Exemplo n.º 1
// Get the window with the focus
wxWindow *wxWindowBase::DoFindFocus()
    Window xfocus = (Window) 0;
    int revert = 0;

    XGetInputFocus( wxGlobalDisplay(), &xfocus, &revert);
    if (xfocus)
        wxWindow *win = wxGetWindowFromTable( xfocus );
        if (!win)
            win = wxGetClientWindowFromTable( xfocus );

        return win;

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool wxApp::ProcessXEvent(WXEvent* _event)
    XEvent* event = (XEvent*) _event;

    wxWindow* win = NULL;
    Window window = XEventGetWindow(event);
#if 0
    Window actualWindow = window;

    // Find the first wxWindow that corresponds to this event window
    // Because we're receiving events after a window
    // has been destroyed, assume a 1:1 match between
    // Window and wxWindow, so if it's not in the table,
    // it must have been destroyed.

    win = wxGetWindowFromTable(window);
    if (!win)
        win = wxGetClientWindowFromTable(window);
        if (!win)
            return false;

    switch (event->type)
        case Expose:
            if (event->xexpose.window != (Window)win->GetClientAreaWindow())
                XEvent tmp_event;
                wxExposeInfo info;
                info.window = event->xexpose.window;
                info.found_non_matching = false;
                while (XCheckIfEvent( wxGlobalDisplay(), &tmp_event, wxX11ExposePredicate, (XPointer) &info ))
                    // Don't worry about optimizing redrawing the border etc.
                win->GetUpdateRegion().Union( XExposeEventGetX(event), XExposeEventGetY(event),
                                              XExposeEventGetWidth(event), XExposeEventGetHeight(event));
                win->GetClearRegion().Union( XExposeEventGetX(event), XExposeEventGetY(event),
                                         XExposeEventGetWidth(event), XExposeEventGetHeight(event));

#if !wxUSE_NANOX
                XEvent tmp_event;
                wxExposeInfo info;
                info.window = event->xexpose.window;
                info.found_non_matching = false;
                while (XCheckIfEvent( wxGlobalDisplay(), &tmp_event, wxX11ExposePredicate, (XPointer) &info ))
                    win->GetUpdateRegion().Union( tmp_event.xexpose.x, tmp_event.xexpose.y,
                                                  tmp_event.xexpose.width, tmp_event.xexpose.height );

                    win->GetClearRegion().Union( tmp_event.xexpose.x, tmp_event.xexpose.y,
                                                 tmp_event.xexpose.width, tmp_event.xexpose.height );

                // This simplifies the expose and clear areas to simple
                // rectangles.
                win->GetUpdateRegion() = win->GetUpdateRegion().GetBox();
                win->GetClearRegion() = win->GetClearRegion().GetBox();

                // If we only have one X11 window, always indicate
                // that borders might have to be redrawn.
                if (win->X11GetMainWindow() == win->GetClientAreaWindow())

                // Only erase background, paint in idle time.

                // EXPERIMENT

            return true;

#if !wxUSE_NANOX
        case GraphicsExpose:
            wxLogTrace( wxT("expose"), wxT("GraphicsExpose from %s"), win->GetName().c_str());

            win->GetUpdateRegion().Union( event->xgraphicsexpose.x, event->xgraphicsexpose.y,
                                          event->xgraphicsexpose.width, event->xgraphicsexpose.height);

            win->GetClearRegion().Union( event->xgraphicsexpose.x, event->xgraphicsexpose.y,
                                         event->xgraphicsexpose.width, event->xgraphicsexpose.height);

            if (event->xgraphicsexpose.count == 0)
                // Only erase background, paint in idle time.
                // win->Update();

            return true;

        case KeyPress:
            if (!win->IsEnabled())
                return false;

            wxKeyEvent keyEvent(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN);
            wxTranslateKeyEvent(keyEvent, win, window, event);

            // wxLogDebug( "OnKey from %s", win->GetName().c_str() );

            // We didn't process wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, so send wxEVT_CHAR
            if (win->HandleWindowEvent( keyEvent ))
                return true;

            // Do the translation again, retaining the ASCII
            // code.
            if (wxTranslateKeyEvent(keyEvent, win, window, event, true) &&
                win->HandleWindowEvent( keyEvent ))
                return true;

            if ( (keyEvent.m_keyCode == WXK_TAB) &&
                 win->GetParent() && (win->GetParent()->HasFlag( wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)) )
                wxNavigationKeyEvent new_event;
                new_event.SetEventObject( win->GetParent() );
                /* GDK reports GDK_ISO_Left_Tab for SHIFT-TAB */
                new_event.SetDirection( (keyEvent.m_keyCode == WXK_TAB) );
                /* CTRL-TAB changes the (parent) window, i.e. switch notebook page */
                new_event.SetWindowChange( keyEvent.ControlDown() );
                new_event.SetCurrentFocus( win );
                return win->GetParent()->HandleWindowEvent( new_event );

            return false;
        case KeyRelease:
            if (!win->IsEnabled())
                return false;

            wxKeyEvent keyEvent(wxEVT_KEY_UP);
            wxTranslateKeyEvent(keyEvent, win, window, event);

