Exemplo n.º 1
void wxSVGFileDC::NewGraphics ()

    int w = m_pen.GetWidth ();
    wxColour c = m_pen.GetColour () ;

    wxString s, sBrush, sPenCap, sPenJoin, sPenStyle, sLast, sWarn;

    sBrush = wxT("</g>\n<g style=\"") + wxBrushString ( m_brush.GetColour (), m_brush.GetStyle () )
             + wxT("  stroke:#") + wxColStr (c) + wxT("; ") ;

    switch ( m_pen.GetCap () )
        case  wxCAP_PROJECTING :
            sPenCap = wxT("stroke-linecap:square; ") ;
            break ;
        case  wxCAP_BUTT :
            sPenCap = wxT("stroke-linecap:butt; ") ;
            break ;
        case    wxCAP_ROUND :
        default :
            sPenCap = wxT("stroke-linecap:round; ") ;
    switch ( m_pen.GetJoin () )
        case  wxJOIN_BEVEL :
            sPenJoin = wxT("stroke-linejoin:bevel; ") ;
            break ;
        case  wxJOIN_MITER :
            sPenJoin = wxT("stroke-linejoin:miter; ") ;
            break ;
        case    wxJOIN_ROUND :
        default :
            sPenJoin = wxT("stroke-linejoin:round; ") ;

    switch ( m_pen.GetStyle () )
        case  wxSOLID :
            sPenStyle = wxT("stroke-opacity:1.0; stroke-opacity:1.0; ") ;
            break ;
        case  wxTRANSPARENT :
            sPenStyle = wxT("stroke-opacity:0.0; stroke-opacity:0.0; ") ;
            break ;
        default :
            wxASSERT_MSG(FALSE, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call called to set a Style which is not available")) ;
            sWarn = sWarn + wxT("<!--- wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call called to set a Style which is not available --> \n") ;

    sLast.Printf (   wxT("stroke-width:%d\" \n   transform=\"translate(%.2g %.2g) scale(%.2g %.2g)\">"),
                  w, m_OriginX, m_OriginY, m_scaleX, m_scaleY  );

    s = sBrush + sPenCap + sPenJoin + sPenStyle + sLast + newline + sWarn;
    m_graphics_changed = FALSE ;
    wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::NewGraphics Call executed")) ;
Exemplo n.º 2
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoStartNewGraphics()
    wxString s, sBrush, sPenCap, sPenJoin, sPenStyle, sLast;

    sBrush = wxS("<g style=\"") + wxBrushString(m_brush.GetColour(), m_brush.GetStyle())
            + wxPenString(m_pen.GetColour(), m_pen.GetStyle());

    switch ( m_pen.GetCap() )
        case  wxCAP_PROJECTING :
            sPenCap = wxS("stroke-linecap:square; ");
        case  wxCAP_BUTT :
            sPenCap = wxS("stroke-linecap:butt; ");
        case    wxCAP_ROUND :
        default :
            sPenCap = wxS("stroke-linecap:round; ");

    switch ( m_pen.GetJoin() )
        case  wxJOIN_BEVEL :
            sPenJoin = wxS("stroke-linejoin:bevel; ");
        case  wxJOIN_MITER :
            sPenJoin = wxS("stroke-linejoin:miter; ");
        case    wxJOIN_ROUND :
        default :
            sPenJoin = wxS("stroke-linejoin:round; ");

    sLast = wxString::Format(wxS("stroke-width:%d\" transform=\"translate(%s %s) scale(%s %s)\">"),
                 NumStr((m_deviceOriginX - m_logicalOriginX)* m_signX),
                 NumStr((m_deviceOriginY - m_logicalOriginY)* m_signY),
                 NumStr(m_scaleX * m_signX),
                 NumStr(m_scaleY * m_signY));

    s = sBrush + sPenCap + sPenJoin + sPenStyle + sLast + wxS("\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawRotatedText(const wxString& sText, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, double angle)
    //known bug; if the font is drawn in a scaled DC, it will not behave exactly as wxMSW
    wxString s, sTmp;

    // calculate bounding box
    wxCoord w, h, desc;
    DoGetTextExtent(sText, &w, &h, &desc);

    double rad = wxDegToRad(angle);

    // wxT("upper left") and wxT("upper right")
    CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
    CalcBoundingBox((wxCoord)(x + w*cos(rad)), (wxCoord)(y - h*sin(rad)));

    // wxT("bottom left") and wxT("bottom right")
    CalcBoundingBox((wxCoord)(x + h*sin(rad)), (wxCoord)(y + h*cos(rad)));
    CalcBoundingBox((wxCoord)(x + h*sin(rad) + w*cos(rad)), (wxCoord)(y + h*cos(rad) - w*sin(rad)));

    if (m_backgroundMode == wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID)
        // draw background first
        // just like DoDrawRectangle except we pass the text color to it and set the border to a 1 pixel wide text background

        sTmp.Printf ( wxT(" <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" "), x, y, w, h );
        s = sTmp + wxT("style=\"") + wxBrushString(m_textBackgroundColour);
        s += wxT("stroke-width:1; ") + wxPenString(m_textBackgroundColour);
        sTmp.Printf ( wxT("\" transform=\"rotate( %s %d %d )  \" />"), NumStr(-angle), x,y );
        s += sTmp + wxT("\n");

    // convert x,y to SVG text x,y (the coordinates of the text baseline)
    x = (wxCoord)(x + (h-desc)*sin(rad));
    y = (wxCoord)(y + (h-desc)*cos(rad));

