Exemplo n.º 1
mdp_client_send (mdp_client_t **self_p, void *socket)
    assert (socket);
    assert (self_p);
    assert (*self_p);
    mdp_client_t *self = *self_p;

    //  If we're sending to a ROUTER, we send the address first
    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
    if (zsocket_type (socket) == ZMQ_ROUTER) {
        assert (self->address);
        zmsg_add (msg, self->address);
        self->address = NULL;       //  Owned by msg now
    //  Send header fields
    zmsg_addstr (msg, "");
    zmsg_addstr (msg, "MDPC01");

    //  All messages have the same structure
    zmsg_addstr (msg, self->service);
    zmsg_add (msg, self->body);
    self->body = NULL;

    //  Send the message and destroy mdp_client object
    int rc = zmsg_send (&msg, socket);
    mdp_client_destroy (self_p);
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
main (int argc, char *argv[])

    if (argc != 3) {
        exit (-1);

    int numb_msgs = atoi (argv[2]);

    zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();

    void *dealer = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_DEALER);
    zsocket_set_linger (dealer, -1);
    zsocket_connect (dealer, "%s:9000", argv[1]);

    void *sub = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_SUB);
    zsocket_connect (sub, "%s:9002", argv[1]);
    zmq_setsockopt (sub, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "all", 4);

    int64_t time[2];

    zmq_pollitem_t pollitem[1] = { {sub, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN}

    zmq_poll (pollitem, 1, -1);
    zmsg_t *signal = zmsg_recv (sub);
    zmsg_destroy (&signal);

    char blob[SIZE] = { 0 };
    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
    zframe_t *frame = zframe_new (blob, SIZE);
    zmsg_add (msg, frame);

    time[0] = zclock_time ();

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numb_msgs; i++) {
        zmsg_t *nmsg = zmsg_dup (msg);
        zmsg_send (&nmsg, dealer);

    time[1] = zclock_time ();

    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    zmq_poll (pollitem, 1, -1);
    msg = zmsg_recv (sub);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    msg = zmsg_new ();
    frame = zframe_new (time, sizeof (int64_t) * 2);
    zmsg_add (msg, frame);
    zmsg_send (&msg, dealer);

    zctx_destroy (&ctx);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    int verbose = (argc > 1 && streq (argv [1], "-v"));
    mdcli_t *session = mdcli_new ("tcp://localhost:5555", verbose);

    //  1. Send 'echo' request to Titanic
    zmsg_t *request = zmsg_new ();
    zmsg_addstr (request, "echo");
    zmsg_addstr (request, "Hello world");
    zmsg_t *reply = s_service_call (
        session, "titanic.request", &request);

    zframe_t *uuid = NULL;
    if (reply) {
        uuid = zmsg_pop (reply);
        zmsg_destroy (&reply);
        zframe_print (uuid, "I: request UUID ");
    //  2. Wait until we get a reply
    while (!zctx_interrupted) {
        zclock_sleep (100);
        request = zmsg_new ();
        zmsg_add (request, zframe_dup (uuid));
        zmsg_t *reply = s_service_call (
            session, "titanic.reply", &request);

        if (reply) {
            char *reply_string = zframe_strdup (zmsg_last (reply));
            printf ("Reply: %s\n", reply_string);
            free (reply_string);
            zmsg_destroy (&reply);

            //  3. Close request
            request = zmsg_new ();
            zmsg_add (request, zframe_dup (uuid));
            reply = s_service_call (session, "titanic.close", &request);
            zmsg_destroy (&reply);
        else {
            printf ("I: no reply yet, trying again...\n");
            zclock_sleep (5000);     //  Try again in 5 seconds
    zframe_destroy (&uuid);
    mdcli_destroy (&session);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
s_check_directory (s_agent_t *self)
    //  Get latest snapshot and build a patches list for any changes
    //  All patches are built using a virtual path starting at "/"
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (self->path, NULL);
    zlist_t *patches = zdir_diff (self->dir, dir, "/");

