Exemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	// initialize MPI
	MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );

	// get MPI info
	int rank;
	int comm_size;
	MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size );

	// declarations
	printf( "Entering proc rank %i\n", rank );
	int arrsize = -1;
	int *rec_buff = NULL;
	int rec_buff_size = -1;

	if( rank == 0 ) // parent
		FILE *hfile = fopen( argv[ 1 ], "rb" );

		if( hfile == NULL ) // bad file
			int placeholder = BAD_SIZE;
			MPI_Bcast( &placeholder, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
			return printf( "no such file %s\n", argv[1] );

		// read the file for element count and cap the per-proc buffer size
		char buffer[ TINY_SIZE ] = { 0 };
		fgets( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), hfile );
		arrsize = atoi( buffer );
		rec_buff_size = ( arrsize / comm_size ) + ( ( arrsize % comm_size ) ? 1 : 0 );

		// map the buffer with the integers
		int *buff = malloc( rec_buff_size * comm_size * sizeof( int ) );
		for( int it = 0; it < arrsize; ++it )
			memset( buffer, '\0', sizeof( buffer ) );
			char c;

			while( isspace( ( c = fgetc( hfile ) ) ) ); // skip the spaces

			for( int it2 = 0; it2 < sizeof( buffer ) && !isspace( c ); c = fgetc( hfile ) )
				buffer[ it2++ ] = c;

			buff[ it ] = atoi( buffer );

		// fill the rest with INT_MAX to be truncated later
		for( int it = arrsize; it < rec_buff_size * comm_size; ++it )
			buff[ it ] = INT_MAX;
		// scatter the array across other processes 
		rec_buff = malloc( rec_buff_size * sizeof( int ) );
		MPI_Bcast( &rec_buff_size, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); // broadcast the data size
		MPI_Scatter( buff, rec_buff_size, MPI_INT, rec_buff, rec_buff_size, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
		printf( "parent broadcast sent\n" );
		printf( "child rank %i recieved the buffer size. It is %i\n", rank, rec_buff_size );

		// clean up 
		free( buff );
		fclose( hfile );
	else // child
		// recieve the data size
		MPI_Bcast( &rec_buff_size, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

		if( rec_buff_size == BAD_SIZE ) // invalid input filename
			return printf( "child rank %i recieved the terminate message\n", rank );

		printf( "child rank %i recieved the buffer size. It is %i\n", rank, rec_buff_size );
		rec_buff = malloc( rec_buff_size * sizeof( int ) );

		// recieve the data
		MPI_Scatter( NULL, 0, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, rec_buff, rec_buff_size, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
		printf( "child rank %i recieved the data\n", rank );

	// finally, sort the data
	mergesort( rec_buff, rec_buff_size );

	// begin merging the data
	for( int step = 1; step < comm_size; step *= 2 )
		if( rank % (2 * step) )
			MPI_Send( &rec_buff_size, 1, MPI_INT, rank - step, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); // send data size
			MPI_Send( rec_buff, rec_buff_size, MPI_INT, rank - step, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); // send data for merging
			break; // we are now finished for this proc
			if( rank + step < comm_size )
				// allocate a second buffer to recieve data, and double the buffer size
				printf( "rank %i is merging from rank %i\n", rank, rank + step );

				// recieve the incoming buffer size and allocate enough memory for merging
				int sec_buff_size;
				MPI_Recv( &sec_buff_size, 1, MPI_INT, rank + step, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
				int *second_buff = malloc( sec_buff_size * sizeof( int ) );
				int *new_rec_buff = malloc( (rec_buff_size + sec_buff_size) * sizeof( int ) );

				// recieve the buffer
				MPI_Recv( second_buff, sec_buff_size, MPI_INT, rank + step, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );

				// merge
				quick_merge( new_rec_buff, rec_buff, rec_buff_size, second_buff, sec_buff_size );

				// cleanup
				free( second_buff );
				free( rec_buff );
				rec_buff = new_rec_buff;
				rec_buff_size *= 2;

	// create and write the output file
	if( rank == 0 )
		char *outfilename = argc > 2 ? argv[ 2 ] : "outfile";
		write_outfile( outfilename, rec_buff, arrsize );

	// clean up
	free( rec_buff );

