Exemplo n.º 1
main(int argc, char** argv)
	SWFMovie mo;
	SWFMovieClip mc1, mc2, dejagnuclip;
	SWFDisplayItem it;
	SWFShape  sh1,sh2;
	SWFAction ac1, ac2;
	int i;

	const char *srcdir=".";
	if ( argc>1 ) 
   		//fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
   		//return 1;

	mo = newSWFMovie();
	SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
	SWFMovie_setRate (mo, 1.0);

	dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
	SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);

	sh1 = make_fill_square (0, 220, 60, 60, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0);
	sh2 = make_fill_square (30, 250, 60, 60, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)sh1);  
	SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "sh1"); 
	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 3); //place the sh1 DisplayObject at depth 3
	it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)sh2);  
	SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "sh2"); 
	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 3); //place the sh2 DisplayObject at depth 3 again!

	add_actions(mo, "note('Placed red shape sh1 and black shape sh2 at the same depth 3. Should both be visible, red on top.');");

	xcheck_equals(mo, "sh1", "sh2");
	check_equals(mo, "typeof(sh1)", "'movieclip'");
	xcheck_equals(mo, "typeof(sh2)", "'movieclip'");


	mc1 = newSWFMovieClip();
	it = SWFMovieClip_add(mc1, (SWFBlock)sh1);
	SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "sh1");
	SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 100, 0);

	mc2 = newSWFMovieClip();
	it = SWFMovieClip_add(mc2, (SWFBlock)sh2);
	SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "sh1");
	SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 100, 0);

	it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc2);  
	SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "mc2"); 
	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 4); //place the mc2 sprite at depth 3 again!

	it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc1);  
	SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "mc1"); 
	SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 4); //place the mc1 sprite at depth 3

	add_actions(mo, "note('Placed red sprite mc1 and black sprite mc2 at the same depth 4. Should both be visible, black on top.');");

	xcheck_equals(mo, "typeof(mc1)", "'movieclip'");
	check_equals(mo, "typeof(mc2)", "'movieclip'");
	check(mo, "mc1._name != mc2._name");
	check_equals(mo, "mc1.getDepth()", "mc2.getDepth()");

	// TODO: use SWFMovie_replace and see if it would replace
	//       only one or both DisplayObjects at target depth
	//       (not that we can trust Ming stability here..)

	add_actions(mo, "_root.totals(7); stop();");


	//Output movie
	puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
	SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    SWFMovie mo;
    SWFMovieClip mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4, dejagnuclip;
    SWFDisplayItem it;
    SWFAction ac;
    SWFInitAction initac;

    const char *srcdir=".";
    if (argc > 1) srcdir = argv[1];
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    mo = newSWFMovieWithVersion(OUTPUT_VERSION);
    SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
    SWFMovie_setRate (mo, 12.0);

            "if (!_global.hasOwnProperty('arr')) { _global.arr = []; };"
            "_global.ch = function(a, b) {"
            "   trace(a);"
            "   if (typeof(b)=='undefined' || (typeof(b)=='boolean' && b)) {"
            "       _global.arr.push(a);"
            "   };"
            "this.onEnterFrame = function() { "
            "   _global.ch('onEnterFrame', false);"


    //  MovieClip 1 
    mc1 = newSWFMovieClip(); // 1 frames 

    SWFMovie_addExport(mo, (SWFBlock)mc1, "Segments_Name");

    //  MovieClip mc3 has two frames. In each frame a different MovieClip
    //  is placed with the name Segments.
    mc3 = newSWFMovieClip(); // 2 frames 

    //  MovieClip 2 
    mc2 = newSWFMovieClip(); // 1 frames 

    // Add mc2
    it = SWFMovieClip_add(mc3, (SWFBlock)mc2);
    SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 1);
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "Segments");

    // Frame 2

    // Remove mc2

    // Add mc1
    it = SWFMovieClip_add(mc3, (SWFBlock)mc1);
    SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 1);
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "Segments");


    // End mc3

    // This is frame 1 of the main timeline

    // Put our sprite mc3 on stage.
    it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc3);
    SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it, 1);
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "mc");

    //  mc4 is just for executing init actions.
    mc4 = newSWFMovieClip(); 
    SWFMovie_addExport(mo, (SWFBlock)mc4, "__Packages.Bug");
    dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10,
                0, 0, 800, 600);
    SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);

    ac = newSWFAction(
        "_global.loops = 0;"
        "_global.c = 0;"
        "if( !_global.Bug ) {"
        "   _global.Bug = function () {"
        "       this.onUnload = function() { "
        "           _global.ch('dynamic unload: ' + this.c);"
        "       }; "
        "       this.onLoad = function() { "
        "           _global.ch('dynamic load: ' + this.c);"
        "       }; "
        "       this.c = _global.c;"
        "       _global.ch('ctor: ' + _global.c);"
        "       _global.c++;"
        "   };"

    initac = newSWFInitAction_withId(ac, 4);
    SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)initac);
    ac = newSWFAction("Object.registerClass('Segments_Name',Bug);");
    initac = newSWFInitAction_withId(ac, 1);
    SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)initac);
    add_actions(mo, "_global.ch('Frame ' + "
                            "_level0._currentframe + ' actions: ' "
                            "+ _level0.mc.Segments.c);");

