Exemplo n.º 1
void AbstractTreeItem::removeAllChilds() {
  const int numChilds = childCount();

  if(numChilds == 0)

  AbstractTreeItem *child;

  QList<AbstractTreeItem *>::iterator childIter;

  childIter = _childItems.begin();
  while(childIter != _childItems.end()) {
    child = *childIter;
    child->setTreeItemFlags(0); // disable self deletion, as this would only f**k up consitency and the child gets deleted anyways

  emit beginRemoveChilds(0, numChilds - 1);
  childIter = _childItems.begin();
  while(childIter != _childItems.end()) {
    child = *childIter;
    childIter = _childItems.erase(childIter);
    delete child;
  emit endRemoveChilds();

Exemplo n.º 2
bool AbstractTreeItem::reParent(AbstractTreeItem *newParent) {
  // currently we support only re parenting if the child that's about to be
  // adopted does not have any children itself.
  if(childCount() != 0) {
    qDebug() << "AbstractTreeItem::reParent(): cannot reparent"  << this << "with children.";
    return false;

  int oldRow = row();
  if(oldRow == -1)
    return false;

  emit parent()->beginRemoveChilds(oldRow, oldRow);
  emit parent()->endRemoveChilds();

  AbstractTreeItem *oldParent = parent();

  bool success = newParent->newChild(this);
    qWarning() << "AbstractTreeItem::reParent(): failed to attach to new parent after removing from old parent! this:" << this << "new parent:" << newParent;


  return success;
Exemplo n.º 3
QModelIndex Model::parent( const QModelIndex & child ) const {
    Provides a model index corresponding to the parent of any given child item.
    If the model index specified corresponds to a top-level item in the model,
    or if there is no valid parent item in the model, the function must return
    an invalid model index, created with the empty QModelIndex() constructor.
  // fall 1: parentitem fuer invalid
//       qDebug() << "parent ";
//  << QString("%1").arg((unsigned int) child);

  if ( !child.isValid() ) {
    return QModelIndex();
//     qDebug() << "parent2or3";

  AbstractTreeItem *childItem =
    static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>( child.internalPointer() );
  AbstractTreeItem *parentItem = childItem->parent();

// fall 2: parentitem fuer rootItem
//   if ( parentItem == NULL )
//     return QModelIndex();

  if ( parentItem == rootItem )
    return QModelIndex();

// fall 3: parentitem fuer alle anderen
//     return index(r,c,parent model index);
  return createIndex( parentItem->row(), 0, parentItem );
Exemplo n.º 4
QModelIndex Model::index( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent ) const {
   Given a model index for a parent item, this function allows views
   and delegates to access children of that item. If no valid child item -
   corresponding to the specified row, column, and parent model index,
   can be found, the function must return QModelIndex(), which is an invalid
   model index.
//     qDebug() << "index(" << row <<", " <<column<<")";

  if ( !hasIndex( row, column, parent ) )
    return QModelIndex();

  AbstractTreeItem* parentItem;

  //BUG, parent is never valid
  if ( !parent.isValid() )
    parentItem = rootItem;
  else {
    parentItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>( parent.internalPointer() );
  AbstractTreeItem* childItem = parentItem->child( row );
//     qDebug() << "index: parentItem==" << (unsigned int) parentItem;
//     qDebug() << "index:  childItem==" << (unsigned int) childItem;

  if ( childItem ) {
//       qDebug() << "createIndex(" << row << ", " << column << ", " << (unsigned int) childItem << ");";
    return createIndex( row, column, childItem );

