 * Read the current counter value.
 * Read the value at this instant. It may still be running, so it reflects the current value. Next
 * time it is read, it might have a different value.
INT32 Counter::Get()
	INT32 value = m_counter->readOutput_Value(&status);
	return value;
 * Set external direction mode on this counter.
 * Counts are sourced on the Up counter input.
 * The Down counter input represents the direction to count.
void Counter::SetExternalDirectionMode()
	m_counter->writeConfig_Mode(kExternalDirection, &status);
 * Configure the counter to count in up or down based on the length of the input pulse.
 * This mode is most useful for direction sensitive gear tooth sensors.
 * @param threshold The pulse length beyond which the counter counts the opposite direction.  Units are seconds.
void Counter::SetPulseLengthMode(float threshold)
	m_counter->writeConfig_Mode(kPulseLength, &status);
	m_counter->writeConfig_PulseLengthThreshold((UINT32)(threshold * 1.0e6) * kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond, &status);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Configure the timeout of the serial port.
 * This defines the timeout for transactions with the hardware.
 * It will affect reads and very large writes.
 * @param timeout The number of seconds to to wait for I/O.
void SerialPort::SetTimeout(float timeout)
    ViStatus status = viSetAttribute(m_portHandle, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE,
                                     (UINT32) (timeout * 1e3));
 * Set standard up / down counting mode on this counter.
 * Up and down counts are sourced independently from two inputs.
void Counter::SetUpDownCounterMode()
	m_counter->writeConfig_Mode(kTwoPulse, &status);
 * The last direction the counter value changed.
 * @return The last direction the counter value changed.
bool Counter::GetDirection()
	bool value = m_counter->readOutput_Direction(&status);
	return value;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Enable or disable the watchdog timer.
 * When enabled, you must keep feeding the watchdog timer to
 * keep the watchdog active, and hence the dangerous parts 
 * (motor outputs, etc.) can keep functioning.
 * When disabled, the watchdog is immortal and will remain active
 * even without being fed.  It will also ignore any kill commands
 * while disabled.
 * @param enabled Enable or disable the watchdog.
void Watchdog::SetEnabled(bool enabled)
	m_fpgaWatchDog->writeImmortal(!enabled, &status);
 * Read how long it has been since the watchdog was last fed.
 * @return The number of seconds since last meal.
double Watchdog::GetTimer()
	UINT32 timer = m_fpgaWatchDog->readTimer(&status);
	return timer / (kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond * 1e6);
 * Read what the current expiration is.
 * @return The number of seconds before starvation following a meal (watchdog starves if it doesn't eat this often).
double Watchdog::GetExpiration()
	UINT32 expiration = m_fpgaWatchDog->readExpiration(&status);
	return expiration / (kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond * 1e6);
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Set the type of flow control to enable on this port.
 * By default, flow control is disabled.
void SerialPort::SetFlowControl(SerialPort::FlowControl flowControl)
    ViStatus status =
        viSetAttribute(m_portHandle, VI_ATTR_ASRL_FLOW_CNTRL, flowControl);
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Put the watchdog out of its misery.
 * Don't wait for your dying robot to starve when there is a problem.
 * Kill it quickly, cleanly, and humanely.
void Watchdog::Kill()
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Reset the serial port driver to a known state.
 * Empty the transmit and receive buffers in the device and formatted I/O.
void SerialPort::Reset()
    ViStatus status = viClear(m_portHandle);
Exemplo n.º 13
 * Force the output buffer to be written to the port.
 * This is used when SetWriteBufferMode() is set to kFlushWhenFull to force a
 * flush before the buffer is full.
void SerialPort::Flush()
    ViStatus status = viFlush(m_portHandle, VI_WRITE_BUF);
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Specify the flushing behavior of the output buffer.
 * When set to kFlushOnAccess, data is synchronously written to the serial port
 *   after each call to either Printf() or Write().
 * When set to kFlushWhenFull, data will only be written to the serial port when
 *   the buffer is full or when Flush() is called.
 * @param mode The write buffer mode.
void SerialPort::SetWriteBufferMode(SerialPort::WriteBufferMode mode)
    ViStatus status =
        viSetAttribute(m_portHandle, VI_ATTR_WR_BUF_OPER_MODE, mode);
 * Reset the Counter to zero.
 * Set the counter value to zero. This doesn't effect the running state of the counter, just sets
 * the current value to zero.
void Counter::Reset()
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Configure how many seconds your watchdog can be neglected before it starves to death.
 * @param expiration The number of seconds before starvation following a meal (watchdog starves if it doesn't eat this often).
void Watchdog::SetExpiration(double expiration)
	m_fpgaWatchDog->writeExpiration((UINT32)(expiration * (kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond * 1e6)), &status);
 * Stop the Counter.
 * Stops the counting but doesn't effect the current value.
void Counter::Stop()
	m_counter->writeConfig_Enable(0, &status);
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Set the number of oversample bits.
 * This sets the number of oversample bits. The actual number of oversampled values is 2**bits.
 * Use oversampling to improve the resolution of your measurements at the expense of sampling rate.
 * The oversampling is done automatically in the FPGA.
 * @param channel Analog channel to configure.
 * @param bits Number of bits to oversample.
void AnalogModule::SetOversampleBits(UINT32 channel, UINT32 bits)
	m_module->writeOversampleBits(channel - 1, bits, &status);
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Find out if the watchdog is currently enabled or disabled (mortal or immortal).
 * @return Enabled or disabled.
bool Watchdog::GetEnabled()
	bool enabled = !m_fpgaWatchDog->readImmortal(&status);
	return enabled;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Get the number of oversample bits.
 * This gets the number of oversample bits from the FPGA. The actual number of oversampled values is
 * 2**bits. The oversampling is done automatically in the FPGA.
 * @param channel Channel to address.
 * @return Bits to oversample.
UINT32 AnalogModule::GetOversampleBits(UINT32 channel)
	UINT32 result = m_module->readOversampleBits(channel - 1, &status);
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 21
 * Check in on the watchdog and make sure he's still kicking.
 * This indicates that your watchdog is allowing the system to operate.
 * It is still possible that the network communications is not allowing the
 * system to run, but you can check this to make sure it's not your fault.
 * Check IsSystemActive() for overall system status.
 * If the watchdog is disabled, then your watchdog is immortal.
 * @return Is the watchdog still alive?
bool Watchdog::IsAlive()
	bool alive = m_fpgaWatchDog->readStatus_Alive(&status);
	return alive;
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Check if any DIO line is currently generating a pulse.
bool DigitalModule::IsPulsing()
	UINT16 pulseRegister = m_fpgaDIO->readPulse(&status);
	return pulseRegister != 0;