virtual void reshape_gl() {
   // Allocate array memory
   allocate(gps.dimx * gps.dimy);
   // Initialize the vertex array
   int tile = 0;
   for (GLfloat x = 0; x < gps.dimx; x++)
     for (GLfloat y = 0; y < gps.dimy; y++, tile++)
       write_tile_vertexes(x, y, vertexes + 6*2*tile);
   // Setup invariant state
   /// Set up our coordinate system
   if (forced_steps + zoom_steps == 0 &&
       init.display.flag.has_flag(INIT_DISPLAY_FLAG_BLACK_SPACE)) {
     int size_x = gps.dimx * dispx,
       size_y = gps.dimy * dispy;
     int off_x = (screen->w - size_x) / 2,
       off_y = (screen->h - size_y) / 2;
     glViewport(off_x, off_y, size_x, size_y);
   gluOrtho2D(0, gps.dimx, gps.dimy, 0);
 void update_tile(int x, int y) {
   write_tile_vertexes(x, y, vertexes + tile_count * 6 * 2);
   write_tile_arrays(x, y,
                     fg + tile_count * 6 * 4,
                     bg + tile_count * 6 * 4,
                     tex + tile_count * 6 * 2);
Exemplo n.º 3
void renderer_cool::reshape_graphics()
    float tsx = (float)size_x / gps->dimx, tsy = (float)size_y / gps->dimy;

    int32_t w = gps->dimx, h = gps->dimy;

    int cx = *df::global::window_x + gdimx / 2;
    int cy = *df::global::window_y + gdimy / 2;

    df::viewscreen *ws = Gui::getCurViewscreen();
    if (df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest::_identity.is_direct_instance(ws))
        gsize_x = (size_x - tsx * (gmenu_w + 1 + 1));
        gsize_y = (size_y - tsy * 2);
        goff_x = off_x + roundf(tsx);
        goff_y = off_y + roundf(tsy);        
    else //Adv. mode
        *out2 << "reshape_graphics" << std::endl;
        gsize_x = size_x;
        gsize_y = size_y;
        goff_x = off_x;
        goff_y = goff_y_gl = off_y;

    float dimx = std::min(gsize_x / gdispx, 256.0f);
    float dimy = std::min(gsize_y / gdispy, 256.0f);
    gdimx = ceilf(dimx);
    gdimy = ceilf(dimy);
    gdimxfull = floorf(dimx);
    gdimyfull = floorf(dimy);

    if (df::viewscreen_dwarfmodest::_identity.is_direct_instance(ws))
        goff_y_gl = goff_y - (gdimy == gdimyfull ? 0 : roundf(gdispy - (gsize_y - gdispy * gdimyfull)));                

    *df::global::window_x = std::max(0, cx - gdimx / 2);
    *df::global::window_y = std::max(0, cy - gdimy / 2);

    int tiles = gdimx * gdimy;

    // Recreate tile buffers

    // Recreate OpenGL buffers
    gvertexes = (GLfloat*)realloc(gvertexes, sizeof(GLfloat) * tiles * 2 * 6);
    gfg = (GLfloat*)realloc(gfg, sizeof(GLfloat) * tiles * 4 * 6);
    gbg = (GLfloat*)realloc(gbg, sizeof(GLfloat) * tiles * 4 * 6);
    gtex = (GLfloat*)realloc(gtex, sizeof(GLfloat) * tiles * 2 * 6);

    // Initialise vertex coords
    int tile = 0;   
    for (GLfloat x = 0; x < gdimx; x++)
        for (GLfloat y = 0; y < gdimy; y++, tile++)
            write_tile_vertexes(x, y, gvertexes + 6 * 2 * tile);

    needs_full_update = true;
 void update_tile(int x, int y) {
   write_tile_vertexes(x, y, vertexes + head * 6 * 2);
   write_tile_arrays(x, y,
                     fg + head * 6 * 4,
                     bg + head * 6 * 4,
                     tex + head * 6 * 2);
   head = (head + 1) % buffersz;
   current_erasz++; sum_erasz++;
   if (head == tail) {
     gamelog << "Expanding partial-printing buffer" << endl;
     // Buffer is full, expand it.
     renderer_opengl::allocate(buffersz * 2);
     // Move the tail to the end of the newly allocated space
     tail += buffersz;
     memmove(vertexes + tail * 6 * 4, fg + head * 6 * 2, sizeof(GLfloat) * 6 * 2 * (buffersz - head));
     memmove(fg + tail * 6 * 4, fg + head * 6 * 4, sizeof(GLfloat) * 6 * 4 * (buffersz - head));
     memmove(bg + tail * 6 * 4, fg + head * 6 * 4, sizeof(GLfloat) * 6 * 4 * (buffersz - head));
     memmove(tex + tail * 6 * 4, fg + head * 6 * 2, sizeof(GLfloat) * 6 * 2 * (buffersz - head));
     // And finish.
     buffersz *= 2;