Exemplo n.º 1
int main(){
	int turned_left = 0;
        unsigned int sensor_r = avg_analog(0);
		unsigned int sensor_l = avg_analog(1);
		if (sensor_r < THRESHOLD && sensor_l <THRESHOLD)
        else if (sensor_r > THRESHOLD && sensor_l <= THRESHOLD ){
			turned_left = 1;
        else if (sensor_l > THRESHOLD && sensor_r <= THRESHOLD ){
			turned_left = 0;


		if (sensor_l > THRESHOLD)
		   sound(sensor_l* 2 + 100, 10);
        if (sensor_r > THRESHOLD)
		   sound(sensor_r* 2 + 100, 10);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(void) 
	double t0, tf;

	double dt;

	t0 = 0;
	tf = T;
	dt = tf/nMPC;

	double state0[nx];
	double grad_tol = 1.0e-7;

	double *a, *b;
	int i, j;
	// double  states    [nMPC] [n*ns*nx+nx];
	// double  controls  [nMPC] [n*ns*nc];

	double  *states    [nMPC];
	double  *controls  [nMPC];
	// double  **states;
	// double  **controls;
	// states = (double**) malloc(nMPC*sizeof(double*));
	// controls = (double**) malloc(nMPC*sizeof(double*));
	for(i=0; i<nMPC; i++)
		states[i] =   (double*) malloc((n*ns*nx+nx)*sizeof(double));
		controls[i] = (double*) malloc(n*ns*nc*sizeof(double));


	/*initial control*/
	for(i = 0; i < nMPC; i ++)
		for ( j = 0; j < n*ns*nc; j ++ ) 
			controls[i][j] = 0;

	/*initial state0*/
	// state0[0] = 0;
	// state0[1] = 0;
	// state0[2] = 1;
	// state0[3] = 0;
	// state0[4] = 0;
	// state0[5] = 0.5;
	// state0[6] = 0;
	// state0[7] = 0.5;
	// state0[8] = 0;

	// initialize state
	state0[0] = -1;
	state0[1] = 0;
	state0[(N+1)*d + 0] = 0;
	state0[(N+1)*d + 1] = -1;

	state0[d + 0] = 0;
	state0[d + 1] = 0;
	state0[(N+1)*d + d + 0] = 0;
	state0[(N+1)*d + d + 1] = -0.2;
	int k;
	for (i=2; i<N+1; i++)
		for(k=0; k<d; k++)
			state0[i*d + 0] = state0[(i-1)*d + 0] + 0.01;     
			state0[i*d + 1] = 0;
		for(k=0; k<d; k++)
			state0[(N+1)*d + i*d + 0] =  0;     
			state0[(N+1)*d + i*d + 1] =  -0.2;

	double t1, t2;
	t1 = t0;
	t2 = dt;
	T  = t2;
	// optcon(grad_tol, n, nx, nc, ns, t1, t2, &controls[0][0], &state0, 
	//        &states[0][0], a, b, my_phi, my_dphi, my_f, my_fx, my_fu);
	// for(i = 1; i < nMPC; i ++)
	// {
	//      t1 += dt;
	//      t2 += dt;
	//      optcon(grad_tol, n, nx, nc, ns, t1, t2, &controls[i][0], &states[i-1][n*ns*nx], 
	//        &states[i][0], a, b, my_phi, my_dphi, my_f, my_fx, my_fu);

	// }
	optcon(grad_tol, n, nx, nc, ns, t1, t2, controls[0], &state0, 
		  states[0], a, b, my_phi, my_dphi, my_f, my_fx, my_fu);
	for(i = 1; i < nMPC; i ++)
		t1 += dt;
		t2 += dt;
		T  =  t2; 
		optcon(grad_tol, n, nx, nc, ns, t1, t2, controls[i], (states[i-1] + n*ns*nx), 
		  states[i], a, b, my_phi, my_dphi, my_f, my_fx, my_fu);


	wtf(states, n, ns, nx, N, d, nMPC);    

  //     // double x[] = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 999 };
  //    // double x[] = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5, 6, 0, 999 };
  //    // double x[] = {1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 999 };
	 // double *x;
	 // x = state0;
	 // // double x[] = {1, 1, 1, 2, 999 };
  //    double u[] = {1, 2};

	// // double *f;
	// // f = (double*) malloc(nx*sizeof(double));  // what is the difference ???????????
	// double f[nx];                                // what is the difference ???????????
	// my_f(f, x, u, 0);
	// printf("\nf = \n");
	// pad(f, nx);

	// // int testtemp1 = 7%2;
	// // int testtemp2 = 7/2;
	// // printf("\n k = %d\n", map(0, 2, 3));
	// // int *testtemp = imap(6, 3);
	// // printf(" i = %d\n j = %d\n\n", testtemp[0], testtemp[1]);

	// // double *matrixf;
	// // matrixf = (double*) malloc(nx*nx*sizeof(double));
	// double matrixf[nx*nx];
	// my_fx(matrixf, x, u, 0);
	// printf("\nfx =");
	// pmd(matrixf,  nx, nx);
	// // pmd(matrixf, nx*nx, 1);

	// // double *matrixu;
	// // matrixu = (double*) malloc(nx*d*sizeof(double));
	// double matrixu[nx*d];
	// my_fu(matrixu, x, u, 0);
	// printf("\nfu =");
	// pmd(matrixu,  nx, d);
	// // pmd(matrixu, nx*d, 1);

	// double valuephi;
	// valuephi = my_phi(x);
	// printf("\nphi = %f\n", valuephi);

	// // double *vectordphi;
	// // vectordphi = (double*) malloc(nx*sizeof(double));
	// double vectordphi[nx];
	// my_dphi(vectordphi, x);
	// printf("\ndphi =");
	// pmd(vectordphi,  nx, 1);

	// double valuel1 = l1(x, N, d);
	// printf("\nl1 = %f\n", valuel1);

	// printf("\n");