Exemplo n.º 1
AABB <float> BEZIER::GetAABB() const
	float maxv[3];
	float minv[3];
	bool havevals[6];
	for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++)
		havevals[n] = false;

	for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
		for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
			MATHVECTOR<float,3> temp(points[x][y]);

			//cache for bbox stuff
			for ( int n = 0; n < 3; n++ )
				if (!havevals[n])
					maxv[n] = temp[n];
					havevals[n] = true;
				else if (temp[n] > maxv[n])
					maxv[n] = temp[n];

				if (!havevals[n+3])
					minv[n] = temp[n];
					havevals[n+3] = true;
				else if (temp[n] < minv[n])
					minv[n] = temp[n];

	MATHVECTOR<float,3> bboxmin(minv[0], minv[1], minv[2]);
	MATHVECTOR<float,3> bboxmax(maxv[0], maxv[1], maxv[2]);

	AABB <float> box;
	box.SetFromCorners(bboxmin, bboxmax);
	return box;
///  Init  dynamics
	class SETTINGS* pSet1, class Scene* pScene1, class FluidsXml* pFluids1,
	const MODEL & chassisModel, const MODEL & wheelModelFront, const MODEL & wheelModelRear,
	const MATHVECTOR<Dbl,3> & position, const QUATERNION<Dbl> & orientation)
	pSet = pSet1;  pScene = pScene1;  pFluids = pFluids1;
	this->world = &world;

	MATHVECTOR<Dbl,3> zero(0, 0, 0);

	// init engine

	// init chassis
	btTransform tr;

	AABB <float> box = chassisModel.GetAABB();
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		MATHVECTOR<float,3> wheelpos = GetLocalWheelPosition(WHEEL_POSITION(i), 0);

		const MODEL * wheelmodel = &wheelModelFront;
		if (i > 1) wheelmodel = &wheelModelRear;

		AABB <float> wheelaabb;
		float sidefactor = 1.0;
		if (i == 1 || i == 3) sidefactor = -1.0;

			wheelpos - wheelmodel->GetAABB().GetSize() * 0.5 * sidefactor,
			wheelpos + wheelmodel->GetAABB().GetSize() * 0.5 * sidefactor);

	///  chassis shape  ---------------------------------------------------------
	const MATHVECTOR<Dbl,3> verticalMargin(0, 0, 0.3);
	btVector3 origin = ToBulletVector(box.GetCenter() + verticalMargin - center_of_mass);
	btVector3 size = ToBulletVector(box.GetSize() - verticalMargin);

	//btCompoundShape * chassisShape = new btCompoundShape(false);
	#if 0
		//btBoxShape * hull = new btBoxShape( btVector3(1.8,0.8,0.5) );
		btBoxShape * hull = new btBoxShape( btVector3(1.7,0.7,0.3) );
		tr.setOrigin(origin + btVector3(0,0,0.2));
		chassisShape->addChildShape(tr, hull);
		/// todo: all params in .car
		// y| length  x- width  z^ height
		btScalar w = size.getX()*0.2, r = size.getZ()*0.3, h = 0.45;

		///  spheres
		btScalar l0 = 0.f, w0 = 0.f, h0 = 0.f;
		if (coll_R > 0.f)  r = coll_R;  l0 = coll_Lofs;
		if (coll_W > 0.f)  w = coll_W;  w0 = coll_Wofs;
		if (coll_H > 0.f)  h = coll_H;	h0 = coll_Hofs;
		origin = btVector3(l0, w0, h0);

		btScalar r2 = r*0.6;
		btScalar l1 = coll_posLfront, l2 = coll_posLback, l1m = l1*0.5, l2m = l2*0.5;

		//LogO("Car shape dims:  r="+toStr(r)+"  w="+toStr(w)+"  h="+toStr(h)+"  h0="+toStr(h0));
		//LogO("Car offset:  x="+toStr(origin.x())+"  y="+toStr(origin.y())+"  z="+toStr(origin.z()));

		const int numSph = 14;  int i = 0;
		btScalar rad[numSph];  btVector3 pos[numSph];
		pos[i] = btVector3( l1 , -w,    -h);    	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;  // front
		pos[i] = btVector3( l1 ,  w,    -h);    	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;
		pos[i] = btVector3( l1m, -w,    -h);    	rad[i] = r;   ++i;  // front near
		pos[i] = btVector3( l1m,  w,    -h);    	rad[i] = r;   ++i;

		pos[i] = btVector3( l2m, -w,    -h);    	rad[i] = r;   ++i;  // rear near
		pos[i] = btVector3( l2m,  w,    -h);    	rad[i] = r;   ++i;
		pos[i] = btVector3( l2 , -w,    -h);    	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;  // rear
		pos[i] = btVector3( l2 ,  w,    -h);    	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;

		pos[i] = btVector3( 0.4, -w*0.8, h*0.2);	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;  // top
		pos[i] = btVector3( 0.4,  w*0.8, h*0.2);	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;
		pos[i] = btVector3(-0.3, -w*0.8, h*0.4);	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;
		pos[i] = btVector3(-0.3,  w*0.8, h*0.4);	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;
		pos[i] = btVector3(-1.1, -w*0.8, h*0.2);	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;  // top rear
		pos[i] = btVector3(-1.1,  w*0.8, h*0.2);	rad[i] = r2;  ++i;

		for (i=0; i < numSph; ++i)
			pos[i] += origin;
		btMultiSphereShape* chassisShape = new btMultiSphereShape(pos, rad, numSph);

