Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#   include "setRootCase.H"

#   include "createTime.H"
#   include "createMesh.H"

    Info << "perturbU: generalised velocity perturbation implementation for "
         << "the initialisation of ducted well-resolved LES flows." << endl;
    // Xdir -> Ubar - streamwise
    // Ydir -> wallReflection vectors
    // Zdir -> cross product Xdir^Ydir
    // Ubar and Retau should be set in transportProperties
    // The choice of Retau is not critical as long as it is 
    // approximately the right order of magnitude
    // A laminar background velocity profile is assumed
    // with maximum U at h = max(wall distance)
    // A laminar initial profile is essential since wall normal motion
    // of a mean turbulent profile without resolved turbulence will
    // diffuse the perturbations, preventing transition in some cases
    wallDist yw(mesh);
    const scalar h = max(yw.internalField());
    // local yDir
    wallDistReflection reflexVec(mesh);
    const volVectorField yDir = reflexVec.n();

    IOobject Uheader
    Info << "Reading U" << endl;
    volVectorField U(Uheader, mesh);

    IOdictionary transportProperties

    dimensionedScalar nu
    dimensionedVector Ubar
    dimensionedScalar Retau
    scalar sigma
        transportProperties.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("sigma", 0.00055)
    Info << " sigma = " << sigma << endl;
    scalar duplusC
        transportProperties.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("duplusC", 0.25)
    Info << " duplusC = " << duplusC << endl;
    scalar epsilonC
        transportProperties.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("epsilonC", 0.05)
    Info << " epsilonC = " << epsilonC << endl;
    scalar deviationC
        transportProperties.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("deviationC", 0.2)
    Info << " deviationC = " << deviationC << endl;
    vector xDir = Ubar.value() / mag(Ubar.value());

    Info << "Re(tau) = " << Retau << endl;
    const scalar utau = Retau.value() * nu.value() / h;
    Info << " u(tau) = " << utau << endl;

    // wall normal circulation
    const scalar duplus = Ubar.value().x() * duplusC / utau;
    // spanwise wavenumber: spacing z+ = 200
    const scalar betaPlus = 2.0 * 3.14 *(1.0 / 200.0);
    // streamwise wave number: spacing x+ = 500
    const scalar alphaPlus = 2.0 * 3.14 * (1.0 / 500.0);
    const scalar epsilon = Ubar.value().x() * epsilonC;

    const vectorField& centres(mesh.C());

    Random perturbation(1234567);

    forAll(centres, celli)
        // add a small random component to enhance symmetry breaking
        scalar deviation = 1.0 + deviationC * perturbation.GaussNormal();
        const vector& cCentre = centres[celli];

        vector zDir = xDir^yDir[celli];
        zDir /= mag(zDir);

        scalar zplus = (cCentre & zDir) * Retau.value() / h;
        scalar yplus = yw[celli] * Retau.value() / h;
        scalar xplus = (cCentre & xDir) * Retau.value() / h;

        // ML: it seems that this profile (or coefficient before Ubar)
        //     is correct for rectangular shape, for body of
        //     revolution it is (should be?) different
        // laminar parabolic profile
        U[celli] = 3.0 * Ubar.value() * (yw[celli] / h - 0.5 * sqr(yw[celli] / h));

        // streak streamwise velocity
        U[celli] +=
            xDir * (utau * duplus / 2.0) * (yplus / 40.0)
            * Foam::exp(-sigma * Foam::sqr(yplus) + 0.5)
            * Foam::cos(betaPlus * zplus) * deviation;

        // streak spanwise perturbation
        U[celli] +=
            zDir * epsilon
          * Foam::sin(alphaPlus * xplus)
          * yplus
          * Foam::exp(-sigma * Foam::sqr(yplus))
          * deviation;

Exemplo n.º 2
double* WhiteTest(int obs, int nvar, double* resid, double** X, bool InclConstant)
	double *r2 = new double[obs];
	int i = 0, jj = 0;
//	if (!InclConstant)
//		DevFromMean(obs,resid);

	// (1) r2 = Compute e2
	double r2_bar = 0;
	for (i=0;i<obs;i++)
		r2[i] = geoda_sqr(resid[i]);
		r2_bar += r2[i];
	r2_bar /= obs;
	// (2) define (n*n + 3n)/2 memory location for w
	const int df = InclConstant? (geoda_sqr(nvar-1)+3*(nvar-1))/2 : (geoda_sqr(nvar)+3*nvar)/2;
	DoublePtr *w  = new DoublePtr[df+1];

	for (i=0;i<=df;i++)
		w[i] = new double[obs];

	// (3) keep original X into w[1 .. nvar][]
	int ix = InclConstant? 0 : 1;
	int k = nvar+ix;

	for (jj=0;jj<obs;jj++)
		w[0][jj] = 1.0;

	if (InclConstant)
		for (i=1;i<nvar;i++)

				for (jj=0;jj<obs;jj++)
					w[i][jj] = X[i][jj];
		for (i=0;i<nvar;i++)
				for (jj=0;jj<obs;jj++)
					w[i+1][jj] = X[i][jj];

	// (4) Create cross product of Xs and store them into w[nvar ... df][]
	for (i=1-ix;i<nvar;i++)
		for (int j=i; j<nvar;j++)
			for (jj=0;jj<obs;jj++)
				w[k][jj] = X[i][jj] * X[j][jj];

	// (5) Compute OLS, r2 on w
	DenseVector		yw(r2, obs, false), olsw(k);
  DenseVector *xw = new DenseVector[k];

  for (int cnt = 0; cnt < k; ++cnt)  

     xw[cnt].absorb(w[cnt], obs, false);

  double ** cov = new double * [k];
  double *u = new double[obs];
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
		cov[i] = new double [k];
		for (jj = 0; jj < k; jj++) {
			cov[i][jj] = 0;
	double *rsl = new double[3];
	rsl[0] = df;
	rsl[1] = -99999;
	rsl[2] = -99999;
  if (!ordinaryLS(yw, xw, cov, u, olsw))
		return rsl;

	double s_u = 0.0;
	for (i=0;i<obs;i++)
		s_u += geoda_sqr(r2[i] - r2_bar);

	rsl[1]= obs * ( 1 - (norm(u,obs) / s_u));
//	rsl[1]= chicdf(rsl[0],df);
	rsl[2]= gammp( double (df) / 2.0, rsl[1]/2.0 );

	return rsl;