    //  Drop old directory and replace with latest version
    zdir_destroy (&self->dir);
    self->dir = dir;

    while (zlist_size (patches)) {
        zdir_patch_t *patch = (zdir_patch_t *) zlist_pop (patches);
        if (zdir_patch_op (patch) == patch_create) {
            //  Shout new files to DROPS group
            //  Stupidest possible approach: send whole file as one frame
            //  Truncate file at arbitrary limit of 10MB
            zfile_t *file = zdir_patch_file (patch);
            if (zfile_input (file) == 0) {
                zchunk_t *chunk = zfile_read (file, 10 * 1024 * 1024, 0);
                assert (chunk);
                zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
                zmsg_addstr (msg, "CREATE");
                zmsg_addstr (msg, zdir_patch_vpath (patch));
                zmsg_add (msg, zframe_new (zchunk_data (chunk), zchunk_size (chunk)));
                zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
                zyre_shout (self->zyre, "DROPS", &msg);
        zdir_patch_destroy (&patch);
    zlist_destroy (&patches);
Exemplo n.º 5
mdp_worker_send (mdp_worker_t **self_p, void *socket)
    assert (socket);
    assert (self_p);
    assert (*self_p);
    mdp_worker_t *self = *self_p;

    //  If we're sending to a ROUTER, we send the address first
    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
    if (zsockopt_type (socket) == ZMQ_ROUTER) {
        assert (self->address);
        zmsg_add (msg, self->address);
        self->address = NULL;       //  Owned by msg now
    //  Send header fields
    zmsg_addstr (msg, "");
    zmsg_addstr (msg, "MDPW01");
    zmsg_addmem (msg, &self->id, 1);

    switch (self->id) {
        case MDP_WORKER_READY:
            zmsg_addstr (msg, self->service);
        case MDP_WORKER_REQUEST:
            zmsg_add (msg, self->client);
            self->client = NULL;
            zmsg_add (msg, self->body);
            self->body = NULL;
        case MDP_WORKER_REPLY:
            zmsg_add (msg, self->client);
            self->client = NULL;
            zmsg_add (msg, self->body);
            self->body = NULL;
    //  Send the message and destroy mdp_worker object
    int rc = zmsg_send (&msg, socket);
    mdp_worker_destroy (self_p);
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void
client_execute (client_t *self, int event)
    self->next_event = event;
    while (self->next_event) {
        self->event = self->next_event;
        self->next_event = 0;
        printf ("State=%s, event=%s\n",
            s_state_name [self->state], s_event_name [self->event]);
        switch (self->state) {
            case start_state:
                if (self->event == ohai_event) {
                check_credentials_action (self);
                    self->state = authenticated_state;
            case authenticated_state:
                if (self->event == ok_event) {
                    zmsg_addstr (self->reply, "OHAI-OK");
                    self->state = ready_state;
                if (self->event == error_event) {
                    zmsg_addstr (self->reply, "WTF");
                    self->state = start_state;
            case ready_state:
                if (self->event == icanhaz_event) {
                    zmsg_addstr (self->reply, "CHEEZBURGER");
                if (self->event == hugz_event) {
                    zmsg_addstr (self->reply, "HUGZ-OK");
                if (self->event == heartbeat_event) {
                    zmsg_addstr (self->reply, "HUGZ");
            case stopped_state:
                //  Discard all events silently
        if (zmsg_size (self->reply) > 1) {
            puts ("Send message to client");
            zmsg_dump (self->reply);
            zmsg_send (&self->reply, self->router);
            self->reply = zmsg_new ();
            zmsg_add (self->reply, zframe_dup (self->address));
Exemplo n.º 7
void adminCmdTest(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {
    info("Test command launched.");
    size_t memSize;
    void *memory = dumpToMem(
                       "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile]  E9 0C 73 2A 86 02 35 00 A2 4E 00 00 02 01 05 00 | ..s*..5..N......\n"
                       "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile]  4E 61 6D 65 00 0C 00 44 61 72 6B 48 6F 72 69 7A | Name...DarkHoriz\n"
                       "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile]  6F 6E 00 04 00 57 68 6F 00 0A 00 4C 6F 74 68 62 | on...Who...Lothb\n"
                       "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile]  72 6F 6F 6B 00                                  | rook."
                       , NULL, &memSize

    zmsg_add(replyMsg, zframe_new(memory, memSize));
Exemplo n.º 8
void zeromq_send_data(void *socket, char *identity, uint8_t *data, int size)

  zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new();

  zmsg_addstr (msg, "%s", identity);
  zframe_t *frame = zframe_new (data, size);
  zmsg_add (msg, frame);

  zmsg_send (&msg, socket);
Exemplo n.º 9
static client_t *
client_new (void *router, char *hashkey, zframe_t *address)
    client_t *self = (client_t *) zmalloc (sizeof (client_t));
    self->heartbeat = 1000;
    self->router = router;
    self->hashkey = hashkey;
    self->address = address;
    self->state = start_state;
    self->reply = zmsg_new ();
    zmsg_add (self->reply, zframe_dup (self->address));
    return self;
Exemplo n.º 10
void rrtask_manager_fn(void *args, zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe)
    rrwrk_t *self = (rrwrk_t *)args;

    zstr_send(pipe, "READY");

    while (true) {
        zmq_pollitem_t item = {pipe, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0};
        int rc = zmq_poll(&item, 1, -1);
        if (rc == -1 && errno == ETERM)
            break;    //** Context has been shut down

        zmsg_t *msg;
        if (item.revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {

            //** Receives task input from pipe
            msg = zmsg_recv(pipe);

            zframe_t *data_in = zmsg_last(msg);

            rrtask_data_t *input = rrtask_data_new();
            rrtask_set_data(input, zframe_data(data_in), zframe_size(data_in));

            //** User callback function to perform the task
            rrtask_data_t *output = self->cb(input);
            zframe_t *data_out = zframe_new(output->data, output->len);

            //** Removes input data from message and destroy it
            zmsg_remove(msg, data_in);

            //** Adds output data to the message and send it to pipe
            zmsg_add(msg, data_out);
            zmsg_send(&msg, pipe);

            //** Destroys task input and output data


        if (zctx_interrupted) {
            printf("I am destroying this message.\n");
Exemplo n.º 11
int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    int verbose = (argc > 1 && streq (argv [1], "-v"));

    zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();

    //  Prepare server socket with predictable identity
    char *bind_endpoint = "tcp://*:5555";
    char *connect_endpoint = "tcp://localhost:5555";
    void *server = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER);
    zmq_setsockopt (server,
        ZMQ_IDENTITY, connect_endpoint, strlen (connect_endpoint));
    zsocket_bind (server, bind_endpoint);
    printf ("I: service is ready at %s\n", bind_endpoint);

    while (!zctx_interrupted) {
        zmsg_t *request = zmsg_recv (server);
        if (verbose && request)
            zmsg_dump (request);
        if (!request)
            break;          //  Interrupted

        //  Frame 0: identity of client
        //  Frame 1: PING, or client control frame
        //  Frame 2: request body
        zframe_t *identity = zmsg_pop (request);
        zframe_t *control = zmsg_pop (request);
        zmsg_t *reply = zmsg_new ();
        if (zframe_streq (control, "PING"))
            zmsg_addstr (reply, "PONG");
        else {
            zmsg_add (reply, control);
            zmsg_addstr (reply, "OK");
        zmsg_destroy (&request);
        zmsg_push (reply, identity);
        if (verbose && reply)
            zmsg_dump (reply);
        zmsg_send (&reply, server);
    if (zctx_interrupted)
        printf ("W: interrupted\n");

    zctx_destroy (&ctx);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: zmsg.c Projeto: bartuer/bew
zmsg_t *
zmsg_recv (void *socket)
    assert (socket);
    zmsg_t *self = zmsg_new ();
    while (1) {
        zframe_t *frame = zframe_recv (socket);
        if (!frame) {
            zmsg_destroy (&self);
            break;              //  Interrupted or terminated
        zmsg_add (self, frame);
        if (!zframe_more (frame))
            break;              //  Last message frame
    return self;
Exemplo n.º 13
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	char* broker_loc = "tcp://localhost:5555";

	zctx_t* ctx = zctx_new();
	void* scket = zsocket_new(ctx,ZMQ_REQ);
	zmsg_t* msg = zmsg_new();
	int64_t sleep = 10*1000;
	zmsg_t* reply =  zmsg_recv(scket);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: zmsg.c Projeto: bartuer/bew
zmsg_t *
zmsg_load (zmsg_t *self, FILE *file)
    assert (file);
    if (!self)
        self = zmsg_new ();

    while (TRUE) {
        size_t frame_size;
        size_t rc = fread (&frame_size, sizeof (frame_size), 1, file);
        if (rc == 1) {
            zframe_t *frame = zframe_new (NULL, frame_size);
            rc = fread (zframe_data (frame), frame_size, 1, file);
            if (frame_size > 0 && rc != 1)
                break;          //  Unable to read properly, quit
            zmsg_add (self, frame);
            break;              //  Unable to read properly, quit
    return self;
Exemplo n.º 15
static void
s_self_handle_udp (self_t *self)
    assert (self);

    char peername [INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
    zframe_t *frame = zsys_udp_recv (self->udpsock, peername);

