main(int argc, char **argv) { CONTEXT cntxt; NODE *expr; int i; osinit("XLISP version 1.6, Copyright (c) 1985, by David Betz"); xlbegin(&cntxt,64|8,(NODE *) 1); if (setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) { printf("fatal initialization error\n"); osfinish(); exit(1); } xlinit(); xlend(&cntxt); xlbegin(&cntxt,64|8,true); if (setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf) == 0) xlload("init.lsp",0,0); if (setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf) == 0) for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (!xlload(argv[i],1,0)) xlfail("can't load file"); xlsave(&expr,(NODE **)0); while (1) { if (i = setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) { if (i == 64) stdputstr("[ back to the top level ]\n"); ((s_evalhook)->n_info.n_xsym.xsy_value = ((NODE *)0)); ((s_applyhook)->n_info.n_xsym.xsy_value = ((NODE *)0)); xldebug = 0; xlflush(); } if (!xlread(((s_stdin)->n_info.n_xsym.xsy_value),&expr,0)) break; expr = xleval(expr); stdprint(expr); } xlend(&cntxt); osfinish (); exit (0); }
nyx_rval nyx_eval_expression(const char *expr_string) { LVAL expr = NULL; nyx_expr_string = expr_string; nyx_expr_len = strlen(nyx_expr_string); nyx_expr_pos = 0; nyx_result = NULL; nyx_parse_error_flag = 0; xlprot1(expr); /* setup the error return */ xlbegin(&nyx_cntxt,CF_TOPLEVEL|CF_CLEANUP|CF_BRKLEVEL,(LVAL)1); if (setjmp(nyx_cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) goto finish; while(nyx_expr_pos < nyx_expr_len) { expr = NULL; /* read an expression */ if (!xlread(getvalue(s_stdin), &expr, FALSE)) break; #if 0 /* save the input expression (so the user can refer to it as +, ++, or +++) */ xlrdsave(expr); #endif /* evaluate the expression */ nyx_result = xleval(expr); } xlflush(); finish: xlend(&nyx_cntxt); xlpop(); /* unprotect expr */ /* reset the globals to their initial state */ obarray = nyx_old_obarray; setvalue(xlenter("S"), NULL); gc(); return nyx_get_type(nyx_result); }
/* evmethod - evaluate a method */ LOCAL LVAL evmethod(LVAL obj, LVAL msgcls, LVAL method) { LVAL oldenv,oldfenv,cptr,name,val=NULL; XLCONTEXT cntxt; /* protect some pointers */ xlstkcheck(3); xlsave(oldenv); xlsave(oldfenv); xlsave(cptr); /* create an 'object' stack entry and a new environment frame */ oldenv = xlenv; oldfenv = xlfenv; xlenv = cons(cons(obj,msgcls),closure_getenv(method)); xlenv = xlframe(xlenv); xlfenv = getfenv(method); /* bind the formal parameters */ xlabind(method,xlargc,xlargv); /* setup the implicit block */ if ((name = getname(method))) xlbegin(&cntxt,CF_RETURN,name); /* execute the block */ if (name && _setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) val = xlvalue; else for (cptr = getbody(method); consp(cptr); cptr = cdr(cptr)) val = xleval(car(cptr)); /* finish the block context */ if (name) xlend(&cntxt); /* restore the environment */ xlenv = oldenv; xlfenv = oldfenv; /* restore the stack */ xlpopn(3); /* return the result value */ return (val); }
/* evfun - evaluate a function */ LOCAL LVAL evfun(LVAL fun, int argc, LVAL *argv) { LVAL oldenv,oldfenv,cptr,name,val; XLCONTEXT cntxt; /* protect some pointers */ xlstkcheck(4); xlsave(oldenv); xlsave(oldfenv); xlsave(cptr); xlprotect(fun); /* (RBD) Otherwise, fun is unprotected */ /* create a new environment frame */ oldenv = xlenv; oldfenv = xlfenv; xlenv = xlframe(closure_getenv(fun)); xlfenv = getfenv(fun); /* bind the formal parameters */ xlabind(fun,argc,argv); /* setup the implicit block */ if (name = getname(fun)) xlbegin(&cntxt,CF_RETURN,name); /* execute the block */ if (name && setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) val = xlvalue; else for (val = NIL, cptr = getbody(fun); consp(cptr); cptr = cdr(cptr)) val = xleval(car(cptr)); /* finish the block context */ if (name) xlend(&cntxt); /* restore the environment */ xlenv = oldenv; xlfenv = oldfenv; /* restore the stack */ xlpopn(4); /* return the result value */ return (val); }
