Exemplo n.º 1
static void format_zimg_error(char *err_msg, size_t n)
	zimg_error_code_e err_code;
	int offset;

	err_code = zimg_get_last_error(NULL, 0);
	offset = sprintf(err_msg, "zimg %d: ", err_code);
	zimg_get_last_error(err_msg + offset, n - offset);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void VS_CC vs_depth_create(const VSMap *in, VSMap *out, void *userData, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi)
	vs_depth_data *data = 0;
	zimg_depth_params params;
	zimg_filter *filter = 0;
	zimg_filter *filter_uv = 0;
	char fail_str[1024];
	int err;

	VSNodeRef *node = 0;
	const VSVideoInfo *node_vi;
	const VSFormat *node_fmt;
	VSVideoInfo vi;

	const char *dither_str;
	int sample_type;
	int depth;

	node = vsapi->propGetNode(in, "clip", 0, 0);
	node_vi = vsapi->getVideoInfo(node);
	node_fmt = node_vi->format;

	if (!isConstantFormat(node_vi)) {
		strcpy(fail_str, "clip must have a defined format");
		goto fail;

	sample_type = (int)propGetIntDefault(vsapi, in, "sample", 0, node_fmt->sampleType);
	depth = (int)propGetIntDefault(vsapi, in, "depth", 0, node_fmt->bitsPerSample);

	if (sample_type != stInteger && sample_type != stFloat) {
		strcpy(fail_str, "invalid sample type: must be stInteger or stFloat");
		goto fail;
	if (sample_type == stFloat && depth != 16 && depth != 32) {
		strcpy(fail_str, "invalid depth: must be 16 or 32 for stFloat");
		goto fail;
	if (sample_type == stInteger && (depth <= 0 || depth > 16)) {
		strcpy(fail_str, "invalid depth: must be between 1-16 for stInteger");
		goto fail;

	vi = *node_vi;
	vi.format = vsapi->registerFormat(node_fmt->colorFamily, sample_type, depth < 8 ? 8 : depth, node_fmt->subSamplingW, node_fmt->subSamplingH, core);

	if (!vi.format) {
		strcpy(fail_str, "unable to register output VSFormat");
		goto fail;

	zimg2_depth_params_default(&params, ZIMG_API_VERSION);

	params.width = node_vi->width;
	params.height = node_vi->height;

	dither_str = vsapi->propGetData(in, "dither", 0, &err);
	if (!err)
		params.dither_type = translate_dither(dither_str);

	params.chroma = 0;

	params.pixel_in = translate_pixel(node_fmt);
	params.depth_in = node_fmt->bitsPerSample;
	params.range_in = (int)propGetIntDefault(vsapi, in, "range_in", 0, node_fmt->colorFamily == cmRGB ? ZIMG_RANGE_FULL : ZIMG_RANGE_LIMITED);

	params.pixel_out = translate_pixel(vi.format);
	params.depth_out = depth;
	params.range_out = (int)propGetIntDefault(vsapi, in, "range_out", 0, params.range_in);

	if (!(filter = zimg2_depth_create(&params))) {
		zimg_get_last_error(fail_str, sizeof(fail_str));
		goto fail;

	if (node_fmt->colorFamily == cmYUV || node_fmt->colorFamily == cmYCoCg) {
		params.width = params.width >> node_fmt->subSamplingW;
		params.height = params.height >> node_fmt->subSamplingH;
		params.chroma = 1;

		if (!(filter_uv = zimg2_depth_create(&params))) {
			zimg_get_last_error(fail_str, sizeof(fail_str));
			goto fail;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void VS_CC vs_colorspace_create(const VSMap *in, VSMap *out, void *userData, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi)
	vs_colorspace_data *data = 0;
	zimg_colorspace_params params;
	zimg_filter *filter = 0;
	char fail_str[1024];