    // Frame 2 of the main timeline
    add_actions(mo, "_global.ch('Frame ' + "
                            "_level0._currentframe + ' actions: ' "
                            "+ _level0.mc.Segments.c);");
        "    if (_global.loops < 5) {"
        "        _global.loops++;"
        "        gotoAndPlay(2);"
        "   }"
        "   else {"
        "      delete this.onEnterFrame;"
        "      gotoAndPlay(4);"
        "   };"
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr.length", "20");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[0]", "'Frame 2 actions: undefined'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[1]", "'ctor: 0'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[2]", "'Frame 3 actions: 0'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[3]", "'dynamic load: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[4]", "'Frame 2 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[5]", "'Frame 3 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[6]", "'Frame 2 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[7]", "'ctor: 1'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[8]", "'dynamic unload: 0'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[9]", "'Frame 3 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[11]", "'Frame 2 actions: 0'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[12]", "'Frame 3 actions: 1'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[13]", "'Frame 2 actions: 1'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[14]", "'ctor: 2'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[15]", "'dynamic unload: 1'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[16]", "'Frame 3 actions: 1'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr[17]", "'dynamic load: 2'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[18]", "'Frame 2 actions: 1'");
    check_equals(mo, "_global.arr[19]", "'Frame 3 actions: 2'");
    xcheck_equals(mo, "_global.arr.toString()",
		    "'Frame 2 actions: undefined,ctor: 0,Frame 3 actions: 0,dynamic load: 0,Frame 2 actions: 0,Frame 3 actions: 0,Frame 2 actions: 0,ctor: 1,dynamic unload: 0,Frame 3 actions: 0,dynamic load: 1,Frame 2 actions: 0,Frame 3 actions: 1,Frame 2 actions: 1,ctor: 2,dynamic unload: 1,Frame 3 actions: 1,dynamic load: 2,Frame 2 actions: 1,Frame 3 actions: 2'");

    add_actions(mo, "totals(21); stop();");

    // SWF_END 
    SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
main(int argc, char** argv)
  SWFMovie mo;
  SWFMovieClip dejagnuclip;
  SWFShape static1, static2;
  SWFDisplayItem it1;

  const char *srcdir=".";
  if ( argc>1 ) 
      //fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
      //return 1;

  mo = newSWFMovieWithVersion(OUTPUT_VERSION);
  SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_setRate (mo, 2);

  static1 = get_shape(60, 60, 255, 0, 0);
  static2 = get_shape(60, 60, 0, 255, 0);

  dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);

  // Frame 2: place DisplayObject at depth 3 (-16381)
  it1 = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)static1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it1, 3);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it1, 100, 300);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it1, "static1");
  SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it1, newSWFAction(
			"_root.note(this+' onClipConstruct');"
			" _root.check_equals(typeof(_root), 'movieclip');"
		        " if ( isNaN(_root.depth3Constructed) ) {"
			"	_root.depth3Constructed=1; "
			" } else {"
			"	_root.depth3Constructed++;"
			" }"
			" _root.note('_root.depth3Constructed set to '+_root.depth3Constructed);"
  add_actions(mo, "static1.name='static1';"); 

  check_equals(mo, "typeof(static1)", "'movieclip'"); 
  check_equals(mo, "static1", "_root");
  check_equals(mo, "static1.name", "'static1'");
  check_equals(mo, "_root.name", "'static1'");

  // Gnash allows custom members to shape DisplayObjects...
  // this is important to verify, see next check for it after REPLACE
  check_equals(mo, "static1.name", "'static1'");

  check_equals(mo, "static1._target", "'/'");

  // Frame 3: replace instance at depth -16381 with DisplayObject 2
  if ( SWFMovie_replace(mo, it1, (SWFBlock)static2) )
	  abort(); // grace and beauty...
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it1, 130, 330);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it1, "static2");
  SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it1, newSWFAction(
			"_root.note(this+' onClipConstruct');"
			" _root.check_equals(typeof(_root), 'movieclip');"
		        " if ( isNaN(_root.depth3Constructed) ) {"
			"	_root.depth3Constructed=1; "
			" } else {"
			"	_root.depth3Constructed++;"
			" }"
			" _root.note('_root.depth3Constructed set to '+_root.depth3Constructed);"

  // Can still reference the old DisplayObject and it's variables, after replace
  xcheck_equals(mo, "typeof(static1)", "'movieclip'"); 
  xcheck_equals(mo, "static1", "_root");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "static1.name", "'static1'");
  check_equals(mo, "_root.name", "'static1'");

  // While the new name results undefined...
  xcheck_equals(mo, "typeof(static2)", "'undefined'"); // the name wasn't changed

  // Everything suggests that a new instance is NOT created on replace !!!
  // Gnash here fails because it creates a NEW instance

  // We can't check the color or the _x in a self-contained testcase unfortunately,
  // we'll need a MovieTester-based runner for this.
  // It is expected the color of the current instane is GREEN, and the boundaries
  // are from 130 to 190 for X and 330 to 390 for Y.
  // TODO: implement a MovieTester based runner !!

