Exemplo n.º 1
Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zsys__1_1fileStableAgeMsec (JNIEnv *env, jclass c)
    jlong file_stable_age_msec_ = (jlong) zsys_file_stable_age_msec ();
    return file_stable_age_msec_;
Exemplo n.º 2
//  Return current threshold value of file stable age in msec.
//  This can be used in code that chooses to wait for this timeout
//  before testing if a filesystem object is "stable" or not.
int64_t QZsys::fileStableAgeMsec ()
    int64_t rv = zsys_file_stable_age_msec ();
    return rv;
Exemplo n.º 3
//  Return current threshold value of file stable age in msec.
//  This can be used in code that chooses to wait for this timeout
//  before testing if a filesystem object is "stable" or not.
int64_t QmlZsysAttached::fileStableAgeMsec () {
    return zsys_file_stable_age_msec ();
Exemplo n.º 4
zfile_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zfile: ");

    //  @selftest

    const char *SELFTEST_DIR_RW = "src/selftest-rw";

    const char *testbasedir  = "this";
    const char *testsubdir  = "is/a/test";
    const char *testfile = "bilbo";
    const char *testlink = "bilbo.ln";
    char *basedirpath = NULL;   // subdir in a test, under SELFTEST_DIR_RW
    char *dirpath = NULL;       // subdir in a test, under basedirpath
    char *filepath = NULL;      // pathname to testfile in a test, in dirpath
    char *linkpath = NULL;      // pathname to testlink in a test, in dirpath

    basedirpath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", SELFTEST_DIR_RW, testbasedir);
    assert (basedirpath);
    dirpath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", basedirpath, testsubdir);
    assert (dirpath);
    filepath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", dirpath, testfile);
    assert (filepath);
    linkpath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", dirpath, testlink);
    assert (linkpath);

    // This subtest is specifically for NULL as current directory, so
    // no SELFTEST_DIR_RW here; testfile should have no slashes inside.
    // Normally tests clean up in zfile_destroy(), but if a selftest run
    // dies e.g. on assert(), workspace remains dirty. Better clean it up.
    if (zfile_exists (testfile) ) {
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("zfile_test() has to remove ./%s that should not have been here", testfile);
        zfile_delete (testfile);
    zfile_t *file = zfile_new (NULL, testfile);
    assert (file);
    assert (streq (zfile_filename (file, "."), testfile));
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file) == false);
    zfile_destroy (&file);

    //  Create a test file in some random subdirectory
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Creating new zfile %s",
            zclock_time(), filepath );

    if (zfile_exists (filepath) ) {
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("zfile_test() has to remove %s that should not have been here", filepath);
        zfile_delete (filepath);

    file = zfile_new (dirpath, testfile);
    assert (file);
    int rc = zfile_output (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    zchunk_t *chunk = zchunk_new (NULL, 100);
    assert (chunk);
    zchunk_fill (chunk, 0, 100);

    //  Write 100 bytes at position 1,000,000 in the file
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Writing 100 bytes at position 1,000,000 in the file",
            zclock_time() );
    rc = zfile_write (file, chunk, 1000000);
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Wrote 100 bytes at position 1,000,000 in the file, result code %d",
            zclock_time(), rc );
    assert (rc == 0);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_close (file);
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file));
    assert (zfile_cursize (file) == 1000100);
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Testing if file is NOT stable (is younger than 1 sec)",
            zclock_time() );
    assert (!zfile_is_stable (file));
    if (verbose)
        zsys_debug ("zfile_test() at timestamp %" PRIi64 ": "
            "Passed the lag-dependent tests",
            zclock_time() );
    assert (zfile_digest (file));

