Exemplo n.º 1
   void compute_projected_nodal_gradient_boundary()
     auto basis = sierra::nalu::LagrangeBasis(elemDesc->inverseNodeMapBC, elemDesc->nodeLocs1D);
     auto quad = sierra::nalu::TensorProductQuadratureRule("GaussLegendre", poly_order);

     sierra::nalu::HigherOrderQuad3DSCS meBC(*elemDesc, basis, quad);

     auto numScsIp = meBC.numIntPoints_;
     auto nodesPerFace = meBC.nodesPerElement_;

     std::vector<double> ws_scalar(nodesPerFace);
     std::vector<double> ws_dualVolume(nodesPerFace);
     std::vector<double> ws_coords(nDim*nodesPerFace);
     std::vector<double> ws_areav(nDim*numScsIp);
     std::vector<double> ws_dqdx(nDim*numScsIp);
     const auto* ipNodeMap = meBC.ipNodeMap();

     std::vector<double> ws_shape_function(nodesPerFace*numScsIp);

     const auto& buckets = bulk->get_buckets(stk::topology::FACE_RANK, stk::mesh::selectUnion(superParts));
     sierra::nalu::bucket_loop(buckets, [&](stk::mesh::Entity face) {
       const auto* face_node_rels = bulk->begin_nodes(face);
       for (int ni = 0; ni < nodesPerFace; ++ni) {
         stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];

         const double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordField, node);

         // gather scalars
         ws_scalar[ni]     = *stk::mesh::field_data(*qField, node);
         ws_dualVolume[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*dnvField, node);

         // gather vectors
         const int offSet = ni*nDim;
         for ( unsigned j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
           ws_coords[offSet+j] = coords[j];

       double scs_error = 0.0;
       meBC.determinant(1, ws_coords.data(), ws_areav.data(), &scs_error);

       for (int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip) {
         const int nn = ipNodeMap[ip];

         stk::mesh::Entity nodeNN = face_node_rels[nn];

         // pointer to fields to assemble
         double *gradQNN = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdxField, nodeNN);
         double volNN = *stk::mesh::field_data(*dnvField, nodeNN);

         // interpolate to scs point; operate on saved off ws_field
         double qIp = 0.0;
         const int offSet = ip*nodesPerFace;
         for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
           qIp += ws_shape_function[offSet+ic]*ws_scalar[ic];

         // nearest node volume
         double inv_volNN = 1.0/volNN;

         // assemble to nearest node
         for ( unsigned j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
           double fac = qIp*ws_areav[ip*nDim+j];
           gradQNN[j] += fac*inv_volNN;
//-------- add_elem_gradq --------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();
  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();

  // fields
  VectorFieldType *coordinates = meta_data.get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, realm_.get_coordinates_name());
  VectorFieldType *haloDxj = meta_data.get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "halo_dxj");
  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // loop over locally owned faces and construct missing elemental contributions
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned = meta_data.locally_owned_part()
  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned );  
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
	ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib;
    // extract master element; hard coded for quad or hex; 
    // quad is always true for 2D while for 3D, either hex or wedge apply
    const stk::topology & theElemTopo = (nDim == 2) ? stk::topology::QUAD_4_2D : stk::topology::HEX_8;
    const int num_face_nodes = (nDim == 2) ? 2 : 4;
    std::vector<int> face_node_ordinals(num_face_nodes);
    // extract master element for extruded element type
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);
    MasterElement *meSCV = realm_.get_volume_master_element(theElemTopo);
    // extract master element specifics
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCV->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meSCS->numIntPoints_;
    // mapping between exposed face and extruded element's overlapping face
    const int *faceNodeOnExtrudedElem = meSCS->faceNodeOnExtrudedElem();

    // mapping between exposed face and extruded element's opposing face
    const int *opposingNodeOnExtrudedElem = meSCS->opposingNodeOnExtrudedElem();
    // mapping between exposed face scs ips and halo edge
    const int *faceScsIpOnExtrudedElem = meSCS->faceScsIpOnExtrudedElem();
    // mapping between exposed face scs ips and exposed face edge
    const int *faceScsIpOnFaceEdges = meSCS->faceScsIpOnFaceEdges();
    // alignment of face:edge ordering and scsip area vector
    const double *edgeAlignedArea = meSCS->edgeAlignedArea();