//     qDebug() << "invalid";
  return QModelIndex();
Exemplo n.º 5
bool Model::setData( const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role ) {
//   qDebug() << "setData " << index.column();
  if (( index.isValid() && getTreeItemType( index ) == NODE_CONNECTION && index.column() == 4 && role == Qt::EditRole ) ||
      ( index.isValid() && getTreeItemType( index ) == NODE_CONNECTION && role == customRole::SymbolIndexRole ) ) {
    AbstractTreeItem* n = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>( index.internalPointer() );
    node_connection* nc = static_cast<node_connection*>( n );
    nc->setSymbol_index( symbol( value.toString() ) );
//     qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << value.toString() << " " << nc->symbol_index() << " " << symbol( nc->symbol_index() );
    emit dataChanged( index, index );
    return true;
  // this code is used to redirect a node_connection's destination (source is fixed to the node the 
  // node_connection is assigned to). if one would not have unique IDs then it would be impossible
  // to use a number to match a node with. say a node_connection connects from (source node id=2) to
  // (destination node id=4), the code below let's you use the TreeView editor to redirect it to (say node id=7)
  // if 7 exists
  if ( index.isValid() && getTreeItemType( index ) == NODE_CONNECTION && index.column() == 5 && role == Qt::EditRole ) {
    AbstractTreeItem* n = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>( index.internalPointer() );
    node_connection* nc = static_cast<node_connection*>( n );
    AbstractTreeItem* a = AbstractTreeItemFromId( value.toInt() );
    if ( a == NULL ) {
      qDebug() << "can't redirect connection because the given node id was not found in the graph, please try again later!";
      return false;
    nc->setNext_node( a );
    emit dataChanged( index, index );
    return true;
  if (( index.isValid() && index.column() == 6 && role == Qt::EditRole ) ||
      ( index.isValid() && role == customRole::CustomLabelRole ) ) {
    AbstractTreeItem* nItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>( index.internalPointer() );
    nItem->setProperty( "CustomLabelRole", value );
    emit dataChanged( index, index );
    return true;

  if ( index.isValid() && getTreeItemType( index ) == NODE && (( role == customRole::StartRole ) || role == customRole::FinalRole ) ) {
    AbstractTreeItem* n = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>( index.internalPointer() );
    QModelIndex correctedIndex;
    if ( role == customRole::StartRole ) {
      n->setProperty( "start", value );
      correctedIndex = Model::index( index.row(), 1, index.parent() );
    if ( role == customRole::FinalRole ) {
      n->setProperty( "final", value );
      correctedIndex = Model::index( index.row(), 2, index.parent() );
    emit dataChanged( correctedIndex, correctedIndex );
    return true;
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
void AbstractTreeItem::dumpChildList() {
  qDebug() << "==== Childlist for Item:" << this << "====";
  if(childCount() > 0) {
    AbstractTreeItem *child;
    QList<AbstractTreeItem *>::const_iterator childIter = _childItems.constBegin();
    while(childIter != _childItems.constEnd()) {
      child = *childIter;
      qDebug() << "Row:" << child->row() << child << child->data(0, Qt::DisplayRole);
  qDebug() << "==== End Of Childlist ====";
Exemplo n.º 7
int Model::rowCount( const QModelIndex & sibling ) const {
// returns how many siblings this "sibling" node has
  AbstractTreeItem *parentItem;

  if ( sibling.column() > 0 ) {
//       qDebug() << "rowcount=0";
    return 0;

  if ( !sibling.isValid() )
    parentItem = rootItem;
    parentItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>( sibling.internalPointer() );

//     qDebug() << "rowcount="<<parentItem->childCount();
  return parentItem->childCount();
Exemplo n.º 8
bool Model::insertRows( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent, QPoint pos ) {
  if (count > 1) {
    qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "FATAL: this might need some testing, exiting";

  // no valid parent -> it's a node to add
  if ( !parent.isValid() ) { 
    // a NODE
    beginInsertRows( parent, row, row + count - 1 );
      node* n = new node(rootItem);
      n->setProperty( "pos", pos );
      if (n != NULL) {
	rootItem->appendChild( n );
      } else {
	qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "FATAL ERROR: in insertRows(), exiting";
    return true;
  if ( getTreeItemType( parent ) == NODE ) {
    AbstractTreeItem* abstractitem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>( parent.internalPointer() );
//     int id = abstractitem->getId();
//     qDebug() << "beginInsertRows( n"  << id << " , " << row << ", " << row + count - 1 << ");";
    beginInsertRows( parent, row, row + count - 1 );
      int i = count ;
      while ( i-- ) {
        node_connection* nc = new node_connection( abstractitem );
        abstractitem->appendChild( nc );
    return true;
  qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "FATAL ERROR: can't add object to the automate class since i don't know what to do, exiting";
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
QWidget *Data3DTreeDelegate::createEditor(QWidget* parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option , const QModelIndex& index) const
    const Data3DTreeModel* pData3DTreeModel = static_cast<const Data3DTreeModel*>(index.model());
    const AbstractTreeItem* pAbstractItem = static_cast<const AbstractTreeItem*>(pData3DTreeModel->itemFromIndex(index));

