nsAnimationManager::CheckAnimationRule(nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
                                       mozilla::dom::Element* aElement)
  if (!mPresContext->IsDynamic()) {
    // For print or print preview, ignore animations.
    return nullptr;

  // Everything that causes our animation data to change triggers a
  // style change, which in turn triggers a non-animation restyle.
  // Likewise, when we initially construct frames, we're not in a
  // style change, but also not in an animation restyle.

  const nsStyleDisplay* disp = aStyleContext->StyleDisplay();
  AnimationCollection* collection =
    GetAnimations(aElement, aStyleContext->GetPseudoType(), false);
  if (!collection &&
      disp->mAnimationNameCount == 1 &&
      disp->mAnimations[0].GetName().IsEmpty()) {
    return nullptr;

  nsAutoAnimationMutationBatch mb(aElement);

  // build the animations list
  dom::DocumentTimeline* timeline = aElement->OwnerDoc()->Timeline();
  AnimationPtrArray newAnimations;
  if (!aStyleContext->IsInDisplayNoneSubtree()) {
    BuildAnimations(aStyleContext, aElement, timeline, newAnimations);

  if (newAnimations.IsEmpty()) {
    if (collection) {
      // There might be transitions that run now that animations don't
      // override them.

    return nullptr;

  if (collection) {
    collection->mStyleRule = nullptr;
    collection->mStyleRuleRefreshTime = TimeStamp();

    // Copy over the start times and (if still paused) pause starts
    // for each animation (matching on name only) that was also in the
    // old list of animations.
    // This means that we honor dynamic changes, which isn't what the
    // spec says to do, but WebKit seems to honor at least some of
    // them.  See
    // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Apr/0079.html
    // In order to honor what the spec said, we'd copy more data over
    // (or potentially optimize BuildAnimations to avoid rebuilding it
    // in the first place).
    if (!collection->mAnimations.IsEmpty()) {

      for (size_t newIdx = newAnimations.Length(); newIdx-- != 0;) {
        Animation* newAnim = newAnimations[newIdx];

        // Find the matching animation with this name in the old list
        // of animations.  We iterate through both lists in a backwards
        // direction which means that if there are more animations in
        // the new list of animations with a given name than in the old
        // list, it will be the animations towards the of the beginning of
        // the list that do not match and are treated as new animations.
        nsRefPtr<CSSAnimation> oldAnim;
        size_t oldIdx = collection->mAnimations.Length();
        while (oldIdx-- != 0) {
          CSSAnimation* a = collection->mAnimations[oldIdx]->AsCSSAnimation();
          MOZ_ASSERT(a, "All animations in the CSS Animation collection should"
                        " be CSSAnimation objects");
          if (a->Name() == newAnim->Name()) {
            oldAnim = a;
        if (!oldAnim) {

        bool animationChanged = false;

        // Update the old from the new so we can keep the original object
        // identity (and any expando properties attached to it).
        if (oldAnim->GetEffect() && newAnim->GetEffect()) {
          KeyframeEffectReadOnly* oldEffect = oldAnim->GetEffect();
          KeyframeEffectReadOnly* newEffect = newAnim->GetEffect();
          animationChanged =
            oldEffect->Timing() != newEffect->Timing() ||
            oldEffect->Properties() != newEffect->Properties();
          oldEffect->Timing() = newEffect->Timing();
          oldEffect->Properties() = newEffect->Properties();

        // Reset compositor state so animation will be re-synchronized.

