Exemplo n.º 1
bool wxSpinCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                        wxWindowID id,
                        const wxString& value,
                        const wxPoint& pos,
                        const wxSize& size,
                        long style,
                        int min, int max, int initial,
                        const wxString& name)
    m_blockEvent = false;

    // this should be in ctor/init function but I don't want to add one to 2.8
    // to avoid problems with default ctor which can be inlined in the user
    // code and so might not get this fix without recompilation
    m_oldValue = INT_MIN;

    // before using DoGetBestSize(), have to set style to let the base class
    // know whether this is a horizontal or vertical control (we're always
    // vertical)
    style |= wxSP_VERTICAL;

    if ( (style & wxBORDER_MASK) == wxBORDER_DEFAULT )
#ifdef __WXWINCE__
        style |= wxBORDER_SIMPLE;
        style |= wxBORDER_SUNKEN;


    WXDWORD exStyle = 0;
    WXDWORD msStyle = MSWGetStyle(GetWindowStyle(), & exStyle) ;

    // propagate text alignment style to text ctrl
    if ( style & wxALIGN_RIGHT )
        msStyle |= ES_RIGHT;
    else if ( style & wxALIGN_CENTER )
        msStyle |= ES_CENTER;

    // calculate the sizes: the size given is the total size for both controls
    // and we need to fit them both in the given width (height is the same)
    wxSize sizeText(size), sizeBtn(size);
    sizeBtn.x = wxSpinButton::DoGetBestSize().x;
    if ( sizeText.x <= 0 )
        // DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH is the default width for the text control
        sizeText.x = DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH + MARGIN_BETWEEN + sizeBtn.x;

    sizeText.x -= sizeBtn.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;
    if ( sizeText.x <= 0 )
        wxLogDebug(wxT("not enough space for wxSpinCtrl!"));

    wxPoint posBtn(pos);
    posBtn.x += sizeText.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;

    // we must create the text control before the spin button for the purpose
    // of the dialog navigation: if there is a static text just before the spin
    // control, activating it by Alt-letter should give focus to the text
    // control, not the spin and the dialog navigation code will give focus to
    // the next control (at Windows level), not the one after it

    // create the text window

    m_hwndBuddy = (WXHWND)::CreateWindowEx
                     exStyle,                // sunken border
                     wxT("EDIT"),             // window class
                     NULL,                   // no window title
                     msStyle,                // style (will be shown later)
                     pos.x, pos.y,           // position
                     0, 0,                   // size (will be set later)
                     GetHwndOf(parent),      // parent
                     (HMENU)-1,              // control id
                     wxGetInstance(),        // app instance
                     NULL                    // unused client data

    if ( !m_hwndBuddy )
        wxLogLastError(wxT("CreateWindow(buddy text window)"));

        return false;

    // create the spin button
    if ( !wxSpinButton::Create(parent, id, posBtn, sizeBtn, style, name) )
        return false;

    wxSpinButtonBase::SetRange(min, max);

    // subclass the text ctrl to be able to intercept some events
    wxSetWindowUserData(GetBuddyHwnd(), this);
    m_wndProcBuddy = (WXFARPROC)wxSetWindowProc(GetBuddyHwnd(),

    // set up fonts and colours  (This is nomally done in MSWCreateControl)
    if (!m_hasFont)

    // set the size of the text window - can do it only now, because we
    // couldn't call DoGetBestSize() before as font wasn't set
    if ( sizeText.y <= 0 )
        int cx, cy;
        wxGetCharSize(GetHWND(), &cx, &cy, GetFont());

        sizeText.y = EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(cy);


    (void)::ShowWindow(GetBuddyHwnd(), SW_SHOW);

    // associate the text window with the spin button
    (void)::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)m_hwndBuddy, 0);


    // Set the range in the native control
    SetRange(min, max);

    if ( !value.empty() )
        m_oldValue = (int) wxAtol(value);
        SetValue(wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), initial));
        m_oldValue = initial;

    // do it after finishing with m_hwndBuddy creation to avoid generating
    // initial wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED message