    switch(pAbstractItem->type()) {
        case MetaTreeItemTypes::SurfaceColorGyri: {
            QColorDialog *pColorDialog = new QColorDialog(parent);
            connect(pColorDialog, &QColorDialog::currentColorChanged,
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pColorDialog->setWindowTitle("Select Gyri Color");
            return pColorDialog;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::SurfaceColorSulci: {
            QColorDialog *pColorDialog = new QColorDialog();
            connect(pColorDialog, &QColorDialog::currentColorChanged,
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pColorDialog->setWindowTitle("Select Sulci Color");
            return pColorDialog;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::RTDataColormapType: {
            QComboBox* pComboBox = new QComboBox(parent);
            connect(pComboBox, static_cast<void (QComboBox::*)(int)>(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged),
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pComboBox->addItem("Hot Negative 1");
            pComboBox->addItem("Hot Negative 2");
            return pComboBox;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::RTDataNormalizationValue: {
            Spline* pSpline = new Spline("Spline Histogram", 0);
            connect(pSpline, static_cast<void (Spline::*)(double, double, double)>(&Spline::borderChanged),
            this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            QStandardItem* pParentItem = static_cast<QStandardItem*>(pAbstractItem->QStandardItem::parent());
            QModelIndex indexParent = pData3DTreeModel->indexFromItem(pParentItem);
            MatrixXd matRTData = index.model()->data(indexParent, Data3DTreeModelItemRoles::RTData).value<MatrixXd>();
            Eigen::VectorXd resultClassLimit;
            Eigen::VectorXi resultFrequency;
            MNEMath::histcounts(matRTData, false, 50, resultClassLimit, resultFrequency, 0.0, 0.0);
            pSpline->setData(resultClassLimit, resultFrequency, 0);
            QVector3D vecThresholdValues = index.model()->data(index, MetaTreeItemRoles::RTDataNormalizationValue).value<QVector3D>();
            AbstractTreeItem* pParentItemAbstract = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>(pParentItem);
            QList<QStandardItem*> pColormapItem = pParentItemAbstract->findChildren(MetaTreeItemTypes::RTDataColormapType);
            for(int i = 0; i < pColormapItem.size(); ++i)
                QModelIndex indexColormapItem = pData3DTreeModel->indexFromItem(pColormapItem.at(i));
                QString colorMap = index.model()->data(indexColormapItem, MetaTreeItemRoles::RTDataColormapType).value<QString>();
            return pSpline;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::RTDataTimeInterval: {
            QSpinBox* pSpinBox = new QSpinBox(parent);
            connect(pSpinBox, static_cast<void (QSpinBox::*)(int)>(&QSpinBox::valueChanged),
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pSpinBox->setSuffix(" mSec");
            pSpinBox->setValue(index.model()->data(index, MetaTreeItemRoles::RTDataTimeInterval).toInt());
            return pSpinBox;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::RTDataVisualizationType: {
            QComboBox* pComboBox = new QComboBox(parent);
            pComboBox->addItem("Vertex based");
            pComboBox->addItem("Smoothing based");
            pComboBox->addItem("Annotation based");
            return pComboBox;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::SurfaceColor: {
            QColorDialog *pColorDialog = new QColorDialog();
            connect(pColorDialog, &QColorDialog::currentColorChanged,
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pColorDialog->setWindowTitle("Select Surface Color");
            return pColorDialog;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::PointColor: {
            QColorDialog *pColorDialog = new QColorDialog();
            connect(pColorDialog, &QColorDialog::currentColorChanged,
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pColorDialog->setWindowTitle("Select Point Color");
            return pColorDialog;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::RTDataNumberAverages: {
            QSpinBox* pSpinBox = new QSpinBox(parent);
            connect(pSpinBox, static_cast<void (QSpinBox::*)(int)>(&QSpinBox::valueChanged),
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pSpinBox->setValue(index.model()->data(index, MetaTreeItemRoles::RTDataNumberAverages).toInt());
            return pSpinBox;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::SurfaceAlpha: {
            QDoubleSpinBox* pDoubleSpinBox = new QDoubleSpinBox(parent);
            connect(pDoubleSpinBox, static_cast<void (QDoubleSpinBox::*)(double)>(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged),
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pDoubleSpinBox->setValue(index.model()->data(index, MetaTreeItemRoles::SurfaceAlpha).toDouble());
            return pDoubleSpinBox;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::SurfaceTranslateX: {
            QDoubleSpinBox* pDoubleSpinBox = new QDoubleSpinBox(parent);
            connect(pDoubleSpinBox, static_cast<void (QDoubleSpinBox::*)(double)>(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged),
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pDoubleSpinBox->setValue(index.model()->data(index, MetaTreeItemRoles::SurfaceTranslateX).toDouble());
            return pDoubleSpinBox;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::SurfaceTranslateY: {
            QDoubleSpinBox* pDoubleSpinBox = new QDoubleSpinBox(parent);
            connect(pDoubleSpinBox, static_cast<void (QDoubleSpinBox::*)(double)>(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged),
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pDoubleSpinBox->setValue(index.model()->data(index, MetaTreeItemRoles::SurfaceTranslateY).toDouble());
            return pDoubleSpinBox;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::SurfaceTranslateZ: {
            QDoubleSpinBox* pDoubleSpinBox = new QDoubleSpinBox(parent);
            connect(pDoubleSpinBox, static_cast<void (QDoubleSpinBox::*)(double)>(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged),
                    this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);
            pDoubleSpinBox->setValue(index.model()->data(index, MetaTreeItemRoles::SurfaceTranslateZ).toDouble());
            return pDoubleSpinBox;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::NetworkThreshold: {
            Spline* pSpline = new Spline("Spline Histogram", 0);
            connect(pSpline, static_cast<void (Spline::*)(double, double, double)>(&Spline::borderChanged),
                this, &Data3DTreeDelegate::onEditorEdited);