        // Handle changes in play state. If the animation is idle, however,
        // changes to animation-play-state should *not* restart it.
        if (oldAnim->PlayState() != AnimationPlayState::Idle) {
          // CSSAnimation takes care of override behavior so that,
          // for example, if the author has called pause(), that will
          // override the animation-play-state.
          // (We should check newAnim->IsStylePaused() but that requires
          //  downcasting to CSSAnimation and we happen to know that
          //  newAnim will only ever be paused by calling PauseFromStyle
          //  making IsPausedOrPausing synonymous in this case.)
          if (!oldAnim->IsStylePaused() && newAnim->IsPausedOrPausing()) {
            animationChanged = true;
          } else if (oldAnim->IsStylePaused() &&
                    !newAnim->IsPausedOrPausing()) {
            animationChanged = true;

        if (animationChanged) {

        // Replace new animation with the (updated) old one and remove the
        // old one from the array so we don't try to match it any more.
        // Although we're doing this while iterating this is safe because
        // we're not changing the length of newAnimations and we've finished
        // iterating over the list of old iterations.
        newAnim = nullptr;
        newAnimations.ReplaceElementAt(newIdx, oldAnim);

        // We've touched the old animation's timing properties, so this
        // could update the old animation's relevance.
  } else {
    collection =
      GetAnimations(aElement, aStyleContext->GetPseudoType(), true);
  collection->mNeedsRefreshes = true;

  // Cancel removed animations
  for (size_t newAnimIdx = newAnimations.Length(); newAnimIdx-- != 0; ) {

  UpdateCascadeResults(aStyleContext, collection);

  TimeStamp refreshTime = mPresContext->RefreshDriver()->MostRecentRefresh();
  UpdateStyleAndEvents(collection, refreshTime,
  // We don't actually dispatch the mPendingEvents now.  We'll either
  // dispatch them the next time we get a refresh driver notification
  // or the next time somebody calls
  // nsPresShell::FlushPendingNotifications.
  if (!mPendingEvents.IsEmpty()) {

  return GetAnimationRule(aElement, aStyleContext->GetPseudoType());
nsAnimationManager::BuildAnimations(nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
                                    dom::Element* aTarget,
                                    dom::DocumentTimeline* aTimeline,
                                    AnimationPtrArray& aAnimations)
  MOZ_ASSERT(aAnimations.IsEmpty(), "expect empty array");

  ResolvedStyleCache resolvedStyles;

  const nsStyleDisplay *disp = aStyleContext->StyleDisplay();

  nsRefPtr<nsStyleContext> styleWithoutAnimation;

  for (size_t animIdx = 0, animEnd = disp->mAnimationNameCount;
       animIdx != animEnd; ++animIdx) {
    const StyleAnimation& src = disp->mAnimations[animIdx];

    // CSS Animations whose animation-name does not match a @keyframes rule do
    // not generate animation events. This includes when the animation-name is
    // "none" which is represented by an empty name in the StyleAnimation.
    // Since such animations neither affect style nor dispatch events, we do
    // not generate a corresponding Animation for them.
    nsCSSKeyframesRule* rule =
      ? nullptr
      : mPresContext->StyleSet()->KeyframesRuleForName(src.GetName());
    if (!rule) {

    nsRefPtr<CSSAnimation> dest = new CSSAnimation(aTimeline);

    AnimationTiming timing;
    timing.mIterationDuration =
    timing.mDelay = TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(src.GetDelay());
    timing.mIterationCount = src.GetIterationCount();
    timing.mDirection = src.GetDirection();
    timing.mFillMode = src.GetFillMode();

    nsRefPtr<KeyframeEffectReadOnly> destEffect =
      new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(mPresContext->Document(), aTarget,
                                 aStyleContext->GetPseudoType(), timing,

    if (src.GetPlayState() == NS_STYLE_ANIMATION_PLAY_STATE_PAUSED) {
    } else {

    // While current drafts of css3-animations say that later keyframes
    // with the same key entirely replace earlier ones (no cascading),
    // this is a bad idea and contradictory to the rest of CSS.  So
    // we're going to keep all the keyframes for each key and then do
    // the replacement on a per-property basis rather than a per-rule
    // basis, just like everything else in CSS.