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool wxChoice::CreateAndInit(wxWindow *parent,
                             wxWindowID id,
                             const wxPoint& pos,
                             const wxSize& size,
                             int n, const wxString choices[],
                             long style,
                             const wxValidator& validator,
                             const wxString& name)
    if ( !(style & wxSP_VERTICAL) )
        style |= wxSP_HORIZONTAL;

    if ( (style & wxBORDER_MASK) == wxBORDER_DEFAULT )
        style |= wxBORDER_SIMPLE;

    style |= wxSP_ARROW_KEYS;


    WXDWORD exStyle = 0;
    WXDWORD msStyle = MSWGetStyle(GetWindowStyle(), & exStyle) ;

    wxSize sizeText(size), sizeBtn(size);
    sizeBtn.x = GetBestSpinnerSize(IsVertical(style)).x;

    if ( sizeText.x == wxDefaultCoord )
        // DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH is the default width for the text control
        sizeText.x = DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH + MARGIN_BETWEEN + sizeBtn.x;

    sizeText.x -= sizeBtn.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;
    if ( sizeText.x <= 0 )
        wxLogDebug(_T("not enough space for wxSpinCtrl!"));

    wxPoint posBtn(pos);
    posBtn.x += sizeText.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;

    // we must create the list control before the spin button for the purpose
    // of the dialog navigation: if there is a static text just before the spin
    // control, activating it by Alt-letter should give focus to the text
    // control, not the spin and the dialog navigation code will give focus to
    // the next control (at Windows level), not the one after it

    // create the text window

    m_hwndBuddy = (WXHWND)::CreateWindowEx
                     exStyle,                // sunken border
                     _T("LISTBOX"),          // window class
                     NULL,                   // no window title
                     msStyle,                // style (will be shown later)
                     pos.x, pos.y,           // position
                     0, 0,                   // size (will be set later)
                     GetHwndOf(parent),      // parent
                     (HMENU)-1,              // control id
                     wxGetInstance(),        // app instance
                     NULL                    // unused client data

    if ( !m_hwndBuddy )
        wxLogLastError(wxT("CreateWindow(buddy text window)"));

        return false;

    // initialize wxControl
    if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, posBtn, sizeBtn, style, validator, name) )
        return false;

    // now create the real HWND
    WXDWORD spiner_style = WS_VISIBLE |
                           UDS_ALIGNRIGHT |
                           UDS_ARROWKEYS |
                           UDS_SETBUDDYINT |

    if ( !IsVertical(style) )
        spiner_style |= UDS_HORZ;

    if ( style & wxSP_WRAP )
        spiner_style |= UDS_WRAP;

    if ( !MSWCreateControl(UPDOWN_CLASS, spiner_style, posBtn, sizeBtn, _T(""), 0) )
        return false;

    // subclass the text ctrl to be able to intercept some events
    wxSetWindowUserData(GetBuddyHwnd(), this);
    m_wndProcBuddy = (WXFARPROC)wxSetWindowProc(GetBuddyHwnd(),

    // set up fonts and colours  (This is nomally done in MSWCreateControl)
    if (!m_hasFont)

    // set the size of the text window - can do it only now, because we
    // couldn't call DoGetBestSize() before as font wasn't set
    if ( sizeText.y <= 0 )
        int cx, cy;
        wxGetCharSize(GetHWND(), &cx, &cy, GetFont());

        sizeText.y = EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(cy);


    (void)::ShowWindow(GetBuddyHwnd(), SW_SHOW);

    // associate the list window with the spin button
    (void)::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)GetBuddyHwnd(), 0);

    // do it after finishing with m_hwndBuddy creation to avoid generating
    // initial wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED message

    // initialize the controls contents
    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool wxSpinCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                        wxWindowID id,
                        const wxString& value,
                        const wxPoint& pos,
                        const wxSize& size,
                        long style,
                        int min, int max, int initial,
                        const wxString& name)
    // before using DoGetBestSize(), have to set style to let the base class
    // know whether this is a horizontal or vertical control (we're always
    // vertical)
    style |= wxSP_VERTICAL;

    if ( (style & wxBORDER_MASK) == wxBORDER_DEFAULT )
#ifdef __WXWINCE__
        style |= wxBORDER_SIMPLE;
        style |= wxBORDER_SUNKEN;