    //  Now truncate file from outside
    int handle = open (filepath, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0);
    assert (handle >= 0);
    rc = write (handle, "Hello, World\n", 13);
    assert (rc == 13);
    close (handle);
    assert (zfile_has_changed (file));
    zclock_sleep ((int)zsys_file_stable_age_msec() + 50);
    zclock_sleep (5050);
    assert (zfile_has_changed (file));

    assert (!zfile_is_stable (file));
    zfile_restat (file);
    assert (zfile_is_stable (file));
    assert (streq (zfile_digest (file), "4AB299C8AD6ED14F31923DD94F8B5F5CB89DFB54"));

    //  Check we can read from file
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 1000100, 0);
    assert (chunk);
    assert (zchunk_size (chunk) == 13);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_close (file);

    //  Check we can read lines from file
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    const char *line = zfile_readln (file);
    assert (streq (line, "Hello, World"));
    line = zfile_readln (file);
    assert (line == NULL);
    zfile_close (file);

    //  Try some fun with symbolic links
    zfile_t *link = zfile_new (dirpath, testlink);
    assert (link);
    rc = zfile_output (link);
    assert (rc == 0);
    fprintf (zfile_handle (link), "%s\n", filepath);
    zfile_destroy (&link);

    link = zfile_new (dirpath, testlink);
    assert (link);
    rc = zfile_input (link);
    assert (rc == 0);
    chunk = zfile_read (link, 1000100, 0);
    assert (chunk);
    assert (zchunk_size (chunk) == 13);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_destroy (&link);

    //  Remove file and directory
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (basedirpath, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    assert (zdir_cursize (dir) == 26);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    assert (zdir_cursize (dir) == 0);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

    //  Check we can no longer read from file
    assert (zfile_is_readable (file));
    zfile_restat (file);
    assert (!zfile_is_readable (file));
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc == -1);
    zfile_destroy (&file);

    // This set of tests is done, free the strings for reuse
    zstr_free (&basedirpath);
    zstr_free (&dirpath);
    zstr_free (&filepath);
    zstr_free (&linkpath);

    const char *eof_checkfile = "eof_checkfile";
    filepath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", SELFTEST_DIR_RW, eof_checkfile);
    assert (filepath);

    if (zfile_exists (filepath) ) {
        if (verbose)
            zsys_debug ("zfile_test() has to remove %s that should not have been here", filepath);
        zfile_delete (filepath);
    zstr_free (&filepath);

    file = zfile_new (SELFTEST_DIR_RW, eof_checkfile);
    assert (file);

    //  1. Write something first
    rc = zfile_output (file);
    assert (rc == 0);
    chunk = zchunk_new ("123456789", 9);
    assert (chunk);

    rc = zfile_write (file, chunk, 0);
    assert (rc == 0);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_close (file);
    assert (zfile_cursize (file) == 9);

    // 2. Read the written something
    rc = zfile_input (file);
    assert (rc != -1);
    // try to read more bytes than there is in the file
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 1000, 0);
    assert (zfile_eof(file));
    assert (zchunk_streq (chunk, "123456789"));
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    // reading is ok
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 5, 0);
    assert (!zfile_eof(file));
    assert (zchunk_streq (chunk, "12345"));
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    // read from non zero offset until the end
    chunk = zfile_read (file, 5, 5);
    assert (zfile_eof(file));
    assert (zchunk_streq (chunk, "6789"));
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);
    zfile_remove (file);
    zfile_close (file);
    zfile_destroy (&file);

    zfile_t *tempfile = zfile_tmp ();
    assert (tempfile);
    assert (zfile_filename (tempfile, NULL));
    assert (zsys_file_exists (zfile_filename (tempfile, NULL)));
    zchunk_t *tchunk = zchunk_new ("HELLO", 6);
    assert (zfile_write (tempfile, tchunk, 0) == 0);
    zchunk_destroy (&tchunk);

    char *filename = strdup (zfile_filename (tempfile, NULL));
    zfile_destroy (&tempfile);
    assert (!zsys_file_exists (filename));
    zstr_free (&filename);

#if defined (__WINDOWS__)

    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");