Exemplo n.º 1
wxExCTags::wxExCTags(wxExFrame* frame, const std::string& filename)
  : m_Frame(frame)
  tagFileInfo info;

  for (const auto & it : std::vector < std::string > {
    "./", wxExConfigDir() + "/"})
    if ((m_File = tagsOpen(std::string(it + filename).c_str(), &info)) != nullptr)
      return; // finish, we found a file
Exemplo n.º 2
bool wxExViMacros::ExpandTemplate(
  wxExEx* ex, const wxExVariable& v, std::string& expanded)
  if (v.GetValue().empty())
    return false;
  if (!m_IsExpand)
    m_IsExpand = true;

  // Read the file (file name is in v.GetValue()), expand
  // all macro variables in it, and set expanded.
  const wxExFileName filename(wxExConfigDir(), v.GetValue());

  std::ifstream ifs(filename.GetFullPath());
  if (!ifs.is_open())
    wxLogError("Could not open template file: %s", filename.GetFullPath().c_str());
    return false;

  // Keep current macro, in case you cancel expanding,
  // this one is restored.
  std::string macro = m_Macro;
  while (ifs.good() && !ifs.eof()) 
    const char c = ifs.get();
    if (c != '@')
      expanded += c;
      std::string variable;
      bool completed = false;
      while (ifs.good() && !ifs.eof() && !completed) 
        const char c = ifs.get();
        if (c != '@')
          variable += c;
          completed = true;
      if (!completed)
        m_Macro = macro;
        return false;
      // Prevent recursion.
      if (variable == v.GetName())
        m_Macro = macro;
        return false;
      std::string value;
      if (!Expand(ex, variable, value))
        m_Macro = macro;
        return false;
      expanded += value;
  m_IsExpand = false;

  // Set back to normal value.  
  if (!m_IsRecording)
    m_Macro = v.GetName();
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
const wxFileName wxExViMacros::GetFileName()
  return wxFileName(wxExConfigDir(), "macros.xml");
Exemplo n.º 4
bool wxExApp::OnInit()
  // This should be before first use of wxConfigBase::Get().
  wxConfigBase::Set(new wxFileConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString,
    wxFileName(wxExConfigDir(), GetAppName().Lower() + 
#ifdef __WXMSW__
      ).GetFullPath(), wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE));
  const wxLanguageInfo* info = nullptr;
  if (wxConfigBase::Get()->Exists("LANG"))
    info = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(wxConfigBase::Get()->Read("LANG"));
    if (info == nullptr)
      std::cout << "Unknown language: " << 
        wxConfigBase::Get()->Read("LANG").ToStdString() << "\n";;
  const int lang = (info != nullptr ? info->Language: wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT); 
  // Init the localization, from now on things will be translated.
  // Do not load wxstd, we load all files ourselved,
  // and do not want messages about loading non existing wxstd files.
  if (!m_Locale.Init(lang, wxLOCALE_DONT_LOAD_DEFAULT))
    std::cout << "Could not init locale for: " << std::to_string(lang) << "\n";
  // If there are catalogs in the catalog_dir, then add them to the m_Locale.
  // README: We use the canonical name, also for windows, not sure whether that is
  // the best.
  m_CatalogDir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetLocalizedResourcesDir(
    // This seems to be necessary for wxGTK. For wxMSW it isn't used.

  if (wxFileName::DirExists(m_CatalogDir))
    wxArrayString files;
    wxDir::GetAllFiles(m_CatalogDir, &files, "*.mo");

    for (const auto& it : files)
      if (!m_Locale.AddCatalog(wxFileName(it).GetName()))
        std::cout << "Could not add catalog: " << 
          wxFileName(it).GetName(). ToStdString() << "\n";;
  else if (info != nullptr)
   std::cout << "Missing locale files for: " << GetLocale().GetName() << "\n";


  return true; // wxApp::OnInit(); // we have our own cmd line processing