    // define scratch field
    std::vector<double > ws_coordinates(nodesPerElement*nDim);
    std::vector<double > ws_scs_areav(numScsIp*nDim);
    std::vector<double > ws_scalarQ(nodesPerElement);
    std::vector<double> ws_shape_function(numScsIp*nodesPerElement);

    // pointers
    double *p_shape_function = &ws_shape_function[0];

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();
    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {
      // get face
      stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];
      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      stk::mesh::Entity const* face_elem_rels = bulk_data.begin_elements(face);
      stk::mesh::ConnectivityOrdinal const* face_elem_ords = bulk_data.begin_element_ordinals(face);
      const int num_elements = bulk_data.num_elements(face);
      ThrowRequire( num_elements == 1 );
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const int face_ordinal = face_elem_ords[0];
      theElemTopo.side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal, face_node_ordinals.begin());
      // concentrate on loading up the nodal coordinates/scalarQ for the extruded element
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = b.begin_nodes(k);
      int num_nodes = b.num_nodes(k);
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];
        const double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates, node);
        const double * hDxj = stk::mesh::field_data( *haloDxj, node );
        const int faceNode = faceNodeOnExtrudedElem[face_ordinal*num_nodes + ni];
        const int opposingNode = opposingNodeOnExtrudedElem[face_ordinal*num_nodes + ni];
        const int offSetFN = faceNode*nDim;
        const int offSetON = opposingNode*nDim;

        // populate scalars
        ws_scalarQ[faceNode] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*scalarQ_, node);
        ws_scalarQ[opposingNode] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*haloQ_, node);

        // now vectors
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          // face node
          ws_coordinates[offSetFN+j] = coords[j];
          ws_coordinates[offSetON+j] = coords[j] + hDxj[j];
      // compute scs integration point areavec
      double scs_error = 0.0;
      meSCS->determinant(1, &ws_coordinates[0], &ws_scs_areav[0], &scs_error);
      // assemble halo ip contribution for face node
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];
        const double &dualNodalVolume = *stk::mesh::field_data( *dualNodalVolume_, node );
        // area vector for halo edge;
        // face ordinal 0 for extruded element has all scs area vectors pointing from face to opposing face
        const int scsIp = faceScsIpOnExtrudedElem[face_ordinal*num_nodes + ni];

        // interpolate element nodal values to this scsIp of interest
        double scalarQ_scsIp = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic )
          scalarQ_scsIp += p_shape_function[scsIp*nodesPerElement + ic]*ws_scalarQ[ic];
        // add in nodal gradient contribution
        double *dqdx = stk::mesh::field_data( *dqdx_, node );
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          dqdx[j] += scalarQ_scsIp*ws_scs_areav[scsIp*nDim+j]/dualNodalVolume;
      // deal with edges on the exposed face and each
      stk::mesh::Entity const* elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);
      // face edge relations; if this is 2D then the face is a edge and size is unity
      stk::mesh::Entity const* face_edge_rels = bulk_data.begin_edges(face);
      const int num_face_edges = bulk_data.num_edges(face);
      int num_edges = (nDim == 3) ? num_face_edges : 1;
      for ( int i = 0; i < num_edges; ++i ) {
        // get edge
        stk::mesh::Entity edge = (nDim == 3) ? face_edge_rels[i] : face;
        // get the relations from edge
        stk::mesh::Entity const* edge_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(edge);
        const int edge_num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(edge);
        // sanity check on num nodes
        if ( edge_num_nodes != 2 ){
          throw std::runtime_error("num nodes is not 2");
        // extract ip for this edge
        const int scsIp = faceScsIpOnFaceEdges[face_ordinal*num_edges + i];
        // correct area for edge and scs area vector from extruded element alignment
        const double alignmentFac = edgeAlignedArea[face_ordinal*num_edges + i];
        // interpolate element nodal values to this scsIp of interest
        double scalarQ_scsIp = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic )
          scalarQ_scsIp += p_shape_function[scsIp*nodesPerElement + ic]*ws_scalarQ[ic];