  // Frame 4: jump to frame 2, stop and check


    "gotoAndStop(2); " 

    // Shapes don't get their onConstruct event invoked !
    "check_equals(typeof(_root.depth3Constructed), 'undefined');"

    // Original DisplayObject name is still referenceable
    "check_equals(typeof(static1), 'movieclip');"

    // And it still has it's user-provided property
    "check_equals(static1.name, 'static1');"

    // We can't check the color or the _x in a self-contained testcase unfortunately,
    // we'll need a MovieTester-based runner for this.
    // It is expected the color of the current instance is RED, and the boundaries
    // are from 100 to 120 for both X and Y.
    // TODO: implement a MovieTester based runner !!


  //Output movie
  puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
  SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
main(int argc, char** argv)
  SWFMovie mo;
  SWFMovieClip  mc1, mc2, dejagnuclip;
  SWFDisplayItem it1, it2;
  SWFShape  sh_red;

  /* For the button duplication test */
#if MING_VERSION_CODE >= 00040400
  SWFButton but;
  SWFButtonRecord br;

  const char *srcdir=".";
  if ( argc>1 ) 
      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
      return 1;

  mo = newSWFMovieWithVersion(OUTPUT_VERSION);
  SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_setRate (mo, 12.0);

  dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
  add_actions(mo, "x1=0; x2=0; x3=0;");
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  /* 1st frame */

  mc1 = newSWFMovieClip();
  sh_red = make_fill_square (100, 300, 60, 60, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0);
  SWFMovieClip_add(mc1, (SWFBlock)sh_red);  
  add_clip_actions(mc1, "stop();");

  mc2 = newSWFMovieClip();
  sh_red = make_fill_square (100, 200, 60, 60, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0);
  SWFMovieClip_add(mc2, (SWFBlock)sh_red);  
  add_clip_actions(mc2, "stop();");

  it1 = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc1); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it1, 10); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it1, "mc1"); 

  it2 = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc2); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it2, 20); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it2, "mc2"); 
    compileSWFActionCode(" _root.note('onClipLoad triggered'); "
                         " _root.x1 = _root.x1 + 1; "),
    compileSWFActionCode(" _root.note('onClipEnterFrame triggered'); "
                         " _root.x2 = _root.x2 + 1; "),
    compileSWFActionCode(" _root.note('onClipUnload triggered'); "
                         " _root.x3 = _root.x3 + 1; "),

  add_actions(mo, " mc1.onLoad = function () {}; "
                  " mc1.prop1 = 10; "
                  " duplicateMovieClip('mc1', 'dup1', 1); "
                  " mc2.onLoad = function () {}; "
                  " duplicateMovieClip('mc2', 'dup2', 2); " );
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* 2nd frame */
  check_equals(mo, "mc1.prop1", "10");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(mc1.onLoad)", "'function'");
  check_equals(mo, "mc1.getDepth()", "-16374");
  /* user defined property will not be duplicated */
  check_equals(mo, "dup1.prop1", "undefined");  
  /* user defined event handler will not be duplicated */
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(dup1.onLoad)", "'undefined'"); 
  check_equals(mo, "dup1.getDepth()", "1");
  /* check user defined onLoad */
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(mc2.onLoad)", "'function'");
  /* onClipEvent does not define a function */
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(mc2.onEnterFrame)", "'undefined'");
  /* user defined event handler will not be duplicated */
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(dup2.onLoad)", "'undefined'"); 
  check_equals(mo, "_root.x1", "2");
  check_equals(mo, "_root.x2", "2");
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* 3rd frame */
  add_actions(mo, " dup2.removeMovieClip(); ");

  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* 4th frame */
#if MING_VERSION_CODE >= 00040400

  /* Create a button, add it to mc1 */
  but = newSWFButton();
  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(but, (SWFCharacter)sh_red, SWFBUTTON_UP);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 10);
  it1 = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)but);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it1, "button");

  /* Sanity check */
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(button)", "'object'");

          "dupl = MovieClip.prototype.duplicateMovieClip;"
          "button.dupl = dupl;"
          "o = { x: 4 };"
          "d = button.dupl('buttdup', 201, o);"
  xcheck_equals(mo, "typeof(d)", "'object'");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "'' + _root.buttdup", "'_level0.buttdup'");
  check_equals(mo, "_root.buttdup", "d");
  /* initobj not used */
  check_equals(mo, "_root.buttdup.x", "undefined");

          "t = new Object();"
          "t.dupl = dupl;"
          "o2 = { x: 44 };"
          "d2 = t.dupl('objdup', 202, o2);"

  /* Does not work on plain objects */
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(d2)", "'undefined'");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(_root.objdup)", "'undefined'");

  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* 5th frame */

  check_equals(mo, "_root.x1", "2");
  check_equals(mo, "_root.x2", "3");
  check_equals(mo, "_root.x3", "2");  
  add_actions(mo, " _root.totals(); stop(); ");
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); /* 5th frame */
  //Output movie
  puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
  SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
main(int argc, char** argv)
  SWFMovie mo;
  const char *srcdir=".";
  char fdbfont[256];
  SWFMovieClip  dejagnuclip;
   * Initialization

  if ( argc>1 ) srcdir=argv[1];
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

  sprintf(fdbfont, "%s/Bitstream-Vera-Sans.fdb", srcdir);

  puts("Setting things up");

  Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);
  //Ming_setScale(20.0); /* so we talk twips */
  mo = newSWFMovie();
  SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 1.0);
  SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
  dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // 1st frame 

   * Add some textfields
    SWFDisplayItem it;
    FILE *font_file = fopen(fdbfont, "r");
    if ( font_file == NULL )
    SWFFont efont = loadSWFFontFromFile(font_file);

    it = add_text_field(mo, efont, "First text");
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "dtext1");
    SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 0, 200);
    it = add_text_field(mo, efont, "Zweites Textfeld");
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "etext1");
    SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 0, 300);

    it = add_text_field(mo, efont, "Some more static text here... abcdefgh");
    SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "dtext2");
    SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 0, 400);

  add_actions(mo, "createTextField('dynamictext1', 99, 10, 10, 10, 10);"
		  "this.dynamictext1.text = 'Dynamic Text';");
  add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
  check(mo, "ts instanceof TextSnapshot");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getCount()", "64");

  check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(0, 1)", "'F'");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(3, 3)", "'s'");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(-5, 5)", "'First'");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(10, 6)", "'Z'");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(0, 100)", "'First textZweites TextfeldSome more "
		  "static text here... abcdefgh'");
  add_actions(mo, "ss = ts.getText(100, 110);");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(ss)", "'string'");
  check_equals(mo, "ss", "'h'");
  check_equals(mo, "ss.length", "1");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(0, 100, true)", 
          "'First text\nZweites Textfeld\nSome more "
		  "static text here... abcdefgh'");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getText(0, 14, true)", "'First text\nZwei'");

  check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(0, '', false)", "-1");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(0, 'f', false)", "0");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(0, 'f', true)", "22");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(1, 'Rst', false)", "2");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(3, 'RSt', false)", "-1");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(100, 'h', false)", "-1");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(64, 'h', false)", "-1");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(-5, 'Zwei', true)", "-1");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.findText(-5, 'gh', true)", "-1");

  add_actions(mo, "ts.setSelected(5, 30, true);");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText()", "' textZweites TextfeldSome'");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(true)", "' text\nZweites "
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(false)", "' textZweites TextfeldSome'");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(0, 4)", "false");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(1, 9)", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-4, 10)", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-4, 6)", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(28, 23)", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(20, 20)", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(20, 27)", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-3, -1)", "false");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(30, 31)", "false");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(0, 5)", "false");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(40, 45)", "false");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(31, 34)", "false");

  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(0)", "undefined");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(1)", "undefined");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-4)", "undefined");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(-4)", "undefined");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(28)", "undefined");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelected(20)", "undefined");

  // Selected text is stored in the textfield and reset when a new
  // snapshot is taken.
  add_actions(mo, "ts2 = new TextSnapshot(this);");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(false)", "''");
  check_equals(mo, "ts2.getCount()", "64");
  check_equals(mo, "ts2.getSelectedText()", "''");
  add_actions(mo, "ts2 = this.getTextSnapshot();");
  check_equals(mo, "ts2.getCount()", "64");
  check_equals(mo, "ts2.getSelectedText()", "''");

  add_actions(mo, "ts2.setSelected(3, 10, true);");
  check_equals(mo, "ts2.getSelectedText(false).length", "7");
  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(false).length", "7");

  add_actions(mo, "ts.setSelectedColor(0xffff00);");
  add_actions(mo, "ts2.setSelectedColor(0x0000ff);");

  check_equals(mo, "ts.getSelectedText(false)", "'st text'");
  add_actions(mo, "ri = ts.getTextRunInfo(4, 10);");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(ri)", "'object'");
  check(mo, "ri instanceof Array");
  check_equals(mo, "ri.length", "7");

  add_actions(mo, "el = ri[1];");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(el)", "'object'");
  check(mo, "!el.hasOwnProperty('indexInRun')");
  check_equals(mo, "el.indexInRun", "5");
  check_equals(mo, "el.selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "el.font", "'Bitstream Vera Sans'");
  check_equals(mo, "el.color", "0");
  check_equals(mo, "el.height", "12");
  check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_a", "1");
  check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_b", "0");
  check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_c", "0");
  check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_d", "1");
  check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_tx", "25.95");
  check_equals(mo, "el.matrix_ty", "200");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner0x", "25.95");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner0y", "202.8");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner1x", "29.75");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner1y", "202.8");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner2x", "29.75");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner2y", "188.85");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner3x", "25.95");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "el.corner3y", "188.85");

  // Check properties individually
  check_equals(mo, "ri[2].height", "12");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[3].height", "12");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[4].height", "12");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[5].height", "12");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[6].height", "12");

  check_equals(mo, "ri[2].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[3].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[4].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[5].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[6].selected", "false");

  check_equals(mo, "ri[2].matrix_tx", "29.75");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[2].matrix_ty", "200");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[3].matrix_tx", "34.4");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[3].matrix_ty", "200");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[4].matrix_tx", "41.75");
  check_equals(mo, "ri[4].matrix_ty", "200");

