ArxDbgDbAdeskLogo::getReferenceAttachmentPoint(AcDbEntity* ent, AcGePoint3d& toPt)
	AcDbCircle* circ;
	AcDbArc* arc;
	AcDbLine* line;
	AcDbPoint* point;
	AcDbBlockReference* blkRef;
	if ((circ = AcDbCircle::cast(ent)) != NULL)
		toPt = circ->center();
	else if ((arc = AcDbArc::cast(ent)) != NULL)
		toPt = arc->center();
	else if ((line = AcDbLine::cast(ent)) != NULL)
		toPt = line->startPoint();
	else if ((point = AcDbPoint::cast(ent)) != NULL)
		toPt = point->position();
	else if ((blkRef = AcDbBlockReference::cast(ent)) != NULL)
		toPt = blkRef->position();
	else {
			// can't get anything better so just rely on the ECS.  If the
			// raw AutoCAD entities would do this, we wouldn't need the above
			// switch statement.
		AcGeMatrix3d mat;

		AcGeVector3d v1, v2, v3;
		mat.getCoordSystem(toPt, v1, v2, v3);