    WXDWORD exStyle = 0;
    WXDWORD msStyle = MSWGetStyle(GetWindowStyle(), & exStyle) ;

    // Scroll text automatically if there is not enough space to show all of
    // it, this is better than not allowing to enter more digits at all.
    msStyle |= ES_AUTOHSCROLL;

    // propagate text alignment style to text ctrl
    if ( style & wxALIGN_RIGHT )
        msStyle |= ES_RIGHT;
    else if ( style & wxALIGN_CENTER )
        msStyle |= ES_CENTER;

    // calculate the sizes: the size given is the total size for both controls
    // and we need to fit them both in the given width (height is the same)
    wxSize sizeText(size), sizeBtn(size);
    sizeBtn.x = wxSpinButton::DoGetBestSize().x;
    if ( sizeText.x <= 0 )
        // DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH is the default width for the text control
        sizeText.x = DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH + MARGIN_BETWEEN + sizeBtn.x;

    sizeText.x -= sizeBtn.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;
    if ( sizeText.x <= 0 )
        wxLogDebug(wxS("wxSpinCtrl \"%s\": initial width %d is too small, ")
                   wxS("at least %d pixels needed."),
                   name, size.x, sizeBtn.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN + 1);

    wxPoint posBtn(pos);
    posBtn.x += sizeText.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;

    // we must create the text control before the spin button for the purpose
    // of the dialog navigation: if there is a static text just before the spin
    // control, activating it by Alt-letter should give focus to the text
    // control, not the spin and the dialog navigation code will give focus to
    // the next control (at Windows level), not the one after it

    // create the text window

    m_hwndBuddy = (WXHWND)::CreateWindowEx
                     exStyle,                // sunken border
                     wxT("EDIT"),             // window class
                     NULL,                   // no window title
                     msStyle,                // style (will be shown later)
                     pos.x, pos.y,           // position
                     0, 0,                   // size (will be set later)
                     GetHwndOf(parent),      // parent
                     (HMENU)-1,              // control id
                     wxGetInstance(),        // app instance
                     NULL                    // unused client data

    if ( !m_hwndBuddy )
        wxLogLastError(wxT("CreateWindow(buddy text window)"));

        return false;

    // create the spin button
    if ( !wxSpinButton::Create(parent, id, posBtn, sizeBtn, style, name) )
        return false;

    wxSpinButtonBase::SetRange(min, max);

    // subclass the text ctrl to be able to intercept some events
    gs_spinForTextCtrl[GetBuddyHwnd()] = this;

    m_wndProcBuddy = (WXFARPROC)wxSetWindowProc(GetBuddyHwnd(),

    // set up fonts and colours  (This is nomally done in MSWCreateControl)
    if (!m_hasFont)

    // set the size of the text window - can do it only now, because we
    // couldn't call DoGetBestSize() before as font wasn't set
    if ( sizeText.y <= 0 )
        int cx, cy;
        wxGetCharSize(GetHWND(), &cx, &cy, GetFont());

        sizeText.y = EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(cy);


    (void)::ShowWindow(GetBuddyHwnd(), SW_SHOW);

    // associate the text window with the spin button
    (void)::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)m_hwndBuddy, 0);

    // If the initial text value is actually a number, it overrides the
    // "initial" argument specified later.
    long initialFromText;
    if ( value.ToLong(&initialFromText) )
        initial = initialFromText;

    // Set the range in the native control: notice that we must do it before
    // calling SetValue() to use the correct validity checks for the initial
    // value.
    SetRange(min, max);

    // Also set the text part of the control if it was specified independently
    // but don't generate an event for this, it would be unexpected.
    m_blockEvent = true;
    if ( !value.empty() )
    m_blockEvent = false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
void wxNotebook::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event)
    if ( GetPageCount() == 0 )
        // Prevents droppings on resize, but does cause some flicker
        // when there are no pages.
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
        // Without this, we can sometimes get droppings at the edges
        // of a notebook, for example a notebook in a splitter window.
        // This needs to be reconciled with the RefreshRect calls
        // at the end of this function, which weren't enough to prevent
        // the droppings.

