Exemplo n.º 1
wxOperatingSystemId wxGetOsVersion(int *verMaj, int *verMin)
    // get OS version
    int major, minor;
    wxString release = wxGetCommandOutput(wxT("uname -r"));
    if ( release.empty() ||
            wxSscanf(release.c_str(), wxT("%d.%d"), &major, &minor) != 2 )
        // failed to get version string or unrecognized format
        major =
            minor = -1;

    if ( verMaj )
        *verMaj = major;
    if ( verMin )
        *verMin = minor;

    // try to understand which OS are we running
    wxString kernel = wxGetCommandOutput(wxT("uname -s"));
    if ( kernel.empty() )
        kernel = wxGetCommandOutput(wxT("uname -o"));

    if ( kernel.empty() )
        return wxOS_UNKNOWN;

    return wxPlatformInfo::GetOperatingSystemId(kernel);
Exemplo n.º 2
wxLinuxDistributionInfo wxGetLinuxDistributionInfo()
    const wxString id = wxGetCommandOutput(wxT("lsb_release --id"));
    const wxString desc = wxGetCommandOutput(wxT("lsb_release --description"));
    const wxString rel = wxGetCommandOutput(wxT("lsb_release --release"));
    const wxString codename = wxGetCommandOutput(wxT("lsb_release --codename"));

    wxLinuxDistributionInfo ret;

    id.StartsWith("Distributor ID:\t", &ret.Id);
    desc.StartsWith("Description:\t", &ret.Description);
    rel.StartsWith("Release:\t", &ret.Release);
    codename.StartsWith("Codename:\t", &ret.CodeName);

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool wxIsPlatform64Bit()
    const wxString machine = wxGetCommandOutput(wxT("uname -m"));

    // the test for "64" is obviously not 100% reliable but seems to work fine
    // in practice
    return machine.Contains(wxT("64")) ||
Exemplo n.º 4
static bool
wxGetValueFromLSBRelease(wxString arg, const wxString& lhs, wxString* rhs)
    // lsb_release seems to just read a global file which is always in UTF-8
    // and hence its output is always in UTF-8 as well, regardless of the
    // locale currently configured by our environment.
    return wxGetCommandOutput(wxS("lsb_release ") + arg, wxConvUTF8)
                .StartsWith(lhs, rhs);
Exemplo n.º 5
wxString wxGetOsDescription()
    return wxGetCommandOutput(wxT("uname -s -r -m"));