Exemplo n.º 1
void *wxSizeCacherThread::Entry()
    wxLogAdvMsg(wxT("wxSizeCacherThread::Entry - caching file sizes"));
    bool allok = TRUE;

    if (m_urls.GetCount() == 0)
        return (void*)FALSE;     // no urls whose size must be cached ?

    // be sure to have n null entries in our cache array, where
    // 'n' is the number of URLs whose size must be cached
    m_urlSizes = new wxArrayLong();
    m_urlSizes->Add((long)0, m_urls.GetCount());

    // begin our loop
    for (int i=0; i<(int)m_urls.GetCount() && !TestDestroy(); i++) {

        // getting the input stream for the url is the only way
        // to get the size of the resource pointed by that url...
        m_urlSizes->Item(i) = wxGetSizeOfURI(m_urls[i]);
        allok &= (m_urlSizes->Item(i) != 0);

    wxLogAdvMsg(wxT("wxSizeCacherThread::Entry - caching of file sizes completed"));
    return (void *)allok;
Exemplo n.º 2
void wxWebUpdateListCtrl::CacheDownloadSizes()
    // it makes sense to cache download sizes even when this listctrl is hidden
    // since we need the download size in any case for the progress bar
    // if (!this->IsShown())
    //    return;
#if 0

    // TO TEST wxGetSizeOfURI
    // 1) try strings that won't be parsable (e.g. abcdhttp://)
    // 2) try strings that will parse but do not point to any real file (e.g. http://myserver.com/nonexistingfile)
    // 3) try with a real file (e.g. http://www.google.com)
    unsigned long n = wxGetSizeOfURI(wxS("http://osdn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/wxcode/simple-gtk-2.0.3.zipfdsafdas"));
    if (n == 0xfffffff)
        wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxS("fake ")));
        wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxS("%lu"), n));


    // now load all the packages we need in local cache
    wxSizeCacherThread *p = new wxSizeCacherThread(this);
    for (int i=0; i < (int)m_arrRemotePackages.GetCount(); i++) {
        wxString u = m_arrRemotePackages[i].GetDownload().GetDownloadString();

        wxLogDebug(wxS("wxWebUpdateListCtrl::CacheDownloadSizes - adding [") + u +
                wxS("] to size-caching"));

    wxLogAdvMsg(wxS("wxWebUpdateListCtrl::CacheDownloadSizes - launching the size cacher thread"));
    if (p->Create() != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR ||
        p->Run() != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR) {
        wxMessageBox(_("Low resources; cannot show the size of the packages...\nClose some applications and then retry."),
                    _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);