            QStandardItem* pParentItem = static_cast<QStandardItem*>(pAbstractItem->QStandardItem::parent());
            QModelIndex indexParent = pData3DTreeModel->indexFromItem(pParentItem);
            MatrixXd matRTData = index.model()->data(indexParent, Data3DTreeModelItemRoles::NetworkDataMatrix).value<MatrixXd>();
            Eigen::VectorXd resultClassLimit;
            Eigen::VectorXi resultFrequency;
            MNEMath::histcounts(matRTData, false, 50, resultClassLimit, resultFrequency, 0.0, 0.0);
            pSpline->setData(resultClassLimit, resultFrequency, 0);
            QVector3D vecThresholdValues = index.model()->data(index, MetaTreeItemRoles::NetworkThreshold).value<QVector3D>();

            return pSpline;

        case MetaTreeItemTypes::NetworkMatrix: {
            QStandardItem* pParentItem = static_cast<QStandardItem*>(pAbstractItem->QStandardItem::parent());
            QModelIndex indexParent = pData3DTreeModel->indexFromItem(pParentItem);
            MatrixXd matRTData = index.model()->data(indexParent, Data3DTreeModelItemRoles::NetworkDataMatrix).value<MatrixXd>();

            ImageSc* pPlotLA = new ImageSc(matRTData);
            //return pPlotLA;

        default: // do nothing;

    return QItemDelegate::createEditor(parent, option, index);
Exemplo n.º 10
** this code should be read as table of generic cases (where row/column doesn't matter)
** which is important for the graphicsView. for the treeView there is a part of code where
** row/column matters, see the very long switch statement.
QVariant Model::data( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const {
//   qDebug() << __FUNCTION__;
  if ( !index.isValid() )
    return QVariant();

