Exemplo n.º 1
bool wxStaticBox::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
           const wxString& label,
           const wxPoint& pos,
           const wxSize& size,
           long style,
           const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = FALSE ;

    if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size,
                            style, wxDefaultValidator, name) )
        return false;

    m_label = label ;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr(CreateGroupBoxControl(MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()),&bounds, CFSTR("") ,
        true /*primary*/ , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ) ;

    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateStaticText( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxString& WXUNUSED(label),
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long style,
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer, pos, size );

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacStaticText( wxpeer );
    OSStatus err = CreateStaticTextControl(
        &bounds, NULL, NULL, peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    if ( ( style & wxST_ELLIPSIZE_END ) || ( style & wxST_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE ) )
        TruncCode tCode = truncEnd;
        if ( style & wxST_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE )
            tCode = truncMiddle;

        err = peer->SetData( kControlStaticTextTruncTag, tCode );
        err = peer->SetData( kControlStaticTextIsMultilineTag, (Boolean)0 );
    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool wxStaticText::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
           const wxString& label,
           const wxPoint& pos,
           const wxSize& size,
           long style,
           const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = FALSE ;
    m_label = wxStripMenuCodes(label) ;

    if ( !wxControl::Create( parent, id, pos, size, style,
                             wxDefaultValidator , name ) )
        return false;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;
    wxMacCFStringHolder str(m_label,m_font.GetEncoding() ) ;
    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr(CreateStaticTextControl(MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()),&bounds, str , 
        NULL , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ) ;  

    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateSlider( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    wxInt32 value,
                                    wxInt32 minimum,
                                    wxInt32 maximum,
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long style,
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer, pos, size );
    int tickMarks = 0;
    if ( style & wxSL_AUTOTICKS )
        tickMarks = (maximum - minimum) + 1; // +1 for the 0 value

    // keep the number of tickmarks from becoming unwieldly, therefore below it is ok to cast
    // it to a UInt16
    while (tickMarks > 20)
        tickMarks /= 5;

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacSliderCarbonControl( wxpeer );
    OSStatus err = CreateSliderControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds,
        value, minimum, maximum,
        (UInt16) tickMarks, true /* liveTracking */,
        peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 5
// Single check box item
bool wxToggleButton::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
                            const wxString& label,
                            const wxPoint& pos,
                            const wxSize& size, long style,
                            const wxValidator& validator,
                            const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = FALSE ;

    if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) )
        return false;

    m_label = label ;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr ( CreateBevelButtonControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds , CFSTR("") ,
                   kControlBevelButtonNormalBevel , kControlBehaviorToggles , NULL , 0 , 0 , 0 , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );

    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 6
wxMacSearchFieldControl::wxMacSearchFieldControl( wxTextCtrl *wxPeer,
                         const wxString& str,
                         const wxPoint& pos,
                         const wxSize& size, long style ) : wxMacUnicodeTextControl( wxPeer )
    m_font = wxPeer->GetFont() ;
    m_windowStyle = style ;
    m_selection.selStart = m_selection.selEnd = 0;
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxPeer , pos , size ) ;
    wxString st = str ;
    wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
    wxCFStringRef cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;

    m_valueTag = kControlEditTextCFStringTag ;

    OptionBits attributes = kHISearchFieldAttributesSearchIcon;

    HIRect hibounds = { { bounds.left, bounds.top }, { bounds.right-bounds.left, bounds.bottom-bounds.top } };
    verify_noerr( HISearchFieldCreate(
        0, // MenuRef
        ) );
    HIViewSetVisible (m_controlRef, true);

    verify_noerr( SetData<CFStringRef>( 0, kControlEditTextCFStringTag , cf ) ) ;

