Exemplo n.º 1
int main (int argc, char *argv [])
    zre_interface_t *interface = zre_interface_new (false);
    zre_interface_join (interface, "GLOBAL");

    while (true) {
        zmsg_t *incoming = zre_interface_recv (interface);
        if (!incoming)
            break;              //  Interrupted

        //  If new peer, say hello to it and wait for it to answer us
        char *event = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
        if (streq (event, "ENTER")) {
            char *peer = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
            printf ("I: [%s] peer entered\n", peer);
            zmsg_t *outgoing = zmsg_new ();
            zmsg_addstr (outgoing, peer);
            zmsg_addstr (outgoing, "Hello");
            zre_interface_whisper (interface, &outgoing);
            free (peer);
        else if (streq (event, "EXIT")) {
            char *peer = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
            printf ("I: [%s] peer exited\n", peer);
            free (peer);
        else if (streq (event, "WHISPER")) {
            char *peer = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
            printf ("I: [%s] received ping (WHISPER)\n", peer);
            free (peer);
            zmsg_t *outgoing = zmsg_new ();
            zmsg_addstr (outgoing, "GLOBAL");
            zmsg_addstr (outgoing, "Hello");
            zre_interface_shout (interface, &outgoing);
        else if (streq (event, "SHOUT")) {
            char *peer = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
            char *group = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
            printf ("I: [%s](%s) received ping (SHOUT)\n", peer, group);
            free (peer);
            free (group);
        free (event);
        zmsg_destroy (&incoming);
    zre_interface_destroy (&interface);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
interface_task (void *args, zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe)
    zre_interface_t *interface = zre_interface_new ();
    int64_t counter = 0;
    char *to_peer = NULL;        //  Either of these set,
    char *to_group = NULL;       //    and we set a message
    char *cookie = NULL;         //  received message
    char *sending_cookie = NULL; //  sending message
    zmq_pollitem_t pollitems [] = {
        { pipe,                             0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 },
        { zre_interface_handle (interface), 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 }

    // all interface joins GLOBAL
    zre_interface_join (interface, "GLOBAL");

    while (!zctx_interrupted) {
        if (zmq_poll (pollitems, 2, randof (1000) * ZMQ_POLL_MSEC) == -1)
            break;              //  Interrupted

        if (pollitems [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN)
            break;              //  Any command from parent means EXIT

        //  Process an event from interface
        if (pollitems [1].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
            zmsg_t *incoming = zre_interface_recv (interface);
            if (!incoming)
                break;              //  Interrupted

            char *event = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
            if (streq (event, "ENTER")) {
                //  Always say hello to new peer
                to_peer = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
                sending_cookie = "R:HELLO";
            if (streq (event, "EXIT")) {
                //  Do nothing
            if (streq (event, "WHISPER")) {
                to_peer = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
                cookie = zmsg_popstr (incoming);

                // if a message comes from zre_perf_local, send back a special response
                if (streq (cookie, "S:WHISPER")) {
                    sending_cookie = "R:WHISPER";
                else {
                    free (to_peer);
                    free (cookie);
                    to_peer = NULL;
                    cookie = NULL;
            if (streq (event, "SHOUT")) {
                to_peer = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
                to_group = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
                cookie = zmsg_popstr (incoming);

                // if a message comes from zre_perf_local, send back a special response
                if (streq (cookie, "S:SHOUT")) {
                    free (to_peer);
                    to_peer = NULL;
                    sending_cookie = "R:SHOUT";
                else {
                    free (to_peer);
                    free (to_group);
                    to_peer = NULL;
                    to_group = NULL;
            free (event);
            zmsg_destroy (&incoming);