	VSNodeRef *node = 0;
	const VSVideoInfo *node_vi;
	const VSFormat *node_fmt;
	VSVideoInfo vi;

	node = vsapi->propGetNode(in, "clip", 0, 0);
	node_vi = vsapi->getVideoInfo(node);
	node_fmt = node_vi->format;

	if (!isConstantFormat(node_vi)) {
		strcpy(fail_str, "clip must have a defined format");
		goto fail;
	if (node_fmt->numPlanes < 3 || node_fmt->subSamplingW || node_fmt->subSamplingH) {
		strcpy(fail_str, "colorspace conversion can only be performed on 4:4:4 clips");
		goto fail;

	zimg2_colorspace_params_default(&params, ZIMG_API_VERSION);

	params.width = node_vi->width;
	params.height = node_vi->height;

	params.matrix_in = (int)vsapi->propGetInt(in, "matrix_in", 0, 0);
	params.transfer_in = (int)vsapi->propGetInt(in, "transfer_in", 0, 0);
	params.primaries_in = (int)vsapi->propGetInt(in, "primaries_in", 0, 0);

	params.matrix_out = (int)propGetIntDefault(vsapi, in, "matrix_out", 0, params.matrix_in);
	params.transfer_out = (int)propGetIntDefault(vsapi, in, "transfer_out", 0, params.transfer_in);
	params.primaries_out = (int)propGetIntDefault(vsapi, in, "primaries_out", 0, params.primaries_in);

	params.pixel_type = translate_pixel(node_fmt);
	params.depth = node_fmt->bitsPerSample;
	params.range_in = (int)!!propGetIntDefault(vsapi, in, "fullrange_in", 0, params.matrix_in == ZIMG_MATRIX_RGB ? ZIMG_RANGE_FULL : ZIMG_RANGE_LIMITED);
	params.range_out = (int)!!propGetIntDefault(vsapi, in, "fullrange_out", 0, params.matrix_out == ZIMG_MATRIX_RGB ? ZIMG_RANGE_FULL : ZIMG_RANGE_LIMITED);

	vi = *node_vi;
	vi.format = vsapi->registerFormat(params.matrix_out == ZIMG_MATRIX_RGB ? cmRGB : cmYUV,
	                                  node_fmt->sampleType, node_fmt->bitsPerSample, node_fmt->subSamplingW, node_fmt->subSamplingH, core);

	if (!(filter = zimg2_colorspace_create(&params))) {
		zimg_get_last_error(fail_str, sizeof(fail_str));
		goto fail;
	if (!(data = malloc(sizeof(*data)))) {
		strcpy(fail_str, "error allocating vs_colorspace_data");
		goto fail;

	data->filter = filter;
	data->node = node;
	data->vi = vi;
	data->matrix_out = params.matrix_out;
	data->transfer_out = params.transfer_out;
	data->primaries_out = params.primaries_out;

	vsapi->createFilter(in, out, "colorspace", vs_colorspace_init, vs_colorspace_get_frame, vs_colorspace_free, fmParallel, 0, data, core);
	vsapi->setError(out, fail_str);
Exemplo n.º 4
static const VSFrameRef * VS_CC vs_depth_get_frame(int n, int activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi)
	vs_depth_data *data = *instanceData;
	VSFrameRef *ret = 0;
	char fail_str[1024];
	int err = 0;

	if (activationReason == arInitial) {
		vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, data->node, frameCtx);
	} else {
		const VSFrameRef *src_frame = 0;
		VSFrameRef *dst_frame = 0;
		void *tmp = 0;

		const void *src_plane[3] = { 0 };
		void *dst_plane[3] = { 0 };
		ptrdiff_t src_stride[3] = { 0 };
		ptrdiff_t dst_stride[3] = { 0 };
		int width;
		int height;
		unsigned num_planes;
		size_t tmp_size;
		size_t tmp_size_uv;
		VSMap *props;
		unsigned p;

		width = data->vi.width;
		height = data->vi.height;
		num_planes = data->vi.format->numPlanes;

		src_frame = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, data->node, frameCtx);
		dst_frame = vsapi->newVideoFrame(data->vi.format, width, height, src_frame, core);

		if ((err = zimg2_plane_filter_get_tmp_size(data->filter, &tmp_size))) {
			zimg_get_last_error(fail_str, sizeof(fail_str));
			goto fail;
		if (data->filter_uv) {
			if ((err = zimg2_plane_filter_get_tmp_size(data->filter_uv, &tmp_size_uv))) {
				zimg_get_last_error(fail_str, sizeof(fail_str));
				goto fail;
		} else {
			tmp_size_uv = 0;