  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[2].corner0x", "29.75");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[2].corner0y", "202.8");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[3].corner0x", "34.4");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[3].corner0y", "202.8");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[4].corner0x", "41.75");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[4].corner0y", "202.8");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[2].corner2y", "188.85");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[3].corner2y", "188.85");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri[4].corner2y", "188.85");

  add_actions(mo, "ts.setSelected(0, 10, true);");
  add_actions(mo, "ts.setSelected(15, 20, false);");
  check_equals(mo, "ts2.getSelectedText().length", "10");

  add_actions(mo, "ri2 = ts.getTextRunInfo(0, 100);");

  check_equals(mo, "ri2[0].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[1].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[2].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[3].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[4].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[5].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[6].selected", "true");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[15].selected", "false");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[16].selected", "false");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[17].selected", "false");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[18].selected", "false");

  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri2[50].corner2y", "388.85");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri2[50].corner2x", "156.6");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri2[51].corner2y", "388.85");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "ri2[51].corner2x", "163.95");

  check_equals(mo, "ri2[50].matrix_tx", "151.65");
  check_equals(mo, "ri2[51].matrix_tx", "156.55");

  add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'object'");
  add_actions(mo, "backup = TextSnapshot;");
  add_actions(mo, "TextSnapshot = undefined;");
  add_actions(mo, "t = new TextSnapshot();");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(t)", "'undefined'");

  check_equals(mo, "typeof(TextSnapshot)", "'undefined'");
  add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'undefined'");
  add_actions(mo, "TextSnapshot = backup;");
  add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'object'");
  add_actions(mo, "backup = TextSnapshot.prototype;");
  add_actions(mo, "TextSnapshot.prototype = undefined;");
  add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'object'");
  add_actions(mo, "TextSnapshot.prototype = backup;");
  add_actions(mo, "ts = this.getTextSnapshot();");
  check_equals(mo, "typeof(ts)", "'object'");
  add_actions(mo, "totals(); stop();");

   * Output movie
  puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );

  SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
/// This test checks the event order of key events.
/// Known listeners are:
/// 1. MovieClips with a defined key event
/// 2. Button with a defined key event
/// 3. Anything added to Key listeners in ActionScript.
/// The test adds objects in this order:
/// Frame 1:
/// 1. mc1
/// 3. button1 (responds to 'a')
/// 3. o1 (actionscript key listener object)
/// 4. mc2
/// Frame 2:
/// 5. button2 (responds to 'a')
/// 6. button3 (responds to 'b')
/// 3. o2 (actionscript key listener object)
/// The test shows that, irrespective of construction order:
/// 1. MovieClips are notified first
/// 2. ActionScript listeners are notified second.
/// 3. Buttons are notified last.
/// Additionally:
/// 1. Only one button action can respond to any key.
main(int argc, char** argv)
  SWFMovie mo;
  SWFMovieClip mc, dejagnuclip;
  SWFButtonRecord br;
  SWFButton bu;
  SWFDisplayItem it1, it, it2;
  SWFShape sh1, sh2;

  const char *srcdir=".";
  if ( argc>1 ) 
      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
      return 1;

  mo = newSWFMovieWithVersion(OUTPUT_VERSION);
  SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);

  SWFMovie_setRate (mo, 12.0);

  dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir),
          10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);


          "_root.order = '';"
          "_root.note('Press \"a\" then \"b\"');"
          "_root.note('Do not press any other keys!');"

  mc = newSWFMovieClip();
  it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "mc1");
          newSWFAction("trace('mc1'); _root.order += 'mc1,';"),

  bu = newSWFButton();
  sh1 = make_fill_square(200, 0, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  sh2 = make_fill_square(200, 0, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0);

  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(bu, (SWFCharacter)sh1, SWFBUTTON_HIT);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 3);
  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(bu, (SWFCharacter)sh1, SWFBUTTON_UP);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 4);

  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(bu, (SWFCharacter)sh2, SWFBUTTON_OVER);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 5);

          newSWFAction("trace('button1'); _root.order += 'button1,';"),

  it1 = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)bu);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "button1");

  SWFMovie_add(mo, newSWFAction(
              "o1 = {};"
              "o1.onKeyDown = function() {"
              "    trace('o1'); "
              "    _root.order += 'o1,';"

  mc = newSWFMovieClip();
  it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "mc2");
          newSWFAction("trace('mc2'); _root.order += 'mc2,';"),

  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // Frame 2

  bu = newSWFButton();
  sh1 = make_fill_square(240, 0, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  sh2 = make_fill_square(240, 0, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0);

  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(bu, (SWFCharacter)sh1, SWFBUTTON_HIT);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 3);
  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(bu, (SWFCharacter)sh1, SWFBUTTON_UP);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 4);

  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(bu, (SWFCharacter)sh2, SWFBUTTON_OVER);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 5);

          newSWFAction("trace('button2'); _root.order += 'button2,';"),

  it2 = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)bu);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "button2");
  bu = newSWFButton();
  sh1 = make_fill_square(280, 0, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  sh2 = make_fill_square(280, 0, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0);

  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(bu, (SWFCharacter)sh1, SWFBUTTON_HIT);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 3);
  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(bu, (SWFCharacter)sh1, SWFBUTTON_UP);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 4);

  br = SWFButton_addCharacter(bu, (SWFCharacter)sh2, SWFBUTTON_OVER);
  SWFButtonRecord_setDepth(br, 5);