    //  If filter is set, check that beacon matches it
    bool is_valid = false;
    if (self->filter) {
        byte  *filter_data = zframe_data (self->filter);
        size_t filter_size = zframe_size (self->filter);
        if (  zframe_size (frame) >= filter_size
           && memcmp (zframe_data (frame), filter_data, filter_size) == 0)
            is_valid = true;
    //  If valid, discard our own broadcasts, which UDP echoes to us
    if (is_valid && self->transmit) {
        byte  *transmit_data = zframe_data (self->transmit);
        size_t transmit_size = zframe_size (self->transmit);
        if (  zframe_size (frame) == transmit_size
           && memcmp (zframe_data (frame), transmit_data, transmit_size) == 0)
            is_valid = false;
    //  If still a valid beacon, send on to the API
    if (is_valid) {
        zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_new ();
        assert (msg);
        zmsg_addstr (msg, peername);
        zmsg_add (msg, frame);
        zmsg_send (&msg, self->pipe);
        zframe_destroy (&frame);
Exemplo n.º 16
main (int argc, char *argv[])

    if (argc != 4) {
        exit (-1);

    int numb_msgs = atoi (argv[2]);
    int numb_unimp_threads = atoi (argv[3]);

    zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();

    void *router_imp = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER);
    zsocket_set_rcvhwm (router_imp, 500000000);
    zsocket_bind (router_imp, "%s:9000", argv[1]);

    void *router_unimp = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER);
    zsocket_set_rcvhwm (router_unimp, 500000000);
    zsocket_bind (router_unimp, "%s:9001", argv[1]);

    void *pub = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUB);
    zsocket_bind (pub, "%s:9002", argv[1]);

    int64_t time[3];

    int64_t idle=0;
    int64_t diff;

    zclock_sleep (1000);

//send the signal to start
    zmsg_t *amsg = zmsg_new ();
    zmsg_add (amsg, zframe_new ("all", 4));
    zmsg_send (&amsg, pub);

    zmq_pollitem_t pollitem[2] = { {router_imp, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN}
    , {router_unimp, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN}
    unsigned long av_dropped_priority=0;
    unsigned long dropped=0;
    unsigned long av_processed_priority=0;
    unsigned long processed=0;
    int i;
    int imp_counter = 0;
    int once = 1;
    int ndiffs = 0;
    unsigned char drop_priority = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 2 * numb_msgs; i++) {
        diff = zclock_time ();
        if (zmq_poll (pollitem, 2, -1) == -1) {
            exit (-1);

        diff = zclock_time () - diff;
        idle = idle + diff;


        if (pollitem[0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
            zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (router_imp);
            if (!msg) {
                exit (-1);
            zmsg_destroy (&msg);
            if (imp_counter == numb_msgs) {
                time[0] = zclock_time ();

        else {

            if (pollitem[1].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
                if (once) {
                    time[1] = zclock_time ();
                    once = 0;
                zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (router_unimp);
                if (!msg) {
                    exit (-1);
                zframe_t *frame = zmsg_unwrap (msg);
                zframe_destroy (&frame);
                unsigned char priority;
                memcpy (&priority, zframe_data (zmsg_first (msg)), 1);
                if (priority < drop_priority) {
                 // printf ("dropped:%u\n", priority);
                    zmsg_destroy (&msg);
                else {
                 //   printf ("received:%u\n", priority);
                    zmsg_destroy (&msg);


    time[2] = zclock_time ();
    printf ("msgs received:%d\n", i);

    amsg = zmsg_new ();
    zmsg_add (amsg, zframe_new ("all", 4));
    zmsg_send (&amsg, pub);

    zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (router_imp);
    zframe_t *frame = zmsg_unwrap (msg);
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    int64_t time_imp[2];
    frame = zmsg_pop (msg);
    memcpy (time_imp, zframe_data (frame), zframe_size (frame));
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);

    int64_t time_unimp[numb_unimp_threads][2];
for(i=0; i<numb_unimp_threads; i++){
     msg = zmsg_recv (router_unimp);
    frame = zmsg_unwrap (msg);
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    frame = zmsg_pop (msg);
    memcpy (time_unimp[i], zframe_data (frame), zframe_size (frame));
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    zmsg_destroy (&msg);


//compute average latency

    printf ("\nTime when important msgs started to be sent: %lld\n",
    printf ("\nTime when important msgs were processed: %lld\n", time[0]);
    printf ("\nDifference: %lld\n", time[0] - time_imp[0]);

for(i=0; i<numb_unimp_threads; i++){
    printf ("\nTime when unimportant msgs started to be sent: %lld\n",
    printf ("\nTime when unimportant msgs were processed: %lld\n", time[2]);
    printf ("\nDifference: %lld\n", time[2] - time_unimp[i][0]);


    printf ("\nTime when unimportant msgs started to be processed: %lld\n",

    printf ("idle time:%llu\n",idle);

    printf ("dropped msgs:%llu\n",dropped);
    printf ("av_dropped_priority:%llu\n",av_dropped_priority/dropped);
    printf ("processed msgs:%llu\n",processed);
    printf ("av_processed_priority:%llu\n",av_processed_priority/processed);