    ::InstallControlEventHandler( m_controlRef, GetwxMacSearchControlEventHandlerUPP(),
        GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, wxPeer, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 7
wxMacDataBrowserControl::wxMacDataBrowserControl( wxWindow* peer,
                                                  const wxPoint& pos,
                                                  const wxSize& size,
                                                  long WXUNUSED(style))
                       : wxMacControl( peer )
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( peer, pos, size );
    OSStatus err = ::CreateDataBrowserControl(
        &bounds, kDataBrowserListView, &m_controlRef );
    verify_noerr( err );
    if ( gDataBrowserItemCompareUPP == NULL )
        gDataBrowserItemCompareUPP = NewDataBrowserItemCompareUPP(DataBrowserCompareProc);
    if ( gDataBrowserItemDataUPP == NULL )
        gDataBrowserItemDataUPP = NewDataBrowserItemDataUPP(DataBrowserGetSetItemDataProc);
    if ( gDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP == NULL )
        gDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP =
            (DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP) NewDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP(DataBrowserItemNotificationProc);

    DataBrowserCallbacks callbacks;
    InitializeDataBrowserCallbacks( &callbacks, kDataBrowserLatestCallbacks );

    callbacks.u.v1.itemDataCallback = gDataBrowserItemDataUPP;
    callbacks.u.v1.itemCompareCallback = gDataBrowserItemCompareUPP;
    callbacks.u.v1.itemNotificationCallback = gDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP;
    SetCallbacks( &callbacks );

Exemplo n.º 8
// Single check box item
bool wxCheckBox::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                        wxWindowID id,
                        const wxString& label,
                        const wxPoint& pos,
                        const wxSize& size,
                        long style,
                        const wxValidator& validator,
                        const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = false ;

    if ( !wxCheckBoxBase::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) )
        return false;

    m_label = label ;

    SInt32 maxValue = 1 /* kControlCheckboxCheckedValue */;
    if (style & wxCHK_3STATE)
        maxValue = 2 /* kControlCheckboxMixedValue */;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;
    m_peer = new wxMacControl( this ) ;
    verify_noerr( CreateCheckBoxControl(MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds ,
                                        CFSTR("") , 0 , false , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );

    m_peer->SetMaximum( maxValue ) ;

    MacPostControlCreate(pos, size) ;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
bool wxGauge::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
           int range,
           const wxPoint& pos,
           const wxSize& s,
           long style,
           const wxValidator& validator,
           const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = FALSE ;

    if ( !wxGaugeBase::Create(parent, id, range, pos, s, style & 0xE0FFFFFF, validator, name) )
        return false;

    wxSize size = s ;
    if ( size.x == wxDefaultCoord && size.y == wxDefaultCoord)
        size = wxSize( 200 , 16 ) ;
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;
    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr ( CreateProgressBarControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds , 
     GetValue() , 0 , GetRange() , false /* not indeterminate */ , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );

    if ( GetValue() == 0 )
        m_peer->SetData<Boolean>( kControlEntireControl , kControlProgressBarAnimatingTag , (Boolean) false ) ;

    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 10
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateButton( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID id,
                                    const wxString& label,
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style),
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    OSStatus err;
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer , pos , size ) ;
    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl(wxpeer) ;
    if ( id == wxID_HELP )
        ControlButtonContentInfo info ;
        info.contentType = kControlContentIconRef ;
        GetIconRef(kOnSystemDisk, kSystemIconsCreator, kHelpIcon, &info.u.iconRef);
        err = CreateRoundButtonControl(
            &bounds, kControlRoundButtonNormalSize,
            &info, peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    else if ( label.Find('\n' ) == wxNOT_FOUND && label.Find('\r' ) == wxNOT_FOUND)
        // Button height is static in Mac, can't be changed, so we need to force it here
        int maxHeight;
        switch (wxpeer->GetWindowVariant() )
                wxFAIL_MSG( "unknown window variant" );
                // fall through

            case wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL:
            case wxWINDOW_VARIANT_LARGE:
                maxHeight = 20 ;
            case wxWINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL:
                maxHeight = 17;
            case wxWINDOW_VARIANT_MINI:
                maxHeight = 15;
        bounds.bottom = bounds.top + maxHeight ;
        wxpeer->SetMaxSize( wxSize( wxpeer->GetMaxWidth() , maxHeight ));
        err = CreatePushButtonControl(
            &bounds, CFSTR(""), peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
        ControlButtonContentInfo info ;
        info.contentType = kControlNoContent ;
        err = CreateBevelButtonControl(
            MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds, CFSTR(""),
            kControlBevelButtonLargeBevel, kControlBehaviorPushbutton,
            &info, 0, 0, 0, peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );
    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool wxSpinButton::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
        long style, const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = false ;