        wxSize sz = GetClientSize();

        // Refresh right side
        wxRect rect(sz.x-4, 0, 4, sz.y);

        // Refresh bottom side
        rect = wxRect(0, sz.y-4, sz.x, 4);

        // Refresh left side
        rect = wxRect(0, 0, 4, sz.y);
#endif // !__WXWINCE__

    // fit all the notebook pages to the tab control's display area

    RECT rc;
    rc.left = rc.top = 0;
    GetSize((int *)&rc.right, (int *)&rc.bottom);

    // save the total size, we'll use it below
    int widthNbook = rc.right - rc.left,
        heightNbook = rc.bottom - rc.top;

    // there seems to be a bug in the implementation of TabCtrl_AdjustRect(): it
    // returns completely false values for multiline tab controls after the tabs
    // are added but before getting the first WM_SIZE (off by ~50 pixels, see
    // http://sf.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=645323&group_id=9863&atid=109863
    // and the only work around I could find was this ugly hack... without it
    // simply toggling the "multiline" checkbox in the notebook sample resulted
    // in a noticeable page displacement
    if ( HasFlag(wxNB_MULTILINE) )
        // avoid an infinite recursion: we get another notification too!
        static bool s_isInOnSize = false;

        if ( !s_isInOnSize )
            s_isInOnSize = true;
            SendMessage(GetHwnd(), WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED,
                    MAKELPARAM(rc.right, rc.bottom));
            s_isInOnSize = false;

        // The best size depends on the number of rows of tabs, which can
        // change when the notepad is resized.

    // background bitmap size has changed, update the brush using it too
#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME

    TabCtrl_AdjustRect(GetHwnd(), false, &rc);

    int width = rc.right - rc.left,
        height = rc.bottom - rc.top;
    size_t nCount = m_pages.Count();
    for ( size_t nPage = 0; nPage < nCount; nPage++ ) {
        wxNotebookPage *pPage = m_pages[nPage];
        pPage->SetSize(rc.left, rc.top, width, height);

    // unless we had already repainted everything, we now need to refresh
    if ( !HasFlag(wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) )
        // invalidate areas not covered by pages
        RefreshRect(wxRect(0, 0, widthNbook, rc.top), false);
        RefreshRect(wxRect(0, rc.top, rc.left, height), false);
        RefreshRect(wxRect(0, rc.bottom, widthNbook, heightNbook - rc.bottom),
        RefreshRect(wxRect(rc.right, rc.top, widthNbook - rc.right, height),

    // subclass the spin control used by the notebook to scroll pages to
    // prevent it from flickering on resize
    if ( !m_hasSubclassedUpdown )
        // iterate over all child windows to find spin button
        for ( HWND child = ::GetWindow(GetHwnd(), GW_CHILD);
              child = ::GetWindow(child, GW_HWNDNEXT) )
            wxWindow *childWindow = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND)child);

            // see if it exists, if no wxWindow found then assume it's the spin
            // btn
            if ( !childWindow )
                // subclass the spin button to override WM_ERASEBKGND
                if ( !gs_wndprocNotebookSpinBtn )
                    gs_wndprocNotebookSpinBtn = (WXFARPROC)wxGetWindowProc(child);

                wxSetWindowProc(child, wxNotebookSpinBtnWndProc);
                m_hasSubclassedUpdown = true;

    // Probably because of the games we play above to avoid flicker sometimes
    // the text controls inside notebook pages are not shown correctly (they
    // don't have their borders) when the notebook is shown for the first time.
    // It's not really clear why does this happen and maybe the bug is in
    // wxTextCtrl itself and not here but updating the page when it's about to
    // be shown doesn't cost much and works around the problem so do it here
    // for now.
    if ( !m_doneUpdateHack && IsShownOnScreen() )
        m_doneUpdateHack = true;
        wxWindow* const page = GetCurrentPage();
        if ( page )