Exemplo n.º 17
void adminCmdSpawnPc(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {

    // add a fake commander with a fake account
    CommanderInfo fakePc;

    fakePc.pos = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.pos;
    fakePc.appearance.accountId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed);
    fakePc.socialInfoId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed);
    fakePc.pcId = r1emuGenerateRandom(&self->seed);
    fakePc.commanderId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed);
    snprintf(fakePc.appearance.familyName, sizeof(fakePc.appearance.familyName),
        "PcID_%x", fakePc.pcId);
    snprintf(fakePc.appearance.commanderName, sizeof(fakePc.appearance.commanderName),
        "AccountID_%llx", fakePc.appearance.accountId);

    // register the fake socket session
    SocketSession fakeSocketSession;
    uint32_t sessionKey = r1emuGenerateRandom(&self->seed);
    uint8_t sessionKeyStr[SOCKET_SESSION_ID_SIZE];

    socketSessionGenSessionKey((uint8_t *)&sessionKey, sessionKeyStr);
    sprintf(sessionKeyStr, "%.08x", sessionKey);
    socketSessionInit(&fakeSocketSession, fakePc.appearance.accountId, self->info.routerId, session->socket.mapId,
        sessionKeyStr, true);

    RedisSocketSessionKey socketKey = {
        .routerId = self->info.routerId,
        .sessionKey = sessionKeyStr

    redisUpdateSocketSession(self->redis, &socketKey, &fakeSocketSession);

    // register the fake game session
    GameSession fakeGameSession;
    gameSessionInit(&fakeGameSession, &fakePc);
    accountSessionInit(&fakeGameSession.accountSession, "DummyPC", sessionKeyStr, ACCOUNT_SESSION_PRIVILEGES_ADMIN);

    RedisGameSessionKey gameKey = {
        .routerId  = fakeSocketSession.routerId,
        .mapId     = fakeSocketSession.mapId,
        .accountId = fakeSocketSession.accountId

    redisUpdateGameSession(self->redis, &gameKey, sessionKeyStr, &fakeGameSession);
    info("Fake PC spawned.(SocketID=%s, SocialID=%I64x, AccID=%I64x, PcID=%x, CommID=%I64x)",
         sessionKeyStr, fakePc.socialInfoId, fakePc.appearance.accountId, fakePc.pcId, fakePc.commanderId);

    GameEventEnterPc event = {
        .updatePosEvent = {
            .mapId = fakeSocketSession.mapId,
            .info = fakePc

    workerDispatchEvent(self, sessionKeyStr, EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_PC, &event, sizeof(event));

void adminCmdAddItem(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {

    uint32_t itemId = strtol(args, &args, 10);
    uint32_t amount = strtol(args, &args, 10);

    uint32_t itemPosition = 1;

    ItemPkt item = {
        .uniqueId = r1emuGenerateRandom64(&self->seed),
        .amount = (!amount) ? 1 : amount,
        .inventoryIndex = INVENTORY_CAT_SIZE * INVENTORY_CAT_CONSUMABLE + itemPosition,
        .id = itemId
    zoneBuilderItemAdd(&item, INVENTORY_ADD_PICKUP, replyMsg);

void adminCmdJump(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {
    if (strlen (args) == 0) {
        info("Jump without argument!");
        // we must add a random with the map max x/y
    else {
        char **arg;
        int argc;

        info("Jump with argument: %s", args);
        arg = strSplit(args, ' ');
        argc = 0;
        while (arg[++argc] != NULL);
        if (argc != 3) {
            info("Wrong number of argument, must be 3.");
        else {
            PositionXYZ position;
            position.x = atof(arg[0]);
            info("x = %.6f", position.x);
            position.y = atof(arg[1]);
            info("y = %.6f", position.y);
            position.z = atof(arg[2]);
            info("z = %.6f", position.z);
            session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.pos = position;
            zoneBuilderSetPos(session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.pcId, &position, replyMsg);

