Exemplo n.º 1
rspfDpt rspfLlxyProjection::forward(const rspfGpt &worldPoint) const
   rspfDpt result;

   worldToLineSample(worldPoint, result);

   return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
ossimDpt ossimH5GridModel::extrapolate( const ossimGpt& gpt ) const
   if (traceDebug())
         <<  "DEBUG ossimH5GridModel::extrapolate: entering... " << std::endl;

   theExtrapolateGroundFlag = true;
   double height = 0.0;

   // If ground point supplied has NaN components, return now with a NaN point.
   if ( (ossim::isnan(gpt.lat)) || (ossim::isnan(gpt.lon)) )
      theExtrapolateGroundFlag = false;
      if (traceDebug())
            << "DEBUG ossimH5GridModel::extrapolate: returning..." << std::endl;
      return ossimDpt(ossim::nan(), ossim::nan());
   if(ossim::isnan(gpt.hgt) == false)
      height = gpt.hgt;
      ossimDpt ipt;
      theSeedFunction->worldToLineSample(gpt, ipt);
      theExtrapolateGroundFlag = false;
      return ipt;
   // Determine which edge is intersected by the radial, and establish
   // intersection:
   ossimDpt edgePt (gpt);
   ossimDpt image_center (theRefGndPt);
   if ( m_crossesDateline )
      // Longitude points between 0 and 360.
      if (edgePt.lon < 0.0 ) edgePt.lon += 360.0;
      if ( image_center.lon < 0.0 ) image_center.lon += 360.0;
   m_boundGndPolygon.clipLineSegment(image_center, edgePt);

   // Compute an epsilon perturbation in the direction away from edgePt for
   // later computing directional derivative:
   const double  DEG_PER_MTR =  8.983152841e-06; // Equator WGS-84...
   double epsilon = theMeanGSD*DEG_PER_MTR; //degrees (latitude) per pixel
   ossimDpt deltaPt (edgePt-image_center);
   ossimDpt epsilonPt (deltaPt*epsilon/deltaPt.length());
   edgePt -= epsilonPt;
   ossimDpt edgePt_prime (edgePt - epsilonPt);
   // Establish image point corresponding to edge point and edgePt+epsilon:
   ossimGpt edgeGP       (edgePt.lat,       edgePt.lon,       height);//gpt.hgt);
   ossimGpt edgeGP_prime (edgePt_prime.lat, edgePt_prime.lon, height);//gpt.hgt);
   if ( m_crossesDateline )
      // Put longitude back between -180 and 180.

   worldToLineSample(edgeGP, edgePt);
   worldToLineSample(edgeGP_prime, edgePt_prime);

   // Compute approximate directional derivatives of line and sample along
   // radial at the edge:
   double dsamp_drad = (edgePt.samp - edgePt_prime.samp)/epsilon;
   double dline_drad = (edgePt.line - edgePt_prime.line)/epsilon;

   // Now extrapolate to point of interest:
   double delta = (ossimDpt(gpt) - ossimDpt(edgeGP)).length();

   ossimDpt extrapolated_ip (edgePt.samp + delta*dsamp_drad,
                             edgePt.line + delta*dline_drad);

   if (traceDebug())
         << "DEBUG ossimH5GridModel::extrapolate: returning..." << std::endl;  
   theExtrapolateGroundFlag = false;
   return extrapolated_ip;
} // ossimH5GridModel::extrapolate