Exemplo n.º 1
void wxChoice::SetString(unsigned int n, const wxString& s)
    wxCHECK_RET( IsValid(n), wxT("invalid item index in wxChoice::SetString") );

    // we have to delete and add back the string as there is no way to change a
    // string in place

    // we need to preserve the client data manually
    void *oldData = NULL;
    wxClientData *oldObjData = NULL;
    if ( HasClientUntypedData() )
        oldData = GetClientData(n);
    else if ( HasClientObjectData() )
        oldObjData = GetClientObject(n);

    // and also the selection if we're going to delete the item that was
    // selected
    const bool wasSelected = static_cast<int>(n) == GetSelection();

    ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_DELETESTRING, n, 0);
    ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_INSERTSTRING, n, wxMSW_CONV_LPARAM(s) );

    // restore the client data
    if ( oldData )
        SetClientData(n, oldData);
    else if ( oldObjData )
        SetClientObject(n, oldObjData);

    // and the selection
    if ( wasSelected )

    // the width could have changed so the best size needs to be recomputed
Exemplo n.º 2
int wxDirDialog::ShowSHBrowseForFolder(WXHWND owner)
    bi.hwndOwner      = owner;
    bi.pidlRoot       = NULL;
    bi.pszDisplayName = NULL;
    bi.lpszTitle      = m_message.c_str();
    bi.lpfn           = BrowseCallbackProc;
    bi.lParam         = wxMSW_CONV_LPARAM(m_path); // param for the callback

    static const int verComCtl32 = wxApp::GetComCtl32Version();

    // we always add the edit box (it doesn't hurt anybody, does it?)
    bi.ulFlags |= BIF_EDITBOX;

    // to have the "New Folder" button we must use the "new" dialog style which
    // is also the only way to have a resizable dialog
    const bool needNewDir = !HasFlag(wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST);
    if ( needNewDir || HasFlag(wxRESIZE_BORDER) )
        if (needNewDir)
            bi.ulFlags |= BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE;
            // Versions < 600 doesn't support BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON
            // The only way to get rid of the Make New Folder button is use
            // the old dialog style which doesn't have the button thus we
            // simply don't set the New Dialog Style for such comctl versions.
            if (verComCtl32 >= 600)
                bi.ulFlags |= BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE;
                bi.ulFlags |= BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON;

    // do show the dialog
    wxItemIdList pidl(SHBrowseForFolder(&bi));


    if ( !pidl )
        // Cancel button pressed
        return wxID_CANCEL;

    m_path = pidl.GetPath();

    return m_path.empty() ? wxID_CANCEL : wxID_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int CALLBACK
BrowseCallbackProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lp, LPARAM pData)
        case BFFM_INITIALIZED:
            // sent immediately after initialisation and so we may set the
            // initial selection here
            // wParam = TRUE => lParam is a string and not a PIDL
            ::SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, pData);

        case BFFM_SELCHANGED:
            // note that this doesn't work with the new style UI (MSDN doesn't
            // say anything about it, but the comments in shlobj.h do!) but we
            // still execute this code in case it starts working again with the
            // "new new UI" (or would it be "NewUIEx" according to tradition?)
                // Set the status window to the currently selected path.
                wxString strDir;
                if ( SHGetPathFromIDList((LPITEMIDLIST)lp,
                                         wxStringBuffer(strDir, MAX_PATH)) )
                    // NB: this shouldn't be necessary with the new style box
                    //     (which is resizable), but as for now it doesn't work
                    //     anyhow (see the comment above) no harm in doing it

                    // need to truncate or it displays incorrectly
                    static const size_t maxChars = 37;
                    if ( strDir.length() > maxChars )
                        strDir = strDir.Right(maxChars);
                        strDir = wxString(wxT("...")) + strDir;

                    SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXT,
                                0, wxMSW_CONV_LPARAM(strDir));

        //case BFFM_VALIDATEFAILED: -- might be used to provide custom message
        //                             if the user types in invalid dir name

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int wxControlWithItems::MSWInsertOrAppendItem(unsigned pos,
                                              const wxString& item,
                                              unsigned wm)
    LRESULT n = SendMessage((HWND)MSWGetItemsHWND(), wm, pos,
    if ( n == CB_ERR || n == CB_ERRSPACE )
        return wxNOT_FOUND;

    return n;
Exemplo n.º 5
wxCommandLinkButton::SetMainLabelAndNote(const wxString& mainLabel,
                                         const wxString& note)
    if ( HasNativeCommandLinkButton() )
        ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, BCM_SETNOTE, 0, wxMSW_CONV_LPARAM(note));

