Exemplo n.º 1
AlphaCount64 BWTAlgorithms::calculateDeBruijnExtensionsSingleIndex(const std::string str,
                                                                   const BWT* pBWT,
                                                                   EdgeDir direction,
                                                                   const BWTIntervalCache* pFwdCache)
    size_t k = str.size();
    size_t p = k - 1;

    std::string pmer;

    // In the sense direction, we extend from the 3' end
    if(direction == ED_SENSE)
        pmer = str.substr(1, p);
        pmer = str.substr(0, p);
    assert(pmer.length() == p);
    std::string rc_pmer = reverseComplement(pmer);

    // As we only have a single index, we can only directly look up
    // the extensions for either the pmer or its reverse complement
    // In the SENSE extension direction, we directly look up for
    // the reverse complement. In ANTISENSE we directly look up for
    // the pmer.

    // Get the extension bases
    AlphaCount64 extensions;
    AlphaCount64 rc_extensions;

    // Set up pointers to the data to fill in/query
    // depending on the direction of the extension
    AlphaCount64* pDirectEC;
    AlphaCount64* pIndirectEC;
    std::string* pDirectStr;
    std::string* pIndirectStr;
    if(direction == ED_SENSE)
        pDirectEC = &rc_extensions;
        pDirectStr = &rc_pmer;

        pIndirectEC = &extensions;
        pIndirectStr = &pmer;
        pDirectEC = &extensions;
        pDirectStr = &pmer;

        pIndirectEC = &rc_extensions;
        pIndirectStr = &rc_pmer;

    // Get the interval for the direct query string
    BWTInterval interval;

    // Use interval cache if available
        interval = BWTAlgorithms::findIntervalWithCache(pBWT, pFwdCache, *pDirectStr);
        interval = BWTAlgorithms::findInterval(pBWT, *pDirectStr);

    // Fill in the direct count
        *pDirectEC = BWTAlgorithms::getExtCount(interval, pBWT);

    // Now, for the non-direct index, query the 4 possible k-mers that are adjacent to the pmer
    // Setup the query sequence
    std::string query(k, 'A');
    int varIdx = query.size() - 1;
    query.replace(0, p, *pIndirectStr);

    for(int i = 0; i < BWT_ALPHABET::size; ++i)
        // Transform the query
        char b = BWT_ALPHABET::getChar(i);
        query[varIdx] = b;

        // Perform lookup
            interval = BWTAlgorithms::findIntervalWithCache(pBWT, pFwdCache, query);
            interval = BWTAlgorithms::findInterval(pBWT, query);

        // Update the extension count
            pIndirectEC->add(b, interval.size());

    // Switch the reverse-complement extensions to the same strand as the str
    extensions += rc_extensions;
    return extensions;