep = readdir(dp)) { if(!strcmp(ep->d_name, ".")) continue; if(!strcmp(ep->d_name, "..")) continue; if((ep->d_type & DT_DIR) == 0) { if(wildcard(ep->d_name, pattern)) list.append(ep->d_name); } } closedir(dp); } if(list.size() > 0) sort(&list[0], list.size()); return list; }
inline lstring directory::folders(const string &pathname, const string &pattern) { lstring list; DIR *dp; struct dirent *ep; dp = opendir(pathname); if(dp) { while(ep = readdir(dp)) { if(!strcmp(ep->d_name, ".")) continue; if(!strcmp(ep->d_name, "..")) continue; if(ep->d_type & DT_DIR) { if(wildcard(ep->d_name, pattern)) list.append(ep->d_name); } } closedir(dp); } if(list.size() > 0) list.sort(); for(auto &name : list) name.append("/"); //must append after sorting return list; }
void ecRunTestsExecutablesDialog::OnAdd(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxCheckListBox* checkList = (wxCheckListBox*) FindWindow(ecID_RUN_TESTS_TEST_LIST); if (!checkList) return; //#ifdef __WXMSW__ // wxString wildcard(wxT("Executables (*.exe)|*.exe")); //#else wxString wildcard(wxT("Executables (*)|*")); //#endif wxFileDialog dialog(this, _("Choose one or more executables to add"), wxGetCwd(), wxEmptyString, wildcard, wxMULTIPLE|wxOPEN); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxArrayString paths; dialog.GetPaths(paths); bool err = FALSE; unsigned int i; int n = paths.Count(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // TODO: check that it's the right kind of file if (-1 == checkList->FindString(paths[i])) { checkList->Append(paths[i]); checkList->Check(checkList->Number()-1, TRUE); } else err = TRUE; } if (err) wxMessageBox(_("One or more of the files was already present"), wxGetApp().GetSettings().GetAppName(), wxICON_EXCLAMATION|wxOK, this); } }
int LuaProgressSink::LuaDisplaySaveDialog(lua_State *L) { ProgressSink *ps = GetObjPointer(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); wxString message(check_wxstring(L, 1)); wxString dir(check_wxstring(L, 2)); wxString file(check_wxstring(L, 3)); wxString wildcard(check_wxstring(L, 4)); bool prompt_overwrite = !lua_toboolean(L, 5); int flags = wxFD_SAVE; if (prompt_overwrite) flags |= wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT; wxFileDialog diag(ps->GetParentWindow(), message, dir, file, wildcard, flags); if (ps->ShowDialog(&diag) == wxID_CANCEL) { lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } lua_pushstring(L, diag.GetFilename().utf8_str()); return 1; }
int LuaProgressSink::LuaDisplayOpenDialog(lua_State *L) { ProgressSink *ps = GetObjPointer(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); wxString message(check_wxstring(L, 1)); wxString dir(check_wxstring(L, 2)); wxString file(check_wxstring(L, 3)); wxString wildcard(check_wxstring(L, 4)); bool multiple = !!lua_toboolean(L, 5); bool must_exist = lua_toboolean(L, 6) || lua_isnil(L, 6); int flags = wxFD_OPEN; if (multiple) flags |= wxFD_MULTIPLE; if (must_exist) flags |= wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST; wxFileDialog diag(0, message, dir, file, wildcard, flags); if (ps->ShowDialog(&diag) == wxID_CANCEL) { lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } if (multiple) { wxArrayString files; diag.GetFilenames(files); lua_newtable(L); for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { lua_pushstring(L, files[i].utf8_str()); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1); } return 1; } lua_pushstring(L, diag.GetFilename().utf8_str()); return 1; }
int wildcard(char *string, char *pattern) { while(*string) { switch(*pattern) { case '*': do {++pattern;}while(*pattern == '*'); if(!*pattern) return (TRUE); while (*string) { if(wildcard(pattern, string++)==TRUE) return TRUE; } return FALSE; default : if(*string != *pattern) return (FALSE); break; } ++pattern; ++string; } while(*pattern == '*') ++pattern; return !*pattern; }
void EDA_BASE_FRAME::OnSelectPreferredEditor( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxFileName fn = Pgm().GetEditorName(); wxString wildcard( wxT( "*" ) ); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ wildcard += wxT( ".exe" ); #endif wildcard.Printf( _( "Executable file (%s)|%s" ), GetChars( wildcard ), GetChars( wildcard ) ); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Select Preferred Editor" ), fn.GetPath(), fn.GetFullName(), wildcard, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; wxString editor = dlg.GetPath(); Pgm().SetEditorName( editor ); }
/* ** readdir() read the directory. */ static void readdir (char *fname) { int printdir(); long sectors, bytes; FDSectCount = 0L; if (FDextended) tagSetup(); doCR(); wildcard(printdir, strlen(fname) ? fname : "*.*"); if (FDextended) tagClose(); mPrintf("\n %s total.\n ", plural("byte", FDSectCount)); if (onConsole || cfg.diskusage) { diskSpaceLeft(roomBuf.rbdirname, §ors, &bytes); mPrintf("%s free in %s\n ", plural("byte", bytes), roomBuf.rbdirname); } FDextended = NO; }
