Exemplo n.º 1
// generates a perfect alignment from the graph
Alignment Sampler::alignment(size_t length) {
    string seq;
    Alignment aln;
    Path* path = aln.mutable_path();
    pos_t pos = position();
    char c = pos_char(pos);
    // we do something wildly inefficient but conceptually clean
    // for each position in the mapping we add a mapping
    // at the end we will simplify the alignment, merging redundant mappings
    do {
        // add in the char for the current position
        seq += c;
        Mapping* mapping = path->add_mapping();
        *mapping->mutable_position() = make_position(pos);
        Edit* edit = mapping->add_edit();
        // decide the next position
        auto nextc = next_pos_chars(pos);
        // no new positions mean we are done; we've reached the end of the graph
        if (nextc.empty()) break;
        // what positions do we go to next?
        vector<pos_t> nextp;
        for (auto& n : nextc) nextp.push_back(n.first);
        // pick one at random
        uniform_int_distribution<int> next_dist(0, nextc.size()-1);
        // update our position
        pos = nextp.at(next_dist(rng));
        // update our char
        c = nextc[pos];
    } while (seq.size() < length);
    // save our sequence in the alignment
    aln = simplify(aln);
    { // name the alignment
        string data;
        int n;
#pragma omp critical(nonce)
        n = nonce++;
        data += std::to_string(n);
        const string hash = sha1head(data, 16);
    // and simplify it
    return aln;
Exemplo n.º 2
const string hash_alignment(const Alignment& aln) {
    string data;
    return sha1sum(data);