            return win->HandleWindowEvent( keyEvent );
        case ConfigureNotify:
            if (event->update.utype == GR_UPDATE_SIZE)
                wxTopLevelWindow *tlw = wxDynamicCast(win, wxTopLevelWindow);
                if ( tlw )
                    tlw->SetConfigureGeometry( XConfigureEventGetX(event), XConfigureEventGetY(event),
                        XConfigureEventGetWidth(event), XConfigureEventGetHeight(event) );

                if ( tlw && tlw->IsShown() )
                    wxSizeEvent sizeEvent( wxSize(XConfigureEventGetWidth(event), XConfigureEventGetHeight(event)), win->GetId() );
                    sizeEvent.SetEventObject( win );

                    return win->HandleWindowEvent( sizeEvent );
            return false;
#if !wxUSE_NANOX
        case PropertyNotify:
            return HandlePropertyChange(_event);

        case ClientMessage:
            if (!win->IsEnabled())
                return false;

            Atom wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(wxGlobalDisplay(), "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True);
            Atom wm_protocols = XInternAtom(wxGlobalDisplay(), "WM_PROTOCOLS", True);

            if (event->xclient.message_type == wm_protocols)
                if ((Atom) (event->xclient.data.l[0]) == wm_delete_window)
                    return true;
            return false;
#if 0
        case DestroyNotify:
            printf( "destroy from %s\n", win->GetName().c_str() );
        case CreateNotify:
            printf( "create from %s\n", win->GetName().c_str() );
        case MapRequest:
            printf( "map request from %s\n", win->GetName().c_str() );
        case ResizeRequest:
            printf( "resize request from %s\n", win->GetName().c_str() );

            Display *disp = (Display*) wxGetDisplay();
            XEvent report;

            //  to avoid flicker
            report = * event;
            while( XCheckTypedWindowEvent (disp, actualWindow, ResizeRequest, &report));

            wxSize sz = win->GetSize();
            wxSizeEvent sizeEvent(sz, win->GetId());

            return win->HandleWindowEvent( sizeEvent );
            if (win)
                return true;
            return false;
        case EnterNotify:
        case LeaveNotify:
        case ButtonPress:
        case ButtonRelease:
        case MotionNotify:
            if (!win->IsEnabled())
                return false;

            // Here we check if the top level window is
            // disabled, which is one aspect of modality.
            wxWindow *tlw = win;
            while (tlw && !tlw->IsTopLevel())
                tlw = tlw->GetParent();
            if (tlw && !tlw->IsEnabled())
                return false;

            if (event->type == ButtonPress)
                if ((win != wxWindow::FindFocus()) && win->CanAcceptFocus())
                    // This might actually be done in wxWindow::SetFocus()
                    // and not here. TODO.
                    g_prevFocus = wxWindow::FindFocus();
                    g_nextFocus = win;

                    wxLogTrace( wxT("focus"), wxT("About to call SetFocus on %s of type %s due to button press"), win->GetName().c_str(), win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName() );

                    // Record the fact that this window is
                    // getting the focus, because we'll need to
                    // check if its parent is getting a bogus
                    // focus and duly ignore it.
                    // TODO: may need to have this code in SetFocus, too.
                    extern wxWindow* g_GettingFocus;
                    g_GettingFocus = win;

#if !wxUSE_NANOX
            if (event->type == LeaveNotify || event->type == EnterNotify)
                // Throw out NotifyGrab and NotifyUngrab
                if (event->xcrossing.mode != NotifyNormal)
                    return false;
            wxMouseEvent wxevent;
            wxTranslateMouseEvent(wxevent, win, window, event);
            return win->HandleWindowEvent( wxevent );
        case FocusIn:
#if !wxUSE_NANOX
            if ((event->xfocus.detail != NotifyPointer) &&
                (event->xfocus.mode == NotifyNormal))
                wxLogTrace( wxT("focus"), wxT("FocusIn from %s of type %s"), win->GetName().c_str(), win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName() );

                extern wxWindow* g_GettingFocus;
                if (g_GettingFocus && g_GettingFocus->GetParent() == win)
                    // Ignore this, this can be a spurious FocusIn
                    // caused by a child having its focus set.
                    g_GettingFocus = NULL;
                    wxLogTrace( wxT("focus"), wxT("FocusIn from %s of type %s being deliberately ignored"), win->GetName().c_str(), win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName() );
                    return true;
                    wxFocusEvent focusEvent(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, win->GetId());
                    focusEvent.SetWindow( g_prevFocus );
                    g_prevFocus = NULL;

                    return win->HandleWindowEvent(focusEvent);
            return false;

        case FocusOut:
#if !wxUSE_NANOX
            if ((event->xfocus.detail != NotifyPointer) &&
                (event->xfocus.mode == NotifyNormal))
                wxLogTrace( wxT("focus"), wxT("FocusOut from %s of type %s"), win->GetName().c_str(), win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName() );

                wxFocusEvent focusEvent(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, win->GetId());
                focusEvent.SetWindow( g_nextFocus );
                g_nextFocus = NULL;
                return win->HandleWindowEvent(focusEvent);
            return false;

    return false;