    AutoInfallibleTArray<KeyframeData, 16> sortedKeyframes;

    for (uint32_t ruleIdx = 0, ruleEnd = rule->StyleRuleCount();
         ruleIdx != ruleEnd; ++ruleIdx) {
      css::Rule* cssRule = rule->GetStyleRuleAt(ruleIdx);
      MOZ_ASSERT(cssRule, "must have rule");
      MOZ_ASSERT(cssRule->GetType() == css::Rule::KEYFRAME_RULE,
                 "must be keyframe rule");
      nsCSSKeyframeRule *kfRule = static_cast<nsCSSKeyframeRule*>(cssRule);

      const nsTArray<float> &keys = kfRule->GetKeys();
      for (uint32_t keyIdx = 0, keyEnd = keys.Length();
           keyIdx != keyEnd; ++keyIdx) {
        float key = keys[keyIdx];
        // FIXME (spec):  The spec doesn't say what to do with
        // out-of-range keyframes.  We'll ignore them.
        if (0.0f <= key && key <= 1.0f) {
          KeyframeData *data = sortedKeyframes.AppendElement();
          data->mKey = key;
          data->mIndex = ruleIdx;
          data->mRule = kfRule;


    if (sortedKeyframes.Length() == 0) {
      // no segments

    // Record the properties that are present in any keyframe rules we
    // are using.
    nsCSSPropertySet properties;

    for (uint32_t kfIdx = 0, kfEnd = sortedKeyframes.Length();
         kfIdx != kfEnd; ++kfIdx) {
      css::Declaration *decl = sortedKeyframes[kfIdx].mRule->Declaration();
      for (uint32_t propIdx = 0, propEnd = decl->Count();
           propIdx != propEnd; ++propIdx) {
        nsCSSProperty prop = decl->GetPropertyAt(propIdx);
        if (prop != eCSSPropertyExtra_variable) {
          // CSS Variables are not animatable

    for (nsCSSProperty prop = nsCSSProperty(0);
         prop < eCSSProperty_COUNT_no_shorthands;
         prop = nsCSSProperty(prop + 1)) {
      if (!properties.HasProperty(prop) ||
          nsCSSProps::kAnimTypeTable[prop] == eStyleAnimType_None) {

      // Build a list of the keyframes to use for this property.  This
      // means we need every keyframe with the property in it, except
      // for those keyframes where a later keyframe with the *same key*
      // also has the property.
      AutoInfallibleTArray<uint32_t, 16> keyframesWithProperty;
      float lastKey = 100.0f; // an invalid key
      for (uint32_t kfIdx = 0, kfEnd = sortedKeyframes.Length();
           kfIdx != kfEnd; ++kfIdx) {
        KeyframeData &kf = sortedKeyframes[kfIdx];
        if (!kf.mRule->Declaration()->HasProperty(prop)) {
        if (kf.mKey == lastKey) {
          // Replace previous occurrence of same key.
          keyframesWithProperty[keyframesWithProperty.Length() - 1] = kfIdx;
        } else {
        lastKey = kf.mKey;

      AnimationProperty &propData = *destEffect->Properties().AppendElement();
      propData.mProperty = prop;
      propData.mWinsInCascade = true;

      KeyframeData *fromKeyframe = nullptr;
      nsRefPtr<nsStyleContext> fromContext;
      bool interpolated = true;
      for (uint32_t wpIdx = 0, wpEnd = keyframesWithProperty.Length();
           wpIdx != wpEnd; ++wpIdx) {
        uint32_t kfIdx = keyframesWithProperty[wpIdx];
        KeyframeData &toKeyframe = sortedKeyframes[kfIdx];

        nsRefPtr<nsStyleContext> toContext =
          resolvedStyles.Get(mPresContext, aStyleContext, toKeyframe.mRule);

