Exemplo n.º 1
//     static void     SetScreenType( wxSystemScreenType screen );
static int LUACALL wxLua_wxSystemSettings_SetScreenType(lua_State *L)
    // wxSystemScreenType screen
    wxSystemScreenType screen = (wxSystemScreenType)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 1);
    // call SetScreenType

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
//     static bool     HasFeature(wxSystemFeature index );
static int LUACALL wxLua_wxSystemSettings_HasFeature(lua_State *L)
    // wxSystemFeature index
    wxSystemFeature index = (wxSystemFeature)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 1);
    // call HasFeature
    bool returns = (wxSystemSettings::HasFeature(index));
    // push the result flag
    lua_pushboolean(L, returns);

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
// static wxLuaBindCFunc s_wxluafunc_wxLua_wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile1[1] = {{ wxLua_wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile1, WXLUAMETHOD_METHOD|WXLUAMETHOD_STATIC, 3, 3, s_wxluatypeArray_wxLua_wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile1 }};
//     static void AddFile(const wxString& filename, const wxImage& image, wxBitmapType type);
static int LUACALL wxLua_wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile1(lua_State *L)
    // wxBitmapType type
    wxBitmapType type = (wxBitmapType)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 3);
    // const wxImage image
    const wxImage * image = (const wxImage *)wxluaT_getuserdatatype(L, 2, wxluatype_wxImage);
    // const wxString filename
    const wxString filename = wxlua_getwxStringtype(L, 1);
    // call AddFile
    wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(filename, *image, type);

    return 0;
//  wxString get_romcode_name(ROMLOADER_ROMCODE tRomcode)
static int LUACALL wxLua_romloader_get_romcode_name(lua_State *L)
    ROMLOADER_ROMCODE tRomcode = (ROMLOADER_ROMCODE)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 2);
    // get this
    romloader * self = (romloader *)wxluaT_getuserdatatype(L, 1, wxluatype_romloader);
    // call get_romcode_name
    wxString returns = (self->get_romcode_name(tRomcode));
    // push the result string
    wxlua_pushwxString(L, returns);

    return 1;
//  wxString get_chiptyp_name(ROMLOADER_CHIPTYP tChiptyp)
static int LUACALL wxLua_romloader_get_chiptyp_name(lua_State *L)
    ROMLOADER_CHIPTYP tChiptyp = (ROMLOADER_CHIPTYP)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 2);
    // get this
    romloader * self = (romloader *)wxluaT_getuserdatatype(L, 1, wxluatype_romloader);
    // call get_chiptyp_name
    wxString returns = (self->get_chiptyp_name(tChiptyp));
    // push the result string
    wxlua_pushwxString(L, returns);

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
//     static wxFont   GetFont(wxSystemFont index );
static int LUACALL wxLua_wxSystemSettings_GetFont(lua_State *L)
    // wxSystemFont index
    wxSystemFont index = (wxSystemFont)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 1);
    // call GetFont
    // allocate a new object using the copy constructor
    wxFont* returns = new wxFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(index));
    // add the new object to the tracked memory list
    wxluaO_addgcobject(L, returns, wxluatype_wxFont);
    // push the result datatype
    wxluaT_pushuserdatatype(L, returns, wxluatype_wxFont);

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
//     static int      GetMetric(wxSystemMetric index, wxWindow* win = NULL );
static int LUACALL wxLua_wxSystemSettings_GetMetric(lua_State *L)
    // get number of arguments
    int argCount = lua_gettop(L);
    // wxWindow win = NULL
    wxWindow * win = (argCount >= 2 ? (wxWindow *)wxluaT_getuserdatatype(L, 2, wxluatype_wxWindow) : NULL);
    // wxSystemMetric index
    wxSystemMetric index = (wxSystemMetric)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 1);
    // call GetMetric
    int returns = (wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(index, win));
    // push the result number
    lua_pushnumber(L, returns);

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 8
//     bool ShowPlayerControls(wxMediaCtrlPlayerControls flags = wxMEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_DEFAULT)
static int LUACALL wxLua_wxMediaCtrl_ShowPlayerControls(lua_State *L)
    // get number of arguments
    int argCount = lua_gettop(L);
    // wxMediaCtrlPlayerControls flags = wxMEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_DEFAULT
    wxMediaCtrlPlayerControls flags = (argCount >= 2 ? (wxMediaCtrlPlayerControls)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 2) : wxMEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_DEFAULT);
    // get this
    wxMediaCtrl * self = (wxMediaCtrl *)wxluaT_getuserdatatype(L, 1, wxluatype_wxMediaCtrl);
    // call ShowPlayerControls
    bool returns = (self->ShowPlayerControls(flags));
    // push the result flag
    lua_pushboolean(L, returns);

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 9
//     static wxKillError Kill(int pid, wxSignal sig = wxSIGTERM, int flags = wxKILL_NOCHILDREN)
static int LUACALL wxLua_wxProcess_Kill(lua_State *L)
    // get number of arguments
    int argCount = lua_gettop(L);
    // int flags = wxKILL_NOCHILDREN
    int flags = (argCount >= 3 ? (int)wxlua_getnumbertype(L, 3) : wxKILL_NOCHILDREN);
    // wxSignal sig = wxSIGTERM
    wxSignal sig = (argCount >= 2 ? (wxSignal)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 2) : wxSIGTERM);
    // int pid
    int pid = (int)wxlua_getnumbertype(L, 1);
    // call Kill
    wxKillError returns = (wxProcess::Kill(pid, sig, flags));
    // push the result number
    lua_pushnumber(L, returns);

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
//     wxFileOffset Seek(wxFileOffset where, wxSeekMode mode = wxFromStart)
static int LUACALL wxLua_wxMediaCtrl_Seek(lua_State *L)
    // get number of arguments
    int argCount = lua_gettop(L);
    // wxSeekMode mode = wxFromStart
    wxSeekMode mode = (argCount >= 3 ? (wxSeekMode)wxlua_getenumtype(L, 3) : wxFromStart);
    // wxFileOffset where
    wxFileOffset where = (wxFileOffset)wxlua_getuintegertype(L, 2);
    // get this
    wxMediaCtrl * self = (wxMediaCtrl *)wxluaT_getuserdatatype(L, 1, wxluatype_wxMediaCtrl);
    // call Seek
    wxFileOffset returns = (self->Seek(where, mode));
    // push the result number
    lua_pushnumber(L, returns);

    return 1;