void adminCmdTest(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {
    info("Test command launched.");
    size_t memSize;
    void *memory = dumpToMem(
        "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile]  E9 0C 73 2A 86 02 35 00 A2 4E 00 00 02 01 05 00 | ..s*..5..N......\n"
        "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile]  4E 61 6D 65 00 0C 00 44 61 72 6B 48 6F 72 69 7A | Name...DarkHoriz\n"
        "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile]  6F 6E 00 04 00 57 68 6F 00 0A 00 4C 6F 74 68 62 | on...Who...Lothb\n"
        "[03:12:32][main.c:30 in writePacketToFile]  72 6F 6F 6B 00                                  | rook."
      , NULL, &memSize

    zmsg_add(replyMsg, zframe_new(memory, memSize));

void adminCmdWhere(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {
    const uint16_t MAX_LEN = 128;
    char message[MAX_LEN];
    PositionXYZ position;
    position = session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.pos;
    snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "[%hu] x = %.0f, y = %.0f, z = %.0f",
        position.x, position.y, position.z);

    zoneBuilderChat(&session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info, message, replyMsg);

void adminCmdChangeCamera(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {
    const uint16_t MAX_LEN = 128;
    char message[MAX_LEN];
    PositionXYZ pos;
    float fspd;
    float ispd;

    info("Change Camera command used, args = %s", args);
    if (strlen (args) == 0) {
        pos.x = 0;
        pos.y = 0;
        pos.z = 0;
        zoneBuilderChangeCamera((uint8_t)0, &pos, (float)0, (float)0, replyMsg);
    else {
        char **arg;
        int argc;

        arg = strSplit(args, ' ');
        argc = 0;
        while (arg[++argc] != NULL);
        if (argc >= 3) {
            pos.x = (strlen(arg[0]) == 1 && arg[0][0] == 'c') ?
                session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.pos.x : atof(arg[0]);
            pos.y = (strlen(arg[1]) == 1 && arg[1][0] == 'c') ?
                session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.pos.y : atof(arg[1]);
            pos.z = (strlen(arg[2]) == 1 && arg[2][0] == 'c') ?
                session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.pos.z : atof(arg[2]);
        if (argc == 3)
            zoneBuilderChangeCamera((uint8_t)1, &pos, (float)10, (float)0.7, replyMsg);
        else if (argc == 5) {
            fspd = atof(arg[3]);
            ispd = atof(arg[4]);
            zoneBuilderChangeCamera((uint8_t)1, &pos, fspd, ispd, replyMsg);
        else {
            snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Bad usage /changeCamera <x> <y> <z> {<fspd> <ispd>}");
            zoneBuilderChat(&session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info, message, replyMsg);

void adminCmdSetStamina(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {
    if (strlen (args) == 0) {
        info("Set stamina needs a argument!");
    else {
        char **arg;
        int argc;

        info("Set stamina with argument: %s", args);
        arg = strSplit(args, ' ');
        argc = 0;
        while (arg[++argc] != NULL);
        if (argc != 1) {
            info("Wrong number of arguments, must be 1.");
        else {
            uint32_t stamina = atoi(arg[0]) * 1000;
            info("Setting stamina to %d.", stamina);
            session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.currentStamina = stamina;
            zoneBuilderStamina(stamina, replyMsg);

void adminCmdSetSP(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {
    if (strlen (args) == 0) {
        info("Set SP needs a argument!");
    else {
        char **arg;
        int argc;

        info("Set SP with argument: %s", args);
        arg = strSplit(args, ' ');
        argc = 0;
        while (arg[++argc] != NULL);
        if (argc != 1) {
            info("Wrong number of arguments, must be 1.");
        else {
            uint32_t sp = atoi(arg[0]);
            info("Setting SP to %d.", sp);
            session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.currentSP = sp;
            zoneBuilderUpdateSP(session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.pcId, sp, replyMsg);

void adminCmdSetLevel(Worker *self, Session *session, char *args, zmsg_t *replyMsg) {
    if (strlen (args) == 0) {
        info("Set level needs a argument!");
    else {
        char **arg;
        int argc;

        info("Set level with argument: %s", args);
        arg = strSplit(args, ' ');
        argc = 0;
        while (arg[++argc] != NULL);
        if (argc != 1) {
            info("Wrong number of arguments, must be 1.");
        else {
            uint32_t level = atoi(arg[0]);
            info("Setting level to %d.", level);
            session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.appearance.level = level;
            zoneBuilderPCLevelUp(session->game.commanderSession.currentCommander.info.pcId, level, replyMsg);
Exemplo n.º 18
static int
s_agent_handle_router (agent_t *self)
    zframe_t *address = zframe_recv (self->router);
    char *hashkey = zframe_strhex (address);
    client_t *client = (client_t *) zhash_lookup (self->clients, hashkey);
    if (client == NULL
    && self->nbr_pending < self->max_pending) {
        client = client_new (self, address);
        client_set_pending (client);
        curve_codec_set_verbose (client->codec, self->verbose);
        zhash_foreach (self->metadata, client_set_metadata, client);
        zhash_insert (self->clients, hashkey, client);
        zhash_freefn (self->clients, hashkey, client_free);
    free (hashkey);
    zframe_destroy (&address);

