Exemplo n.º 1
void read_xml_file( char *fname )
  char tag[MaxStr], contents[MaxStr], tagname[MaxStr], attrname[MaxStr], value[MaxStr];
  float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, t0, t1;
  int linum=0;
  FILE *infile=0, *outfile=0;

 infile = fopen(fname,"r");    
 if (infile==0) {printf("Error: Cannot open input file '%s'.\n",fname); exit(1);} 
 xml_parse( infile, tag, contents, MaxStr, &linum );
 while (tag[0]!='\0')
   xml_grab_tag_name( tag, tagname, MaxStr );	/* Get tag name. */

   /* Add your application code here to accept tag-name, such as: */
   printf("Tag name = '%s'\n", tagname );

   xml_grab_attrib( tag, attrname, value, MaxStr );	/* Get any attributes within tag. */
   while (value[0] != '\0')
     /* Add application code here to accept attribute attrname and value, such as: */
     printf(" Attribute: %s = '%s'\n", attrname, value );

     xml_grab_attrib( tag, attrname, value, MaxStr );	/* Get next attribute, if any. */

   /* Add application code here to accept contents between tags, such as: */
   printf(" Contents = '%s'\n", contents );

   xml_parse( infile, tag, contents, MaxStr, &linum );	/* Get next tag, if any. */
Exemplo n.º 2
Xml_object *Xml_Read_File( char *fname )
 FILE *infile;
 int lnn=0;
 char *tag, *attrib, *value, *contents;
 Xml_object *newtag, *roottag=0;
 Xml_name_value_pair *newattrib, *lastattrib;
 lastattrib = NULL ;
 struct xml_private_stack *current_parent, *old_tag;	/* Current_parent points to parent of current children. */

 infile = fopen(fname,"r");
 if (infile==0) {printf("XML Error: Cannot open input file '%s'.\n",fname); return 0;}
 current_parent = new_xml_stack_item(0,0);  /* Set the root tag level. */
 tag = (char *)malloc(XML_MAX_STRLEN);
 attrib = (char *)malloc(XML_MAX_STRLEN);
 value = (char *)malloc(XML_MAX_STRLEN);
 contents = (char *)malloc(XML_MAX_STRLEN);
 xml_parse( infile, tag, contents, XML_MAX_STRLEN, &lnn ); 
 while (!feof(infile))
  { /*next_tag*/
    xml_grab_tag_name( tag, attrib, XML_MAX_STRLEN );

    if (attrib[0]=='/')		/* If tag begins with "/", then go-up (pop-stack after comparing tag). */
     { /*pop-stack*/
       if ((current_parent->current_object==0) || (strcasecmp(current_parent->current_object->tag,&(attrib[1]))!=0))
	{printf("Xml Error: Mismatching closing tag '%s'. Aborting.\n",attrib); free(tag); free(attrib); free(value); free(contents); return 0;}
       old_tag = current_parent;
       current_parent = current_parent->parent;
       xml_private_free_stack_item( old_tag );
       if (current_parent==0)
	{printf("Xml Error: extra closing tag '%s'. Aborting.\n",attrib); free(tag); free(attrib); free(value); free(contents); return 0;}
     } /*pop-stack*/
     { /*Open-tag*/
      newtag = new_xml_object( attrib, contents );
      if (roottag == 0)	roottag = newtag;
	if (current_parent->last_child == 0)  current_parent->current_object->children = newtag;
	else current_parent->last_child->nxt = newtag;
        newtag->parent = current_parent->current_object;
      current_parent->last_child = newtag;

      xml_grab_attrib( tag, attrib, value, XML_MAX_STRLEN );	/* Accept the attributes within tag. */
      while ((attrib[0]!='\0') && (attrib[0]!='/'))
        newattrib = new_xml_attribute( attrib, value );
        if (newtag->attributes==0) newtag->attributes = newattrib; else lastattrib->nxt = newattrib;
        lastattrib = newattrib;
	xml_grab_attrib( tag, attrib, value, XML_MAX_STRLEN );

      /* If tag does not end in "/", then go-down (push-stack). IE. Next tag should be a child of present tag. */
      if (attrib[0] != '/')
        current_parent = new_xml_stack_item( current_parent, newtag );
       }  /* Otherwise, attaches to last child of present parent. */
     } /*Open-tag*/

    xml_parse( infile, tag, contents, XML_MAX_STRLEN, &lnn ); 
  } /*next_tag*/
 while (xml_stack_freelist != 0)	/* Cleanup temporary variables. */
  { current_parent = xml_stack_freelist;  xml_stack_freelist = xml_stack_freelist->parent;  free(current_parent); }
 free(tag);  free(attrib);  free(value);  free(contents);
 return roottag;
Exemplo n.º 3
void carregarAutomatosJFLAP(ListaAutomatos **listaAutomatos)
    ListaAutomatos *lAux;
    lAux = *listaAutomatos;

        printf("\n\n Arquivo do automato : %s ",lAux->automato->XML_File_Name);

        int lendoEstados = 0;
            int estadoNum = 0;
            int estadoInicial= 0;
            int estadoFinal= 0;

        int lendoTransicoes = 0;
            int from = 0;
            int fromNum = 0;
            int to = 0;
            int toNum = 0;
            int read = 0;
            char readTerminal[40] = "\0";

