Exemplo n.º 1
void FormPlugin::drawText(ANPCanvas* canvas, TextInput textInput) {

    // get font metrics
    ANPFontMetrics fontMetrics;
    gPaintI.getFontMetrics(m_paintText, &fontMetrics);

    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, textInput.text, textInput.charPtr,
                      textInput.rect.left + 5,
                      textInput.rect.bottom - fontMetrics.fBottom, m_paintText);
void BackgroundPlugin::drawPlugin(int surfaceWidth, int surfaceHeight) {

    // get the plugin's dimensions according to the DOM
    PluginObject *obj = (PluginObject*) inst()->pdata;
    const int W = obj->window->width;
    const int H = obj->window->height;

    // compute the current zoom level
    const float zoomFactorW = static_cast<float>(surfaceWidth) / W;
    const float zoomFactorH = static_cast<float>(surfaceHeight) / H;

    // check to make sure the zoom level is uniform
    if (zoomFactorW + .01 < zoomFactorH && zoomFactorW - .01 > zoomFactorH)
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p zoom is out of sync (%f,%f)",
                  inst(), zoomFactorW, zoomFactorH);

    // scale the variables based on the zoom level
    const int fontSize = (int)(zoomFactorW * 16);
    const int leftMargin = (int)(zoomFactorW * 10);

    // lock the surface
    ANPBitmap bitmap;
    JNIEnv* env = NULL;
    if (!m_surface || gVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK ||
        !gSurfaceI.lock(env, m_surface, &bitmap, NULL)) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p unable to lock the plugin", inst());

    // create a canvas
    ANPCanvas* canvas = gCanvasI.newCanvas(&bitmap);
    gCanvasI.drawColor(canvas, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    ANPPaint* paint = gPaintI.newPaint();
    gPaintI.setFlags(paint, gPaintI.getFlags(paint) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag);
    gPaintI.setColor(paint, 0xFFFF0000);
    gPaintI.setTextSize(paint, fontSize);

    ANPTypeface* tf = gTypefaceI.createFromName("serif", kItalic_ANPTypefaceStyle);
    gPaintI.setTypeface(paint, tf);

    ANPFontMetrics fm;
    gPaintI.getFontMetrics(paint, &fm);

    gPaintI.setColor(paint, 0xFF0000FF);
    const char c[] = "This is a background plugin.";
    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, c, sizeof(c)-1, leftMargin, -fm.fTop, paint);

    // clean up variables and unlock the surface
    gSurfaceI.unlock(env, m_surface);
Exemplo n.º 3
void FormPlugin::drawPassword(ANPCanvas* canvas, TextInput passwordInput) {

    // get font metrics
    ANPFontMetrics fontMetrics;
    gPaintI.getFontMetrics(m_paintText, &fontMetrics);

    // comput the circle dimensions and initial location
    float initialX = passwordInput.rect.left + 5;
    float ovalBottom = passwordInput.rect.bottom - 2;
    float ovalTop = ovalBottom - (fontMetrics.fBottom - fontMetrics.fTop);
    float ovalWidth = ovalBottom - ovalTop;
    float ovalSpacing = 3;

    // draw circles instead of the actual text
    for (uint32_t x = 0; x < passwordInput.charPtr; x++) {
        ANPRectF oval;
        oval.left = initialX + ((ovalWidth + ovalSpacing) * (float) x);
        oval.right = oval.left + ovalWidth;
        oval.top = ovalTop;
        oval.bottom = ovalBottom;
        gCanvasI.drawOval(canvas, &oval, m_paintText);
void AudioPlugin::draw(ANPCanvas* canvas) {
    NPP instance = this->inst();
    PluginObject *obj = (PluginObject*) instance->pdata;

    gLogI.log(instance, kError_ANPLogType, "Drawing");

    const float trackHeight = 30;
    const float buttonWidth = 60;
    const float buttonHeight = 30;
    const int W = obj->window->width;
    const int H = obj->window->height;

    // color the plugin canvas
    gCanvasI.drawColor(canvas, 0xFFCDCDCD);

    // get font metrics
    ANPFontMetrics fontMetrics;
    gPaintI.getFontMetrics(m_paintText, &fontMetrics);

    // draw the track box (1 px from the edge)
    m_trackRect.left = 1;
    m_trackRect.top = 1;
    m_trackRect.right = W - 2;
    m_trackRect.bottom = 1 + trackHeight;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_trackRect, m_paintTrack);

    // draw the progress bar
    if (m_soundPlay->progress > 0) {
        // TODO need to draw progress bar to cover the proper percentage of the track bar
        gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_trackRect, m_paintTrackProgress);