    if ( !wxSpinButtonBase::Create(parent, id, pos, size,
                                   style, wxDefaultValidator, name) )
        return false;

    m_min = 0;
    m_max = 100;

    if (!parent)
        return false;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr ( CreateLittleArrowsControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds , 0 , m_min , m_max , 1 ,
     m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );

    m_peer->SetActionProc( GetwxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc() ) ;
    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
bool wxNotebook::Create( wxWindow *parent,
                         wxWindowID id,
                         const wxPoint& pos,
                         const wxSize& size,
                         long style,
                         const wxString& name )
    m_macIsUserPane = false ;

    if (! (style & wxBK_ALIGN_MASK))
        style |= wxBK_TOP;

    if ( !wxNotebookBase::Create( parent, id, pos, size, style, name ) )
        return false;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this, pos, size );

    if ( bounds.right <= bounds.left )
        bounds.right = bounds.left + 100;
    if ( bounds.bottom <= bounds.top )
        bounds.bottom = bounds.top + 100;

    UInt16 tabstyle = kControlTabDirectionNorth;
    if ( HasFlag(wxBK_LEFT) )
        tabstyle = kControlTabDirectionWest;
    else if ( HasFlag( wxBK_RIGHT ) )
        tabstyle = kControlTabDirectionEast;
    else if ( HasFlag( wxBK_BOTTOM ) )
        tabstyle = kControlTabDirectionSouth;

    ControlTabSize tabsize;
    switch (GetWindowVariant())
        if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1030 )
            tabsize = 3 ;
            tabsize = kControlSizeSmall;

        tabsize = kControlTabSizeSmall;

        tabsize = kControlTabSizeLarge;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl( this );
    OSStatus err = CreateTabsControl(
                       MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds,
                       tabsize, tabstyle, 0, NULL, m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    MacPostControlCreate( pos, size );

    return true ;
Exemplo n.º 13
bool wxRadioBox::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label,
                        const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
                        int n, const wxString choices[],
                        int majorDim, long style,
                        const wxValidator& val, const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = false ;

    if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, val, name) )
        return false;

    int i;

    m_noItems = n;
    m_noRowsOrCols = majorDim;
    m_radioButtonCycle = NULL;

    if (majorDim==0)
        m_majorDim = n ;
        m_majorDim = majorDim ;

    m_label = label ;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;
    if( bounds.right <= bounds.left )
        bounds.right = bounds.left + 100 ;
    if ( bounds.bottom <= bounds.top )
        bounds.bottom = bounds.top + 100 ;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;

    verify_noerr(CreateGroupBoxControl(MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()),&bounds, CFSTR("") ,
        true /*primary*/ , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ) ;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        wxRadioButton *radBtn = new wxRadioButton
                                        i == 0 ? wxRB_GROUP : 0
        if ( i == 0 )
            m_radioButtonCycle = radBtn ;
        //        m_radioButtonCycle=radBtn->AddInCycle(m_radioButtonCycle);

    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool wxRadioButton::Create( wxWindow *parent,
    wxWindowID id,
    const wxString& label,
    const wxPoint& pos,
    const wxSize& size,
    long style,
    const wxValidator& validator,
    const wxString& name )
    m_macIsUserPane = false;

    if ( !wxControl::Create( parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name ) )
        return false;

    m_label = label;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this, pos, size );

    m_peer = new wxMacControl( this );
    OSStatus err = CreateRadioButtonControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds, CFSTR(""),
        0, false /* no autotoggle */, m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    MacPostControlCreate( pos, size );

    m_cycle = this;

    if (HasFlag( wxRB_GROUP ))
        AddInCycle( NULL );
        // search backward for last group start
        wxRadioButton *chief = NULL;
        wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = parent->GetChildren().GetLast();
        while (node)
            wxWindow *child = node->GetData();
            if (child->IsKindOf( CLASSINFO( wxRadioButton ) ))
                chief = (wxRadioButton*)child;
                if (child->HasFlag( wxRB_GROUP ))

            node = node->GetPrevious();