        if (fromKeyframe) {
          interpolated = interpolated &&
            BuildSegment(propData.mSegments, prop, src,
                         fromKeyframe->mKey, fromContext,
                         toKeyframe.mKey, toContext);
        } else {
          if (toKeyframe.mKey != 0.0f) {
            // There's no data for this property at 0%, so use the
            // cascaded value above us.
            if (!styleWithoutAnimation) {
              styleWithoutAnimation = mPresContext->StyleSet()->
                ResolveStyleWithoutAnimation(aTarget, aStyleContext,
            interpolated = interpolated &&
              BuildSegment(propData.mSegments, prop, src,
                           0.0f, styleWithoutAnimation, nullptr,
                           toKeyframe.mKey, toContext);

        fromContext = toContext;
        fromKeyframe = &toKeyframe;

      if (fromKeyframe->mKey != 1.0f) {
        // There's no data for this property at 100%, so use the
        // cascaded value above us.
        if (!styleWithoutAnimation) {
          styleWithoutAnimation = mPresContext->StyleSet()->
            ResolveStyleWithoutAnimation(aTarget, aStyleContext,
        interpolated = interpolated &&
          BuildSegment(propData.mSegments, prop, src,
                       fromKeyframe->mKey, fromContext,
                       1.0f, styleWithoutAnimation);

      // If we failed to build any segments due to inability to
      // interpolate, remove the property from the animation.  (It's not
      // clear if this is the right thing to do -- we could run some of
      // the segments, but it's really not clear whether we should skip
      // values (which?) or skip segments, so best to skip the whole
      // thing for now.)
      if (!interpolated) {
          destEffect->Properties().Length() - 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
nsAnimationManager::CheckAnimationRule(nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
                                       mozilla::dom::Element* aElement)
  // Ignore animations for print or print preview, and for elements
  // that are not attached to the document tree.
  if (!mPresContext->IsDynamic() || !aElement->IsInComposedDoc()) {
    return nullptr;

  // Everything that causes our animation data to change triggers a
  // style change, which in turn triggers a non-animation restyle.
  // Likewise, when we initially construct frames, we're not in a
  // style change, but also not in an animation restyle.

  const nsStyleDisplay* disp = aStyleContext->StyleDisplay();
  AnimationCollection* collection =
                           false /* aCreateIfNeeded */);
  if (!collection &&
      disp->mAnimationNameCount == 1 &&
      disp->mAnimations[0].GetName().IsEmpty()) {
    return nullptr;

  nsAutoAnimationMutationBatch mb(aElement->OwnerDoc());

  // build the animations list
  dom::DocumentTimeline* timeline = aElement->OwnerDoc()->Timeline();
  AnimationPtrArray newAnimations;
  if (!aStyleContext->IsInDisplayNoneSubtree()) {
    BuildAnimations(aStyleContext, aElement, timeline, newAnimations);

  if (newAnimations.IsEmpty()) {
    if (collection) {
    return nullptr;

  if (collection) {
    collection->mStyleRuleRefreshTime = TimeStamp();
    EffectSet* effectSet =
      EffectSet::GetEffectSet(aElement, aStyleContext->GetPseudoType());
    if (effectSet) {

    // Copy over the start times and (if still paused) pause starts
    // for each animation (matching on name only) that was also in the
    // old list of animations.
    // This means that we honor dynamic changes, which isn't what the
    // spec says to do, but WebKit seems to honor at least some of
    // them.  See
    // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Apr/0079.html
    // In order to honor what the spec said, we'd copy more data over
    // (or potentially optimize BuildAnimations to avoid rebuilding it
    // in the first place).
    if (!collection->mAnimations.IsEmpty()) {

      for (size_t newIdx = newAnimations.Length(); newIdx-- != 0;) {
        Animation* newAnim = newAnimations[newIdx];

