Exemplo n.º 1
void ExternalLexerModule::Fold(unsigned int startPos, int lengthDoc, int initStyle,
                               WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler) const {
	if (!fneFolder)
		return ;

	char **kwds = WordListsToStrings(keywordlists);
	char *ps = styler.GetProperties();

	// The accessor passed in is always a DocumentAccessor so this cast and the subsequent
	// access will work. Can not use the stricter dynamic_cast as that requires RTTI.
	DocumentAccessor &da = static_cast<DocumentAccessor &>(styler);
	WindowID wID = da.GetWindow();

	fneFolder(externalLanguage, startPos, lengthDoc, initStyle, kwds, wID, ps);

	delete ps;