        AddInCycle( chief );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateBitmapButton( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long style,
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    wxMacBitmapButton* peer = new wxMacBitmapButton(wxpeer, bitmap, style);

    OSStatus err;
    WXWindow macParent = MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef());
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer, pos, size );

    ControlButtonContentInfo info;
    peer->InitButtonContentInfo(info, bitmap);

    if ( info.contentType == kControlContentIconRef )
        err = CreateIconControl
    else // normal bevel button
        err = CreateBevelButtonControl
                style & wxBU_AUTODRAW ? kControlBevelButtonSmallBevel
                                      : kControlBevelButtonNormalBevel,
                0,  // menu id (no associated menu)
                0,  // menu behaviour (unused)
                0,  // menu placement (unused too)

    verify_noerr( err );

    wxMacReleaseBitmapButton( &info );
    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 16
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateStaticLine( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style),
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer , pos , size ) ;
    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl(wxpeer) ;
    verify_noerr(CreateSeparatorControl(MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()),&bounds, peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ) ;
    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 17
bool wxChoice::Create(wxWindow *parent,
    wxWindowID id,
    const wxPoint& pos,
    const wxSize& size,
    int n,
    const wxString choices[],
    long style,
    const wxValidator& validator,
    const wxString& name )
    m_macIsUserPane = false;

    if ( !wxChoiceBase::Create( parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name ) )
        return false;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size );

    m_peer = new wxMacControl( this ) ;
    OSStatus err = CreatePopupButtonControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds , CFSTR("") ,
        -12345 , false /* no variable width */ , 0 , 0 , 0 , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    m_macPopUpMenuHandle = NewUniqueMenu() ;
    m_peer->SetData<MenuHandle>( kControlNoPart , kControlPopupButtonMenuHandleTag , (MenuHandle) m_macPopUpMenuHandle ) ;
    m_peer->SetValueAndRange( n > 0 ? 1 : 0 , 0 , 0 );
    MacPostControlCreate( pos, size );

#if !wxUSE_STL
    if ( style & wxCB_SORT )
        // autosort
        m_strings = wxArrayString( 1 );

    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        Append( choices[i] );

    // Set the first item as being selected
    if (n > 0)
        SetSelection( 0 );

    // Needed because it is a wxControlWithItems
    SetInitialSize( size );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateToggleButton( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxString& WXUNUSED(label),
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style),
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer , pos , size ) ;

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl(wxpeer) ;
    verify_noerr ( CreateBevelButtonControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds , CFSTR("") ,
        kControlBevelButtonNormalBevel , kControlBehaviorToggles , NULL , 0 , 0 , 0 , peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );
    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 19
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateTabView( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long style,
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer, pos, size );

    if ( bounds.right <= bounds.left )
        bounds.right = bounds.left + 100;
    if ( bounds.bottom <= bounds.top )
        bounds.bottom = bounds.top + 100;

    UInt16 tabstyle = kControlTabDirectionNorth;
    if ( style & wxBK_LEFT )
        tabstyle = kControlTabDirectionWest;
    else if ( style & wxBK_RIGHT )
        tabstyle = kControlTabDirectionEast;
    else if ( style & wxBK_BOTTOM )
        tabstyle = kControlTabDirectionSouth;

    ControlTabSize tabsize;
    switch (wxpeer->GetWindowVariant())
        case wxWINDOW_VARIANT_MINI:
            tabsize = 3 ;

        case wxWINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL:
            tabsize = kControlTabSizeSmall;

            tabsize = kControlTabSizeLarge;