void FTSSpec::scoreDocument( const BSONObj& obj, const FTSLanguage& parentLanguage, const string& parentPath, bool isArray, TermFrequencyMap* term_freqs ) const { if ( _textIndexVersion == TEXT_INDEX_VERSION_1 ) { dassert( parentPath == "" ); dassert( !isArray ); return _scoreDocumentV1( obj, term_freqs ); } const FTSLanguage& language = _getLanguageToUseV2( obj, parentLanguage ); Stemmer stemmer( language ); Tools tools( language, &stemmer, StopWords::getStopWords( language ) ); // Perform a depth-first traversal of obj, skipping fields not touched by this spec. BSONObjIterator j( obj ); while ( j.more() ) { BSONElement elem =; string fieldName = elem.fieldName(); // Skip "language" specifier fields if wildcard. if ( wildcard() && languageOverrideField() == fieldName ) { continue; } // Compose the dotted name of the current field: // 1. parent path empty (top level): use the current field name // 2. parent path non-empty and obj is an array: use the parent path // 3. parent path non-empty and obj is a sub-doc: append field name to parent path string dottedName = ( parentPath.empty() ? fieldName : isArray ? parentPath : parentPath + '.' + fieldName ); // Find lower bound of dottedName in _weights. lower_bound leaves us at the first // weight that could possibly match or be a prefix of dottedName. And if this // element fails to match, then no subsequent weight can match, since the weights // are lexicographically ordered. Weights::const_iterator i = _weights.lower_bound( elem.type() == Object ? dottedName + '.' : dottedName ); // possibleWeightMatch is set if the weight map contains either a match or some item // lexicographically larger than fieldName. This boolean acts as a guard on // dereferences of iterator 'i'. bool possibleWeightMatch = ( i != _weights.end() ); // Optimize away two cases, when not wildcard: // 1. lower_bound seeks to end(): no prefix match possible // 2. lower_bound seeks to a name which is not a prefix if ( !wildcard() ) { if ( !possibleWeightMatch ) { continue; } else if ( !_matchPrefix( dottedName, i->first ) ) { continue; } } // Is the current field an exact match on a weight? bool exactMatch = ( possibleWeightMatch && i->first == dottedName ); double weight = ( possibleWeightMatch ? i->second : DEFAULT_WEIGHT ); switch ( elem.type() ) { case String: // Only index strings on exact match or wildcard. if ( exactMatch || wildcard() ) { _scoreStringV2( tools, elem.valuestr(), term_freqs, weight ); } break; case Object: // Only descend into a sub-document on proper prefix or wildcard. Note that // !exactMatch is a sufficient test for proper prefix match, because of // matchPrefix() continue block above. if ( !exactMatch || wildcard() ) { scoreDocument( elem.Obj(), language, dottedName, false, term_freqs ); } break; case Array: // Only descend into arrays from non-array parents or on wildcard. if ( !isArray || wildcard() ) { scoreDocument( elem.Obj(), language, dottedName, true, term_freqs ); } break; default: // Skip over all other BSON types. break; } } }
int dcl_type(PARAM_T *p, PARAM_T *q) { PARAM type_param; char vms[MAX_TOKEN]; char outfil[MAX_TOKEN]; char dos[MAX_TOKEN]; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[_MAX_DIR]; char file[_MAX_FNAME]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; int i = 0; int recurse = 0; int s_recurse = 0; int retcod = 0; int f_output = 0; char *type_command = "TYPE"; NEXT_LINE(); if (cmd[C].subr) return(0); if (!dcl[D].cc[dcl[D].ccl]) return(0); if (p == NULL || q == NULL) return(DCL_ERROR); _STATUS = 0; *vms = 0; *outfil = 0; *dos = 0; *drive = 0; *dir = 0; *file = 0; *ext = 0; type_param.all = 0; type_param.confirm = 0; = 0; type_param.wildcard = 0; type_param.file_nb = 0; type_param.before = -1; type_param.since = 0; type_param.output = dcl[D].SYS_OUTPUT; type_param.ok = 1; type_param.numbers = 0; retcod = cmd_parse_line(dcl_line,TYPE_PARAM,TYPE_QUAL,p,q); if (retcod != DCL_OK) goto exit_label; for (i = 0; q[i].tag; i++) { if (q[i].flag & PRESENT) switch (q[i].tag) { case 1: /* /ALL */ type_param.all = TRUE; break; case 2: /* /BEFORE */ if (!*q[i].value) strcpy(q[i].value,"TODAY"); tm_str_to_long(q[i].value,&type_param.before); break; case 3: /* /CONFIRM */ type_param.confirm = 1; break; case 4: /* /NOCONFIRM */ type_param.confirm = 0; break; case 5: /* /PAGE */ = 1; break; case 6: /* /OUTPUT */ dcl_string(q[i].value,outfil,MAX_TOKEN); cvfs_vms_to_dos(outfil,dos,&recurse); if (!cvfs_check_device(dos)){ _splitpath(dos,drive,dir,file,ext); if (strlen(file) == 0){ strcat(dos,"TYPE"); } if (strlen(ext) == 0){ strcat(dos,".LIS"); } } type_param.output = fopen(dos,"at"); if (type_param.output == NULL) { (void)dcl_printf(dcl[D].SYS_OUTPUT,"%s: %s\n",outfil,strerror(errno)); _SEVERITY = 2; _STATUS = 19; retcod = -1; goto exit_label; } f_output = 1; break; case 7: /* /SINCE */ if (!*q[i].value) strcpy(q[i].value,"TODAY"); tm_str_to_long(q[i].value,&type_param.since); break; case 8: /* /SUBDIR */ recurse = 1; break; case 9: /* /NOSUBDIR */ recurse = 0; break; case 10: /* /NUMBERS */ type_param.numbers = 1; break; default: ; } /* end switch */ } /* end for */ dcl_string(p[0].value,vms,MAX_TOKEN); if ( && f_output) { (void)dcl_printf(dcl[D].SYS_OUTPUT,"/PAGE and /OUTPUT parameters are mutually exclusives.