        ListaEstados *listaEstados;


        char *fname = lAux->automato->XML_File_Name;

        char tag[MaxStr], contents[MaxStr], tagname[MaxStr], attrname[MaxStr], value[MaxStr];

        float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, t0, t1;
        int linum=0;
        FILE *infile=0, *outfile=0;

        infile = fopen(fname,"r");
        if (infile==0) {printf("Error: Cannot open input file '%s'.\n",fname); exit(1);}
        xml_parse( infile, tag, contents, MaxStr, &linum );
        while (tag[0]!='\0')
            xml_grab_tag_name( tag, tagname, MaxStr );	/* Get tag name. */

            /* Add your application code here to accept tag-name, such as: */
            //printf("Tag name = '%s'\n", tagname );

                lendoEstados = 1;

                //printf("Tag name comparaao = '%s'\n", tagname );

                estadoInicial = 1;

                //printf("Tag name comparaao = '%s'\n", tagname );

                estadoFinal = 1;

                //printf("Tag name comparaao = '%s'\n", tagname );

                Estado *novoEstado;

                //printf("\n Criou estado %d, estado inicial %d, estado final %d",novoEstado->estado,novoEstado->estadoInicial,novoEstado->estadoFinal);

                lendoEstados = 0;
                estadoNum = 0;
                estadoInicial = 0;
                estadoFinal = 0;

                //printf("Tag name comparaao = '%s'\n", tagname );

                lendoTransicoes = 1;

                //printf("Tag name comparaao = '%s'\n", tagname );

                from = 1;

                from = 0;

                to = 1;

                to = 0;

                read = 1;

                read = 0;

                lendoTransicoes = 0;

                Estado *estadoFrom = buscarEstadoPorNumero(listaEstados,fromNum);
                Estado *estadoTo = buscarEstadoPorNumero(listaEstados,toNum);


                    //Cria uma transicao
                    Transicao* transicao = (Transicao *) malloc (sizeof(Transicao));
                    transicao->proximoEstado = estadoTo;

                    int i = 0;
                    char terminalSemAspas[40] = "\0";

                    for(i= 1;i<strlen(readTerminal)-1;i++)
                        terminalSemAspas[i-1] = readTerminal[i];


                    ListaTransicao *listaTransicao = estadoFrom->listaTransicao;


                    estadoFrom->listaTransicao = listaTransicao;

                    //printf("\n Criou transicao from %d to %d com o terminal %s ",estadoFrom->estado,estadoTo->estado,transicao->terminal);

                    ChamadaSubMaquina* chamadaSubMaquina = (ChamadaSubMaquina *) malloc (sizeof(ChamadaSubMaquina));
                    Automato *automatoAux = buscarAutomatoPorID(*listaAutomatos,readTerminal);
                        chamadaSubMaquina->proxAutomato = automatoAux;

                    chamadaSubMaquina ->estadoRetorno = estadoTo;

                    estadoFrom->chamadaSubMaquina = chamadaSubMaquina;

                    //printf("\n Criou chamada submaquina from %d para o automato %s com retorno em %d",estadoFrom->estado,automatoAux->ID,estadoTo->estado);

                    //Cria uma chamada de submaquina


                char readTerminal[40] = "\0";

                //printf("Tag name comparaao = '%s'\n", tagname );

            xml_grab_attrib( tag, attrname, value, MaxStr );	/* Get any attributes within tag. */
            while (value[0] != '\0')
                /* Add application code here to accept attribute attrname and value, such as: */
                //printf(" Attribute: %s = '%s'\n", attrname, value );

               if((lendoEstados==1) && (strcmp(attrname,"id")==0))
                    estadoNum = atoi(value);

                xml_grab_attrib( tag, attrname, value, MaxStr );	 /* Get next attribute, if any. */

            /* Add application code here to accept contents between tags, such as: */
            //printf("\n Contents = '%s'\n", contents );

            if(from == 1)
                fromNum = atoi(contents);

            if(to == 1)
                toNum = atoi(contents);



            xml_parse( infile, tag, contents, MaxStr, &linum );


        Automato *automatoAux = buscarAutomatoPorID(*listaAutomatos,lAux->automato->ID);
        automatoAux->listaEstados = listaEstados;

        lAux = lAux->prox;