  AbstractTreeItem* n = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>( index.internalPointer() );
  if ( role == customRole::CustomLabelRole )
    return n->getProperty( "CustomLabelRole" );
  // to understand customRole::TypeRole see the comment (Model.h - TreeItemType enum comment )
  if ( role == customRole::TypeRole ) {
    if ( n->getObjectType() == AUTOMATE_ROOT )
      return ViewTreeItemType::AUTOMATE_ROOT;
    if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE_CONNECTION )
      return ViewTreeItemType::NODE_CONNECTION;
    if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE )
      return ViewTreeItemType::NODE;
    return ViewTreeItemType::UNKNOWN;
  if ( role == customRole::FinalRole )
    if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE )
      return n->getProperty( "final" );
  if ( role == customRole::PosRole )
    if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE )
      return n->getProperty( "pos" );
  if ( role == customRole::StartRole )
    if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE )
      return n->getProperty( "start" );
  if ( role == customRole::SymbolIndexRole )
    if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE_CONNECTION ) {
      node_connection* nc = static_cast<node_connection*>( index.internalPointer() );
//       qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << symbol( nc->symbol_index ) << nc->symbol_index;
      return symbol( nc->symbol_index() ) ;
  if ( role == customRole::IdRole )
    if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE || n->getObjectType() == NODE_CONNECTION )
      return n->getId();
  switch ( index.column() ) {
  case 0:
    switch ( role ) {
    case Qt::DecorationRole:
      if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE )
        return QIcon( ":/icons/node.png" );
      if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE_CONNECTION )
        return QIcon( ":/icons/connect.png" );
  case 1:
    switch ( role ) {
    case Qt::ToolTipRole:
    case Qt::WhatsThisRole:
    case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
//           if (index.column() == 1)
//             return Qt::AlignHCenter;
//           if (index.column() == 2)
//             return Qt::AlignHCenter;
    case customRole::SortRole:
    case Qt::DecorationRole:
      if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE ) {
        if ( n->getProperty( "start" ).toBool() ) {
          if ( role == customRole::SortRole )
            return 1;
          return QIcon( ":/icons/startNode.png" );
        } else {
          if ( role == customRole::SortRole )
            return 0;
//     case Qt::BackgroundRole:
//       break;
  case 2:
    switch ( role ) {
    case customRole::SortRole:
    case Qt::DecorationRole:
      if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE ) {
        if ( n->getProperty( "final" ).toBool() ) {
          if ( role == customRole::SortRole )
            return 1;
          return QIcon( ":/icons/finalNode.png" );
        } else {
          if ( role == customRole::SortRole )
            return 0;
  case 3:
    switch ( role ) {
    case customRole::SortRole:
    case Qt::DisplayRole:
      if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE ) {
        if ( role == customRole::SortRole ) {
          return n->getId();
        if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole )
          return QString( "n%1" ).arg( n->getId() );// "node";
      if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE_CONNECTION ) {
        if ( role == customRole::SortRole )
          return n->getId();
        if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole )
          return QString( "c%1" ).arg( n->getId() );// "node_connection";
  case 4:
    switch ( role ) {
    case customRole::SortRole:
    case Qt::DisplayRole:
      if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE_CONNECTION ) {
        if ( role == customRole::SortRole )
          return ( static_cast<node_connection*>( n ) )->symbol_index();// "node_connection";
        if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole )
          return symbol(( static_cast<node_connection*>( n ) )->symbol_index() );// "node_connection";

  case 5:
    switch ( role ) {
    case Qt::BackgroundRole:
      if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE_CONNECTION )
        if ((static_cast<node_connection*>( n ) )->next_node() == NULL)
          return QBrush( QColor( 255, 0, 0, 250 ) );
    case customRole::SortRole:
    case Qt::DisplayRole:
      if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE_CONNECTION ) {
        if ((static_cast<node_connection*>( n ) )->next_node() == NULL)
          return "undefined";
        AbstractTreeItem* next_node = ( static_cast<node_connection*>( n ) )->next_node();
        if ( role == customRole::SortRole )
          return next_node->getId();// "node_connection";
        if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole )
          return QString( "n%1" ).arg( next_node->getId() );// "node_connection";
  case 6:
    if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) {
      return n->getProperty( "CustomLabelRole" );
    /*  case 7:
  if ( role == Qt::BackgroundRole ) {
    if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE )
      return QBrush( QColor( 50, 160, 170, 150 ) );
    if ( n->getObjectType() == NODE_CONNECTION )
      return QBrush( QColor( 180, 200, 200, 50 ) );

  return QVariant();