\n"); _SEVERITY = 2; _STATUS = 19; retcod = -1; goto exit_label; } if (strncasecmp(vms,"SYS$INPUT",9)) { cvfs_lst_to_dos(vms,dos,&s_recurse); if (s_recurse) recurse = 1; type_param.wildcard = (char)wildcard(dos); (void)dcl_searchdirlst(type_command,dos,recurse,dcltype_do_it,&type_param); if (type_param.file_nb == 0){ if (type_param.wildcard) (void)dcl_printf(dcl[D].SYS_OUTPUT,"No file found.\n"); else (void)dcl_printf(dcl[D].SYS_OUTPUT,"File not found.\n"); _SEVERITY = 1; _STATUS = 2; retcod = -1; goto exit_label; } } else { (void)dcltype_sysinput(&type_param); } exit_label: if (f_output) fclose(type_param.output); if (HARDERR) tio_print_interrupt(); return(retcod); }
static int twhich( char *pattern, int displayall ) { struct node *node; struct transcript *tran; extern struct transcript *tran_head; extern struct list *exclude_list; int cmp = 0, match = 0; /* check exclude list */ if ( exclude_list->l_count > 0 ) { for ( node = list_pop_head( exclude_list ); node != NULL; node = list_pop_head( exclude_list )) { if ( wildcard( node->n_path, pattern, case_sensitive )) { printf( "# Exclude\n" ); printf( "# exclude pattern: %s\n", node->n_path ); if ( !displayall ) { goto done; } } free( node ); } } for ( tran = tran_head; tran->t_next != NULL; tran = tran->t_next ) { /* Skip NULL/empty transcripts */ if ( tran->t_eof ) { continue; } while (( cmp = pathcasecmp( tran->t_pinfo.pi_name, pattern, case_sensitive )) < 0 ) { transcript_parse( tran ); if ( tran->t_eof ) { break; } } if ( tran->t_eof ) { continue; } if ( cmp > 0 ) { continue; } if ( cmp == 0 ) { match++; switch( tran->t_type ) { case T_POSITIVE: printf( "# Positive\n" ); break; case T_NEGATIVE: printf( "# Negative\n" ); break; case T_SPECIAL: printf( "# Special\n" ); break; default: fprintf( stderr, "unknown transcript type\n" ); exit( 2 ); } printf( "# %s:\n", tran->t_kfile ); if ( tran->t_pinfo.pi_minus ) { printf( "%s:\n", tran->t_shortname ); t_print( NULL, tran, PR_STATUS_MINUS ); } else { t_print( NULL, tran, PR_TRAN_ONLY ); } if ( !displayall ) { goto done; } } } done: if ( match ) { return( 0 ); } else { return( 1 ); } }
gboolean feedkey_gtab(KeySym key, int kbstate) { int i,j=0; int inkey=0; char *pselkey= NULL; gboolean phrase_selected = FALSE; char seltab_phrase[MAX_SELKEY]; gboolean is_keypad = FALSE; gboolean shift_m = (kbstate & ShiftMask) > 0; // gboolean ctrl_m = (kbstate & ControlMask) > 0; gboolean capslock_on = (kbstate & LockMask); bzero(seltab_phrase, sizeof(seltab_phrase)); // dbg("uuuuu %x %x shift,ctrl:%d,%d\n", key, kbstate, shift_m, ctrl_m); if (!cur_inmd) return 0; gboolean is_dayi = !strncmp(cur_inmd->filename, "dayi", 4); if ((tsin_chinese_english_toggle_key == TSIN_CHINESE_ENGLISH_TOGGLE_KEY_CapsLock) && (key == XK_Caps_Lock)){ // The CapLock status may be incorrect when XK_Caps_Lock is pressed. gboolean new_tsin_pho_mode = ! gdk_keymap_get_caps_lock_state(gdk_keymap_get_default()); if (current_CS->tsin_pho_mode != new_tsin_pho_mode) { current_CS->tsin_pho_mode = new_tsin_pho_mode; save_CS_current_to_temp(); tsin_set_eng_ch(new_tsin_pho_mode); } } if ((kbstate & (Mod1Mask|Mod4Mask|Mod5Mask|ControlMask))==ControlMask && key>='1' && key<='9' && ggg.gbufN) { save_gtab_buf_phrase(key); return 1; } if (ggg.gbufN && key==XK_Tab) return 1; if ((key==XK_Shift_L||key==XK_Shift_R) && !key_press_time) { key_press_time = current_time(); key_press_time_ctrl = 0; } else if ((key==XK_Control_L||key==XK_Control_R) && !key_press_time_ctrl && tss.pre_selN) { key_press_time_ctrl = current_time(); return TRUE; } else { key_press_time_ctrl = 0; key_press_time = 0; } if (kbstate & (Mod1Mask|Mod4Mask|Mod5Mask|ControlMask)) { return 0; } if (poo.same_pho_query_state == SAME_PHO_QUERY_pho_select) return feedkey_pho(key, 0); if (poo.same_pho_query_state == SAME_PHO_QUERY_none && gwin_pho && GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(gwin_pho)) hide_win_pho(); if (!tsin_pho_mode()) { if (key < 0x20 || key>=0x7f) goto shift_proc; if (capslock_on && hime_capslock_lower) case_inverse((KeySym *)&key, shift_m); if (ggg.gbufN) insert_gbuf_cursor_char(key); else send_ascii(key); return 1; } int lcase; lcase = tolower(key); int ucase; ucase = toupper(key); if (key < 127 && cur_inmd->keymap[key]) { if (key < 'A' || key > 'z' || (key > 'Z' && key < 'a') ) goto shift_proc; if (cur_inmd->keymap[lcase] != cur_inmd->keymap[ucase]) goto next; } shift_proc: if (shift_m && !strchr(cur_inmd->selkey, key) && !ggg.more_pg && key>=' ' && key < 0x7e && key!='*' && (key!