              "trace('button3'); "
              "_root.order += 'button3,';"

  it = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)bu);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "button3");
  SWFMovie_add(mo, newSWFAction(
              "o2 = {};"
              "o2.onKeyDown = function() {"
              "    trace('o2'); "
              "    _root.order += 'o2,';"


  xcheck_equals(mo, "_root.order",

          "_root.order = '';"
          "_root.note('Press \"a\" then \"b\" again');"
          "_root.note('Do not press any other keys!');"

  // Check that removing the second button associated with 'a' does not
  // remove the key trigger for button2. There's no reason to think it should,
  // but it could happen if it's implemented badly!
  check_equals(mo, "_root.order",

  SWFMovie_add(mo, newSWFAction("stop();"));

  //Output movie
  puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
  SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
main(int argc, char** argv)
  SWFMovie mo;
  const char *srcdir=".";
  char fdefont[256];
  SWFMovieClip  dejagnuclip;
  SWFDisplayItem it;

   * Initialization

  if ( argc>1 ) srcdir=argv[1];
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

  sprintf(fdefont, "%s/Bitstream-Vera-Sans.fdb", srcdir);
  FILE *font_file = fopen(fdefont, "r");
  if ( font_file == NULL )
  SWFFont efont = loadSWFFontFromFile(font_file);

  puts("Setting things up");

  Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);
  mo = newSWFMovie();
  SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 1.0);
  SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
  dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10,
          0, 0, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // 1st frame 

   * Add some textfields

  int y = 30;
  int inc = 30;

  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "Normal", 1, 2, 3,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf1");
  y += inc;

  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "Transparent", 1, 2, 3,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf2");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "X scaled by 16, no indent or "
          "margin", 0, 0, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf3");

  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "X scaled by 16, indent 4",
          4, 0, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf4");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "X scaled by 16, left margin 4",
          0, 4, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf5");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "X scaled by 16, right margin 4",
          0, 0, 4, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf6");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "X scaled by 16, left margin 4, "
          "indent 4", 4, 4, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf7");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "X scaled by 8, no indent or margin",
          0, 0, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 8, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf8");

  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "X scaled by 8, indent 4", 4, 0, 0,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 8, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf9");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "X scaled by 0.2", 8, 8, 8,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 0.2, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf10");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "Y scaled by 4", 4, 4, 0,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 1, 4);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf11");
  y += inc * 3;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)efont, "Y scaled by 8", 4, 4, 0,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 1, 8);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf12");

  // It's not clear how consistent the textWidth or textHeight
  // values are. As they are embedded, it may be possible to reproduce
  // exactly, in which case the test can be made more precise.

  check_equals(mo, "tf1._width", "84");
  check_equals(mo, "tf1._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf1._x", "48");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf1._y", "28");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf1.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 46
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf1.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf1.textWidth >= 44 && tf1.textWidth <= 48");

  check_equals(mo, "tf2._width", "84");
  check_equals(mo, "tf2._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf2._x", "48");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf2._y", "58");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf2.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 78
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf2.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf2.textWidth >= 76 && tf2.textWidth <= 80");

  check_equals(mo, "tf3._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf3._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf3._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf3._y", "88");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf3.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 230
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf3.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf3.textWidth >= 225 && tf3.textWidth <= 235");

  check_equals(mo, "tf4._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf4._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf4._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf4._y", "118");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf4.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 156
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf4.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf4.textWidth >= 153 && tf4.textWidth <= 159");

  check_equals(mo, "tf5._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf5._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf5._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf5._y", "148");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf5.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 186
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf5.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf5.textWidth >= 183 && tf5.textWidth <= 189");

  check_equals(mo, "tf6._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf6._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf6._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf6._y", "178");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf6.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 194
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf6.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf6.textWidth >= 189 && tf6.textWidth <= 199");

  check_equals(mo, "tf7._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf7._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf7._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf7._y", "208");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf7.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 247
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf7.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf7.textWidth >= 240 && tf7.textWidth <= 254");

  check_equals(mo, "tf8._width", "672");
  check_equals(mo, "tf8._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf8._x", "34");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf8._y", "238");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf8.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 222
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf8.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf8.textWidth >= 217 && tf8.textWidth <= 227");

  check_equals(mo, "tf9._width", "672");
  check_equals(mo, "tf9._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf9._x", "34");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf9._y", "268");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf9.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 148
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf9.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf9.textWidth >= 144 && tf9.textWidth <= 152");

  check_equals(mo, "tf10._width", "16.8");
  check_equals(mo, "tf10._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf10._x", "49.6");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf10._y", "298");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf10.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 99
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf10.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf10.textWidth >= 95 && tf10.textWidth <= 103");

  // The textHeight for the following two fields varies.
  check_equals(mo, "tf11._width", "84");
  check_equals(mo, "tf11._height", "80");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf11._x", "48");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf11._y", "322");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf11.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 86
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf11.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf11.textWidth >= 84 && tf11.textWidth <= 88");

  check_equals(mo, "tf12._width", "84");
  check_equals(mo, "tf12._height", "160");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf12._x", "48");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf12._y", "404");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf12.textHeight", "23");
  // Approx 86
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf12.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf12.textWidth >= 84 && tf12.textWidth <= 88");

  add_actions(mo, "totals(); stop();");