	Dbl chassisMass = body.GetMass();// * 0.4;  // Magic multiplier makes collisions better - problem: mud is very different
	MATRIX3 <Dbl> inertia = body.GetInertia();
	btVector3 chassisInertia(inertia[0], inertia[4], inertia[8]);

	btTransform transform;
	btDefaultMotionState * chassisState = new btDefaultMotionState();

	btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo info(chassisMass, chassisState, chassisShape, chassisInertia);
	info.m_angularDamping = ang_damp;
	info.m_restitution = 0.0;  //...
	info.m_friction = coll_friction;  /// 0.4~ 0.7
	///  chasis^
	chassis = world.AddRigidBody(info, true, pSet->game.collis_cars);
	chassis->setUserPointer(new ShapeData(ST_Car, this, 0));  ///~~

	///  join chassis and wheel triggers
		for (int w=0; w < 4; ++w)
			Dbl whR = GetWheel(wp).GetRadius() * 1.2;  //bigger par..
			MATHVECTOR<float,3> wheelpos = GetWheelPosition(wp, 0);  //par
			wheelpos[0] += coll_Lofs;
			wheelpos[2] += coll_flTrig_H;

			btSphereShape* whSph = new btSphereShape(whR);
			//btCylinderShapeX* whSph = new btCylinderShapeX(btVector3(whR,whR,whR));//todo..
			whTrigs = new btRigidBody(0.001f, 0, whSph);
			whTrigs->setUserPointer(new ShapeData(ST_Wheel, this, 0, w));  ///~~
			whTrigs->setCollisionFlags(whTrigs->getCollisionFlags() | btCollisionObject::CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE);
			//todo: collision mask only to fluid triggers
			//todo: optimize- 1 constr only or none?
			//todo: cylinders? fixed constr\_
			/*btTransform f1,f2;  f1.setIdentity();  f2.setIdentity();
			btGeneric6DofConstraint* constr = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*chassis, *whTrigs, f1, f2, true);
			constr->setLimit(0,0,0);  constr->setLimit(1,0,1);  constr->setLimit(2,0,0);
			btTypedConstraint* constr = new btPoint2PointConstraint(*chassis, *whTrigs,
				ToBulletVector(wheelpos), btVector3(0,0,0));
			world.world->addConstraint(constr, true);

		///  init poly for buoyancy computations
		if (poly == NULL)
			poly = new Polyhedron();
			poly->numVerts = 8;  poly->numFaces = 12;
			poly->verts = new Vec3[8];
			poly->faces = new Face[12];

			float hx = 1.2f, hy = 0.7f, hz = 0.4f;  // box dim
			poly->verts[0] = Vec3(-hx,-hy,-hz);	poly->verts[1] = Vec3(-hx,-hy, hz);
			poly->verts[2] = Vec3(-hx, hy,-hz);	poly->verts[3] = Vec3(-hx, hy, hz);
			poly->verts[4] = Vec3( hx,-hy,-hz);	poly->verts[5] = Vec3( hx,-hy, hz);
			poly->verts[6] = Vec3( hx, hy,-hz);	poly->verts[7] = Vec3( hx, hy, hz);

			poly->faces[0] = Face(0,1,3);	poly->faces[1] = Face(0,3,2);	poly->faces[2] = Face(6,3,7);	poly->faces[3] = Face(6,2,3);
			poly->faces[4] = Face(4,6,5);	poly->faces[5] = Face(6,7,5);	poly->faces[6] = Face(4,5,0);	poly->faces[7] = Face(0,5,1);
			poly->faces[8] = Face(5,7,1);	poly->faces[9] = Face(7,3,1);	poly->faces[10]= Face(0,6,4);	poly->faces[11]= Face(0,2,6);

			poly->length = 1.0f;  //  approx. length-?
			poly->volume = ComputeVolume(*poly);

			body_mass = 1900.0f * 2.688;  //poly->volume;  // car density
			body_inertia = (4.0f * body_mass / 12.0f) * btVector3(hy*hz, hx*hz, hx*hy);

	// init wheels, suspension
	for (int i = 0; i < WHEEL_POSITION_SIZE; i++)
		wheel_position[i] = GetWheelPositionAtDisplacement(WHEEL_POSITION(i), 0);
		wheel_orientation[i] = orientation * GetWheelSteeringAndSuspensionOrientation(WHEEL_POSITION(i));