='?' || (gtab_shift_phrase_key && ! { if (gtab_shift_phrase_key) { if (tss.pre_selN && shift_char_proc(key, kbstate)) return TRUE; if (feed_phrase(key, kbstate)) return TRUE; } else { if (!cur_inmd->keymap[key] || (lcase != ucase && cur_inmd->keymap[lcase]==cur_inmd->keymap[ucase])) return shift_char_proc(key, kbstate); } } gboolean has_wild; has_wild = FALSE; switch (key) { case XK_BackSpace: ggg.last_idx=0; ggg.spc_pressed=0; ggg.sel1st_i=MAX_SELKEY-1; clear_gtab_input_error_color(); hide_gtab_pre_sel(); if ( { if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE) return gtab_buf_backspace(); else return 0; } if (>0) ggg.inch[]=0; if (has_wild_card()) { proc_wild_disp(); return 1; } ggg.wild_mode=0; ggg.invalid_spc = FALSE; if ( && cur_inmd->use_quick) { int i; clr_seltab(); for(i=0;i<cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL;i++) utf8cpy(seltab[i], (char *)cur_inmd->qkeys->quick1[ggg.inch[0]-1][i]); ggg.defselN=cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL; DispInArea(); goto Disp_opt; } else if ( && cur_inmd->use_quick) { int i; clr_seltab(); for(i=0;i<cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL;i++) utf8cpy(seltab[i], (char *)cur_inmd->qkeys->quick2[ggg.inch[0]-1][ggg.inch[1]-1][i]); ggg.defselN=cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL; DispInArea(); goto Disp_opt; } break; case XK_KP_Enter: case XK_Return: if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE) { hide_gtab_pre_sel(); if (shift_m) { return save_gtab_buf_shift_enter(); } else return output_gbuf(); } else return 0; case XK_Up: if (gtab_has_input()) return TRUE; return FALSE; case XK_Down: case XK_KP_Down: if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE) return show_buf_select(); else return 0; case XK_Escape: hide_gtab_pre_sel(); if (ggg.gtab_buf_select) { ggg.gtab_buf_select = 0; reset_gtab_all(); ClrSelArea(); if (hime_pop_up_win && !gtab_has_input()) hide_win_gtab(); return 1; } ClrSelArea(); close_gtab_pho_win(); if ( { reset_gtab_all(); return 1; } else { if (ggg.gbufN) { set_gtab_user_head(); return 1; } ClrIn(); return 0; } case XK_Prior: case XK_KP_Prior: case XK_KP_Subtract: if (ggg.wild_mode) { if (ggg.wild_page >= cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL) ggg.wild_page-=cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL; wildcard(); return 1; } else if (ggg.more_pg) { if (ggg.gtab_buf_select) { gbuf_prev_pg(); return 1; } ggg.pg_idx -= page_len(); if (ggg.pg_idx < ggg.S1) ggg.pg_idx = ggg.S1; goto next_pg; } if (key==XK_KP_Subtract) goto keypad_proc; return win_sym_page_up(); case XK_Next: case XK_KP_Next: case XK_KP_Add: if (ggg.more_pg) { if (ggg.gtab_buf_select) { gbuf_next_pg(); return 1; } next_page: // dbg("more...\n"); ggg.pg_idx += page_len(); if (ggg.pg_idx >=ggg.E1) ggg.pg_idx = ggg.S1; goto next_pg; } else { if (key==XK_KP_Add) goto keypad_proc; if (win_sym_page_down()) return TRUE; if (!ggg.gtab_buf_select && ggg.gbufN && AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE) return show_buf_select(); return FALSE; } case ' ': hide_gtab_pre_sel(); if (ggg.invalid_spc && gtab_invalid_key_in) ClrIn(); if (!gtab_invalid_key_in && ggg.spc_pressed && ggg.invalid_spc) { ClrIn(); return 1; } has_wild = has_wild_card(); // dbg("ggg.wild_mode:%d ggg.more_pg:%d has_wild:%d\n", ggg.wild_mode, ggg.more_pg,, has_wild); if (ggg.wild_mode) { // request from tetralet if (!ggg.wild_page && ggg.total_matchN < cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL) { ggg.sel1st_i = 0; goto direct_select; } ggg.wild_page += cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL; if (ggg.wild_page >= ggg.total_matchN) ggg.wild_page=0; wildcard(); ggg.spc_pressed = TRUE; return 1; } else if (ggg.more_pg && !(_gtab_space_auto_first & GTAB_space_auto_first_any)) { if (ggg.gtab_buf_select) { gbuf_next_pg(); return 1; } else goto next_page; } else if ( { if (current_CS->b_half_full_char) return full_char_proc(key); if (ggg.gbufN) { output_gbuf(); } else return 0; } else if (!has_wild) { // dbg("iii %d ggg.defselN:%d %d\n", ggg.sel1st_i, ggg.defselN, cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL); if (_gtab_space_auto_first == GTAB_space_auto_first_any && seltab[0][0] && ggg.sel1st_i==MAX_SELKEY-1) { ggg.sel1st_i = 0; } if (_gtab_space_auto_first == GTAB_space_auto_first_nofull && ggg.exa_match > 1 && !AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE && gtab_dup_select_bell) bell(); if (seltab[ggg.sel1st_i][0]) { // dbg("ggg.last_full %d %d\n", ggg.last_full,ggg.spc_pressed); if (gtab_full_space_auto_first || ggg.spc_pressed) { direct_select: if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE && poo.same_pho_query_state != SAME_PHO_QUERY_gtab_input) { // dbg("ins ggg.kval %x\n", ggg.kval); insert_gbuf_cursor1_cond(seltab[ggg.sel1st_i], ggg.kval, ggg.exa_match); } else putstr_inp(seltab[ggg.sel1st_i]); /* select 1st */ return 1; } } } ggg.last_full=0; ggg.spc_pressed=1; // dbg("spc_pressed=1\n"); if (has_wild) { ggg.wild_page=0; ggg.wild_mode=1; wildcard(); return 1; } break; case '?': case '*': if ((!gtab_que_wild_card && key == '?') || (!gtab_que_wild_card_asterisk && key == '*')) { inkey=cur_inmd->keymap[key]; if ((inkey && (inkey!=cur_inmd->WILD_QUES && inkey!