   * Output movie
  puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );

  SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
main(int argc, char** argv)
  SWFMovie mo;
  SWFDisplayItem it1, it2, it3;
  SWFDisplayItem it41;
  SWFDisplayItem it51;
  SWFMovieClip mc1, mc2, mc3, dejagnuclip;
  SWFMovieClip mc4, mc41;
  SWFMovieClip mc5, mc51;
  SWFShape  sh1, sh2, sh3;

  const char *srcdir=".";
  if ( argc>1 ) 
      //fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
      //return 1;

  Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);
  mo = newSWFMovie();
  SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 12);

  dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10, 0, 0, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
  add_actions(mo, " haslooped1=false; haslooped2=false; haslooped3=false;"
                  " mc1Initialized=0; mc1Unloaded=0;"
                  " mc2Initialized=0; mc2Unloaded=0;"
                  " mc3Initialized=0; mc3Unloaded=0;"
                  " asOrder='0+';");
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // frame1

  sh1 = make_fill_square (100, 100, 60, 60, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0);
  mc1 = newSWFMovieClip();
  SWFMovieClip_add(mc1, (SWFBlock)sh1); 
  sh2 = make_fill_square (200, 200, 60, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  mc2 = newSWFMovieClip();
  SWFMovieClip_add(mc2, (SWFBlock)sh2);  

  sh3 = make_fill_square (300, 300, 60, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  mc3 = newSWFMovieClip();
  SWFMovieClip_add(mc3, (SWFBlock)sh3);  
  it1 = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc1);  
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it1, "mc1"); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it1, 100); 
  SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it1, newSWFAction(
        "_root.note(this+' initialized');"
        "_root.asOrder += '1+';"
        ), SWFACTION_INIT); 
  SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it1, newSWFAction(
        "_root.note(this+' unloaded');"
        "_root.asOrder += '3+';"
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // frame2
  it2 = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc2); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it2, "mc2"); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setRatio(it2, 0.1); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it2, 100); 
  SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it2, newSWFAction(
        "_root.note(this+' initialized');"
        "_root.asOrder += '2+';"
        ), SWFACTION_INIT);
  SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it2, newSWFAction(
        "_root.note(this+' unloaded');"
        "_root.asOrder += '5+';"
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame3

  it3 = SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)mc3); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it3, "mc3"); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setRatio(it3, 0.2); 
  SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(it3, 100); 
  SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it3, newSWFAction(
        "_root.note(this+' initialized');"
        "_root.asOrder += '4+';"
        ), SWFACTION_INIT);
  SWFDisplayItem_addAction(it3, newSWFAction(
        "_root.note(this+' unloaded');"
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame4

  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 5

  add_actions(mo, "if(! haslooped1) {"
                  "   gotoAndPlay(5);"
                  "   haslooped1 = true;"
                  "}" );
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 6
  check_equals(mo, "mc1Initialized", "2");
  check_equals(mo, "mc2Initialized", "2");
  check_equals(mo, "mc3Initialized", "1");
  check_equals(mo, "mc1Unloaded", "2");
  check_equals(mo, "mc2Unloaded", "2");
  check_equals(mo, "mc3Unloaded", "0");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "asOrder", "'0+1+2+3+4+5+1+2+3+5+'");
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 7
  // ==case 2==
  mc4 = newSWFMovieClip();
    mc41 = newSWFMovieClip(); 
    it41 = SWFMovieClip_add(mc4, (SWFBlock)mc41); 
        "_root.check_equals(this._target, '/instance3');"
        "inst = this.getInstanceAtDepth(-16383);"
        "if(! haslooped2) {"
        "   haslooped2 = true;"
        "   _root.check_equals(inst._target, '/instance3/instance4');"
        "} else {"
        "   _root.check_equals(inst._target, '/instance3/instance5');"
        "   stop();"
  SWFMovie_add(mo, mc4);
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 9
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 10
  // ==case 3==
  mc5 = newSWFMovieClip();
    mc51 = newSWFMovieClip(); 
    it51 = SWFMovieClip_add(mc5, (SWFBlock)mc51); 
        "_root.check_equals(this._target, '/instance6');"
        "inst = this.getInstanceAtDepth(-16383);"
        "if(! haslooped3) {"
        "   haslooped3 = true;"
        "   _root.check_equals(inst._target, '/instance6/instance7');"
        "} else {"
        "   _root.check_equals(inst._target, '/instance6/instance7');"
        "   stop();"
  SWFMovie_add(mo, mc5);
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 11
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 12
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 13
  mc5 = newSWFMovieClip();
  add_clip_actions(mc5, "_root.check_equals(this._target, '/instance9');");
  SWFMovie_add(mo, mc5);
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 14
  add_actions(mo, "totals(16); stop();");
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo);  // frame 15
  //Output movie
  puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );
  SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
main(int argc, char** argv)
  SWFMovie mo;
  const char *srcdir=".";
  char fdbfont[256];
  SWFMovieClip  dejagnuclip;
  SWFDisplayItem it;

   * Initialization

  if ( argc>1 ) srcdir=argv[1];
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <mediadir>\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

  sprintf(fdbfont, "%s/Bitstream-Vera-Sans.fdb", srcdir);

  puts("Setting things up");

