Exemplo n.º 1
 * Write a ccns_slice object to a repository.
 * @param h is the ccn_handle on which to write.
 * @param slice is a pointer to a ccns_slice object to be written.
 * @param name, if non-NULL, is a pointer to a charbuf which will be filled
 *  in with the name of the slice that was written.
 * @returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
ccns_write_slice(struct ccn *h,
                 struct ccns_slice *slice,
                 struct ccn_charbuf *name) {
    struct ccn_charbuf *n = NULL;
    int res;
    // calculate versioned and segmented name for the slice
    n = ccn_charbuf_create();
    if (n == NULL)
    res = ccns_slice_name(n, slice);
    if (res < 0)
        goto Cleanup;
    res |= ccn_create_version(h, n, CCN_V_NOW, 0, 0);
    if (name != NULL) {
        res |= ccn_charbuf_append_charbuf(name, n);
    res |= ccn_name_append_numeric(n, CCN_MARKER_SEQNUM, 0);
    if (res < 0)
        goto Cleanup;
    res = write_slice(h, slice, n);

    return (res);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Delete a ccns_slice object from a repository.
 * @param h is the ccn_handle on which to write.
 * @param name is a pointer to a charbuf naming the slice to be deleted.
 * @returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
ccns_delete_slice(struct ccn *h, struct ccn_charbuf *name) {
    struct ccn_charbuf *n = NULL;
    int res = 0;

    // calculate versioned and segmented name for the slice
    n = ccn_charbuf_create_n(32 + name->length);
    if (n == NULL)
    res |= ccn_charbuf_append_charbuf(n, name);
    res |= ccn_create_version(h, n, CCN_V_NOW | CCN_V_REPLACE, 0, 0);
    res |= ccn_name_append_numeric(n, CCN_MARKER_SEQNUM, 0);
    if (res >= 0)
        res = write_slice(h, NULL, n);
    return (res);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

	if (argc < 8) {

		std::cout << "usage: watershed <aff_x_dir> <aff_y_dir> <aff_z_dir> <t_l> <t_h> <t_s> <ms>" << std::endl;
		return 1;

	std::string aff_x_dir = argv[1];
	std::string aff_y_dir = argv[2];
	std::string aff_z_dir = argv[3];
	float t_l = boost::lexical_cast<float>(argv[4]);
	float t_h = boost::lexical_cast<float>(argv[5]);
	float t_s = boost::lexical_cast<float>(argv[6]);
	int   ms  = boost::lexical_cast<float>(argv[7]);

			<< "Performing affinity graph watershed on volumes "
			<< aff_x_dir << ", " << aff_y_dir << ", " << aff_z_dir
			<< std::endl;

	boost::filesystem::path aff_x_path(aff_x_dir);
	boost::filesystem::path aff_y_path(aff_y_dir);
	boost::filesystem::path aff_z_path(aff_z_dir);

	int size_z = num_files(aff_x_path);
	if (size_z != num_files(aff_y_dir) || size_z != num_files(aff_z_dir)) {

		std::cerr << "directories contain different number of files" << std::endl;
		return 1;

	if (size_z == 0) {

		std::cerr << "directories contain no files" << std::endl;
		return 1;

	std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> aff_x_files = files(aff_x_path);
	std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> aff_y_files = files(aff_y_path);
	std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> aff_z_files = files(aff_z_path);
	aff_x_files.resize(1); // one section only
	aff_y_files.resize(1); // one section only
	aff_z_files.resize(1); // one section only
	size_z = 1;

	std::sort(aff_x_files.begin(), aff_x_files.end());
	std::sort(aff_y_files.begin(), aff_y_files.end());
	std::sort(aff_z_files.begin(), aff_z_files.end());

	vigra::ImageImportInfo info(aff_x_files[0].native().c_str());
	int size_x = info.width();
	int size_y = info.height();

	std::cout << "reading affinity graph of size " << size_x << "x" << size_y << "x" << size_z << std::endl;

	affinity_graph_ptr<float> aff(
			new affinity_graph<float>(

	for (int z = 0; z < size_z; z++) {

		auto slice = (*aff)[ boost::indices[range()][range()][z][range()] ];
		read_slice(slice, aff_x_files[z], aff_y_files[z], aff_z_files[z]);

	std::cout << "performing simple_watershed" << std::endl;

	std::vector<std::size_t> counts;
	auto result = simple_watershed<uint32_t>(aff, t_l, t_h, counts);

	auto segmentation = result.first;
	int num_segments  = result.second;

	std::cout << "found " << num_segments << " segments" << std::endl;

	auto rg = get_region_graph<uint32_t,float>(aff, segmentation, num_segments);

	std::cout << "performing region merging" << std::endl;

	// I guess the last parameter is to discard regions smaller than that
	//merge_segments_with_function(result.first, rg, counts, 
	//dynamic_size_threshold(t_s, ms), 0);

	for (int z = 0; z < size_z; z++) {

		auto slice = (*segmentation)[ boost::indices[range()][range()][z] ];
		std::stringstream filename;
		filename << "watershed_" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << z << "_" << t_l << "_" << t_h << "_" << t_s << "_" << ms << ".tif";
		write_slice(slice, filename.str());