=cur_inmd->WILD_STAR)) || ptr_selkey(key)) goto next; if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE && ggg.gbufN) { insert_gbuf_cursor_char(key); return 1; } else { if (current_CS->b_half_full_char) return full_char_proc(key); else return 0; } } if (tss.pre_selN && shift_char_proc(key, kbstate)) return TRUE; if (current_CS->b_half_full_char) return full_char_proc(key); inkey=cur_inmd->keymap[key]; if ((inkey && (inkey!=cur_inmd->WILD_STAR && inkey!=cur_inmd->WILD_QUES)) || ptr_selkey(key)) { // dbg("%d %d\n", inkey, cur_inmd->WILD_STAR); goto next; } if (< cur_inmd->MaxPress) { ggg.inch[]=inkey; DispInArea(); if (hime_pop_up_win) show_win_gtab(); ggg.total_matchN = 0; ggg.wild_page=0; ggg.wild_mode=1; wildcard(); return 1; } return 0; case XK_Left: case XK_KP_Left: return gbuf_cursor_left(); case XK_Right: case XK_KP_Right: return gbuf_cursor_right(); case XK_Home: case XK_KP_Home: return gbuf_cursor_home(); case XK_End: case XK_KP_End: return gbuf_cursor_end(); case XK_Delete: case XK_KP_Delete: return gtab_buf_delete(); case XK_Shift_L: case XK_Shift_R: case XK_Control_R: case XK_Control_L: case XK_Alt_L: case XK_Alt_R: case XK_Caps_Lock: return 0; case '`': if (gtab_pho_query && !cur_inmd->keymap[key]) { poo.same_pho_query_state = SAME_PHO_QUERY_gtab_input; reset_gtab_all(); disp_gtab_sel(_("輸入要查的同音字,接著在注音視窗選字")); if (hime_pop_up_win) show_win_gtab(); disp_pho_sel(""); init_gtab_pho_query_win(); return 1; } default: next: if (key < 0x7f) inkey= cur_inmd->keymap[key]; else inkey = 0; if (shift_m && !inkey && !tss.ctrl_pre_sel && tss.pre_selN && shift_char_proc(key, kbstate)) return TRUE; clear_gtab_input_error_color(); if (ggg.invalid_spc && gtab_invalid_key_in) { ClrIn(); } if (key>=XK_KP_0 && key<=XK_KP_9) { if (! { if (ggg.gbufN) { insert_gbuf_cursor_char(key - XK_KP_0 + '0'); return 1; } else return 0; } if (is_dayi) { key = key - XK_KP_0 + '0'; is_keypad = TRUE; } } int keypad; keypad_proc: keypad = keypad_proc(key); if (keypad) { if (! { if (ggg.gbufN) { insert_gbuf_cursor_char(keypad); return 1; } else return 0; } } char *pendkey = strchr(cur_inmd->endkey, key); pselkey=ptr_selkey(key); if (!pselkey && (key < 32 || key > 0x7e) && (gtab_full_space_auto_first || ggg.spc_pressed)) { // dbg("%x %x ggg.sel1st_i:%d '%c'\n", pselkey, key, ggg.sel1st_i, seltab[ggg.sel1st_i][0]); if (seltab[ggg.sel1st_i][0]) { if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE && poo.same_pho_query_state != SAME_PHO_QUERY_gtab_input) insert_gbuf_cursor1_cond(seltab[ggg.sel1st_i], ggg.kval, ggg.exa_match); else putstr_inp(seltab[ggg.sel1st_i]); /* select 1st */ } return 0; } // dbg("ggg.spc_pressed %d %d %d is_keypad:%d\n", ggg.spc_pressed, ggg.last_full, cur_inmd->MaxPress, is_keypad); #if 1 // for dayi, testcase : 6 space keypad6 int vv = pselkey - cur_inmd->selkey; if (pselkey && tss.pre_selN && !ggg.gtab_buf_select && (tss.ctrl_pre_sel|| ((!inkey||ggg.spc_pressed||is_keypad)&&! gtab_disp_partial_match_on() && !gtab_pre_select_on()))) { if (gtab_pre_select_idx(vv)) return TRUE; } else if (( (ggg.spc_pressed||ggg.last_full||is_keypad) ||(ggg.wild_mode && (!inkey ||pendkey)) || ggg.gtab_buf_select) && pselkey) { if ((_gtab_space_auto_first & GTAB_space_auto_first_any) && !ggg.wild_mode) vv++; if (vv<0) vv=9; if (seltab[vv][0]) { if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE && !same_query_show_pho_win()) { if (ggg.gtab_buf_select && poo.same_pho_query_state != SAME_PHO_QUERY_gtab_input) set_gbuf_c_sel(vv); else insert_gbuf_cursor1_cond(seltab[vv], ggg.kval, ggg.exa_match); } else { putstr_inp(seltab[vv]); } if (hime_pop_up_win && !gtab_has_input()) hide_win_gtab(); return 1; } } #endif // dbg("iii %x sel1st_i:%d auto:%d\n", pselkey, ggg.sel1st_i, AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE); if (seltab[ggg.sel1st_i][0] && !ggg.wild_mode && (gtab_full_space_auto_first||ggg.spc_pressed||ggg.last_full) ) { if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE && poo.same_pho_query_state != SAME_PHO_QUERY_gtab_input) insert_gbuf_cursor1_cond(seltab[ggg.sel1st_i], ggg.kval, ggg.exa_match); else putstr_inp(seltab[ggg.sel1st_i]); /* select 1st */ } #if 0 if (key > 0x7f) { return 0; } #endif ggg.spc_pressed=0; // for cj & boshiamy to input digits if (! && !inkey) { if (current_CS->b_half_full_char) return full_char_proc(key); else { if (ggg.gbufN && poo.same_pho_query_state != SAME_PHO_QUERY_gtab_input) { insert_gbuf_cursor_char(key); return 1; } else return 0; } } if (ggg.wild_mode && inkey>=1 &&< cur_inmd->MaxPress) { ggg.inch[]=inkey; if (hime_pop_up_win) show_win_gtab(); proc_wild_disp(); return 1; } if (inkey>=1 &&< cur_inmd->MaxPress) { ggg.inch[]=inkey; hide_gtab_pre_sel(); if (hime_pop_up_win) show_win_gtab(); ggg.last_full=0; if (cur_inmd->use_quick && !pendkey) { if ( { int i; for(i=0;i < cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL; i++) { utf8cpy(seltab[i], (char *)&cur_inmd->qkeys->quick1[inkey-1][i]); } ggg.defselN=cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL; DispInArea(); goto Disp_opt; } else if ( && !pselkey) { int i; for(i=0;i < cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL; i++) { utf8cpy(seltab[i], (char *)&cur_inmd->qkeys->quick2[ggg.inch[0]-1][inkey-1][i]); } ggg.defselN=cur_inmd->M_DUP_SEL; DispInArea(); goto Disp_opt; } } } else if ( == cur_inmd->MaxPress && !pselkey) { bell(); return 1; } if (inkey) { for(i=0; i < MAX_TAB_KEY_NUM64_6; i++) if (ggg.inch[i]>=cur_inmd->WILD_QUES) { DispInArea(); if (>MaxPress) { ggg.wild_mode=1; ggg.wild_page=0; wildcard(); } return 1; } } else { if (!pselkey) { if (current_CS->b_half_full_char) return full_char_proc(key); else { if (key>=' ' && key<0x7f && AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE && ggg.gbufN) insert_gbuf_cursor_char(key); else return 0; } } if (ggg.defselN) { goto YYYY; } } } /* switch */ if ( { ClrSelArea(); ClrIn(); return 1; } ggg.invalid_spc = FALSE; char *pendkey = NULL; pendkey = strchr(cur_inmd->endkey, key); DispInArea(); ggg.kval=0; for(i=0; i < Max_tab_key_num; i++) { ggg.kval|= (u_int64_t)ggg.inch[i] << (KeyBits * (Max_tab_key_num - 1 - i)); } #if 1 if (ggg.last_idx) ggg.S1=ggg.last_idx; else #endif ggg.S1=cur_inmd->idx1[ggg.inch[0]]; // dbg("--------- ch:%d %d val %llx ggg.S1:%d\n", ggg.inch[0], Max_tab_key_num, ggg.kval, ggg.S1); int oE1; oE1=cur_inmd->idx1[ggg.inch[0]+1]; if (cur_inmd->keybits==6) vmaskci = cur_inmd->key64 ? vmask64[]:vmask[]; else vmaskci = cur_inmd->key64 ? vmask64_7[]:vmask_7[]; gtab_scan_pre_select(TRUE); while ((CONVT2(cur_inmd, ggg.S1) & vmaskci) != ggg.kval && CONVT2(cur_inmd, ggg.S1) < ggg.kval && ggg.S1<oE1) ggg.S1++; ggg.pg_idx=ggg.last_idx=ggg.S1; #if 0 dbg("MaxPress:%d vmaskci:%llx kval:%llx !=%d S1:%d kval:%x\n", cur_inmd->MaxPress, vmaskci, ggg.kval,, ((CONVT2(cur_inmd, ggg.S1) & vmaskci)!=ggg.kval), ggg.S1); #endif if ((CONVT2(cur_inmd, ggg.S1) & vmaskci)!=ggg.kval || (ggg.wild_mode && ggg.defselN) || ((/*>MaxPress|| */ ggg.spc_pressed) && ggg.defselN && (pselkey && ( pendkey || ggg.spc_pressed)) ) ) { YYYY: if ((pselkey || ggg.wild_mode) && ggg.defselN) { int vv = pselkey - cur_inmd->selkey; if ((_gtab_space_auto_first & GTAB_space_auto_first_any) && !ggg.wild_mode && ggg.exa_match && (!cur_inmd->use_quick ||!=2)) vv++; if (vv<0) vv=9; if (seltab[vv][0]) { if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE && poo.same_pho_query_state != SAME_PHO_QUERY_gtab_input) insert_gbuf_cursor1_cond(seltab[vv], ggg.kval, ggg.exa_match); else putstr_inp(seltab[vv]); return 1; } } if (pselkey && !ggg.defselN) return 0; if (gtab_invalid_key_in) { if (ggg.spc_pressed) { bell_err(); ggg.invalid_spc = TRUE; // dbg("ggg.invalid_spc\n"); } else { seltab[0][0]=0; ClrSelArea(); } } else { if (gtab_dup_select_bell) bell(); if (>0) ggg.inch[]=0; } ggg.last_idx=0; DispInArea(); return 1; } //refill: j=ggg.S1; while(CONVT2(cur_inmd, j)==ggg.kval && j<oE1) j++; ggg.E1 = j; ggg.total_matchN = ggg.E1 - ggg.S1; ggg.pg_idx = ggg.S1; ggg.more_pg = 0; if (ggg.total_matchN > page_len()) { if ((_gtab_space_auto_first & GTAB_space_auto_first_any) || ggg.spc_pressed || pendkey || (>MaxPress && (_gtab_space_auto_first & GTAB_space_auto_first_full))) ggg.more_pg = 1; } if ( < cur_inmd->MaxPress && !ggg.spc_pressed && !pendkey && !ggg.more_pg) { j = ggg.S1; ggg.exa_match=0; clr_seltab(); int match_cnt=0; while (CONVT2(cur_inmd, j)==ggg.kval && ggg.exa_match <= page_len()) { seltab_phrase[ggg.exa_match] = load_seltab(j, ggg.exa_match); match_cnt++; ggg.exa_match++; j++; } ggg.defselN=ggg.exa_match; // dbg("--- ggg.exa_match %d\n", ggg.exa_match); if (ggg.defselN > page_len()) ggg.defselN--; int shiftb=(KEY_N - 1 * KeyBits; // if (gtab_disp_partial_match_on) while((CONVT2(cur_inmd, j) & vmaskci)==ggg.kval && j<oE1) { int fff=cur_inmd->keycol[(CONVT2(cur_inmd, j)>>shiftb) & cur_inmd->kmask]; u_char *tbl_ch = tblch(j); if (gtab_disp_partial_match_on() && (!seltab[fff][0] || seltab_phrase[fff] || (bchcmp(seltab[fff], tbl_ch)>0 && fff > ggg.exa_match))) { seltab_phrase[fff] = load_seltab(j, fff); ggg.defselN++; } match_cnt++; #if 0 dbg("jj %d", fff); utf8_putchar(seltab[fff]); dbg("\n"); #endif j++; } if (gtab_unique_auto_send_on()) { char *first_str=NULL; for(i=0; i < page_len(); i++) { if (!seltab[i][0]) continue; if (!first_str) first_str = seltab[i]; } if (match_cnt==1 && first_str) { if (AUTO_SELECT_BY_PHRASE && poo.same_pho_query_state != SAME_PHO_QUERY_gtab_input) insert_gbuf_nokey(first_str); else putstr_inp(first_str); return 1; } } } else {
