Exemplo n.º 1
pair<double,string> Classifier::getError(string trainingDirectory) {
    Annotations annotations;

    // read annotations
    string locationsFileName = trainingDirectory + "/" + Globals::annotationsFileName;

    // get the frames directory
    string framesDirectory = annotations.getFramesDirectory();

    double missclassified = 0;

    int counts[Globals::numZones];
    int missCounts[Globals::numZones];
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        counts[i] = 0;
        missCounts[i] = 0;

    // iterate over the set of all annotations
    vector<FrameAnnotation*>& frameAnnotations = annotations.getFrameAnnotations();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < frameAnnotations.size(); i++) {
        FrameAnnotation* fa = frameAnnotations[i];

        int actualZone = fa->getZone();
        if (actualZone < 3)
            actualZone = 1;
        else if (actualZone > 3)
            actualZone = 3;
            actualZone = 2;
        counts[actualZone - 1]++;

        // compose filename
        char buffer[256];
        sprintf(buffer, "frame_%d.png", fa->getFrameNumber());
        string fileName = framesDirectory + "/" + buffer;

        // load image
        IplImage* inputImg = cvLoadImage((const char*)fileName.c_str());

        double confidence;
        FrameAnnotation tf;
        int zone = getZone(inputImg, confidence, tf);
        if (zone < 3)
            zone = 1;
        else if (zone > 3)
            zone = 3;
            zone = 2;

        if (zone != actualZone) {
            cout << "Classifier::getError. Expecting zone " << actualZone <<
                 " got zone " << zone << endl;
            missCounts[actualZone - 1]++;


    int nAnnotations = frameAnnotations.size();
    char buffer[Globals::largeBufferSize];
    sprintf(buffer, "%d out of %d were miss-classified.", (int)missclassified, nAnnotations);
    string msg = buffer;
    sprintf(buffer, " Zones [%d, %d, %d].", counts[0], counts[1], counts[2]);
    msg += buffer;
    sprintf(buffer, " Missed [%d, %d, %d].", missCounts[0], missCounts[1], missCounts[2]);
    msg += buffer;

    return make_pair((missclassified / frameAnnotations.size()) * 100, msg);
Exemplo n.º 2
double Classifier::getFilterError(string trainingDirectory, Annotations::Tag tag,
                                  ErrorType errorType) {
    Annotations annotations;
    Filter* filter = getFilter(tag);

    // read annotations
    string locationsFileName = trainingDirectory + "/" + Globals::annotationsFileName;

    // get the frames directory
    string framesDirectory = annotations.getFramesDirectory();

    // reset total
    double totalError = 0;

    // iterate over the set of all annotations
    vector<FrameAnnotation*>& frameAnnotations = annotations.getFrameAnnotations();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < frameAnnotations.size(); i++) {
        FrameAnnotation* fa = frameAnnotations[i];

        // get LOI
        CvPoint& location = fa->getLOI(tag);
        if (!location.x && !location.y)

        // compose filename
        char buffer[256];
        sprintf(buffer, "frame_%d.png", fa->getFrameNumber());
        string fileName = framesDirectory + "/" + buffer;

        // load image
        IplImage* inputImg = cvLoadImage((const char*)fileName.c_str());
        if (!inputImg) {
            string err = "Filter::update. Cannot load file " + fileName + ".";
            throw (err);
        IplImage* image = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(inputImg), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
        cvCvtColor(inputImg, image, CV_BGR2GRAY);

        // get the location of the left eye
        CvPoint offset;
        offset.x = offset.y = 0;
        IplImage* roi = (roiFunction)? roiFunction(image, *fa, offset, Annotations::Face) : 0;

        location.x -= offset.x;
        location.y -= offset.y;

        // apply filter
        fftw_complex* imageFFT = filter->preprocessImage((roi)? roi : image);
        IplImage* postFilterImg = filter->apply(imageFFT);

        // compute location
        double min;
        double max;
        CvPoint minLoc;
        CvPoint maxLoc;
        cvMinMaxLoc(postFilterImg, &min, &max, &minLoc, &maxLoc);

        // compute squared error as the distance between the location
        // found and the location as annotated
        double xdiff = abs(maxLoc.x - location.x);
        double ydiff = abs(maxLoc.y - location.y);

        switch (errorType) {
        case OneNorm:
            totalError += (xdiff + ydiff);
        case TwoNorm:
            totalError += sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
        case MSE:
            totalError += (xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
            totalError += ((xdiff > ydiff)? xdiff : ydiff);

        if (roi)

    return totalError / frameAnnotations.size();