        // Find the matching animation with this name in the old list
        // of animations.  We iterate through both lists in a backwards
        // direction which means that if there are more animations in
        // the new list of animations with a given name than in the old
        // list, it will be the animations towards the of the beginning of
        // the list that do not match and are treated as new animations.
        RefPtr<CSSAnimation> oldAnim;
        size_t oldIdx = collection->mAnimations.Length();
        while (oldIdx-- != 0) {
          CSSAnimation* a = collection->mAnimations[oldIdx]->AsCSSAnimation();
          MOZ_ASSERT(a, "All animations in the CSS Animation collection should"
                        " be CSSAnimation objects");
          if (a->AnimationName() ==
              newAnim->AsCSSAnimation()->AnimationName()) {
            oldAnim = a;
        if (!oldAnim) {
          // FIXME: Bug 1134163 - We shouldn't queue animationstart events
          // until the animation is actually ready to run. However, we
          // currently have some tests that assume that these events are
          // dispatched within the same tick as the animation is added
          // so we need to queue up any animationstart events from newly-created
          // animations.

        bool animationChanged = false;

        // Update the old from the new so we can keep the original object
        // identity (and any expando properties attached to it).
        if (oldAnim->GetEffect() && newAnim->GetEffect()) {
          KeyframeEffectReadOnly* oldEffect = oldAnim->GetEffect();
          KeyframeEffectReadOnly* newEffect = newAnim->GetEffect();
          animationChanged =
            oldEffect->Timing() != newEffect->Timing() ||
            oldEffect->Properties() != newEffect->Properties();

          // To preserve the mIsRunningOnCompositor value on each property,
          // we copy it from the old effect to the new effect since, in the
          // following step, we will completely clobber the properties on the
          // old effect with the values on the new effect.
          CopyIsRunningOnCompositor(*oldEffect, *newEffect);
          oldEffect->Properties() = newEffect->Properties();

        // Handle changes in play state. If the animation is idle, however,
        // changes to animation-play-state should *not* restart it.
        if (oldAnim->PlayState() != AnimationPlayState::Idle) {
          // CSSAnimation takes care of override behavior so that,
          // for example, if the author has called pause(), that will
          // override the animation-play-state.
          // (We should check newAnim->IsStylePaused() but that requires
          //  downcasting to CSSAnimation and we happen to know that
          //  newAnim will only ever be paused by calling PauseFromStyle
          //  making IsPausedOrPausing synonymous in this case.)
          if (!oldAnim->IsStylePaused() && newAnim->IsPausedOrPausing()) {
            animationChanged = true;
          } else if (oldAnim->IsStylePaused() &&
                    !newAnim->IsPausedOrPausing()) {
            animationChanged = true;


        // Updating the effect timing above might already have caused the
        // animation to become irrelevant so only add a changed record if
        // the animation is still relevant.
        if (animationChanged && oldAnim->IsRelevant()) {

        // Replace new animation with the (updated) old one and remove the
        // old one from the array so we don't try to match it any more.
        // Although we're doing this while iterating this is safe because
        // we're not changing the length of newAnimations and we've finished
        // iterating over the list of old iterations.
        newAnim = nullptr;
        newAnimations.ReplaceElementAt(newIdx, oldAnim);
  } else {
    collection = GetAnimationCollection(aElement,
                                        true /* aCreateIfNeeded */);
    for (Animation* animation : newAnimations) {
      // FIXME: Bug 1134163 - As above, we have shouldn't actually need to
      // queue events here. (But we do for now since some tests expect
      // animationstart events to be dispatched immediately.)
  collection->mStyleChanging = true;

  // Cancel removed animations
  for (size_t newAnimIdx = newAnimations.Length(); newAnimIdx-- != 0; ) {


  TimeStamp refreshTime = mPresContext->RefreshDriver()->MostRecentRefresh();
  // We don't actually dispatch the pending events now.  We'll either
  // dispatch them the next time we get a refresh driver notification
  // or the next time somebody calls
  // nsPresShell::FlushPendingNotifications.
  if (mEventDispatcher.HasQueuedEvents()) {

  return GetAnimationRule(aElement, aStyleContext->GetPseudoType());