        // Preserve the user-specified label for GetLabel()
        m_labelOrig = mainLabel;
        if ( !note.empty() )
            m_labelOrig << '\n' << note;
        wxGenericCommandLinkButton::SetMainLabelAndNote(mainLabel, note);
Exemplo n.º 6
int wxChoice::FindString(const wxString& s, bool bCase) const
#if defined(__WATCOMC__) && defined(__WIN386__)
    // For some reason, Watcom in WIN386 mode crashes in the CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT message.
    // wxChoice::Do it the long way instead.
    unsigned int count = GetCount();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        // as CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT is case insensitive, be case insensitive too
        if (GetString(i).IsSameAs(s, bCase))
            return i;

    return wxNOT_FOUND;
#else // !Watcom
   //TODO:  Evidently some MSW versions (all?) don't like empty strings
   //passed to SendMessage, so we have to do it ourselves in that case
   if ( s.empty() )
       unsigned int count = GetCount();
       for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
         if (GetString(i).empty())
             return i;

       return wxNOT_FOUND;
   else if (bCase)
       // back to base class search for not native search type
       return wxItemContainerImmutable::FindString( s, bCase );
       int pos = (int)SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT,
                                  (WPARAM)-1, wxMSW_CONV_LPARAM(s));

       return pos == LB_ERR ? wxNOT_FOUND : pos;
#endif // Watcom/!Watcom
Exemplo n.º 7
// draw the item
bool wxOwnerDrawn::OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rc,
                              wxODAction, wxODStatus stat)
    // we do nothing if item isn't ownerdrawn
    if ( !IsOwnerDrawn() )
        return true;

    wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
    HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(*impl);

    RECT rect;
    wxCopyRectToRECT(rc, rect);

        // set the font and colors
        wxFont font;

        wxColour colText, colBack;
        GetColourToUse(stat, colText, colBack);

        SelectInHDC selFont(hdc, GetHfontOf(font));

        wxMSWImpl::wxTextColoursChanger textCol(hdc, colText, colBack);
        wxMSWImpl::wxBkModeChanger bkMode(hdc, wxBRUSHSTYLE_TRANSPARENT);

        AutoHBRUSH hbr(wxColourToPalRGB(colBack));
        SelectInHDC selBrush(hdc, hbr);

        ::FillRect(hdc, &rect, hbr);

        // using native API because it recognizes '&'

        wxString text = GetName();

        SIZE sizeRect;
        ::GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, text.c_str(), text.length(), &sizeRect);

        int flags = DST_PREFIXTEXT;
        if ( (stat & wxODDisabled) && !(stat & wxODSelected) )
            flags |= DSS_DISABLED;

        if ( (stat & wxODHidePrefix) )
            flags |= DSS_HIDEPREFIX;

        int x = rc.x + GetMarginWidth();
        int y = rc.y + (rc.GetHeight() - sizeRect.cy) / 2;
        int cx = rc.GetWidth() - GetMarginWidth();
        int cy = sizeRect.cy;

        ::DrawState(hdc, NULL, NULL, wxMSW_CONV_LPARAM(text),
                    text.length(), x, y, cx, cy, flags);

    } // reset to default the font, colors and brush

    if (stat & wxODHasFocus)
        ::DrawFocusRect(hdc, &rect);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
bool wxMenuItem::OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rc,
                            wxODAction WXUNUSED(act), wxODStatus stat)
    const MenuDrawData* data = MenuDrawData::Get();

    wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
    HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(*impl);

    RECT rect;
    wxCopyRectToRECT(rc, rect);

    int imgWidth = wxMax(GetMarginWidth(), data->CheckSize.cx);

    if ( IsOwnerDrawn() )
        // font and colors to use
        wxFont font;

        wxColour colText, colBack;
        GetColourToUse(stat, colText, colBack);

        // calculate metrics of item parts
        RECT rcSelection = rect;

        RECT rcSeparator = rcSelection;

        RECT rcGutter = rcSelection;
        rcGutter.right = data->ItemMargin.cxLeftWidth
                       + data->CheckBgMargin.cxLeftWidth
                       + data->CheckMargin.cxLeftWidth
                       + imgWidth
                       + data->CheckMargin.cxRightWidth
                       + data->CheckBgMargin.cxRightWidth;

        RECT rcText = rcSelection;
        rcText.left = rcGutter.right + data->TextBorder;

        // we draw the text label vertically centered, but this results in it
        // being 1px too low compared to native menus for some reason, fix it
        if ( data->MenuLayout() != MenuDrawData::FullTheme )

        // If a custom background colour is explicitly specified, we should use
        // it instead of the default theme background.
        wxUxThemeEngine* const theme = GetBackgroundColour().IsOk()
                                        ? NULL
                                        : MenuDrawData::GetUxThemeEngine();
        if ( theme )
            POPUPITEMSTATES state;
            if ( stat & wxODDisabled )
                state = (stat & wxODSelected) ? MPI_DISABLEDHOT
                                              : MPI_DISABLED;
            else if ( stat & wxODSelected )
                state = MPI_HOT;
                state = MPI_NORMAL;

            wxUxThemeHandle hTheme(GetMenu()->GetWindow(), L"MENU");

            if ( theme->IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(hTheme,
                    MENU_POPUPITEM, state) )
                theme->DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc,
                                           0, &rect, NULL);

            theme->DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, MENU_POPUPGUTTER,
                                       0, &rcGutter, NULL);

            if ( IsSeparator() )
                rcSeparator.left = rcGutter.right;
                theme->DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, MENU_POPUPSEPARATOR,
                                           0, &rcSeparator, NULL);
                return true;

            theme->DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, MENU_POPUPITEM,
                                       state, &rcSelection, NULL);