int dcl_copy(PARAM_T *p,PARAM_T *q) { COP_PARAM cop_param; char vms[MAX_TOKEN]; char dos[MAX_TOKEN]; int i = 0; int s_recurse = 0; int retcod = DCL_OK; char *szCmd = "COPY"; NEXT_LINE(); if (cmd[C].subr) return(DCL_OK); if (!dcl[D].cc[dcl[D].ccl]) return(DCL_OK); if (p == NULL || q == NULL) return(DCL_ERROR); SUBDIR = 0; _STATUS = 0; *vms = 0; *dos = 0; cop_param.all = 0; cop_param.confirm = 0; cop_param.log = 0; cop_param.replace = 1; cop_param.wildcard = 0; cop_param.file_nb = 0; cop_param.file_copied = 0; cop_param.vms[0] = 0; cop_param.before = -1; cop_param.since = 0; cop_param.ok = 1; cop_param.fnew = 0; cop_param.recurse = 0; retcod = cmd_parse_line(dcl_line,COPY_PARAM,COPY_QUAL,p,q); if (retcod == DCL_OK) { for (i = 0; q[i].tag; i++) { if (q[i].flag & PRESENT) switch (q[i].tag) { case 1: /* /ALL */ cop_param.all = TRUE; break; case 2: /* /BEFORE */ if (!*q[i].value) strcpy(q[i].value,"TODAY"); tm_str_to_long(q[i].value,&cop_param.before); break; case 3: /* /CONFIRM */ cop_param.confirm = 1; break; case 4: /* /NOCONFIRM */ cop_param.confirm = 0; break; case 5: /* /LOG */ cop_param.log = 1; break; case 6: /* /NOLOG */ cop_param.log = 0; break; case 7: /* /NEW */ cop_param.fnew = 1; break; case 8: /* /SINCE */ if (!*q[i].value) strcpy(q[i].value,"TODAY"); tm_str_to_long(q[i].value,&cop_param.since); break; case 9: /* /SUBDIR */ cop_param.recurse = 1; break; case 10: /* /NOSUBDIR */ cop_param.recurse = 0; break; case 11: /* /REPLACE */ cop_param.replace = 1; break; case 12: /* /NOREPLACE */ cop_param.replace = 0; break; default: ; } /* end switch */ } /* end for */ dcl_string(p[0].value,vms,MAX_TOKEN); dcl_string(p[1].value,cop_param.vms,MAX_TOKEN); cvfs_lst_to_dos(vms,dos,&s_recurse); if (s_recurse) cop_param.recurse = 1; if (dos[strlen(dos)-1] == ':') strcat(dos,"*.*"); cop_param.wildcard = (char)wildcard(dos); (void)dcl_searchdirlst(szCmd,dos,cop_param.recurse,dclcopy_do_it,&cop_param); if (cop_param.file_nb == 0) { if (cop_param.wildcard) (void)dcl_printf(dcl[D].SYS_OUTPUT,"No file found.\n"); else (void)dcl_printf(dcl[D].SYS_OUTPUT,"File not found.\n"); _SEVERITY = 1; _STATUS = 2; retcod = DCL_ERROR; } else { if (cop_param.log && cop_param.file_copied > 1) (void)dcl_printf(dcl[D].SYS_OUTPUT,"%d files copied.\n",cop_param.file_copied); } } return(retcod); }
Project * App::CreateNewProject(const BMessage &settings) { Project *proj = NULL; BString projectName, targetName, projectPath, templateName, pldName; int32 projectType, scmType; bool createFolder, populateProject = true; settings.FindString("name",&projectName); settings.FindString("target",&targetName); settings.FindInt32("type",&projectType); settings.FindString("path",&projectPath); settings.FindInt32("scmtype", &scmType); settings.FindBool("createfolder",&createFolder); settings.FindString("template", &templateName); settings.FindString("pldfile", &pldName); if (templateName.CountChars() > 0) { // Templates are now a directory with a TEMPLATEINFO file. All files in the // directory are copies, allowing for much greater flexibility than before. BString projectFileName(projectName); projectFileName << ".pld"; DPath templatePath(gAppPath.GetFolder()); templatePath << "Templates" << templateName; // Copy the contents of the chosen template folder to the project path DPath sourcePath(templatePath); DPath destPath(gProjectPath); if (createFolder) { destPath << projectName; create_directory(destPath.GetFullPath(), 0700); } BString wildcard("'"); wildcard << sourcePath.GetFullPath() << "'/*"; ShellHelper shell("cp -a "); shell << wildcard; shell.AddQuotedArg(destPath.GetFullPath()); shell.Run(); // The copy command copies *everything*, so we have to delete the // TEMPLATEINFO file. DPath templateInfo(destPath); templateInfo << "TEMPLATEINFO"; BEntry infoEntry(templateInfo.GetFullPath()); infoEntry.Remove(); infoEntry.Unset(); DPath finalPath; // Load project and set info or create one, if needed. // If the settings contain the name of a .pld project file, we'll search // for that first. Assuming that it exists, we'll rename that file to the // project name specified. If it doesn't exist or the .pld name is empty, // we'll create a new project with the appropriate name. // The pldname field comes from the TEMPLATEINFO file, which can designate // the main project file in a template. This allows a template to have // multiple project files, such as for the Tracker Add-on development framework // which has both a project file for generating the actual addon and another // one which is the testing framework. bool createProjFile = true; if (pldName.CountChars() > 0) { // If a .pld project file was specified in TEMPLATEINFO, check to see if // the file exists and rename it. If it doesn't exist, we'll create a new // file, and if a .pld file already exists with the intended name, we won't // do anything except tell the user what's happened. DPath oldPldNamePath(destPath); oldPldNamePath << pldName; BEntry oldPldNameEntry(oldPldNamePath.GetFullPath()); DPath newPldNamePath(destPath); newPldNamePath << projectFileName; BEntry newPldNameEntry(newPldNamePath.GetFullPath()); if (newPldNameEntry.Exists()) { // createProjFile is false here only if there is a .pld file with the // user's chosen project name. If that is the case, we keep both files and // let the user sort it out. BString errMsg = B_TRANSLATE( "Project file '%projectname%.pld' already exists. The " "original file for this template is '%pldname%'. You'll need " "to open the project folder and figure out which one you wish to keep."); errMsg.ReplaceFirst("%projectname%", projectName); errMsg.ReplaceFirst("%pldname%", pldName); ShowAlert(errMsg); populateProject = createProjFile = false; finalPath = newPldNamePath; } else if (oldPldNameEntry.Exists()) { oldPldNameEntry.Rename(projectFileName.String()); populateProject = createProjFile = false; finalPath = newPldNamePath; } } if (createProjFile) { proj = Project::CreateProject(projectName.String(), targetName.String(), projectType, projectPath.String(), createFolder); if (proj) finalPath = proj->GetPath(); } else { proj = new Project(); if (proj->Load(finalPath.GetFullPath()) != B_OK) { delete proj; return NULL; } } } else { // This case is for stuff like the Quick Import feature proj = Project::CreateProject(projectName.String(), targetName.String(), projectType, projectPath.String(), createFolder); } if (!proj) return NULL; scm_t detectedSCM = DetectSCM(projectPath); proj->SetSourceControl(detectedSCM == SCM_NONE ? (scm_t)scmType : detectedSCM); gCurrentProject = proj; gProjectList->Lock(); gProjectList->AddItem(proj); gProjectList->Unlock(); BRect r(0,0,200,300); /* r.OffsetTo(gProjectWindowPoint); gProjectWindowPoint.x += 25; gProjectWindowPoint.y += 25; if (gProjectWindowPoint.x < 0) gProjectWindowPoint.x = 0; if (gProjectWindowPoint.y < 0) gProjectWindowPoint.y - 0; */ ProjectWindow *projwin = new ProjectWindow(r,gCurrentProject); projwin->Show(); BEntry entry(gCurrentProject->GetPath().GetFullPath()); if (entry.InitCheck() == B_OK) { entry_ref newprojref; entry.GetRef(&newprojref); UpdateRecentItems(newprojref); } if (populateProject) { entry_ref addRef; int32 i = 0; while (settings.FindRef("libs",i++,&addRef) == B_OK) { if (BEntry(&addRef).Exists()) proj->AddLibrary(DPath(addRef).GetFullPath()); } i = 0; BMessage addMsg(M_IMPORT_REFS); while (settings.FindRef("refs",i++,&addRef) == B_OK) addMsg.AddRef("refs",&addRef); PostToProjectWindow(&addMsg,NULL); } return proj; }
int wildcard( char *wild, char *p, int sensitive ) { int min, max; int i, len; char *comma, *end; for (;;) { switch ( *wild ) { case '*' : wild++; if ( *wild == '\0' ) { return( 1 ); } for ( i = 0; p[ i ] != '\0'; i++ ) { if ( wildcard( wild, &p[ i ], sensitive )) { return( 1 ); } } return( 0 ); case '<' : wild++; if ( ! isdigit( (int)*p )) { return( 0 ); } i = atoi( p ); while ( isdigit( (int)*p )) p++; if ( ! isdigit( (int)*wild )) { return( 0 ); } min = atoi( wild ); while ( isdigit( (int)*wild )) wild++; if ( *wild++ != '-' ) { return( 0 ); } if ( ! isdigit( (int)*wild )) { return( 0 ); } max = atoi( wild ); while ( isdigit( (int)*wild )) wild++; if ( *wild++ != '>' ) { return( 0 ); } if (( i < min ) || ( i > max )) { return( 0 ); } break; case '?' : wild++; p++; break; case '[' : for ( wild++; *wild != ']'; wild++ ) { if ( sensitive ) { if ( *wild != *p ) break; } else { if ( tolower(*wild) != tolower(*p) ) break; } } if ( *wild == ']' ) { return( 0 ); } for ( ; *wild; wild++ ) { if ( *wild == ']' ) { break; } } if ( *wild == '\0' ) { return( 0 ); } p++; wild++; break; case '{' : comma = wild; for ( end = wild + 1; *end != '}'; end++ ) { if ( *end == '{' || *end == '\0' ) { /* malformed pattern */ return( 0 ); } } end++; do { for ( wild = ++comma; *comma != ',' && *comma != '}'; comma++ ) ; len = comma - wild; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( sensitive ) { if ( wild[ i ] != p[ i ] ) break; } else { if ( tolower( wild[ i ] ) != tolower( p[ i ] )) break; } } if ( i >= len && wildcard( end, &p[ i ], sensitive )) { return( 1 ); } } while ( *comma != '}' ); return( 0 ); case '\\' : wild++; default : if ( sensitive ) { if ( *wild != *p ) return( 0 ); } else { if ( tolower(*wild) != tolower(*p) ) return( 0 ); } if ( *wild == '\0' ) { return( 1 ); } wild++, p++; } } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FilterResult opaque_op(SLPAttributes slp_attr, char *tag, int tag_len, char *rhs, int rhs_len, Operation op) /* Perform an opaque operation. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { char *str_val; /* Converted value of rhs. */ int str_len; /* Length of converted value. */ var_t *var; assert(op != PRESENT); /***** Verify and convert rhs. *****/ str_val = rhs; str_len = rhs_len; /***** Get tag value. *****/ var = attr_val_find_str((struct xx_SLPAttributes *)slp_attr, tag, tag_len); if(var == NULL) { return FR_EVAL_FALSE; } /**** Check type. ****/ if(var->type != SLP_OPAQUE) { return FR_EVAL_FALSE; } /***** Compare. *****/ assert(op != PRESENT); if(op == APPROX) { assert(0); /* TODO: Figure out how this works later. */ } else if(op == EQUAL) { int result; value_t *value; for(value = var->list; value; value = value->next) { result = wildcard(str_val, str_len, value->data.va_str, value->unescaped_len); /* We only keep going if the test fails. Let caller handle other problems. */ if(result != FR_EVAL_FALSE) { return result; } } } else { value_t *value; /* We know that the op must be comparative. */ assert(op == LESS || op == GREATER); for(value = var->list; value; value = value->next) { int result; result = memcmp(value->data.va_str, str_val, MIN(str_len, value->unescaped_len)); if( (result <= 0 && op == LESS) || (result >= 0 && op == GREATER) ) { return FR_EVAL_TRUE; } } } return FR_EVAL_FALSE; }