    // draw the play box (under track box)
    m_playRect.left = m_trackRect.left + 5;
    m_playRect.top = m_trackRect.bottom + 10;
    m_playRect.right = m_playRect.left + buttonWidth;
    m_playRect.bottom = m_playRect.top + buttonHeight;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_playRect, getPaint(&m_playRect));
    // draw the play box (under track box)
    const char playText[] = "Play";
    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, playText, sizeof(playText)-1, m_playRect.left + 5,
                      m_playRect.top - fontMetrics.fTop, m_paintText);

    // draw the pause box (under track box)
    m_pauseRect.left = m_playRect.right + 20;
    m_pauseRect.top = m_trackRect.bottom + 10;
    m_pauseRect.right = m_pauseRect.left + buttonWidth;
    m_pauseRect.bottom = m_pauseRect.top + buttonHeight;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_pauseRect, getPaint(&m_pauseRect));
    // draw the text in the pause box
    const char pauseText[] = "Pause";
    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, pauseText, sizeof(pauseText)-1, m_pauseRect.left + 5,
                      m_pauseRect.top - fontMetrics.fTop, m_paintText);

    // draw the stop box (under track box)
    m_stopRect.left = m_pauseRect.right + 20;
    m_stopRect.top = m_trackRect.bottom + 10;
    m_stopRect.right = m_stopRect.left + buttonWidth;
    m_stopRect.bottom = m_stopRect.top + buttonHeight;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_stopRect, getPaint(&m_stopRect));
    // draw the text in the pause box
    const char stopText[] = "Stop";
    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, stopText, sizeof(stopText)-1, m_stopRect.left + 5,
                      m_stopRect.top - fontMetrics.fTop, m_paintText);
Exemplo n.º 5
void PaintPlugin::drawCleanPlugin(ANPCanvas* canvas) {
    NPP instance = this->inst();
    PluginObject *obj = (PluginObject*) instance->pdata;

    // if no canvas get a locked canvas
    if (!canvas)
        canvas = getCanvas();

    if (!canvas)

    const float buttonWidth = 60;
    const float buttonHeight = 30;
    const int W = obj->window->width;
    const int H = obj->window->height;

    // color the plugin canvas
    gCanvasI.drawColor(canvas, 0xFFCDCDCD);

    // get font metrics
    ANPFontMetrics fontMetrics;
    gPaintI.getFontMetrics(m_paintSurface, &fontMetrics);

    // draw the input toggle button
    m_inputToggle.left = 5;
    m_inputToggle.top = H - buttonHeight - 5;
    m_inputToggle.right = m_inputToggle.left + buttonWidth;
    m_inputToggle.bottom = m_inputToggle.top + buttonHeight;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_inputToggle, m_paintButton);
    const char* inputText = m_isTouchCurrentInput ? "Touch" : "Mouse";
    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, inputText, strlen(inputText), m_inputToggle.left + 5,
                      m_inputToggle.top - fontMetrics.fTop, m_paintSurface);

    // draw the color selector button
    m_colorToggle.left = (W/3) - (buttonWidth/2);
    m_colorToggle.top = H - buttonHeight - 5;
    m_colorToggle.right = m_colorToggle.left + buttonWidth;
    m_colorToggle.bottom = m_colorToggle.top + buttonHeight;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_colorToggle, m_paintButton);
    const char* colorText = getColorText();
    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, colorText, strlen(colorText), m_colorToggle.left + 5,
                      m_colorToggle.top - fontMetrics.fTop, m_paintSurface);

    // draw the full-screen toggle button
    m_fullScreenToggle.left = ((W*2)/3) - (buttonWidth/2);
    m_fullScreenToggle.top = H - buttonHeight - 5;
    m_fullScreenToggle.right = m_fullScreenToggle.left + buttonWidth;
    m_fullScreenToggle.bottom = m_fullScreenToggle.top + buttonHeight;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_fullScreenToggle, m_paintButton);
    const char* fullScreenText = "Full";
    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, fullScreenText, strlen(fullScreenText),
                      m_fullScreenToggle.left + 5,
                      m_fullScreenToggle.top - fontMetrics.fTop, m_paintSurface);

    // draw the clear canvas button
    m_clearSurface.left = W - buttonWidth - 5;
    m_clearSurface.top = H - buttonHeight - 5;
    m_clearSurface.right = m_clearSurface.left + buttonWidth;
    m_clearSurface.bottom = m_clearSurface.top + buttonHeight;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_clearSurface, m_paintButton);
    const char* clearText = "Clear";
    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, clearText, strlen(clearText), m_clearSurface.left + 5,
                      m_clearSurface.top - fontMetrics.fTop, m_paintSurface);

    // draw the drawing surface box (5 px from the edge)
    m_drawingSurface.left = 5;
    m_drawingSurface.top = 5;
    m_drawingSurface.right = W - 5;
    m_drawingSurface.bottom = m_colorToggle.top - 5;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_drawingSurface, m_paintSurface);

    // release the canvas