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl( wxpeer );
    OSStatus err = CreateTabsControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds,
        tabsize, tabstyle, 0, NULL, peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 20
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateBitmapButton( wxWindowMac* wxpeer, 
                                    wxWindowMac* parent, 
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id), 
                                    const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                    const wxPoint& pos, 
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long style, 
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    ControlButtonContentInfo info;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer, pos, size );
    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacBitmapButton( wxpeer );
    wxBitmap bmp;

    if ( bitmap.Ok() && (style & wxBORDER_NONE) )
        bmp = wxMakeStdSizeBitmap(bitmap);
        // TODO set bitmap in peer as well
        bmp = bitmap;

    if ( style & wxBORDER_NONE )
		// contrary to the docs this control only works with iconrefs
        wxMacCreateBitmapButton( &info, bmp, kControlContentIconRef );
        err = CreateIconControl(
                &bounds, &info, false, peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
        wxMacCreateBitmapButton( &info, bmp );
        err = CreateBevelButtonControl(
                MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds, CFSTR(""),
                ((style & wxBU_AUTODRAW) ? kControlBevelButtonSmallBevel : kControlBevelButtonNormalBevel ),
                kControlBehaviorOffsetContents, &info, 0, 0, 0, peer->GetControlRefAddr() );

    verify_noerr( err );

    wxMacReleaseBitmapButton( &info );
    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 21
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateRadioButton( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxString& WXUNUSED(label),
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style),
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer , pos , size ) ;
    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl(wxpeer) ;
    OSStatus err = CreateRadioButtonControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds, CFSTR(""),
        0, false /* no autotoggle */, peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 22
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateScrollBar( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style),
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer, pos, size );

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxOSXScrollBarCarbonImpl( wxpeer );
    OSStatus err = CreateScrollBarControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds,
        0, 0, 100, 1, true /* liveTracking */,
        peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );
    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 23
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateChoice( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    wxMenu* menu,
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style),
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer , pos , size );

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacChoiceCarbonControl( wxpeer ) ;
    OSStatus err = CreatePopupButtonControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds , CFSTR("") ,
        -12345 , false /* no variable width */ , 0 , 0 , 0 , peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    peer->SetData<MenuHandle>( kControlNoPart , kControlPopupButtonMenuHandleTag , (MenuHandle) menu->GetHMenu() ) ;
    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 24
bool wxStaticLine::Create( wxWindow *parent,
                           wxWindowID id,
                           const wxPoint &pos,
                           const wxSize &size,
                           long style,
                           const wxString &name)
    m_macIsUserPane = FALSE ;
    if ( !wxStaticLineBase::Create(parent, id, pos, size,
                                   style, wxDefaultValidator, name) )
        return false;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;
    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr(CreateSeparatorControl(MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()),&bounds, m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) ) ;  

    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 25
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateSpinButton( wxWindowMac* wxpeer, 
                                    wxWindowMac* parent, 
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id), 
                                    wxInt32 value,
                                    wxInt32 minimum,
                                    wxInt32 maximum,
                                    const wxPoint& pos, 
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style), 
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer , pos , size );

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl( wxpeer );
    OSStatus err = CreateLittleArrowsControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds, value, 
        minimum, maximum, 1, peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    peer->SetActionProc( GetwxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc() );
    return peer ;
Exemplo n.º 26
// Scrollbar
bool wxScrollBar::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
           const wxPoint& pos,
           const wxSize& size, long style,
           const wxValidator& validator,
           const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = FALSE ;
    if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) )
        return FALSE;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr ( CreateScrollBarControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds , 
    0 , 0 , 100 , 1 , true /* liveTracking */ , GetwxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc() , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );

    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 27
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateCheckBox( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxString& WXUNUSED(label),
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long style,
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer , pos , size ) ;
    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl(wxpeer) ;

    verify_noerr( CreateCheckBoxControl(MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds ,
        CFSTR("") , 0 , false , peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );
    SInt32 maxValue = 1 /* kControlCheckboxCheckedValue */;
    if (style & wxCHK_3STATE)
        maxValue = 2 /* kControlCheckboxMixedValue */;

    peer->SetMaximum( maxValue ) ;