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int start()
 /* This is the "starter process" for statistical profiling.
  * Create output file for profiling data.  Create named pipe to
  * synchronize with stopper process.  Fork so the parent can exit.
  * Allocate memory for profiling data.  Start profiling in kernel.
  * Complete detachment from terminal.  Write known string to named
  * pipe, which blocks until read by stopper process.  Redirect
  * stdout/stderr to the named pipe.  Write profiling data to file.
  * Clean up.
  int log_fd;

  if (init_outfile() || create_named_pipe()) return 1;

  printf("Starting statistical profiling.\n");

  if (fork() != 0) exit(0);

  if (alloc_mem()) return 1;

  if (sprofile(PROF_START, mem_size, freq, intr_type, &sprof_info, mem_ptr)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Error starting profiling.\n");
	return 1;


  /* Temporarily redirect to system log to catch errors. */
  log_fd = open(DEV_LOG, O_WRONLY);
  dup2(log_fd, 1);
  dup2(log_fd, 2);

  if ((npipe_fd = open(NPIPE, O_WRONLY)) < 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open named pipe %s.\n", NPIPE);
	return 1;
  } else
	/* Synchronize with stopper process. */
	write(npipe_fd, SYNCING, strlen(SYNCING));

  /* Now redirect to named pipe. */
  dup2(npipe_fd, 1);
  dup2(npipe_fd, 2);

  mem_used = sprof_info.mem_used;

  if (mem_used == -1) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Profiling was stopped prematurely due to ");
	  fprintf(stderr, "insufficient memory.\n");
	  fprintf(stderr, "Try increasing available memory using the -m switch.\n");

  if (write_outfile()) return 1;


  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	int fn,argnum,retval;
        size_t tsdata_size;
        char *iotrace_data_dir, *current_work_dir;
	/* tsdumps for the source and destination sides */
	xdd_ts_header_t *src = NULL;
	xdd_ts_header_t *dst = NULL;
	xdd_ts_header_t *tsdata = NULL;
	/* timestamp entries sorted by ending time */
	xdd_ts_tte_t **read_op = NULL;
	xdd_ts_tte_t **send_op = NULL;
	xdd_ts_tte_t **recv_op = NULL;
	xdd_ts_tte_t **write_op = NULL;

	/* get command line options */
	argnum = getoptions(argc, argv);
	fn = MAX(argnum,1);

	/* get the src or dst data structs */
	retval = xdd_readfile(argv[fn],&tsdata,&tsdata_size);
	if (retval == 0) {
  	  fprintf(stderr,"xdd_readfile() failed...reading 1st xdd timestamp file: %s ...exiting.\n",argv[fn]);
        /* determine whether this is the source or destination file */
        /* if only 1 file given, then source==read, destination==write */
        if (READ_OP(tsdata->tsh_tte[0].tte_op_type)) { 
           src = tsdata;
           srcfilename = argv[fn];
        if (WRITE_OP(tsdata->tsh_tte[0].tte_op_type)){
	  dst = tsdata;
          dstfilename = argv[fn];
        else {
           fprintf(stderr,"Timestamp dump had invalid operation in tte[0]: %s\n",argv[fn]);
        /* if 2nd file specified, this must be an e2e pair (src,dst) */
        if ( argv[fn+1] != NULL ) {
          /* get the src or dst data structs */
          retval = xdd_readfile(argv[fn+1],&tsdata,&tsdata_size);
	  if (retval == 0) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"xdd_readfile() failed...reading 2nd xdd timestamp file: %s ...exiting.\n",argv[fn+1]);
          /* determine whether this is the source or destination file */
          if (READ_OP(tsdata->tsh_tte[0].tte_op_type))  {
            if (src != NULL) {
              fprintf(stderr,"You passed 2 source dump files.\n");
              fprintf(stderr,"Please pass matching source and destination dumps or a single dump .\n");
            src = tsdata;
            srcfilename = argv[fn+1];
          if (WRITE_OP(tsdata->tsh_tte[0].tte_op_type)) {
            if (dst != NULL) {
              fprintf(stderr,"You passed 2 destination dump files.\n");
              fprintf(stderr,"Please pass matching source and destination dumps or a single dump .\n");
            dst = tsdata;
            dstfilename = argv[fn+1];
          else {
             fprintf(stderr,"Timestamp dump had invalid operation in tte[0]: %s\n",argv[fn+1]);
          /* If these files are from the same transfer, they should be the same size. */
          if (src->tsh_tt_bytes != dst->tsh_tt_bytes) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Source and destination files are not the same size.\n");
            fprintf(stderr,"Please pass matching source and destination dumps.\n");