  Ming_useSWFVersion (OUTPUT_VERSION);
  mo = newSWFMovie();
  SWFMovie_setRate(mo, 1.0);
  SWFMovie_setDimension(mo, 800, 600);
  dejagnuclip = get_dejagnu_clip((SWFBlock)get_default_font(srcdir), 10,
          0, 0, 800, 600);
  SWFMovie_add(mo, (SWFBlock)dejagnuclip);
  SWFMovie_nextFrame(mo); // 1st frame 

   * Add some textfields
  SWFBrowserFont bfont = newSWFBrowserFont("_sans");

  int y = 30;
  int inc = 30;

  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "Normal", 1, 2, 3,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf1");
  y += inc;

  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "Transparent", 1, 2, 3,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf2");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "X scaled by 16, no indent or "
          "margin", 0, 0, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf3");

  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "X scaled by 16, indent 4",
          4, 0, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf4");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "X scaled by 16, left margin 4",
          0, 4, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf5");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "X scaled by 16, right margin 4",
          0, 0, 4, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf6");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "X scaled by 16, left margin 4, "
          "indent 4", 4, 4, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 16, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf7");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "X scaled by 8, no indent or margin",
          0, 0, 0, SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 8, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf8");

  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "X scaled by 8, indent 4", 4, 0, 0,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 8, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf9");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "X scaled by 0.2", 8, 8, 8,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 0.2, 1);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf10");
  y += inc;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "Y scaled by 4", 4, 4, 0,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 1, 4);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf11");
  y += inc * 3;
  it = add_text_field(mo, (SWFBlock)bfont, "Y scaled by 8", 4, 4, 0,
          SWFTEXTFIELD_ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 0, 0, 0, 255);
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(it, 50, y);
  SWFDisplayItem_scale(it, 1, 8);
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(it, "tf12");

  // As these are device fonts, it's not clear how consistent the textWidth
  // value will be. It's not even clear that it's worth testing it.

  check_equals(mo, "tf1._width", "84");
  check_equals(mo, "tf1._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf1._x", "48");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf1._y", "28");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf1.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 42
  xcheck(mo, "tf1.textWidth >= 40 && tf1.textWidth <= 45");

  check_equals(mo, "tf2._width", "84");
  check_equals(mo, "tf2._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf2._x", "48");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf2._y", "58");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf2.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 69
  xcheck(mo, "tf2.textWidth >= 66 && tf2.textWidth <= 72");

  check_equals(mo, "tf3._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf3._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf3._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf3._y", "88");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf3.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 13
  xcheck(mo, "tf3.textWidth >= 11 && tf3.textWidth <= 15");

  check_equals(mo, "tf4._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf4._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf4._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf4._y", "118");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf4.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 9
  xcheck(mo, "tf4.textWidth >= 7 && tf4.textWidth <= 11");

  check_equals(mo, "tf5._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf5._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf5._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf5._y", "148");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf5.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 10
  xcheck(mo, "tf5.textWidth >= 8 && tf5.textWidth <= 12");

  check_equals(mo, "tf6._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf6._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf6._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf6._y", "178");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf6.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 11
  xcheck(mo, "tf6.textWidth >= 9 && tf6.textWidth <= 13");

  check_equals(mo, "tf7._width", "1344");
  check_equals(mo, "tf7._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf7._x", "18");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf7._y", "208");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf7.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 14
  xcheck(mo, "tf7.textWidth >= 14 && tf7.textWidth <= 16");

  check_equals(mo, "tf8._width", "672");
  check_equals(mo, "tf8._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf8._x", "34");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf8._y", "238");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf8.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 25
  xcheck(mo, "tf8.textWidth >= 21 && tf8.textWidth <= 27");

  check_equals(mo, "tf9._width", "672");
  check_equals(mo, "tf9._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf9._x", "34");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf9._y", "268");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf9.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 16
  xcheck(mo, "tf9.textWidth >= 14 && tf9.textWidth <= 18");

  check_equals(mo, "tf10._width", "16.8");
  check_equals(mo, "tf10._height", "20");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf10._x", "49.6");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf10._y", "298");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf10.textHeight", "24");
  // Approx 452
  xcheck(mo, "tf10.textWidth >= 440 && tf10.textWidth <= 460");

  // The textHeight for the following two fields varies.
  check_equals(mo, "tf11._width", "84");
  check_equals(mo, "tf11._height", "80");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf11._x", "48");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf11._y", "322");
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf11.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf11.textHeight >= 23 && tf11.textHeight <= 24");
  // Approx 315
  xcheck(mo, "tf11.textWidth >= 305 && tf11.textWidth <= 325");

  check_equals(mo, "tf12._width", "84");
  check_equals(mo, "tf12._height", "160");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf12._x", "48");
  xcheck_equals(mo, "tf12._y", "404");
  add_actions(mo, "trace(tf12.textWidth);");
  xcheck(mo, "tf12.textHeight >= 23 && tf12.textHeight <= 24");
  // Approx 640
  xcheck(mo, "tf12.textWidth >= 625 && tf12.textWidth <= 655");

  add_actions(mo, "totals(); stop();");


   * Output movie
  puts("Saving " OUTPUT_FILENAME );

  SWFMovie_save(mo, OUTPUT_FILENAME);

  return 0;