    //now do the text itself
    s.Printf (wxT(" <text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" "),x,y );

    sTmp = m_font.GetFaceName();
    if (sTmp.Len() > 0)  s += wxT("style=\"font-family:") + sTmp + wxT("; ");
    else s += wxT("style=\" ");

    wxString fontweights [3] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("lighter"), wxT("bold") };
    s += wxT("font-weight:") + fontweights[m_font.GetWeight() - wxNORMAL] + wxT("; ");

    wxString fontstyles [5] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("style error"), wxT("style error"), wxT("italic"), wxT("oblique") };
    s += wxT("font-style:") + fontstyles[m_font.GetStyle() - wxNORMAL] + wxT("; ");

    sTmp.Printf (wxT("font-size:%dpt; "), m_font.GetPointSize() );
    s += sTmp;
    //text will be solid, unless alpha value isn't opaque in the foreground colour
    s += wxBrushString(m_textForegroundColour) + wxPenString(m_textForegroundColour);
    sTmp.Printf ( wxT("stroke-width:0;\"  transform=\"rotate( %s %d %d )  \" >"),  NumStr(-angle), x,y );
    s += sTmp + wxMarkupParser::Quote(sText) + wxT("</text> ") + wxT("\n");
    if (m_OK)
Exemplo n.º 4
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawRotatedText(const wxString& sText, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, double angle)
    //known bug; if the font is drawn in a scaled DC, it will not behave exactly as wxMSW
    wxString s;

    // Get extent of whole text.
    wxCoord w, h, heightLine;
    GetOwner()->GetMultiLineTextExtent(sText, &w, &h, &heightLine);

    // Compute the shift for the origin of the next line.
    const double rad = wxDegToRad(angle);
    const double dx = heightLine * sin(rad);
    const double dy = heightLine * cos(rad);

    // wxS("upper left") and wxS("upper right")
    CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
    CalcBoundingBox((wxCoord)(x + w*cos(rad)), (wxCoord)(y - h*sin(rad)));

    // wxS("bottom left") and wxS("bottom right")
    CalcBoundingBox((wxCoord)(x + h*sin(rad)), (wxCoord)(y + h*cos(rad)));
    CalcBoundingBox((wxCoord)(x + h*sin(rad) + w*cos(rad)), (wxCoord)(y + h*cos(rad) - w*sin(rad)));

    if (m_backgroundMode == wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID)
        // draw background first
        // just like DoDrawRectangle except we pass the text color to it and set the border to a 1 pixel wide text background
        s += wxString::Format(wxS("  <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" "), x, y, w, h);
        s += wxS("style=\"") + wxBrushString(m_textBackgroundColour);
        s += wxS("stroke-width:1; ") + wxPenString(m_textBackgroundColour);
        s += wxString::Format(wxS("\" transform=\"rotate(%s %d %d)\"/>"), NumStr(-angle), x, y);
        s += wxS("\n");

    // Draw all text line by line
    const wxArrayString lines = wxSplit(sText, '\n', '\0');
    for (size_t lineNum = 0; lineNum < lines.size(); lineNum++)
        // convert x,y to SVG text x,y (the coordinates of the text baseline)
        wxCoord ww, hh, desc;
        DoGetTextExtent(lines[lineNum], &ww, &hh, &desc);
        int xx = x + wxRound(lineNum * dx) + (hh - desc) * sin(rad);
        int yy = y + wxRound(lineNum * dy) + (hh - desc) * cos(rad);

        //now do the text itself
        s += wxString::Format(wxS("  <text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" textLength=\"%d\" "), xx, yy, ww);

        wxString fontName(m_font.GetFaceName());
        if (fontName.Len() > 0)
            s += wxS("style=\"font-family:") + fontName + wxS("; ");
            s += wxS("style=\" ");

        wxString fontweight;
        switch (m_font.GetWeight())
            case wxFONTWEIGHT_MAX:
                wxFAIL_MSG(wxS("invalid font weight value"));

            case wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL:
                fontweight = wxS("normal");

            case wxFONTWEIGHT_LIGHT:
                fontweight = wxS("lighter");

            case wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD:
                fontweight = wxS("bold");

        wxASSERT_MSG(!fontweight.empty(), wxS("unknown font weight value"));

        s += wxS("font-weight:") + fontweight + wxS("; ");

        wxString fontstyle;
        switch (m_font.GetStyle())
            case wxFONTSTYLE_MAX:
                wxFAIL_MSG(wxS("invalid font style value"));

            case wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL:
                fontstyle = wxS("normal");

            case wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC:
                fontstyle = wxS("italic");

            case wxFONTSTYLE_SLANT:
                fontstyle = wxS("oblique");

        wxASSERT_MSG(!fontstyle.empty(), wxS("unknown font style value"));

        s += wxS("font-style:") + fontstyle + wxS("; ");

        wxString textDecoration;
        if (m_font.GetUnderlined())
            textDecoration += wxS(" underline");
        if (m_font.GetStrikethrough())
            textDecoration += wxS(" line-through");
        if (textDecoration.IsEmpty())
            textDecoration = wxS(" none");

        s += wxS("text-decoration:") + textDecoration + wxS("; ");

        s += wxString::Format(wxS("font-size:%dpt; "), m_font.GetPointSize());
        //text will be solid, unless alpha value isn't opaque in the foreground colour
        s += wxBrushString(m_textForegroundColour) + wxPenString(m_textForegroundColour);
        s += wxString::Format(wxS("stroke-width:0;\" transform=\"rotate(%s %d %d)\""), NumStr(-angle), xx, yy);
        s += wxS(" xml:space=\"preserve\">");
        s += wxMarkupParser::Quote(lines[lineNum]) + wxS("</text>\n");