    //  If we're overloaded, discard client request without any further
    //  ado. The client will have to detect this and retry later.
    //  TODO: retry in client side to handle overloaded servers.
    if (client == NULL)
        return 0;

    //  If not yet connected, process one command frame
    //  We always read one request, and send one reply
    if (client->state == pending) {
        zframe_t *input = zframe_recv (self->router);
        zframe_t *output = curve_codec_execute (client->codec, &input);
        if (output) {
            zframe_send (&client->address, self->router, ZFRAME_MORE + ZFRAME_REUSE);
            zframe_send (&output, self->router, 0);
            if (curve_codec_connected (client->codec))
                client_set_connected (client);
            client_set_exception (client);
    //  If connected, process one message frame
    //  We will queue message frames in the client until we get a
    //  whole message ready to deliver up the data socket -- frames
    //  from different clients will be randomly intermixed.
    if (client->state == connected) {
        zframe_t *encrypted = zframe_recv (self->router);
        zframe_t *cleartext = curve_codec_decode (client->codec, &encrypted);
        if (cleartext) {
            if (client->incoming == NULL)
                client->incoming = zmsg_new ();
            zmsg_add (client->incoming, cleartext);
            if (!zframe_more (cleartext)) {
                zmsg_pushstr (client->incoming, client->hashkey);
                zmsg_send (&client->incoming, self->data);
            client_set_exception (client);
    //  If client is misbehaving, remove it
    if (client->state == exception)
        zhash_delete (self->clients, client->hashkey);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 19
int rrwrk_start(rrwrk_t *self, wrk_task_fn *cb)
    self->heartbeat_at = zclock_time() + self->heartbeat;
    self->cb = cb;

    //** Start task thread and wait for synchronization signal
    self->pipe = zthread_fork(self->ctx, rrtask_manager_fn, (void *)self);
    //self->liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; //** Don't do reconnect before the first connection established

    while(!zctx_interrupted) {
        zmq_pollitem_t items[] = {{self->worker, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0}, {self->pipe, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0}}; //** Be aware: this must be within while loop!!
        int rc = zmq_poll(items, 2, self->heartbeat * ZMQ_POLL_MSEC);
        if (rc == -1)
            break;	//** Interrupted

        if (items[0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) { //** Data from broker is ready
            zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv(self->worker);
            if (!msg)
                break; //** Interrupted. Need to do more research to confirm it
            self->liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS;
            self->last_heartbeat = zclock_time();

            //** Dont try to handle errors, just assert noisily
            assert(zmsg_size(msg) >= 3); //** empty + header + command + ...

            zframe_t *empty = zmsg_pop(msg);
            assert(zframe_streq(empty, ""));

            zframe_t *header = zmsg_pop(msg);
            assert(zframe_streq(header, RR_WORKER));

            zframe_t *command = zmsg_pop(msg);
            if (zframe_streq(command, RRWRK_REQUEST)) {
                assert(zmsg_size(msg) == 3); //** UUID + SOURCE + INPUT DATA
                zmq_pollitem_t item = {self->pipe, 0, ZMQ_POLLOUT, 0};
                int rc = zmq_poll(&item, 1, 0);
                assert(rc != -1);
                if (item.revents & ZMQ_POLLOUT) { //** Dispatch it if worker is ready
                    //** Send task to task manager
                    zmsg_send(&msg, self->pipe);
                } else { //** Otherwise put it on waiting list
                    zlist_push(self->data, zmsg_dup(msg));
            } else if (zframe_streq(command, RRWRK_HEARTBEAT)) {
                ; //** Do nothing for heartbeat
            } else if (zframe_streq(command, RRWRK_DISCONNECT)) {
            } else {
                log_printf(0, "E: invalid input message\n");

        } else if ((zclock_time() - self->heartbeat) > self->last_heartbeat) {
            if(--self->liveness == 0) {
                log_printf(0, "W: Disconnected from broker - retrying ...\n");

        if (items[1].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) { //** Data from pipe is ready
            zmsg_t *output = zmsg_recv(self->pipe);
            assert(zmsg_size(output) == 3); //** UUID + SOURCE + DATA


            zmsg_t *reply = zmsg_new();
            //** Adds UUID + SOURCE to reply message
            zframe_t *uuid = zframe_dup(zmsg_first(output));
            zframe_t *source = zframe_dup(zmsg_next(output));
            zmsg_add(reply, uuid);
            zmsg_add(reply, source);