static int breakloop(char *hdr, char *cmsg, char *emsg, NODE *arg, int cflag) { NODE ***oldstk,*expr,*val; CONTEXT cntxt; int type; xlerrprint(hdr,cmsg,emsg,arg); xlflush(); if (((s_tracenable)->n_info.n_xsym.xsy_value)) { val = ((s_tlimit)->n_info.n_xsym.xsy_value); xlbaktrace(((val) && (val)->n_type == 5) ? (int)((val)->n_info.n_xint.xi_int) : -1); } oldstk = xlsave(&expr,(NODE **)0); xldebug++; xlbegin(&cntxt,8|16|32,true); for (type = 0; type == 0; ) { if (type = setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) switch (type) { case 8: xlflush(); type = 0; continue; case 16: continue; case 32: if (cflag) { stdputstr("[ continue from break loop ]\n"); continue; } else xlabort("this error can't be continued"); } if (!xlread(((s_stdin)->n_info.n_xsym.xsy_value),&expr,0)) { type = 16; break; } expr = xleval(expr); xlprint(((s_stdout)->n_info.n_xsym.xsy_value),expr,1); xlterpri(((s_stdout)->n_info.n_xsym.xsy_value)); } xlend(&cntxt); xldebug--; xlstack = oldstk; if (type == 16) { stdputstr("[ abort to previous level ]\n"); xlsignal(0,(NODE *)0); } }
void nyx_get_audio(nyx_audio_callback callback, void *userdata) { sample_block_type block; sound_type snd; sound_type *snds; float *buffer; long bufferlen; long *totals; long cnt; int result = 0; int num_channels; int ch, i; if (nyx_get_type(nyx_result) != nyx_audio) return; num_channels = nyx_get_audio_num_channels(); snds = (sound_type *)malloc(num_channels * sizeof(sound_type)); totals = (long *)malloc(num_channels * sizeof(long)); /* setup the error return */ xlbegin(&nyx_cntxt,CF_TOPLEVEL|CF_CLEANUP|CF_BRKLEVEL,(LVAL)1); if (setjmp(nyx_cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) goto finish; for(ch=0; ch<num_channels; ch++) { if (num_channels == 1) snd = getsound(nyx_result); else snd = getsound(getelement(nyx_result, ch)); snds[ch] = snd; totals[ch] = 0; } buffer = NULL; bufferlen = 0; while(result==0) { for(ch=0; ch<num_channels; ch++) { snd = snds[ch]; cnt = 0; block = snd->get_next(snd, &cnt); if (block == zero_block || cnt == 0) { result = -1; break; } /* copy the data to a temporary buffer and scale it by the appropriate scale factor */ if (cnt > bufferlen) { if (buffer) free(buffer); buffer = (float *)malloc(cnt * sizeof(float)); bufferlen = cnt; } memcpy(buffer, block->samples, cnt * sizeof(float)); for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) buffer[i] *= snd->scale; result = callback(buffer, ch, totals[ch], cnt, userdata); if (result == 0) totals[ch] += cnt; } } finish: if (buffer) free(buffer); free(snds); free(totals); xlend(&nyx_cntxt); }
/* xlload - load a file of xlisp expressions */ int xlload(char *fname, int vflag, int pflag) { char fullname[STRMAX+1]; char *ptr; LVAL fptr,expr; XLCONTEXT cntxt; FILE *fp; int sts; /* protect some pointers */ xlstkcheck(2); xlsave(fptr); xlsave(expr); /* space for copy + extension? */ if (strlen(fname) > STRMAX - 4) goto toolong; strcpy(fullname,fname); #ifdef WINDOWS #ifdef WINGUI if (strcmp(fullname, "*") == 0) { if (sfn_valid) { strcpy(fullname, save_file_name); } else { strcpy(fullname, "*.*"); } } if (strcmp(fullname, "*.*") == 0) { char *name = getfilename(NULL, "lsp", "r", "Load file"); if (name) { strcpy(fullname, name); strcpy(save_file_name, name); sfn_valid = TRUE; } else { xlpopn(2); return FALSE; } } #endif /* replace "/" with "\" so that (current-path) will work */ for (ptr = fullname; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '/') *ptr = '\\'; } #endif /* default the extension if there is room */ if (needsextension(fullname)) { strcat(fullname,".lsp"); } /* allocate a file node */ fptr = cvfile(NULL); /* open the file */ if ((fp = osaopen(fullname,"r")) == NULL) { #ifdef UNIX if (fname[0] != '/') { char *paths = getenv("XLISPPATH"); if (!paths || !*paths) { char msg[512]; sprintf(msg, "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", "Warning: XLISP failed to find XLISPPATH in the environment.", "If you are using Nyquist, probably you should cd to the", "nyquist directory and type:", " setenv XLISPPATH `pwd`/runtime:`pwd`/lib", "or set XLISPPATH in your .login or .cshrc file."); errputstr(msg); } /* make sure we got paths, and the list is not empty */ while (paths && *paths) { char *ptr = fullname; /* skip over separator */ while (*paths == ':') paths++; /* scan next directory into fullname */ while (*paths && (*paths != ':')) { if ((ptr - fullname) >= STRMAX) goto toolong; *ptr++ = *paths++; } /* add "/" if needed */ if (ptr[-1] != '/') *ptr++ = '/'; /* append the file name */ if ((ptr - fullname) + strlen(fname) + 4 > STRMAX) goto toolong; strcpy(ptr, fname); /* append the .lsp extension */ if (needsextension(fullname)) { strcat(fullname, ".lsp"); } if (fp = osaopen(fullname, "r")) goto gotfile; } } #endif #ifdef WINDOWS /* is this a relative path? */ if (fname[0] != '\\' && (strlen(fname) < 2 || fname[1] != ':')) { #define paths_max 1024 char paths[paths_max]; char *p = paths; get_xlisp_path(paths, paths_max); /* make sure we got paths, and the list is not empty */ if (!