Exemplo n.º 1
 * Generate the XML for all the variables in a scope.
static void xmlVars(sipSpec *pt, moduleDef *mod, classDef *scope, int indent,
        FILE *fp)
    varDef *vd;

    for (vd = pt->vars; vd != NULL; vd = vd->next)
        if (vd->module != mod)

        if (vd->ecd != scope)

        xmlIndent(indent, fp);
        fprintf(fp, "<Member name=\"");
        prScopedPythonName(fp, vd->ecd, vd->pyname->text);
        fprintf(fp, "\"");

        if (isConstArg(&vd->type) || scope == NULL)
            fprintf(fp, " const=\"1\"");

        if (isStaticVar(vd))
            fprintf(fp, " static=\"1\"");

        xmlType(pt, &vd->type, FALSE, fp);
        fprintf(fp, "/>\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Generate the XML for an argument.
static void xmlArgument(sipSpec *pt, moduleDef *mod, argDef *ad, int out,
        KwArgs kwargs, int res_xfer, int indent, FILE *fp)
    if (isArraySize(ad))

    xmlIndent(indent, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "<%s", (out ? "Return" : "Argument"));
    xmlType(pt, mod, ad, out, kwargs, fp);

    if (!out)
        if (isAllowNone(ad))
            fprintf(fp, " allownone=\"1\"");

        if (isDisallowNone(ad))
            fprintf(fp, " disallownone=\"1\"");

        if (isTransferred(ad))
            fprintf(fp, " transfer=\"to\"");
        else if (isThisTransferred(ad))
            fprintf(fp, " transfer=\"this\"");

    if (res_xfer || isTransferredBack(ad))
        fprintf(fp, " transfer=\"back\"");

    fprintf(fp, "/>\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
void Trhythm::debug(const char* text) const {
  if (m_r == e_none)
    qDebug() << text << "no rhythm";
  else {
    qDebug() << text << xmlType() << "| rest" << isRest() << "| dot" << hasDot() << "| triplet" << isTriplet() << "| duration" << duration()
             << "| beam" << beam() << "| tie" << tie() << "| stem" << (stemDown() ? "down" : "up")
             << "|" << (m_prefs % 8) << m_prefs;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Generate the XML for an argument.
static void xmlArgument(sipSpec *pt, argDef *ad, const char *dir, int res_xfer,
        int sec, int indent, FILE *fp)
    if (isArraySize(ad))

    if (sec && (ad->atype == slotcon_type || ad->atype == slotdis_type))

    xmlIndent(indent, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "<Argument");
    xmlType(pt, ad, sec, fp);

    if (dir != NULL)
        fprintf(fp, " dir=\"%s\"", dir);

    if (isAllowNone(ad))
        fprintf(fp, " allownone=\"1\"");

    if (isDisallowNone(ad))
        fprintf(fp, " disallownone=\"1\"");

    if (isTransferred(ad))
        fprintf(fp, " transfer=\"to\"");
    else if (isThisTransferred(ad))
        fprintf(fp, " transfer=\"this\"");
    else if (res_xfer || isTransferredBack(ad))
        fprintf(fp, " transfer=\"back\"");

     * Handle the default value, but ignore it if it is an output only
     * argument.
    if (ad->defval && (dir == NULL || strcmp(dir, "out") != 0))
        prcode(fp, " default=\"%M");
        exportDefaultValue(ad, FALSE, fp);
        prcode(fp, "%M\"");

    fprintf(fp, "/>\n");