            //  Send outgoing messages if needed
            if (to_peer) {
                zmsg_t *outgoing = zmsg_new ();
                zmsg_addstr (outgoing, to_peer);
                zmsg_addstr (outgoing, sending_cookie);
                zre_interface_whisper (interface, &outgoing);
                free (to_peer);
                to_peer = NULL;
            if (to_group) {
                zmsg_t *outgoing = zmsg_new ();
                zmsg_addstr (outgoing, to_group);
                zmsg_addstr (outgoing, sending_cookie);
                zre_interface_shout (interface, &outgoing);
                free (to_group);
                to_group = NULL;
            if (cookie) {
                free (cookie);
                cookie = NULL;
    zre_interface_destroy (&interface);
Exemplo n.º 3
main (int argc, char *argv [])
    //  Get number of remote interfaces to simulate, default 100
    //  If we run multiple zre_perf_remote on multiple machines,
    //  max_interface must be sum of all the remote interface counts.
    int max_interface = 100;
    int max_message = 10000;
    int nbr_interface = 0;
    int nbr_hello_response = 0;
    int nbr_message = 0;
    int nbr_message_response = 0;

    if (argc > 1)
        max_interface = atoi (argv [1]);
    if (argc > 2)
        max_message = atoi (argv [2]);

    zre_interface_t *interface = zre_interface_new ();
    zre_interface_join (interface, "GLOBAL");

    int64_t start = zclock_time ();
    int64_t elapse;

    char **peers = zmalloc (sizeof (char *) * max_interface);

    while (true) {
        zmsg_t *incoming = zre_interface_recv (interface);
        if (!incoming)
            break;              //  Interrupted

        //  If new peer, say hello to it and wait for it to answer us
        char *event = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
        if (streq (event, "ENTER")) {
            char *peer = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
            peers[nbr_interface++] = peer;

            if (nbr_interface == max_interface) {
                // got HELLO from the all remote interfaces
                elapse = zclock_time () - start;
                printf ("Took %ld ms to coordinate with all remote\n", (long)elapse);
        if (streq (event, "WHISPER")) {
            char *peer = zmsg_popstr (incoming);
            char *cookie = zmsg_popstr (incoming);

            if (streq (cookie, "R:HELLO")) {
                if (++nbr_hello_response == max_interface) {
                    // got HELLO from the all remote interfaces
                    elapse = zclock_time () - start;
                    printf ("Took %ld ms to get greeting from all remote\n", (long)elapse);
            free (peer);
            free (cookie);
        free (event);
        zmsg_destroy (&incoming);

        if (nbr_interface == max_interface && nbr_hello_response == max_interface)

    zmq_pollitem_t pollitems [] = {
        { zre_interface_handle (interface), 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 }

    //  send WHISPER message
    start = zclock_time ();
    for (nbr_message = 0; nbr_message < max_message; nbr_message++) {
        zmsg_t *outgoing = zmsg_new ();
        zmsg_addstr (outgoing, peers [nbr_message % max_interface]);
        zmsg_addstr (outgoing, "S:WHISPER");
        zre_interface_whisper (interface, &outgoing);

        while (zmq_poll (pollitems, 1, 0) > 0) {
            if (s_interface_recv (interface, "WHISPER", "R:WHISPER"))

    while (nbr_message_response < max_message)
        if (s_interface_recv (interface, "WHISPER", "R:WHISPER"))

    // got WHISPER response from the all remote interfaces
    elapse = zclock_time () - start;
    printf ("Took %ld ms to send/receive %d message. %.2f msg/s \n", (long)elapse, max_message, (float) max_message * 1000 / elapse);

    //  send SPOUT message
    start = zclock_time ();
    nbr_message = 0;
    nbr_message_response = 0;

    max_message = max_message / max_interface;

    for (nbr_message = 0; nbr_message < max_message; nbr_message++) {
        zmsg_t *outgoing = zmsg_new ();
        zmsg_addstr (outgoing, "GLOBAL");
        zmsg_addstr (outgoing, "S:SHOUT");
        zre_interface_shout (interface, &outgoing);

        while (zmq_poll (pollitems, 1, 0) > 0) {
            if (s_interface_recv (interface, "SHOUT", "R:SHOUT"))

    while (nbr_message_response < max_message * max_interface)
        if (s_interface_recv (interface, "SHOUT", "R:SHOUT"))

    // got SHOUT response from the all remote interfaces
    elapse = zclock_time () - start;
    printf ("Took %ld ms to send %d, recv %d GROUP message. %.2f msg/s \n",
            (long) elapse, max_message, max_interface * max_message,
            (float) max_interface * max_message * 1000 / elapse);

    zre_interface_destroy (&interface);
    for (nbr_interface = 0; nbr_interface < max_interface; nbr_interface++) {
        free (peers[nbr_interface]);
    free (peers);
    return 0;