		VS_ALIGNED_MALLOC(&tmp, VSMAX(tmp_size, tmp_size_uv), 32);
		if (!tmp) {
			strcpy(fail_str, "error allocating temporary buffer");
			err = 1;
			goto fail;

		for (p = 0; p < num_planes; ++p) {
			const zimg_filter *filter;

			if ((p == 1 || p == 2) && data->filter_uv)
				filter = data->filter_uv;
				filter = data->filter;

			src_plane[0] = vsapi->getReadPtr(src_frame, p);
			src_stride[0] = vsapi->getStride(src_frame, p);

			dst_plane[0] = vsapi->getWritePtr(dst_frame, p);
			dst_stride[0] = vsapi->getStride(dst_frame, p);

			if ((err = zimg2_plane_filter_process(filter, tmp, src_plane, dst_plane, src_stride, dst_stride))) {
				zimg_get_last_error(fail_str, sizeof(fail_str));
				goto fail;

		props = vsapi->getFramePropsRW(dst_frame);
		vsapi->propSetInt(props, "_ColorRange", !data->fullrange, paReplace);

		ret = dst_frame;
		dst_frame = 0;

	if (err)
		vsapi->setFilterError(fail_str, frameCtx);

	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 5
static const VSFrameRef * VS_CC vs_colorspace_get_frame(int n, int activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi)
	vs_colorspace_data *data = *instanceData;
	VSFrameRef *ret = 0;
	char fail_str[1024];
	int err = 0;

	if (activationReason == arInitial) {
		vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, data->node, frameCtx);
	} else if (activationReason == arAllFramesReady) {
		const VSFrameRef *src_frame = 0;
		VSFrameRef *dst_frame = 0;
		void *tmp = 0;

		const void *src_plane[3];
		void *dst_plane[3];
		ptrdiff_t src_stride[3];
		ptrdiff_t dst_stride[3];
		int width;
		int height;
		size_t tmp_size;
		VSMap *props;
		unsigned p;

		width = data->vi.width;
		height = data->vi.height;

		src_frame = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, data->node, frameCtx);
		dst_frame = vsapi->newVideoFrame(data->vi.format, width, height, src_frame, core);

		if ((err = zimg2_plane_filter_get_tmp_size(data->filter, &tmp_size))) {
			zimg_get_last_error(fail_str, sizeof(fail_str));
			goto fail;

		VS_ALIGNED_MALLOC(&tmp, tmp_size, 32);
		if (!tmp) {
			strcpy(fail_str, "error allocating temporary buffer");
			err = 1;
			goto fail;

		for (p = 0; p < 3; ++p) {
			src_plane[p] = vsapi->getReadPtr(src_frame, p);
			src_stride[p] = vsapi->getStride(src_frame, p);

			dst_plane[p] = vsapi->getWritePtr(dst_frame, p);
			dst_stride[p] = vsapi->getStride(dst_frame, p);

		if ((err = zimg2_plane_filter_process(data->filter, tmp, src_plane, dst_plane, src_stride, dst_stride))) {
			zimg_get_last_error(fail_str, sizeof(fail_str));
			goto fail;

		props = vsapi->getFramePropsRW(dst_frame);
		vsapi->propSetInt(props, "_Matrix", data->matrix_out, paReplace);
		vsapi->propSetInt(props, "_Transfer", data->transfer_out, paReplace);
		vsapi->propSetInt(props, "_Primaries", data->primaries_out, paReplace);

		ret = dst_frame;
		dst_frame = 0;

	if (err)
		vsapi->setFilterError(fail_str, frameCtx);

	return ret;