            //** Sends reply to broker
            rrwrk_send_to_broker(self, RRWRK_REPLY, reply);

            //** Sends output to sinker
            //zmsg_send(&output, self->sender);
            rrwrk_send_to_sinker(self, RRWRK_OUTPUT, output);


        //** Dispatch task if any
        while (true) {
            zmq_pollitem_t pipe_write = {self->pipe, 0, ZMQ_POLLOUT, 0};
            zmq_poll(&pipe_write, 1, 0);
            if ((pipe_write.revents & ZMQ_POLLOUT) && (zlist_size(self->data))) {
                zmsg_t* data = (zmsg_t *)zlist_pop(self->data);
                zmsg_send(&data, self->pipe);
                printf("Dispatched one task.\n");
            } else

        //** Send HEARTBEAT if it's time
        if (zclock_time() > self->heartbeat_at) {
            rrwrk_send_to_broker(self, RRWRK_HEARTBEAT, NULL);
            self->heartbeat_at = zclock_time() + self->heartbeat;


    if (zctx_interrupted)
        log_printf(0, "W: interrupt received. Killing worker...\n");

    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 20
zre_msg_t *
zre_msg_decode (zmsg_t **msg_p, int socket_type)
    assert (msg_p);
    zmsg_t *msg = *msg_p;
    if (msg == NULL)
        return NULL;
    zre_msg_t *self = zre_msg_new (0);
    //  If message came from a router socket, first frame is routing_id
    if (socket_type == ZMQ_ROUTER) {
        self->routing_id = zmsg_pop (msg);
        //  If message was not valid, forget about it
        if (!self->routing_id || !zmsg_next (msg)) {
            zre_msg_destroy (&self);
            return (NULL);      //  Malformed or empty
    //  Read and parse command in frame
    zframe_t *frame = zmsg_pop (msg);
    if (!frame) 
        goto empty;             //  Malformed or empty

    //  Get and check protocol signature
    self->needle = zframe_data (frame);
    self->ceiling = self->needle + zframe_size (frame);
    uint16_t signature;
    GET_NUMBER2 (signature);
    if (signature != (0xAAA0 | 1))
        goto empty;             //  Invalid signature

    //  Get message id and parse per message type
    GET_NUMBER1 (self->id);

    switch (self->id) {
        case ZRE_MSG_HELLO:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);
            GET_STRING (self->ipaddress);
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->mailbox);
                size_t list_size;
                GET_NUMBER4 (list_size);
                self->groups = zlist_new ();
                zlist_autofree (self->groups);
                while (list_size--) {
                    char *string;
                    GET_LONGSTR (string);
                    zlist_append (self->groups, string);
                    free (string);
            GET_NUMBER1 (self->status);
                size_t hash_size;
                GET_NUMBER4 (hash_size);
                self->headers = zhash_new ();
                zhash_autofree (self->headers);
                while (hash_size--) {
                    char *key, *value;
                    GET_STRING (key);
                    GET_LONGSTR (value);
                    zhash_insert (self->headers, key, value);
                    free (key);
                    free (value);

        case ZRE_MSG_WHISPER:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);
            //  Get zero or more remaining frames, leaving current
            //  frame untouched
            self->content = zmsg_new ();
            while (zmsg_size (msg))
                zmsg_add (self->content, zmsg_pop (msg));

        case ZRE_MSG_SHOUT:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);
            GET_STRING (self->group);
            //  Get zero or more remaining frames, leaving current
            //  frame untouched
            self->content = zmsg_new ();
            while (zmsg_size (msg))
                zmsg_add (self->content, zmsg_pop (msg));

        case ZRE_MSG_JOIN:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);
            GET_STRING (self->group);
            GET_NUMBER1 (self->status);

        case ZRE_MSG_LEAVE:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);
            GET_STRING (self->group);
            GET_NUMBER1 (self->status);

        case ZRE_MSG_PING:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);

        case ZRE_MSG_PING_OK:
            GET_NUMBER2 (self->sequence);

            goto malformed;
    //  Successful return
    zframe_destroy (&frame);
    zmsg_destroy (msg_p);
    return self;

    //  Error returns
        printf ("E: malformed message '%d'\n", self->id);
        zframe_destroy (&frame);
        zmsg_destroy (msg_p);
        zre_msg_destroy (&self);
        return (NULL);