    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 28
bool wxStaticText::Create( wxWindow *parent,
    wxWindowID id,
    const wxString& label,
    const wxPoint& pos,
    const wxSize& size,
    long style,
    const wxString& name )
    m_macIsUserPane = false;

    m_label = GetLabelText( label );

    if ( !wxControl::Create( parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name ) )
        return false;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this, pos, size );
    wxMacCFStringHolder str( m_label, m_font.GetEncoding() );

    m_peer = new wxMacControl( this );
    OSStatus err = CreateStaticTextControl(
        &bounds, str, NULL, m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    if ( ( style & wxST_DOTS_END ) || ( style & wxST_DOTS_MIDDLE ) )
        TruncCode tCode = truncEnd;
        if ( style & wxST_DOTS_MIDDLE )
            tCode = truncMiddle;

        err = m_peer->SetData( kControlStaticTextTruncTag, tCode );
        err = m_peer->SetData( kControlStaticTextIsMultilineTag, (Boolean)0 );

    MacPostControlCreate( pos, size );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 29
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateDisclosureTriangle( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxString& label,
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style),
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer , pos , size ) ;
    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl(wxpeer) ;

    OSStatus err = CreateDisclosureTriangleControl(
            MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds,
            wxCFStringRef( label ),
            0,    // closed
            TRUE, // draw title
            TRUE, // auto toggle back and forth
            peer->GetControlRefAddr() );

    verify_noerr( err );
    return peer;
Exemplo n.º 30
bool wxSlider::Create(wxWindow *parent,
    wxWindowID id,
    int value, int minValue, int maxValue,
    const wxPoint& pos,
    const wxSize& size, long style,
    const wxValidator& validator,
    const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = false;

    m_macMinimumStatic = NULL;
    m_macMaximumStatic = NULL;
    m_macValueStatic = NULL;

    m_lineSize = 1;
    m_tickFreq = 0;

    m_rangeMax = maxValue;
    m_rangeMin = minValue;

    m_pageSize = (int)((maxValue - minValue) / 10);

    // our styles are redundant: wxSL_LEFT/RIGHT imply wxSL_VERTICAL and
    // wxSL_TOP/BOTTOM imply wxSL_HORIZONTAL, but for backwards compatibility
    // reasons we can't really change it, instead try to infer the orientation
    // from the flags given to us here
    switch ( style & (wxSL_LEFT | wxSL_RIGHT | wxSL_TOP | wxSL_BOTTOM) )
        case wxSL_LEFT:
        case wxSL_RIGHT:
            style |= wxSL_VERTICAL;

        case wxSL_TOP:
        case wxSL_BOTTOM:
            style |= wxSL_HORIZONTAL;

        case 0:
            // no specific direction, do we have at least the orientation?
            if ( !(style & (wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_VERTICAL)) )
                // no: choose default
                style |= wxSL_BOTTOM | wxSL_HORIZONTAL;

    wxASSERT_MSG( !(style & wxSL_VERTICAL) || !(style & wxSL_HORIZONTAL),
        wxT("incompatible slider direction and orientation") );

    if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) )
        return false;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size );

    // NB: (RN) Ticks here are sometimes off in the GUI if there
    // are not as many tick marks as there are values
    int tickMarks = 0;
    if ( style & wxSL_AUTOTICKS )
        tickMarks = (maxValue - minValue) + 1; // +1 for the 0 value

    // keep the number of tickmarks from becoming unwieldly, therefore below it is ok to cast
    // it to a UInt16
    while (tickMarks > 20)
        tickMarks /= 5;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl( this );
    OSStatus err = CreateSliderControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds,
        value, minValue, maxValue,
        (UInt16) tickMarks, true /* liveTracking */,
        m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    if (style & wxSL_VERTICAL)
        // Forces SetSize to use the proper width
        SetSizeHints(10, -1, 10, -1);
        // Forces SetSize to use the proper height
        SetSizeHints(-1, 10, -1, 10);

    // NB: SetSizeHints is overloaded by wxSlider and will substitute 10 with the
    // proper dimensions, it also means other people cannot bugger the slider with
    // other values

    if (style & wxSL_LABELS)
        m_macMinimumStatic = new wxStaticText( parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );
        m_macMaximumStatic = new wxStaticText( parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );
        m_macValueStatic = new wxStaticText( parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );

    SetRange(minValue, maxValue);

    MacPostControlCreate(pos, size);

    return true;