#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME
            if ( IsSeparator() )
                DrawEdge(hdc, &rcSeparator, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_TOP);
                return true;

            AutoHBRUSH hbr(colBack.GetPixel());
            SelectInHDC selBrush(hdc, hbr);
            ::FillRect(hdc, &rcSelection, hbr);

        // draw text label
        // using native API because it recognizes '&'

        HDCTextColChanger changeTextCol(hdc, colText.GetPixel());
        HDCBgColChanger changeBgCol(hdc, colBack.GetPixel());
        HDCBgModeChanger changeBgMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);

        SelectInHDC selFont(hdc, GetHfontOf(font));

        // item text name without mnemonic for calculating size
        wxString text = GetName();

        SIZE textSize;
        ::GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, text.c_str(), text.length(), &textSize);

        // item text name with mnemonic
        text = GetItemLabel().BeforeFirst('\t');

        int flags = DST_PREFIXTEXT;
        // themes menu is using specified color for disabled labels
        if ( data->MenuLayout() == MenuDrawData::Classic &&
             (stat & wxODDisabled) && !(stat & wxODSelected) )
            flags |= DSS_DISABLED;

        if ( (stat & wxODHidePrefix) && !data->AlwaysShowCues )
            flags |= DSS_HIDEPREFIX;

        int x = rcText.left;
        int y = rcText.top + (rcText.bottom - rcText.top - textSize.cy) / 2;

        ::DrawState(hdc, NULL, NULL, wxMSW_CONV_LPARAM(text),
                    text.length(), x, y, 0, 0, flags);

        // ::SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_RIGHT) doesn't work with DSS_DISABLED or DSS_MONO
        // as the last parameter in DrawState() (at least with Windows98). So we have
        // to take care of right alignment ourselves.
        wxString accel = GetItemLabel().AfterFirst(wxT('\t'));
        if ( !accel.empty() )
            SIZE accelSize;
            ::GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, accel.c_str(), accel.length(), &accelSize);

            flags = DST_TEXT;
            // themes menu is using specified color for disabled labels
            if ( data->MenuLayout() == MenuDrawData::Classic &&
                 (stat & wxODDisabled) && !(stat & wxODSelected) )
                flags |= DSS_DISABLED;

            x = rcText.right - data->ArrowMargin.GetTotalX()
                                 - data->ArrowSize.cx
                                 - data->ArrowBorder;

            // right align accel on FullTheme menu, left otherwise
            if ( data->MenuLayout() == MenuDrawData::FullTheme)
                x -= accelSize.cx;
                x -= m_parentMenu->GetMaxAccelWidth();

            y = rcText.top + (rcText.bottom - rcText.top - accelSize.cy) / 2;

            ::DrawState(hdc, NULL, NULL, wxMSW_CONV_LPARAM(accel),
                        accel.length(), x, y, 0, 0, flags);

    // draw the bitmap

    RECT rcImg;
            rect.left   + data->ItemMargin.cxLeftWidth
                        + data->CheckBgMargin.cxLeftWidth
                        + data->CheckMargin.cxLeftWidth,
            rect.top    + data->ItemMargin.cyTopHeight
                        + data->CheckBgMargin.cyTopHeight
                        + data->CheckMargin.cyTopHeight,
            rect.left   + data->ItemMargin.cxLeftWidth
                        + data->CheckBgMargin.cxLeftWidth
                        + data->CheckMargin.cxLeftWidth
                        + imgWidth,
            rect.bottom - data->ItemMargin.cyBottomHeight
                        - data->CheckBgMargin.cyBottomHeight
                        - data->CheckMargin.cyBottomHeight);

    if ( IsCheckable() && !m_bmpChecked.IsOk() )
        if ( stat & wxODChecked )
            DrawStdCheckMark((WXHDC)hdc, &rcImg, stat);
        wxBitmap bmp;

        if ( stat & wxODDisabled )
            bmp = GetDisabledBitmap();

        if ( !bmp.IsOk() )
            // for not checkable bitmaps we should always use unchecked one
            // because their checked bitmap is not set
            bmp = GetBitmap(!IsCheckable() || (stat & wxODChecked));

            if ( bmp.IsOk() && stat & wxODDisabled )
                // we need to grey out the bitmap as we don't have any specific
                // disabled bitmap
                wxImage imgGrey = bmp.ConvertToImage().ConvertToGreyscale();
                if ( imgGrey.IsOk() )
                    bmp = wxBitmap(imgGrey);
#endif // wxUSE_IMAGE

        if ( bmp.IsOk() )
            wxMemoryDC dcMem(&dc);

            // center bitmap
            int nBmpWidth  = bmp.GetWidth(),
                nBmpHeight = bmp.GetHeight();

            int x = rcImg.left + (imgWidth - nBmpWidth) / 2;
            int y = rcImg.top  + (rcImg.bottom - rcImg.top - nBmpHeight) / 2;
            dc.Blit(x, y, nBmpWidth, nBmpHeight, &dcMem, 0, 0, wxCOPY, true);

    return true;