*p) { sprintf(paths, "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", "Warning: XLISP failed to find XLISPPATH in the Registry.", "You should follow the installation instructions. Enter an", "empty string if you really want no search path."); errputstr(paths); *p = 0; } while (*p) { char *ptr = fullname; /* skiip over separator */ while (*p == ',') p++; /* scan next directory into fullname */ while (*p && (*p != ',')) { if ((ptr - fullname) >= STRMAX) goto toolong; *ptr++ = *p++; } /* add "\" if needed */ if (ptr[-1] != '\\') *ptr++ = '\\'; /* append the file name */ if ((ptr - fullname) + strlen(fname) + 4 > STRMAX) goto toolong; strcpy(ptr, fname); /* append the .lsp extension */ if (needsextension(fullname)) { strcat(fullname, ".lsp"); } /* printf("Trying to open \"%s\"\n", fullname); */ if (fp = osaopen(fullname, "r")) goto gotfile; } } #endif #ifdef MACINTOSH /* is this a relative path? I don't know how to do this * correctly, so we'll assume it's relative if there is no * embedded colon (:) */ if (strchr(fname, ':') == NULL) { #define paths_max 1024 char paths[paths_max]; char *p = paths; int prefs_found = false; get_xlisp_path(paths, paths_max, &prefs_found); /* make sure we got paths, and the list is not empty */ if (!*p) { if (prefs_found) { sprintf(paths, "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", "Warning: XLISP failed to find XLISPPATH in XLisp Preferences.", "You should probably delete XLisp Preferences and let XLisp", "create a new one for you."); } else { sprintf(paths, "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", "Warning: XLISP failed to find XLisp Preferences.", "You should manually locate and load the file runtime:init.lsp", "Nyquist will create an XLisp Preferences file to automatically", "find the file next time. You may edit XLisp Preferences to add", "additional search paths, using a comma as separator."); } errputstr(paths); *p = 0; } while (*p) { char *ptr = fullname; /* skiip over separator */ while (*p == ',') p++; /* scan next directory into fullname */ while (*p && (*p != ',')) { if ((ptr - fullname) >= STRMAX) goto toolong; *ptr++ = *p++; } /* add ":" if needed */ if (ptr[-1] != ':') *ptr++ = ':'; /* append the file name */ if ((ptr - fullname) + strlen(fname) + 4 > STRMAX) goto toolong; strcpy(ptr, fname); /* append the .lsp extension */ if (needsextension(fullname)) { strcat(fullname, ".lsp"); } /* printf("Trying to open \"%s\"\n", fullname); */ if (fp = osaopen(fullname, "r")) goto gotfile; } } #endif xlpopn(2); return (FALSE); } gotfile: #ifdef MACINTOSH /* We found the file ok, call setup_preferences to create * XLisp Preferences file (this only happens if previous * attempt to find the file failed */ setup_preferences(fullname); #endif setfile(fptr,fp); setvalue(s_loadingfiles, cons(fptr, getvalue(s_loadingfiles))); setvalue(s_loadingfiles, cons(cvstring(fullname), getvalue(s_loadingfiles))); /* print the information line */ if (vflag) { sprintf(buf,"; loading \"%s\"\n",fullname); stdputstr(buf); } /* read, evaluate and possibly print each expression in the file */ xlbegin(&cntxt,CF_ERROR,s_true); if (setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf)) sts = FALSE; else { while (xlread(fptr,&expr,FALSE)) { expr = xleval(expr); if (pflag) stdprint(expr); } sts = TRUE; } xlend(&cntxt); /* close the file */ osclose(getfile(fptr)); setfile(fptr,NULL); if (consp(getvalue(s_loadingfiles)) && consp(cdr(getvalue(s_loadingfiles))) && car(cdr(getvalue(s_loadingfiles))) == fptr) { setvalue(s_loadingfiles, cdr(cdr(getvalue(s_loadingfiles)))); } /* restore the stack */ xlpopn(2); /* return status */ return (sts); toolong: xlcerror("ignore file", "file name too long", NIL); xlpopn(2); return FALSE; }