        // left and right nodes on the edge
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = edge_node_rels[0];
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = edge_node_rels[1];

        // does edge point correctly
        const int leftNode = face_node_ordinals[i];
        const size_t iglob_Lelem = bulk_data.identifier(elem_node_rels[leftNode]);
        const size_t iglob_Ledge = bulk_data.identifier(edge_node_rels[0]);
        // determine the sign value for area vector; if Left node is the same,
        // then the element and edge relations are aligned
        const double sign = ( iglob_Lelem == iglob_Ledge ) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
        // add in nodal gradient contribution
        double *dqdxL = stk::mesh::field_data( *dqdx_, nodeL );
        double *dqdxR = stk::mesh::field_data( *dqdx_, nodeR );
        const double &dualNodalVolumeL = *stk::mesh::field_data( *dualNodalVolume_, nodeL );
        const double &dualNodalVolumeR = *stk::mesh::field_data( *dualNodalVolume_, nodeR );
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          dqdxL[j] += scalarQ_scsIp*ws_scs_areav[scsIp*nDim+j]/dualNodalVolumeL*sign*alignmentFac;
          dqdxR[j] -= scalarQ_scsIp*ws_scs_areav[scsIp*nDim+j]/dualNodalVolumeR*sign*alignmentFac;
  // parallel assembly handled elsewhere

Exemplo n.º 3
   void compute_projected_nodal_gradient_interior()
     auto basis = sierra::nalu::LagrangeBasis(elemDesc->inverseNodeMap, elemDesc->nodeLocs1D);
     auto quad = sierra::nalu::TensorProductQuadratureRule("GaussLegendre", poly_order);

     sierra::nalu::HigherOrderHexSCS meSCS(*elemDesc, basis, quad);

     auto numScsIp = meSCS.numIntPoints_;
     auto nodesPerElement = meSCS.nodesPerElement_;

     int dimension = nDim;
     std::vector<double> ws_scalar(nodesPerElement);
     std::vector<double> ws_dualVolume(nodesPerElement);
     std::vector<double> ws_coords(dimension*nodesPerElement);
     std::vector<double> ws_areav(dimension*numScsIp);
     std::vector<double> ws_dqdx(dimension*numScsIp);
     const auto* lrscv = meSCS.adjacentNodes();
     std::vector<double> ws_shape_function(nodesPerElement*numScsIp);

     const auto& buckets = bulk->get_buckets(stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, stk::mesh::selectUnion(superParts));
     sierra::nalu::bucket_loop(buckets, [&](stk::mesh::Entity elem) {
       const auto* node_rels = bulk->begin_nodes(elem);

       for (int ni = 0; ni < nodesPerElement; ++ni) {
         stk::mesh::Entity node = node_rels[ni];

         const double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordField, node);

         // gather scalars
         ws_scalar[ni]     = *stk::mesh::field_data(*qField, node);
         ws_dualVolume[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*dnvField, node);

         // gather vectors
         const int offSet = ni*dimension;
         for ( int j=0; j < dimension; ++j ) {
           ws_coords[offSet+j] = coords[j];

       double scs_error = 0.0;
       meSCS.determinant(1, ws_coords.data(), ws_areav.data(), &scs_error);

       for (int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip) {
         const int il = lrscv[2*ip];
         const int ir = lrscv[2*ip+1];

         double* gradQL = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdxField, node_rels[il]);
         double* gradQR = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdxField, node_rels[ir]);

         double qIp = 0.0;
         const int offSet = ip*nodesPerElement;
         for (int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic) {
           qIp += ws_shape_function[offSet+ic]*ws_scalar[ic];

         double inv_volL = 1.0/ws_dualVolume[il];
         double inv_volR = 1.0/ws_dualVolume[ir];

         for ( int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j ) {
           double fac = qIp*ws_areav[ip*dimension+j];
           gradQL[j] += fac*inv_volL;
           gradQR[j] -= fac*inv_volR;