        /* get total threads */
        if (src != NULL) xdd_getthreads(src,&total_threads_src, thread_id_src, &op_mix);
        if (dst != NULL) xdd_getthreads(dst,&total_threads_dst, thread_id_dst, &op_mix);
        /* If e2e, better have same number of threads. */
        if (total_threads_src > 0 && total_threads_dst > 0 && total_threads_src != total_threads_dst) {
          fprintf(stderr,"Warning: source (%d) and destination (%d) files don't have the same number of I/O threads.\n",
                total_threads_src, total_threads_dst);

        /* match-add kernel events with xdd events if specfied */
        /* at this point, src & dst contain all xdd events     */
        /* note that iotrace_data_dir is independent of $PWD   */
        if (kernel_trace)
          if ((iotrace_data_dir=getenv("TRACE_LOG_LOC")) == NULL)
          if (src != NULL) {
            sprintf(kernfilename,"decode %s/dictionary* %s/iotrace_data.%d.out",
	       	iotrace_data_dir, iotrace_data_dir, src->tsh_target_thread_id);
            if ( system(kernfilename) == -1 ) {
               fprintf(stderr,"in main: shell command failed: %s\n",kernfilename);
            if (strcmp(iotrace_data_dir,current_work_dir) != 0) {
              sprintf(kernfilename,"mv %s/iotrace_data.%d.out.ascii %s",
	  	iotrace_data_dir, src->tsh_target_thread_id,getenv("PWD"));
              if ( system(kernfilename) == -1 ) {
                 fprintf(stderr,"in main: shell command failed: %s\n",kernfilename);
                current_work_dir, src->tsh_target_thread_id);
            if (op_mix > 0.0)
            /* write out the src and dst data structs that now contain kernel data */
            sprintf(kernfilename,"%s/%sk", current_work_dir, srcfilename);
            retval = xdd_writefile(kernfilename,src,tsdata_size);
            if (retval == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"xdd_writefile() failed to write %s ...exiting.\n",kernfilename);

          if (dst != NULL) {
            sprintf(kernfilename,"decode %s/dictionary* %s/iotrace_data.%d.out",
		iotrace_data_dir, iotrace_data_dir, dst->tsh_target_thread_id);
            if ( system(kernfilename) == -1 ) {
               fprintf(stderr,"in main: shell command failed: %s\n",kernfilename);
            if (strcmp(iotrace_data_dir,current_work_dir) != 0) {
              sprintf(kernfilename,"mv %s/iotrace_data.%d.out.ascii %s",
		iotrace_data_dir, dst->tsh_target_thread_id,getenv("PWD"));
              if ( system(kernfilename) == -1 ) {
                 fprintf(stderr,"in main: shell command failed: %s\n",kernfilename);
                current_work_dir, dst->tsh_target_thread_id);
            if (op_mix > 0.0)
            sprintf(kernfilename,"%s/%sk", current_work_dir, dstfilename);
            retval = xdd_writefile(kernfilename,dst,tsdata_size);
            if (retval == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"xdd_writefile() failed to write %s ...exiting.\n",kernfilename);


	/* get the MIN timestamp normalize the times */
	if (src!=NULL) normalize_time(src,&src_start_norm);
	if (dst!=NULL) normalize_time(dst,&dst_start_norm);

	/* sort timestamp entries for each operation (read/send/recv/write) */
        /* kernel events are co-located with matching xdd op */
        if (src!=NULL) {
          sort_by_time(src, DISK_END, &read_op);
          if (dst!=NULL) {
          sort_by_time(src, NET_END,  &send_op);
        if (dst!=NULL) {
          sort_by_time(dst, DISK_END, &write_op);
          if (src!=NULL) {
          sort_by_time(dst, NET_END,  &recv_op);

	/* write the outfile(s) */
        write_outfile  (src,dst,read_op,send_op,recv_op,write_op);

	/* free memory */

	return 0;